Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 07, 2012
Luann: "Delta, as long as I've known you, you've never had a boyfriend. Don't you like guys?" Delta: "Love 'em. But I don't have TIME. Dating sucks up WAY too much time" Delta: "You devote hours to a date and then just do it all over again. I wanna get on with my career! I wish I could snap my fingers and be married to a perfect man. Skip all the premarital fussing around" Luann: "I thought that was the fun part" Delta: "I don't have time for fun"
bscan48 over 12 years ago
Didn’t Delta once try for that older guy who turned out to be a creep?
ShagsCA over 12 years ago
Now describe your perfect man…see
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
Delta has a type “A” personality. I don’t know her blood type.
watmiwori over 12 years ago
No time for fun? Poor baby!
Hank1938 over 12 years ago
New character and Delta love interest coming right up! (He should be a Ronald Reagan Republican just for laughs)
Hank1938 over 12 years ago
The Duke 1 over 12 years ago
Or time for a life, either……
night ranger over 12 years ago
Don’t have time for fun . . . . . now that’s just sad.
folker over 12 years ago
She’s another condoleezza rice, she’ll wake up one morning alone and think “Wow, have I wasted my life?”
ianm over 12 years ago
Delta had a crush on a supply teacher. She also had hopes for Miguel, and he seemed interested until Luann stole him from her. It’s high time the lovely Delta had a boyfriend. Let’s hope she keeps him away from predatory, man-mad blondes (and I don’t mean Tiffany).
Mordock999 over 12 years ago
Oh, oh Delta’s STILL in High School but she doesn’t have “time” to date. Too many “causes”, huh Delie?And she’s GOT to have the PERFECT Guy!What is WITH the Gals in THIS strip? Why does EVERY single guy have to be PERFECT to meet Their standards?Whats the Matter Delta? Plain old average, normal guy not GOOD enough for you?
samfran6-0 over 12 years ago
She’s into so many activities,I thought that was her fun. Yes she will to be another Condoleezza Rice. Smart , successful,and wake up one day…………
TELawrence over 12 years ago
Huh. I’d always thought that Delta was gay. But, I guess not.
Tog over 12 years ago
My best girl friend is gay. I’m a straight male. Funny what works isn’t it.
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Just yesterday, someone here was wondering about Delta’s back-story. Now, she explains herself as the goal-oriented, driven type. Be careful, Delta, lest you end up with many regrets over missed opportunities and no boyfriends ever….
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 12 years ago
Poor Delta. Looking for the perfect man, but I’m already married.
Purple Morpho 2015 over 12 years ago
I hear you Delta!!!
38lowell over 12 years ago
…can’t wait!
z.a.m over 12 years ago
So sad and stupid.
AB9SS over 12 years ago
That last statement from Delta tells me that if the characters were allowed to “grow up” she’d be old enough to regret ever saying that.
tristara over 12 years ago
“I don’t have time…” Maybe her cancer is back? or she’s afraid it might come back?
aksebro over 12 years ago
I think is just setting Delta up for a mini romance story arc of her own. This is like the first act of every rom-com, which starts off establishing that the work-minded, slightly uptight lead has “no time for love.”
imbaldeagle over 12 years ago
We’re in the heart of the olympic games and we keep hearing how most of the athletes have invested most of their childhoods in practice to develop their skills. I don’t see Delta as much different – she’s devoted to achieving career goals and that’s what’s fun. Getting all gussied up for dates and making the plans is work. If she could just enjoy the dates in a casual way, she’d probably be satisfied – probably like the relationship Toni has with Brad.
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
Fun’s overrated. Thus the amount of time I spend on GC looking for a “snerk”
StoicLion1973 over 12 years ago
Another wrong-headed youngster who thinks she can have it all. Newsflash: NO ONE can half it all. Sacrifices must be made. Make them now or you will wake up one day in an empty bed wondering why you’re alone.
“I wish I’d spent more time at work” was never an epitaph.
tigre1 over 12 years ago
I LIKE her. I don’t care if, or who or how she loves…none of my bizx at all.
I like smart people who know what they want. don’t you? The jerks of the “dating” industry…candy, florists, cards, la la la…
Haven’t you figured it out? Most of our ‘rituals’ are commercially fostered. And immensely profitable. To THEM.
And serve to keep a lot of fine young folks sexually deprived a lot longer than is healthy.
sjsczurek over 12 years ago
Don’t make that mistake, Delta.You’ll be sooooorry!
drewpamon over 12 years ago
These things that she has as her goals don’t bring happiness. No success in business no amount of crusading for causes no academic award will ever bring peace and happiness to your life.
ewalnut over 12 years ago
She’s still in high school. Not many boys there that share her interests.
mojitobaby over 12 years ago
Greg has said numerous times that he has no idea how to write for a black female teen. Delta’s claiming she’s too busy to have a social life is his way of an easy out, so I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for her to have an arc of her own.
