Clay Bennett for June 29, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  4 days ago

    Sure they can. Donny didn’t say a true sentence during the whole event.

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  2. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 4 days ago

    He may have overprepped.

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  3. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 4 days ago

    In the opening moments of the debate, Joe Biden shuffled in and looked as old as the worst of the stereotypes had portrayed him.

    Then Donald Trump got the first question, a simple one about the effect of how his tariff proposal would raise consumer prices, and in addition to beginning the start of his torrent of constant false statements, also demonstrated that he doesn’t have the slightest idea of how tariffs actually work. Trump spoke forcefully and with the illusion of confidence, but what came out of his mouth was so obviously false, so obviously ignorant of policy and so full of nastiness that it turned undecided voters off.

    And the longer the debate wore on, the more Donald Trump responded to questions of policy by simply ignoring the question and talking about whatever else he wanted to talk about. Question about childcare? Don’t say a single word about childcare, but pivot to China and tell some more lies and demonstrate some more ignorance.

    After that, Trump continued to lie in a constant stream of obviously misrepresent facts that even the low-information undecided voters could tell were fake as they revealed in focus debates after the debate (seriously, “I did not have sex with that porn star” — shades of Bill Clinton denying his brief encounter with Monica Lewinsky), demonstrate policy ignorance, and put on a display of nastiness beyond what he normally demonstrates.

    As the debate wore on, Trump became increasingly unhinged and — talk about stamina and staying upright for ninety minutes — Biden got warmed up, his voice grew stronger, his attacks grew sharper and he showed more of the real Joe Biden.

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    Brockie  4 days ago

    We will see if Joe’s true interest is the future of this country. I would vote for him but most will not as he is perceived as too old and perception frequently overtakes logic, notice that?He can fall on the sword and give the Dems a chance or be delusional and tell himself he is a winner. Ego and pride too often influence leaders.

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  5. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  4 days ago

    True they say he incompetent

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    aristoclesplato9  4 days ago

    I think the crank wore off after 10 minutes or so.

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  7. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member 4 days ago

    Definitely not “tanned, rested and ready”.

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    DC Swamp  4 days ago

    I must admit I was incorrect. I expected the jacked up angry Joe we saw at the SOTU. Instead we got the normal sleepy Joe. I mean, it was way past his bedtime.

    “We finally beat Medicare.” – dementia Joe.

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    Breeana  4 days ago


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    Northgalus2002  4 days ago

    Biden was way more on his game at his post-debate speech in NC. Debates don’t really mean that much these days anyway. It was widely believed that Mitt Romney won his debates against Barack Obama in 2012, but Obama still won the election. In the 2004 election, John Kerry won his debates against George W. Bush but ended up losing to Bush (albeit narrowly) in November. In 2016, it was believed that Hillary Clinton won her debates against Donald Trump, but she still lost the electoral vote (though she won the popular one). Yes, the columnists continue to harp on Biden’s debate performance, but Biden can still come back from this. Yes, there is a chance that the Democrats will have some kind of balloting to pick someone like CA Gov. Newsom to run in Biden’s stead. And, if it will make the Democratic convention must see TV again, that could work. But whoever the Democratic nominee is in November, I’ll vote for him (or her as the case may be). Biden likely, but possibly Newsom, Whitmer, etc. When you’re drowning and have the choice between a rock and a life preserver, you don’t wait for a lifeboat!

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  4 days ago

    Enter the mad mind of Donald Trump.

    Google: Trump’s plan to control Republican platform 2024

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    Foxcarver Premium Member 4 days ago

    …but we can assume that, as always, the Trump team was projecting what they did.

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    smithsilverstrea  4 days ago

    But they might accuse Biden of forgetting to take them.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 4 days ago

    Joe would be a far better /safer president than trump, in spite of his age. But, presentation matters more to the public and Joe really lost the ball game here.

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  15. Comics 2022
    Meg: Cute as a Raccoon  4 days ago

    Yet they will.

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    Lizi  4 days ago

    Gish gallop. Look it up

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    thelordthygod666  4 days ago

    If Biden somehow won – and he was projected by a majority of analysts to lose even before his grandpa-in-the-rest-home debate performance – The possibility is that at some point in his term he’d be doing a Woodrow Wilson impression, with Jill, instead of Edith, conveying the president’s “direction” in notes from his bedside.

    ….and no, I’m not a Trump supporter, just a realist.

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  18. Mooseguy
    moosemin  4 days ago

    Actually, they CAN and WILL accuse anything. This is simply standard play from the republican handbook since Newt Gingrich’s day, abetted by Karl Rove and Kenneth Starr. Keep hurling accusations. Doesn’t matter if there is any basis for them, just keep up the attacks to force your democratic opponent to defend himself, and hobble his administration. Keep up the false accusations long enough and most people willl come to believe them! (After all, if they saw it on TV, then it MUST be true!). Today, trump has greatly benefitted from years of preparation by Gingrich’s ideas, and his Contract For Taking America.

