Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 29, 2012
Luann: "How do you know when you're in love? How did you know with Toni?" Brad: "I stopped thinking of 'me' and 'I' and began thinking of 'her' and 'us" Luann: "I think about how sad I am without Quill here to make me happy" Brad: "Ok, but you're still thinking of you" Luann: "I think about how much fun I had with him" Brad: "Still about you" Luann: "Wow. Love is hard" Brad: "That's 'cuz it's selfless"
imbaldeagle over 12 years ago
An “AHA Moment” So THAT’S Love.
FatTonyBalducci over 12 years ago
wiselad over 12 years ago
in itself, going by facts, it is easy, but to actually do it, it is hard. ……… almost all of us do not have “complete love for ourselves”, we always think we are not “good enough” and are trying to fill our lack of love to ourselves with interest from others, but only ourselves can fill the “imaginary hole inside us” ….. when we are happy with ourselves, and do not feel our happiness depends on others, is the time we are ready to choose someone to share our lives with
DaJellyBelly over 12 years ago
Bravo Brad! You are displaying a lot of wisdom!!
spikelovesmusic over 12 years ago
Wow… Greg’s gettin’ heavy with thought and reflection.
Harryfan over 12 years ago
Wow, behind our backs Brad has gotten wise. He is going to need to find another strip because this strip does not feature wise characters.
The Nihilist over 12 years ago
If Brad is thinking, we not me — why hasn’t he proposed…
2+2=3 here, Walk the walk, don’t just talk the talk
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
So perhaps Luann doesn’t love Quill, she simply enjoys him. Once a girl asked me what I liked about her and I couldn’t think of anything so I never saw her again. Good thing she asked or I would have continued to go out with her just to avoid hurting her feelings.
The Nihilist over 12 years ago
On 3/31 Brad made a vague stab at proposing, on 4/2 he laughed it off saying April Fool…
That people is NOT a proposal to the woman you want to share the rest of your life with. The only thing that would get to is a drink in your face or the keys to the street…
Walk the walk — don’t talk the talk
i_am_the_jam over 12 years ago
And that’s why Luann is just Tiffany without the botox lips.
9thCapricorn over 12 years ago
You nailed it, Brad, and Luann is lucky to receive this wisdom from you to keep in mind for her future relationships.
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Wise advice from the (relatively) more experienced big brother! Astonishing! Pay heed, Luann!
Mordock999 over 12 years ago
Wow, Brad.Just Wow.
So if I UNDERSTAND You correctly, when it comes to Loving the Ladies, Its ALL about THEM.Right??
Mighty_Mouse over 12 years ago
Dialog is excellent in the strip, responses here are just great. Gotta say that Greg is back in the game.
tomshelly1990 over 12 years ago
Wow, is Brad deep today!! Is Luann staying over night at his place or does he keep some uniforms at his parent’s house?
StoicLion1973 over 12 years ago
Brad is displaying Frank-level wisdom.
Hugh Manatee over 12 years ago
Hanging out with Brad while he’s getting ready for work…? Luann must be really, really, really bored.
handinit over 12 years ago
And then boom Toni dump him out of the blue…
ReneTray over 12 years ago
Mordock999 over 12 years ago
Alas, Leviticus, it doesn’t WORK that way in the REAL World.
Heck it doesn’t even work THAT way in a friggin’ Comic Strip!
rugeirn over 12 years ago
“Wow, love is hard!” Urk.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 12 years ago
I still think TJ is a fun character, and enjoy the comic when he is part of the action.
SwimsWithSharks over 12 years ago
Brad is so hunky lately. TJ should have stuck with the firefighting school.
imbaldeagle over 12 years ago
“the game is afoot”Probably, but not a foot – it’ll be an “affair of the heart”. And this time, Luann will be more focused. (We hope)
Bandera_Ken over 12 years ago
The art is a tiny bit different. Not only does Brad look a bit more buff, but Luann’s face looks a little older. Is someone else drawing the strip? Or as someone mentioned, is Luann finally a senior?
Step-Step over 12 years ago
Terrywoebegone over 12 years ago
It was all one sided anyway. Quill never expressed the same feelings, it was more Her to begin with. Maybe her “aha” moment will spark some maturing. After all, one is 16 for more than 4 or 5 years.
krelboyne over 12 years ago
Brad has a tattoo? Does Toni know?
Chocoloop over 12 years ago
Nice insight, Brad….
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member over 12 years ago
Brad’s love has not matured or been tested, say like … If Toni woke up and was really a plain jane ogre. As in Shrek.
Boise Ed Premium Member over 12 years ago
Wow, so now Brad is wiser than Luanne!
luann1212 over 12 years ago
Wow I agree with the sentiment generally Brad is really growing up and getting wise as well as buff by the way. He is a man now, not a boy, SO MARRY TONI ALREADY, he is ready for her now. Anyway, this is part I think of a series of strips that foretell a basic domain change. We ready for college and marriage, and a lot of plot lines around those themes? I hope this is not tantamount to strip ending, I don’t know what I would do without my Luann everyday, a little piece of joy.
Tim Pickard Premium Member over 12 years ago
If you all remember, a couple years ago Toni and Brad got matching tattoos when he graduated fire school or something along that line.
