When democratic nations have as extremely toxic battles for votes as we saw this year in America, cohesion is simply not going to happen. Both candidates were politically weak, with nothing to make them better candidates than thousands of others in this nation of a third of a billion people. IMHO, we have had only two great presidents in my lifetime: Kennedy and Reagan. Even they were human, with feet of clay. Now we have a president-elect with a heart of clay and a head of… well, clay. The devil of it is that he is not as stupid as his speeches suggest, but he can’t get past the politics. Not a strong mind.
As with all the ills of empire, it eventually comes home. The enemy is now your neighbor. Cohesion? Cohesion of smaller groups among a fragmented society. And that lesser cohesion is strengthened by rabble-rousing against other groups.
Welcome to MAGA World. Cultivated by Confederate/Nazi World. Seriously, Nazi youth marching through an Ohio town cowardly pepper spraying those with courage to mock their idiocy? Where truth doesn’t matter, as long as they have a group to join that will make them feel better about their miserable selves. Rally around an incompetent boob, racist, rapist who would have been serving a life sentence decades ago if he hadn’t been born to wealth and privilege. Make them feel superior to people that are their equals, just cause skin color and/or gender. You know, white male or white male adjacent, such as the white women that felt confident enough to vote for abortion rights in their own states, but then vote for the people that will make sure they lose those rights.
Sigh. We can only hope they can wake up and realize going through life awake ‘woke’ if you must, with ones eyes open is much preferable than being slaves thinking they are free. I suppose, some of them will be allowed to be more free than others. Which is why women are attacked first. We are perceived as being weaker, and some societies have gone out of their way to make them so. They are going to find self assured American women are going to be far harder to ‘put into their place.’
One thing for sure, the weakest men are born from oppressed and abused women. They conflate violence with strength, toughness. It is not. Violence is born from fear, which is a weakness of mind.
My thanks for all the men that have chosen to not worry about being ‘real’ men, whatever that means, and have chosen to become good men.
seanfear 2 months ago
Scorpio Premium Member 2 months ago
If you fail to give people hope, someone will fill it with fear and fear is a far easier emotion to cultivate and doesn’t require the truth to do.
Gent 2 months ago
So now thems is back to floating stone tablets eh.
mourdac Premium Member 2 months ago
The ol’ scapegoat method of government. Easy to always find a people/group to unite folk against.
Daniel Verburg 2 months ago
The tide goes out, the tide comes in.
Gameguy49 Premium Member 2 months ago
The USA has two cohesions of people about 51% for one and 49% for the other. In Canada it is more like 20% for one and 80% for the other.
Watchdog 2 months ago
It is closer than most think it is
flagmichael 2 months ago
When democratic nations have as extremely toxic battles for votes as we saw this year in America, cohesion is simply not going to happen. Both candidates were politically weak, with nothing to make them better candidates than thousands of others in this nation of a third of a billion people. IMHO, we have had only two great presidents in my lifetime: Kennedy and Reagan. Even they were human, with feet of clay. Now we have a president-elect with a heart of clay and a head of… well, clay. The devil of it is that he is not as stupid as his speeches suggest, but he can’t get past the politics. Not a strong mind.
sandpiper 2 months ago
Pogo had the answer: We have met the enemy and he is us. Truer words were never spoken.
rugeirn 2 months ago
Generous applications of crazy glue?
rockyridge1977 2 months ago
The tide that binds!!!!
waes-hael 2 months ago
“Gauls at the Gate”
mindjob 2 months ago
The only thing to fear is fear itself
Cerabooge 2 months ago
As with all the ills of empire, it eventually comes home. The enemy is now your neighbor. Cohesion? Cohesion of smaller groups among a fragmented society. And that lesser cohesion is strengthened by rabble-rousing against other groups.
ComicsBinger Premium Member 2 months ago
So she was the enemy?
Silence Dogood Premium Member 2 months ago
And it is us…!
zeexenon 2 months ago
Yup … angles and demons … and we’re caught in the middle, but it is our U.S. Politician Democracy.
mistercatworks 2 months ago
Foreigners are sending us tablets spying on our social behaviors before they IMMIGRATE! (sarcasm, too important to abbreviate as /s)
zeexenon 2 months ago
We’re proof you can fool all the people all the time. Best if each of us save up to pay our portion of The National Debt.
GiantShetlandPony 2 months ago
Welcome to MAGA World. Cultivated by Confederate/Nazi World. Seriously, Nazi youth marching through an Ohio town cowardly pepper spraying those with courage to mock their idiocy? Where truth doesn’t matter, as long as they have a group to join that will make them feel better about their miserable selves. Rally around an incompetent boob, racist, rapist who would have been serving a life sentence decades ago if he hadn’t been born to wealth and privilege. Make them feel superior to people that are their equals, just cause skin color and/or gender. You know, white male or white male adjacent, such as the white women that felt confident enough to vote for abortion rights in their own states, but then vote for the people that will make sure they lose those rights.
Sigh. We can only hope they can wake up and realize going through life awake ‘woke’ if you must, with ones eyes open is much preferable than being slaves thinking they are free. I suppose, some of them will be allowed to be more free than others. Which is why women are attacked first. We are perceived as being weaker, and some societies have gone out of their way to make them so. They are going to find self assured American women are going to be far harder to ‘put into their place.’
One thing for sure, the weakest men are born from oppressed and abused women. They conflate violence with strength, toughness. It is not. Violence is born from fear, which is a weakness of mind.
My thanks for all the men that have chosen to not worry about being ‘real’ men, whatever that means, and have chosen to become good men.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 2 months ago
They also serve who only look fearsome.
wildlandwaters 2 months ago
those made of pumice??
sisterea 2 months ago
Indeed we have had too many elections based on fear, fear stoked by lies.