For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for February 22, 2025

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    LookingGlass Premium Member about 1 month ago

    ā€œRationalā€ thinking at its ā€¦.. finest!!!


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    snsurone76  about 1 month ago

    Why does she feel she has to lose 10 lbs.? Is she gonna pose in a bikini at the Baja??

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  3. Babysteps2
    mccollunsky  about 1 month ago

    The easiest way to lose some pounds is go to the United Kingdom and spend some money.

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    French Persons' Savvy Selection of Screaming Elly Premium Member about 1 month ago

    The most fat you can lose in one week is about 2 1/2 pounds.

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    Old recluse  about 1 month ago

    My BMI show up on ever office HMO visit, showing me at least 10 pounds overweight. Last time on report the doctor called me a well-proportioned 84-year-old. Up my dose of ā€˜waterā€™ pills and I can lose 10 pounds in a week. I cannot believe it when someone says they never varied more than 5 pounds from what they weighed at HS graduation (except when they were pregnant for the females).

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  6. Foob
    Foob  about 1 month ago

    Elly, take a couple of shots of castor oil and those ten pounds will come sliding right out.

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    kittygatos  about 1 month ago

    My excuse is that if youā€™re TOO skinny your wrinkles show up more.

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    BJDucer  about 1 month ago

    I have a secret for Elly to easily lose 10 bs in a week because Iā€™ve done it before. I suppose it would be a good idea to let Elly know it involves catching the flu, not being able to eat because I couldnā€™t keep anything down and feeling as if the end of the world was nigh as I was flat on my back for a week. I havenā€™t missed a flu shot since.

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    ladykat Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Good point.

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    rshive  about 1 month ago

    Such is the power of goals.

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    Newenglandah  about 1 month ago

    Some ten years ago my doctor told me I was borderline diabetic and that I should lose some weight. Not long after I was asked to ā€œfosterā€ a three year old border collie that needed a new home.

    The first month I had her I lost eight pounds! All that border collie energy demanded eight walks per day. I suppose I was snacking less and eating healthier. My doctor was amazed, and my numbers were much better. I have not been worried about diabetes since.

    I was only supposed to ā€œfosterā€ the dog for a month or so. Ha! Ten years later she is showing her age, but we are inseparable.

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    Popeye1940  about 1 month ago

    This works on the same principle as requesting a raise.

    Ask for 10% when you only want 5%.

    Then end up with 1% and so it goes onā€¦

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    USN1977  about 1 month ago

    Here we go again with another story arc of ā€œElly vs. Bellyā€

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    mindjob  about 1 month ago

    10 pounds in one weeks is almost impossible

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    stamps  about 1 month ago

    Reminds me of the ad (I think it was in Mad Magazine) that touted ā€œLose 10 pounds of ugly fat in less than a day.ā€ It featured a guillotine.

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    chain gang charlie  about 1 month ago

    Just buy a ā€œTacoā€ from a street vendor once you get thereā€¦.

    You will loose more than you want, real soonā€¦..

    Wear running shoes and hope for the bestā€¦..

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    The Great_Black President  about 1 month ago

    Fun with word reversal! Here is the first one:

    What is the difference between a cheap diner and the SPLC?

    A cheap diner gives us hash and tripe

    The SPLC gives us trash and hype!

    Now figure out the restā€¦

    What is the difference between a poultry lab and a Hollywood accountant?

    A poultry lab takes in cluckers for science

    A Hollywood accountant takes in

    What is the difference between a traumatizing accident and an IRS audit?

    A traumatizing accident is a breakdown that shakes you

    An IRS audit is a

    What is the difference between a spanking and a tourist in Canada?

    A spanking rattles the buns

    A tourist in Canada

    What is the difference between an omelet chef and Lynn Johnston?

    An omelet chef fuses her yolks

    Lynn Johnston

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    cosburn  about 1 month ago

    We had a pretty large aunt who wanted to go on a cruise sooo badly, and her husband kept telling her heā€™d take her when she could wear a swimsuit. I said, ā€œDo you have a swimsuit that fits?ā€ She said yes. ā€œWould you wear it to the pool or beach or whatever?ā€ She said sure! I said, ā€œPut it on and tell him to book the cruise!ā€ She did and they both loved the cruise!

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    calliarcale  30 days ago

    Itā€™s called a stretch goal. ;-)

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  30 days ago

    I only go out in that kind of weather for coffee and over the c ounter medication

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    lnrokr55  30 days ago

    Dopey stereotypes always rule donā€™t they ! ;-)

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