MDeB over 12 years ago
PC = Political Correctness = censorship = not telling it as it is for fear of persecution by the Thought Police.
dblbaraje over 12 years ago
Is Brad going to be very hurt somewhere down he line?
tharens over 12 years ago
when did brad get so wise?
Darsan54 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Really. Totally wise words and a good way to live if you want to be happy with someone.
Rachel Yacovissi over 12 years ago
Wise words from Brad.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“Love means never having to say your sorry.Love Story”-I read that statement led to many divorces because folks were afraid to say they were sorry and the other decided they didnt’ care, didn’t love them.-Kind of sad how many let literature mislead them.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“Why Brad has not kick his @$$ out of his house is a mystery to me.”-Only because you hide your love for TJ from yourself.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
" Dirk seemed to me like he could have been violent with her, and it is taking her some time before she can fully trust someone again. "-I knew you were smart enough that we would agree on something eventually. I’m not so sure he was violent with her but have no question he was abusive. That damages lesser people than thee and me. -The fact that Brad hasn’t given up on her shows his committment. The fact that she hasn’t left shows her care for him. ALL WILL BE WELL IN THE END, IF IT ISN’T WELL YET, IT ISN’T THE END YET.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“Love is very hard unless both people are doing it for each other. If not then it is borderline stalking.”-I very much enjoyed GHOST but couldn’t make a distinction between Patrick Swayze’s wooing of Demi and stalking her. In the movies it worked out okay but in reality it would have sent him to jail. It made the ghost aspect more realistic thant he interpersonal relationship. At least Whoopie made it good.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“Feminism is about women being on equal par as men in society. Not the usual 2 steps behind.”-I was told that in korea the men had the women walk ahead of them, in case of buried mines. Not exactly equality, but at least they got ahead.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“What is PC? Define it please?”-PC is Politically Correct. It is defined as words and actions which will not get you ejected from the political arena. It’s opposite is Politically Incorrect, words and actions which WILL get you ejected from the political arena.-PC is similar to an ancient concept called Good Manners in which people are polite when expressing themselves and careful not to say things which offend others.
jbarnes over 12 years ago
Brad is smart. When talking about love, movies often say things like ‘having butterflies in your stomach’ or ‘needing the laces in your corset loosened’. That is not true love, it is merely fascination. True love is caring more about another person’s well being than you care about your own. When it is returned, and both people have good character in other regards, it is a sound basis for an enduring relationship.
38lowell over 12 years ago
Marriage is for a very very long time-best to just get a dog, or a library card!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
Interesting how you inserted Toni into the picture
Notamayata over 12 years ago
Wisdom? From Brad? And Luann is listening.
I hope their parents didn’t hear this.
FENRISULFR over 12 years ago
“Selflessness” is looked upon as a virtue. It’s not. Without a “Self” love would not be possible. Without a “Self” one could not feel anything for another human being.Without a “Self” one would be incapable of any action for the sake of another.Without a “Self” one could not value another.Without a “Self” one could not even sacrifice themselves for the sake of another. How can you sacrifice your “Self,” if you are “Selfless?”“Selflessness” is the Destruction of the “Self.” It is the exact opposite of Love. For there can be no love unless there is equality. “Selflessness” says one is unworthy of the Loved One. There can therefore be no Communion of Love Between them.
kenhense over 12 years ago
RE Brad’s comments about thinking of Brad & Toni as “us” : I am actually starting to think that Greg will keep Brad & Toni together from now on – probably married. As far as when to propose – Brad still has to walk the tightrope.
The Orange Mailman over 12 years ago
Awww, Bwad’s all growed up. Sort of.
vldazzle over 12 years ago
The important thing in any love relationship is pleasing the other person, not just yourself. Too many young people cannot understand that.
kenhense over 12 years ago
Re: Brad & Toni: It just hit me – The only way to make this move forward is: Toni proposes to Brad! At some moment when we least expect it. I can’t imagine Brad refusing – however he might fall all over himself trying for a cool response.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
Oui, vous
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“There’s nothing wrong with Luann having had fun when she was with Quill, even though Brad is trying to make it seem like there is. "-Nope, nothing wrong with it. What would be wrong would be for her to characterize it as something it wasn’t.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“What guy would not want to insert Toni?”-Log Cabin Republicans
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
" In practice, if you sacrifice all your wants and needs to the other person, then you’re just their servant."-Which is to say you’re hurting them by not showing some concern for yourself. That would be bad for them and thus shouldn’t be done. -So caring for what is good for them is not the same as not caring for what is good for you.-Theory matches practice once again.
jimtrudeau over 12 years ago
Brad is right. A loving relationship is not 50-50. It is 100-100. You have to give 100% and expect NOTHING back. Only then is it about them and not you. If you do that then they will give you 100% back (and your needs WILL be met). Good wisdom, Brad!
tegm over 12 years ago
But that’s loving, not being in love. Being in love is the same thing as infatuation, it is a selfish thing. It’s that thing where you’re smitten and really emotionally desperate. Loving someone (actually caring about them more than about you, etc) is a much more rational, steady thing.