Gary Varvel for June 06, 2024

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    admiree2  23 days ago

    BUILD THAT WALL AND LET MEXICO PAY FOR IT! (chant 3 or more times)

    Hey Hairy Drivel, didn’t TFG’s wall building solve the problem? Must have because he’s the same one who told his lackeys to not vote for the bipartisan legislation that even the Border Patrol favored.

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    Patjade  23 days ago

    Very Garbled again forgets that most of the issues at the border are made up and magnified already. They had lots of chances to do something back when they had control of the House, Senate, and Presidency and instead they passed the Tax Cut and Spend Scam and tried to repeal healthcare.

    Biden final;ly gets fed up with the Republican stall and again gets attacked by the Very Garbled cartoonist.

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    suv2000  23 days ago


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    Radish the wordsmith  23 days ago

    The House refused the border bill on the orders of oath breaking insurrectionist Trump so they can blame dems and here is a cartoonist doing the will of his evil right wing masters.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 23 days ago

    Vote Trump 2024

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    DC Swamp  23 days ago

    After 3.5 years of a wide open border, dementia Joe wants ro act like he’s doing something about it, in an election year. If you are an illegal alien, you are definitely better off than you were four years ago.

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    aristoclesplato9  23 days ago

    2500 a day through the hole in the wall. Unlimited illegals allowed at border crossings.

    And Americans pay every day to support the illegals. The goal is to crush the system and replace it with their fascist dream utopia. Classic Cloward-Piven strategy that Obama studied and embraced. Biden is just a tool.

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    Havel  23 days ago

    And how does the collective brainpower spewing their nonsense above explain the far left’s criticisms of Biden’s EO? The inevitable court cases?

    Must be nice to pretend that any one person can do any one thing to stop people from wanting to come here to work for a better life for them and their families.

    Update the asylum laws if this truly is an existential crisis and not just another in a long line of GOP boogeymen.

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    Henwood  23 days ago

    ^^^@Asi9: Another one of your asinine comments. Make immigration legal, the same as it was for your own ancestors, and bigotry illegal. Problem solved.

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    My First Premium Member 23 days ago

    What’s the difference between Brandon and a toilet? Once you install a toilet, it’s useful.

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    My First Premium Member 23 days ago

    Biden’s current DISAPPROVE job performance – Economy – 59%, Inflation – 64%, Border Security – 64%, and Israel – Hamas War – 64%. Keep it up Joe. Trump can slide right on in!

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    tpcox928  23 days ago

    Executive Orders can be overturned by SCOTUS (and this one likely will be, in order to help Trump). The MAGA GOP killed the bi-partisan immigration bill, this is all on them. Again (see also: 2014)

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    tpcox928  23 days ago

    Party over Country, right Gar?

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    Henwood  23 days ago

    ^^@FJB: Isn’t that “Brandon” meme a bit overused? Don’t bend over, because your desperation is showing.

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    nodjt  23 days ago

    Gary’s wet dream.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 23 days ago

    I don’t care.

    According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of June 4th, there were 8.059 million job openings in the US.

    We need more people to fill the open jobs, not less. Imagine the windfall in taxes and consumer spending if those jobs were filled. What racist Trump and the right are afraid of is that these new immigrants wouldn’t be white; they would be from what Trump calls sh**hole countries.

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    docrucker Premium Member 23 days ago

    who killed the border bill Gar? I know you know.

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    2AndFour  23 days ago

    Bwaaahahahahahaha. Poor Old Geezer Biden doesn’t know what do anymore. Bwaaahahahahaha.

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    Ontman  23 days ago

    Varvel again shows his hate and stupidity.

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    ChristopherBurns  23 days ago

    This is proof that “border security” is just a cynical game to rile up the rubes.

    1) complain about the border.

    2) blame the President while refusing to work with him and do nothing to help.

    3) Demand he take an executive order that didn’t work when Trump tried it.

    4) complain that it’s too little too late when the President caves to pressure.

    5) goto #1

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    ncorgbl  23 days ago

    Illegal immigration is back down to record low levels under the Obama Admin, after spiking up under tRump. The border issue has been pulled out by Republicans just before every election since 2016. The caravans and hordes all suddenly disappear poof! after the elections.

