Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for March 23, 2025

  1. Xmichael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode.jpg.pagespeed.ic.3vdf7hkqoj
    avenger09  5 days ago


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  2. Xmichael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode.jpg.pagespeed.ic.3vdf7hkqoj
    avenger09  5 days ago

    Beat the snore! LOL!

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    firestrike1  5 days ago

    why does Claire even take the chance of having the idiot duo accompany her to the morgue?!?…

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  4. Xmichael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode.jpg.pagespeed.ic.3vdf7hkqoj
    avenger09  5 days ago

    I’ve got no comment today regarding the strip. Cheers.

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    SHAKEDOWNCITY  5 days ago

    The “blundering boys” have exceeded primitive hopelessness.

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  6. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  5 days ago

    Good morning™, everyone!

    She couldn’t find anyone at all who was more intelligent than her nephews? I guess you have to keep it in the family.

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    BreathlessMahoney77  5 days ago

    OK …. Auntie says “they found the body”. What body? The body the nephews failed to steal from the morgue? But that body was never really lost. & why do the nephews say they’re sorry “Uncle Horace is dead”. When last seen (March 8) from what I can tell) he was very much alive. Was Eric just trying to make another joke about the nephews’ stupidity? Maybe Eric should stop trying to be funny, he’s really not very good at it, & just focus on telling a coherent, suspenseful mystery story.

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  8. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  5 days ago

    Good morning™, Dim Bulbs !

    The stoopid-ditty of these two dumbskulls is so beyond the pale it is transparent. Writing for idiots is a lot easier than writing for crooks who are actually smart and a challenge to Tracy and company. I bet Carlos could make a really good living doing mod art, as those paintings attest.

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    GoComicsGo!  5 days ago

    I wonder if Claire will be depicted as a wailer in the morgue scenes?

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  10. Snake on a hat 2003
    BigDaveGlass  5 days ago

    Oh. He’s a lot further than out of town. And if you identify the body as his the game will be up.

    In fact you will de-claire your involvement.

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  11. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  5 days ago

    Tracy makes the call, Auntie makes the swear words!

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  12. Kantuck icon124x84
    kantuck-nadie  5 days ago

    Well Walt, and Larry are present. Will we see Igner anytime soon? Maybe this was before she developed “Momcorp” and started making robots.

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    therese_callahan2002  5 days ago

    Tomorrow, she’ll say she’s surrounded by idiots.

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    therese_callahan2002  5 days ago

    Recently, a babysitter was arrested for leaving a boy in her care in a hot car, and has been charged with murder.

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  15. Test01b
    LawrenceS  5 days ago

    Apparently found the body? They found the body weeks ago. She knows that. She sent the boys in to steal it. Why? I hope they’ve been storing it in the freezer.

    I think she means apparently the police think they can identify the body.

    Maybe the nephews aren’t idiots and her inability to speak comprehensible English has left them confused about directions.

    And, having sent copies of the fingerprints to the military they’ve got a positive ID for the body: Sergeant Joseph Murphy. Monday’s strip: Claire identifies the body as her husband, Horace. Tuesday’s strip: Tracy snaps the cuffs on Claire. "We know that isn’t and are checking out your fraud and a possible murder charge. Wednesday’s strip: Nephews show up at police station asking where auntie is, and get arrested. Thursday’s strip: Toxicology report reveals how Sarge died – cheap materials in the new dental work poisoned him. Arrest warrant out for the dentist. Friday’s strip: Horace, knowing the police are after him, climbs on an iron girder at a construction site – hoping the crane will lift him to a hiding spot. Saturday’s strip: Horace falls from thirty feet in the air. He survives because he landed in a large pile of goat manure. The detectives draw straws to see who has to cuff him (little humor at the end). And this story is over and we get something that might make sense.

    We should be so lucky.

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  16. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  4 days ago

    Oh Auntie! What you said!

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  17. Large scifi icon
    That Wichita Guy!  4 days ago

    “Our new deputy coroner can’t count. We just need someone to confirm the corpse has five toes on each foot. He has some weird theory about Skrull agents.”

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  18. Dice
    NoDice  4 days ago

    Maybe I’m just not getting it, but what the heck is that in the first panel after the dog-in-the-car picture?

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  19. 442a7628 9834 4754 9c5a 86cef07c0077
    Delicate Girl  4 days ago

    Seems her nephews adhere to the George Carlin principal of intelligence…fifty percent of the world’s population is below average…

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  20. Unnamed
    Another Take  4 days ago

    Wow – rough way to summon someone to possibly ID their dead husband.

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    charliefarmrhere  4 days ago

    We have yet to hear why Horace wanted the body stolen from the morgue.

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  22. Unnamed
    Another Take  4 days ago

    1- DT: This is Dick Tracy. Have you seen or even talked to your husband in the last 3 weeks or so?

    2- JACKIE CHAN: No. Why? Is that unusual?

    3- DT: Not if he’s dead. Can you come and look at a body we believe is him…he…your husband? It would really help us out! JACKIE CHAN: SURE! No problem. I need you to return the favor though by having the Death Certificate filled out in triplicate so I can file it with his 3 Life Insurance companies. Oh. Almost forgot… boo hoo. I hope it’s not him!

    4- SMART NEPHEW: Would you please explain why we had to steal that body from the morgue? The utter lack of sense in that effort has perplexed me to the point of losing sleep!


    DUMB NEPHEW: I guess we’re going to try again. Well – Second time’s a charm as they say. SMART NEPHEW: Third. Third time. DUMB NEPHEW: No – I’m sure this is only the 2nd time we’ve tried to steal a body…and they call you the “smart” one – HA!

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    timbob2313 Premium Member 4 days ago

    Saying the “police have apparently FOUND the body” makes no sense at all.

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    IvanB.Cohen  4 days ago

    Oh gosh! Don’t tell me these two were the ones who did the deed.

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  25. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  4 days ago

    At least Claire has a widow’s hat and veil.

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    tcayer  4 days ago

    I’m surprised the Crimestoppers doesn’t do like the ads on the radio, and say “Leave something important in the back seat, like your phone, so you’ll remember to check for your child.”

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 4 days ago

    Regardless of the story line Charles’ art is great…….as usual!

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    Drbarb71 Premium Member 4 days ago

    Thank you for the PSA! It may seem odd to tall people to look for children on the car, but sadly, we had two babies die here because hurried fathers forgot them. One is a famous conductor, and the other a college professor.

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  29. Winter
    overtop  4 days ago

    Hard to believe that if any of the Gould family survive they don’t complain about what has happened to this strip

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  30. Iroh
    jim_pem  4 days ago

    Okay, I’m going to stick up for the bumbling nephews. Anyone could look idiotic in a strip that portrays intelligence idiotically.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  3 days ago

    LEE EBONY’S THOUGHTS—-“What line of lying hippocrap is Tracy listening to?”

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  3 days ago

    The painting in t he last panel interests me.Looks like it might be worth something.

    Rich people who overspent and have to pay debts??

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