Crankshaft by Tom Batiuk and Dan Davis for September 15, 2024

  1. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  3 months ago

    For once I like the way Mopey Pete thinks! Naturally Min-dull’s comment is matchless and sparks no interest.

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  2. Mromalley
    J.J. O'Malley  3 months ago
    There’s never an arsonist outside on the stairway when you need one, is there?
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  3. Wherescs
    wherescrankshaft  3 months ago

    The next-door neighbor to this location is Ed Crankshaft. Ed has had so many grilling and other fire incidents that past strips show that his house is under 24 hour surveillance. Therefore, the fire department has this location under 24 hour surveillance as well.

    Lillian has been selling Fahrenheit 451 specifically on a “Banned Books” table since at least last year without any incident.

    Lillian’s store has been shown to survive intact far into the future from the last strips of Funky Winkerbean.

    If you pay attention to this strip enough, you know all of this, so you know that there’s no actual risk at stake. Tom Batiuk has already told us the resolution to this story.

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  4. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  3 months ago

    On the less-gloomy side, we see Les doing some actual physical work-and for the second day in a row! Poor baby, he’s going to be all tuckered out!

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  5. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  3 months ago

    Those are hardcover books. According to Amazon, you can buy a hardcover copy of Fahrenheit 451 for $17.29 plus tax. Assume that Creepy Les needed 150 copies, with 6% tax, that means he spent $2,749.11. Plus shipping, if he doesn’t have Amazon Prime. By the way, did he ever take Cayla on that promised vacation to China?

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    Fetzee  3 months ago

    Lester could of saved some $$ by purchasing paperback

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    grozar  3 months ago

    Shut up, Mopey Peat! Go back to your failing pizza store!

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    grozar  3 months ago

    21 days in row WITHOUT seeing old Crank! YaY!

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    SquidGamerGal  3 months ago

    But who’s the arsonist?

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  10. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  3 months ago

    Geez. What is the point here even.

    1. Them books ain’t even actually banned, for they is just not in one schools syllabus. That is all. And now it suddenly is become banned books from some days ago?

    2. Point 1 is means that nobody will bothers to burning any bookstores because it was always was is and will mostly continues to be available in everywhere book stores.

    3. And obveeously them books was and is and will continues to be available to orders online.

    4. As they not part of syllabus it is means them students is no get a single question from them books for exams.

    5. Point 4 is means that they will fails the exams, unless Less Almighty has veto power to makes his own syllabus as whatever he is likes and his own question papers and gives his own school degrees too as per his whims and fancies.

    5. So from 1 to 4 what is the point even, of all this clowning around with so called banned books (which ain’t even banned in first place) supposed “story line”? It’s called righthing?

    6. Yes, komix audience is has brains and we is intelliGent and is likes to sees theengs that is make some sense. Me is not get what on earth is actually going on in this “story”. If any one of you is understanding what on earth is going on on it then please lets me knows. Thanks you.

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    rockyridge1977  3 months ago

    Thinking……..way to much!!!!!!

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  12. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  3 months ago

    With Crankshaft next door they won’t needs any other arsonists. But then he is becomes disappear here and not to be seen anywhere these days so maybe it really safe place eh.

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    ksu71  3 months ago

    Only four smirks? Pete and generic blond two need to get with the program.

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    Steve Dallas  3 months ago

    Or…given the books are for specific students in his class, they could have just not put all the books out for display. Or ordered the books directly from an online retailer that would ship them directly to students. This is just people acting stupidly and unrealisticly so the writer can have his “ very special story.”

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    puddleglum1066  3 months ago

    This is The Burnings™, the global apocalypse that the final week of FW said brought civilization as we know it to an end, clearing the site for the rise of a new world in which we recognize all humanity as our nationality? I’m not buying it.

    Of course we know from Batty’s Daily Cartoonist interview that he didn’t originally even intend the apocalyptic event to be fire; he had planned on “the floods” and made a spur-of-the-moment change to “The Burnings” while typing out the script. Which makes me think he had no idea what the apocalyptic event would be; he just wanted to hint that there had been one before the rise of the New World Order based on the Dead St. Lisa trilogy. Now he’s going back to fill in the gaps, and as is his style, he’s mixing Steven Spielberg ambition with Ed Wood budget.

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    tcayer  3 months ago

    There’s like 100 copies. He had maybe 12 kids in his class. Are we to believe he spent $1500 of his own money to get kids to read a book?

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    picsbypete  3 months ago

    A banned book about banned books, go figure. I have read the book, and it is one of my favorite books by Ray Bradbury.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 3 months ago

    SHEESH……………holy crap!

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    raybarb44  3 months ago

    Nazi Germany…..

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    ncorgbl  3 months ago

    The same was said back when the printing press was invented providing books and papers for the masses to read without oversight from the church or the kings. Someone will always come along and try to dominate everyone else.

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    rickmac1937 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Enough go back to Funky

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    JPuzzleWhiz  3 months ago

    No, Mindy, that should be “Leave the room, Pete”!

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    Surly Squirrel Premium Member 3 months ago

    Holy sophomoric sightings, Batman! Today’s Sunday strip looks like something that came out of a high school newspaper. The mediocre artwork. The stilted dialog. The disappointment.

    Sorry, Batyuk. The product doesn’t match your bluster.

    (Mocking singsong) Ha ha ha ha! Batyuk bragged to the media about a crappy strip.


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    Teto85 Premium Member 3 months ago

    It is there, where they burn books, that they eventually burn people.

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    dputhoff62  3 months ago

    Gee, if there were only someplace in Westview where the kids could pick the books up so they wouldn’t have to go how many miles it is to Centerville—oh, waitaminut! Mopey Pete owns a pizza parlor in Westview. Why can’t the kids pick ’em up there?

    This story is just so stinking contrived. Batiuk should be ashamed of himself!

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    zendog13la  3 months ago

    Another day, another real-world bomb threat in Springfield, Ohio from a MAGA lunatic.

    Better step up your efforts, Batty. I don’t think your fellow Buckeyes are getting the point.

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    rbrt6956  3 months ago

    I give up

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    Irish53  3 months ago

    Irish53 less than a minute agoHow about don’t be a pain in the a$$ Les, and just assign something different.

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    Strawberry King  3 months ago

    “The store is safe.”

    Are you sure about that? Are you absolutely sure?

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    sueb1863  3 months ago

    C’mon, GoComics, this is the second time in three days that today’s comics haven’t loaded yet.

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    Mopman  3 months ago

    I thought maybe someone decided to pull the plug on Crankshaft early. Nope, none of the GoComics strips are here yet.

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    Old Tarf Premium Member 3 months ago

    Why the delay in todays comics?

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    jrankin1959  3 months ago

    Thank you, Little Petey Sunshine…

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    Dogouse Reilly  3 months ago

    The Doublenut Twins are teenagers again?

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