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    Northgalus2002  23 days ago

    The GOP was screaming “open borders!” since Biden’s inauguration in January 2021, then acted all surprised when people desperate enough to make the crossing started heading there. Then Speaker Johnson killed the bipartisan border bill because Trump didn’t like it and he and the other Republicans are saying Biden’s executive order is “too little too late”. Biden is in a no win situation with these people! So, my hope is that in November the Dems hang on to the Presidency, widen their Senate majority and win back the House. Maybe then we could have some sanity concerning the border.

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    jjhouten  23 days ago

    Good illustration of the truth, Gary

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    piper_gilbert  23 days ago

    The Republican Congress won’t do their job. This is literally their job. A President’s EO is an embarrassment to a Congress not doing their job.

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    Benaiah67  23 days ago

    In the past the U.S. led the way in protecting countries borders including our own. My Grandfather before WW1 when we did not have a border patrol served with Army on the Texas and Mexican borders in what was known as the bandit wars. After that he served in WW1 in France where he was wounded. My father graduated from high school early so he could enlist and serve during WW2 and served in the Pacific Theatre. Today is D-day and we should honor and remember the sacrifice of that generation that protected our country. Of those who served about 1% are still alive, I went to veterans meeting and the VSO shared some facts about the D-day invasion. Nearly 160,000 allied troops landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944. Of those 73,000 were Americans. More than 2 million allied soldiers, airmen, sailors, and multiple others from at least a dozen countries participated in Operation Overlord. A total of 4,434 allied troops were killed on D-day itself and more the 5,000 wounded. In the ensuring battle of Normandy 73,000 allied troops were killed and more than 153,000 were wounded. As I noted earlier less than 1% or the 16.4 million Americans who served in the armed forces in WW2 were still alive at the end of 2023 and about 130 are dying every day per the U.S. Veterans Administration. We use to solve problems and both parties have had many opportunities over the years to solve our immigration problem but have not done so. One side always pointing out the failures or the other. It is sad that both parties over the years have failed in solving so many issues. The VA is one such organization that as whole is failing in serving and providing the promised care for veterans. This too is an issue that politicians love to talk about with doing anything other than throwing more tax dollars at it which results in bigger bonuses for executives but no changes in what is provided for veterans.

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    Addled Brain  23 days ago

    ..Just more lies. Doesn’t Varvel have any dignity ?

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    cbellmerit  23 days ago

    It is the same order Trump put in place and was overturned by the courts. The EO is useless. Congress had a fix but Trump and his cult blocked it.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 23 days ago

    If the words in the speech bubble of this toon are not 100% Trumpian, color me orange.

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    think it through  23 days ago

    Republicans have begged the president to do this, since the republican House refused to do it and that was their job, but now complain that they got what they wanted. Republicans are very good at complaining.

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    Stat_man99  23 days ago

    EVERYTHING he announced was already laws on the book—he didn’t do ANYTHING NEW.

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    sipsienwa Premium Member 22 days ago

    This is what you have on D-Day?

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    cfkelley  22 days ago

    He failed to seal his “you know the thing” in Paris today. Messed all over himself. What a pathetic sight he made, being led off the stage by “Dr” Jill … his adult diaper saturated with p-o-o-p and u-r-i-n-e.

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    Rich Douglas  22 days ago

    Where are the Republicans on this issue? I mean, besides sitting on the sidelines.

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    GiantShetlandPony  22 days ago

    Since Johnson refused to bring the bipartisan bill to vote and make real immigration reform legislation that would have increased the people needed to process more immigrants faster this is a band-aid.

    Since Congress has to authorize the money for more personal and Biden cannot do so by executive order, what he could do is put a cap on how many immigrants can be processed. As long, as that threshold isn’t reached no one will be turned back without having their asylum request heard. If there are too many people to be processed they will be sent back.

    Want this improved? Vote Democratic up and down the ticket in November.

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    tpcox928  22 days ago

    For the last three years plus, the only group screaming “The border is wide open, come to America” has been the GOP. They are screamed it on TV, social media, in print, anywhere they can. So, who initiated the border crisis?

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