Ted Rall for June 03, 2024

  1. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  26 days ago


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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 26 days ago

    Well, very good Mr Rall. Very good indeed.

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  3. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  26 days ago

    Do you sell iud as well?

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    Hello Everyone  26 days ago

    “Stop Onanism” is pretty funny. And no, I don’t want to explain it.

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  5. Zh7uxue
    GreggW Premium Member 26 days ago

    In 21st century America. I remember in one of his essays the so-called “godfather of neoconservatism” Irving Kristol advocating the banning of erotic literature (GoC doesn’t accept the p word), who admitted of course it would still exist but it would be much more expensive, which was fine with him since cost would be a disincentive, except for the wealthy of course. Very neoconservative.

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  6. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  26 days ago

    “Stop onanism”? Really? Is this from the Catholic hierarchy and the Manichean dualism of Saint Augustine? It’s mislabled from disobeying God, not manustupration itself.

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    steveconkey2003  26 days ago

    Hey Ted, most children are murdered by inner city gangs using illegal handguns. Especially now that the left has raised the age of “children” to 19.

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    NobodyAwesome Premium Member 26 days ago

    Given that we are going back centuries in time, I wonder if mixed race couples would be allowed to walk freely like here.

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    GiantShetlandPony  26 days ago

    Isn’t this what you want Ted?

    I liked this cartoon, because it’s spot on to what the Repubs are bringing to the USA. It seems Ted has long been complicit with bringing this to the USA. So, yeah, the Repubs are going to like this cartoon too, but for the very opposite reason. This is what they want.

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  10. Lifi
    rossevrymn  26 days ago

    Best I can tell is that this is an homage to Libertarians.

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    DC Swamp  26 days ago

    I’ve been in Costa Rica for the last week, no reporting down here that Trump planned on banning condoms. At least Ted has taken a short break from Gaza.

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  12. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 26 days ago

    I would not be upset if both parties replaced the “presumptive” nominees at their conventions. Trump must go, if only to take the first step toward saving the Republican Party. And Biden still carries too much baggage from the Trump mess to be able to pull the country back together.

    We need a strong, NEW, YOUNG, president with the drive needed to help us pull our heads out of our collective national backside.

    But if it’s Trump vs Biden, I am Biden, all the way.

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  13. Locke ca
    rdublu  26 days ago

    Ted you forgot legally organized witch hunts being Trump de rigueur

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  14. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  26 days ago

    But… But Ted… You said that Trump was just found guilty on all 34 counts! Now you’re suddenly worried about what might happen when he takes office?

    Does this have something to do with the $200 million (and still counting) that’s been donated to him since the verdict was read?

    Or perhaps with the Biden associate who was seen at the reading of the verdict, facing the camera with a smirk on his face? A smirk that matched the one on Biden’s face when he read the Reichstag V speech after the verdict? Just wondering …

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    Dangerguy  26 days ago

    Part of the planned Christianist takeover of America is to go way beyond abortion. They want to ban birth control because they believe it works by aborting embryos, even though several types don’t. They want to ban no-fault divorce, thinking it will keep families together. Two predictions: it will become very expensive and traumatic to end a doomed relationship, and people will be forced to endure abusive conditions because they can’t afford to get out… and even more couples than at present will simply opt not to get married at all.

    Also one question I heard of an anti-abortion operative: is America ready for perhaps 100,000 more new babies every year? The operative didn’t have much of an answer.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member 26 days ago

    You know Trump has a record on cannabis legalization? Trump rescind Obama’s orders not to prosecute legal marijuana use in states that allowed it. Trump would roll back Biden’s rescheduling of cannabis & order the DoJ to resume prosecuting recreational marijuana.

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  17. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 26 days ago

    This trial was relatively unimportant compared to the other 50 something charges Trump is facing. No one could legitimately argue that a life time of fraudulent business practices stacks up against stealing top secret documents, inciting an insurrection, or threatening state officials who refuse to report doctored results that could have given Trump a win in 2024.

    But, this trial WAS important. If just one of the 34 charges had been reported as “not guilty” that is all MAGAts would have heard, and it could possibly have led to a Trump win in November.If he had won in November, all of the other charges against him, as well as the witnesses and prosecutors would have simply disappeared. This trial may have been the one history looks back on as the one that saved America from becoming the dictatorship that Trump so admires in Russia and North Korea.
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    newyorkslim  26 days ago

    ha ha great one — I give a “like” to this ridiculous fantasy - AR back to school sale! -- but to be realistic, weed shops have proliferated already — New York City streets smell like pot all day… I’m pretty sure Trump isn’t president yet.

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    piper_gilbert  26 days ago

    Anyone thinking it would be better under a 2nd Trump administration would be very disappointed. Chaos is not productive. Revenge and retribution doesn’t put food on the table. It will be better for Trump and a few rich oligarchs.

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  20. John adams1
    Motivemagus  26 days ago

    Boy, got THAT right. And it’s not as if #45 would care for his own sake – after all, no rules apply to him. He’s cheated on every single wife, and bragged about it publicly.

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    Màiri  26 days ago

    You’ve stunned me, Ted. I’ve no idea how to respond to this one, and I’ve been trying all morning.

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    Baba Yaga Premium Member 26 days ago

    Oh, everyone hates Trump….. oh, wait on Friday the day they “convicted” him he raised $52.8 million mostly from small-dollar donors including 30% who were new contributors. They convicted him of what every real estate owner does, ask for more money than the building or house is worth, then the bank comes out, and they will give a figure they will loan you.

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  23. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  26 days ago

    Republicans have decided to get involved in everyone’s sex life.

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    Arghhgarrr Premium Member 26 days ago

    Most people here seem to either see this strip as an opportunity to discuss the morality of onanism or whether a Trump second term will allow for the sale of guns and weed. Are you all ignoring the fact that contraception would be illegal and condoms a controlled substance? That struck me as the actual point Mr. Rall was making but maybe that’s just me.

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  25. Study
    Uncle $crooge  25 days ago

    Many years ago, my mom told me about my dad getting an illegal vasectomy back in the early 1950s. At the time, my mother had given birth to my little sister, just ten months after my birt, and her sixth child. Good old Doc Calhoun told my mom that he was very concerned that one of these days he was going to deliver a “blue baby” and thought they should do something to prevent further pregnancies. His suggestion was the procedure to snip my dad even though it wasn’t legal. The story floored me, not because my dad got a vasectomy but because it was illegal. Could you imagine this happening today, banning such a procedure that helps people? At one time I couldn’t but now I wouldn’t rule anything out.

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  26. Catch22
    SusanMontgomery2  25 days ago

    The Soviets banned porn and contraception, too. Just sayin’…

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