TheDOCTOR over 12 years ago
Deltas about to bump into her very own “Aaron Hill”, start getting ‘silly’ like Luann, and everyone but Luann will notice. ☺
Tuzilla over 12 years ago
Perfect recipe for an unhappy person…all about what I want. Just give it to me, no work required.
jimbosfo over 12 years ago
Is Delta’s cancer coming back? Is that why she is worried about time?
flyersnut27 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Enjoy being alone Delta. You’ll regret it when your an old maid
Nicolesdiamond over 12 years ago
I love Delta. Nice, ambitious woman. I wish there would be more arcs on her.
thewizofaz over 12 years ago
Always time to hang at the mall, though
rangerdog1 over 12 years ago
I think Greg is opening the door for a drastic turn in this comic strip….
underwriter over 12 years ago
At Delta’s age, her wanting only the perfect man is very sound. When I was that age being single was like having leprosy and girls were already eager to settle for anything male just to avoid the perception. That led to dumbing down, suppressing character, miserable marriages, and divorces. Let Delta be. Reality will sink in eventually and by then she will be her own person.
elysummers over 12 years ago
Sounds just like me. Mu husband always says, you hate fun more than you hate money. I don’t hate money, I just don’t chase the ‘almighty dollar.’
cybergal29 over 12 years ago
I did not date in high school for three reasons.
1.There were a lot of guys who were more intertested in having sex with a lot of girls and I was not that kind of girl. I wanted to grauated high school and not have to drop out to have a baby.
2. I did not smoke. I wanted to have healthy lungs.
3. I did not drink. I wanted to avoid liver damage.
There were some people who thought I was stupid because I did not do those things. I also got phone calls from jerks who thought it was funny to ask obscene questions about sex. I got so mad that I told my classmates about those phone calls and stated I would not use that language in front of children. A while later, I got three phone calls from some kids who were asking me the same obscene questions I got from those jerks. The fourth phone call was from their mother who had caught them making those obscene phone calls. I told her everything and later I found out from my mom that those jerks got it from their families as it was their younger relatives they told to make those obsene phone calls telling them it was a joke.
MermaidStitcher over 12 years ago
For some reason I see a story line building her. Might there be romance for Delta?
Hoodude over 12 years ago
Eww,knew a woman like her..when it came to fun it’s not her deal..just looks for trouble.
ACTIVIST1234 over 12 years ago
Brdshtt, good comment. But even after 40, some of us think there are more important things in life than having fun. (Though ages 4-14, fun was a goal) We’re called Doers (or Boring)
kenhense over 12 years ago
Delta definitely needs to learn to be young – while she’s still young. None of the existing “Luann” guys seem to be a good fit for a Delta arc – which is overdue. Get creative, Greg! Not a perfect guy – of course.
yangeldf over 12 years ago
Delta is the anti-Tiff, if they both keep going down the paths they are, they’re going to have real regrets in life by the time they’re 40.
tinachambers over 12 years ago
Delta Delta Delta
Garison54 over 12 years ago
She’s being set up for a romance…
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
And old ad campaign in the 60’s:Getting tHERe is half the fun"
PocketNaomi over 12 years ago
Nothing normal is good enough for Delta, and why should they be? She’s extraordinary; she deserves an extraordinary guy!
live2read over 12 years ago
I would rather that Delta be a girl who actually focuses on her studies, school activities, and volunteering instead of obsessing over boys the way Luann does; she’s got the right idea. I know that it’s normal for some teen girls to go nuts over guys, but I think that Luann goes overboard sometimes and puts herself through unnecessary pain and heartache. She would do well to follow Delta’s example and realize there’s more to life than just dating.
seyleigh over 12 years ago
Delta is still in high school and seems pretty happy. I wouldn’t worry about her. Delta’s opinions will change and she will eventually make time for guys. Plus, college guys are hotter than high school guys.
htownkev over 12 years ago
All work and no play makes Delta a very dull girl.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 12 years ago
“I never have heard anybody on their deathbed say they wish they had spent more time at the office.”-But then again, how many deathbeds have you sat at and did you talk about office hours?-Further, many people speak wistfully about the wrong they didn’t right and many of those rightings could have been done at the office. Therefore, it is possible you DID hear people saying they wished they had spent more time at the office making things right but you just didn’t hear it put that way.-It’s not about where you are, it’s about what you’re doing.
samwas35 over 12 years ago
All sexually mature women have a libido. Failure to do so is a sign of illness. Stand by for her to come out of the closet.
LiviaBay over 12 years ago
Only if life was that nicely tied in a cute bow….Mmmm
txfirefighter over 12 years ago
The perfect man for her is probably one that would love her for her position and income, not to be with her. Having the perfect marriage would also involve her to sacrifice some of herself for the better of the relationship. Can she do that?
tegm over 12 years ago
People make the mistake of thinking they want a relationship or they don’t want a relationship. You shouldn’t get into a relationship because you want one. You meet someone you have feelings for, and get along with, and like spending time with. Then it might or might not develop into a relationship. Any other way it’s forced and feels icky. You don’t “sign up for a relationship when you have time because it’s convenient then.”
DevilDog2001 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Delta in panel 1 and 2: okay. A few good points.
Delta in panel 3: did you HEAR what you just said?