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    gammaguy  4 days ago

    “At least they can’t accuse Biden of taking performance-enhancing drugs.”

    They can’t? They will… so that they can claim that he’s even much worse when he’s performing his Presidential duties.

    Meanwhile, I strongly suspect that Trump was dosed on “uppers”… maybe even illegal ones. (I wonder how he’d react to sharing a jail cell with Hunter Biden.)

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  20. Wtp
    superposition  4 days ago

    If, instead of the exclusive/divisive [evangelical/theocratic] ten commandments being taught, — students had to learn enough of US history/Constitution to pass the US citizenship test, — we would have a much stronger nation with shared goals of “liberty and justice for all”.

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    ‘Land Schlade’: Social media roasts Trump as he ‘slurs badly’ to ‘crowd of empty chairs’

    “We want a land schlade that’s — and remember this term, too big to rig. We want a landslide,” the ex-president said at his rally on Friday.

    @Acyn wrote, “Trump slurs badly while attempting to say landslide: Land Schlade.”

    @dcpoll said, “Hope he’s not having a heat stroke.”

    @ArtCandee said on X, “Trump is unfit for office.”

    @elliot_elraid66 wrote, “Mumbles having a tough day today.”

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    Walrus Gumbo Premium Member 4 days ago

    Unfortunately, bombastic lies won, beneficial accomplishments lost! The majority of the public will not remember what was said, only what they saw.

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    ragsarooni Premium Member 4 days ago

    Maybe so but at the end of the day I’ll STILL take sleepy Joe over orange traitor & convicted felon‼️ And just HOW will the orange one be able to run things from behind bars? (I know,I know….he’ll likely never see the inside of a jail cell….can’t blame a gal for dreaming…..)

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    Chazz  4 days ago

    Did you see VonShitzinpants dilated eyes? I did.

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    Lord King Wazmo Premium Member 4 days ago

    Can’t spin it, troops…Uncle Joe doesn’t have it. And America saw it. We need somebody at full strength to repel the barbarians at the gate. Hopefully things will change.

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  26. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 4 days ago

    OK, Biden was awful. He is old and to be honest about it debating was never his strong point. So, why am I still voting for him? Because his record includes:

    Inherited worst unemployment and crashed economy in a hundred years and turned it around into unprecedented economic growth and success.

    Dragged us out of covid epidemic that would have been much lees of a problem if Trump hadn’t dismantled the agency Obama set up to handle epidemics.

    Most jobs created of any first term president

    Lower drug pricesLowest prolonged unemployment in 60 yearsBringing inflation down

    Wage growth exceeds inflation

    Capping credit card late fees and limiting junk fees in other businesses

    Student loan forgivenessRecord stock market highsReduced annual budget deficit every yearPassed first bi-partisan gun legislation in thirty yearsBipartisan Infrastructure BillStrengthened relations with NATO and other allies

    Delivered BIPARTISAN BORDER BILL before Trump ordered it blocked and obstructed so he could keep his top wedge issue unsolved and run on a problem that exists solely because of Trump.Achieved all of this despite unprecedented Republican obstruction and despite having literally the narrowest possible Senate majority (50-50 in his first two years) and a vice president who set the all-time record for most tie-breaking votes in all of U.S. history.


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  27. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    ‘Shut up’: Michael Steele blisters Trump over his latest racist attack

    Specifically, the former president rambled, "The fact is that his big kill on the Black people is the millions of people that he’s allowed to come in through the border. They’re taking Black jobs now—and it could be 18, it could be 19 and even 20 million people. They’re taking Black jobs, and they’re taking Hispanic jobs, and you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re gonna see something that’s going to be the worst in our history.”

    Reflecting on that soundbite, MSNBC’s Steele wasn’t having it.

    “What black jobs are you talking about, Mr. Trump?” Steele asked. “I mean, you want to make a play to Black folks, you can’t even show up at a [Black] barbershop? You know, why do we even entertain this crazy from this fool?”

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  28. Mooseguy
    moosemin  4 days ago

    Near the end of the movie “The American President”, actor Michael Douglas, as the Pres, suddenly appears at the morning press conference for the reporters. He mentions that his republican opponent (actor Richard Dreyfus), who has been constantly attacking his character, has said that Character is part of a president’s job. Douglas responds that after 3 years in office, he can assure you that being president IS ENTIRELY about character. And I, MoosMin believe that, and is why I will vote for Biden if he is nominated.

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    devildog64  4 days ago

    Maybe his cough syrup was wearing off.

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    AndrewSihler  4 days ago

    What is Trump’s excuse? 45 minutes more or less of incoherent confabulating.

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