Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 29, 2014
Sofia: "Here's your cubicle. Read these manuals- phone answering and data entry" Sofia: "Settle in and I'll be back to take you to lunch" Sofia: "And perhaps some clothes shopping" Rosa: "Unbelievable. My uncle's "clinic" is a nip'n' tuck factory" Gunther: "Hey! I know this program"
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Wow! Greg let them sit at his cubicle! – I guess Rosa’s “battleship” seems like a sinking sun….. maybe this “inflation” is bursting her bubble….unless there will be some consolation, soon… – And talk about "Grey’s Anatomy "… (the book, not the show)
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
Seems like Gunther’s gonna like this whereas Rosa’s not. (I think Sofia is the Peruvian version of Ann Eiffel.)
JayBluE over 10 years ago
“Up For The Letdown”“The Disillusionment Of Appearances”“Well, I’ll Be An Uncle’s Niece!”“Life At The Implant Plant”“It’s A Bit Nippy In Here”“Tuck And Roll Out”
or“Calll Again For Collagen”
Simon_Jester over 10 years ago
Just be glad your uncle doesn’t run a clinic in west Africa
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Maybe there’s a “Lotus” program there, too…..
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Depends on who wrote ’em… some tech manuals make a person fall asleep on the job…..
wrwallaceii over 10 years ago
Oooo… Gunther is a Useful Intern…
seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago
I assume Rosa will be answering the phone and Gunther will be doing the data entry, since he knows no Spanish. Of course, given that Rosa obviously can’t conduct a telephone conversation with her own uncle, I have my doubts about how good she will be at talking with these people either.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Never won a Pulitzer- but plenty of Droolitzers! – Would hate to see the “crib notes” on those…
JayBluE over 10 years ago
"Look on Rosa’s face in panel# 3: Priceless ^It also works as the look on a person’s face when the cashier announces the real total of your groceries…even with all of that hard work making up a list….
jemgirl81 over 10 years ago
What happened to Crystal and Knute?
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Well, this is something they didn’t expect! But, Gunther seems like he is happy enoguh…not sure about Rosa, though! ;)
JayBluE over 10 years ago
“…Lotus Notes for company wide email…” ^Hasn’t he at least heard of Excel ’95?
JayBluE over 10 years ago
(Re: Etch- A- Sketch) That was actually similar to the punchline on a recent strip of “Jump Start”…
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
She also wants to “dress-up” Rosa… ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Yes, we’ve said something like that, too…if we didn’t have to eat and keep the house clean, we’d have money coming out of our ears! ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Which would probably look good on her as she is a young woman…now, Sofia on the other hand, ought to let down her hem a bit. JMO ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
I guess Rosa will be answering the phone as she speaks Spanish, and Gunther will do data entry. Perhaps a Spanish technical dictionary will help him… ;)
seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago
>Rosa just trusted her parents to inform her. They did not. It happens.>No, it doesn’t. (1) Rosa arranged this whole trip by talking with her uncle directly. She should have learned everything she needed to know from him, before deciding to go to Peru in the first place. (2) How could she reach age 18 without knowing what her uncle does for a living? My mother’s brother-in-law was a plastic surgeon, and everyone in the family always knew he was a plastic surgeon. I don’t think I ever in my life heard him referred to as someone who “runs a clinic”, although of course he did that. The premise for this story simply stretches all plausibility far beyond the breaking point.
Airman over 10 years ago
So far, I share Rosa’s disappointment in what is happening. They belong in college.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
True! True! Every time I go back and look at the receipt, I start to have second thoughts about "Well, if I didn’t get that family sized pack of frozen chicken ‘parts’, it would have knocked it down a bit….. and think about how much chicken wire I can go get, and how much lumber I’d need to put up a coop… but then I start to think about how much I’d spend at the hardware store…
darynl over 10 years ago
For everyone who thinks Rosa just didn’t ask her uncle. She talked to him, and he said he needed help at his clinica. The literal translation of clinica is clinic. When you hear clinic, it’s a small medical establishment. In a country like Peru, you would think of a makeshift medical area in a remote village. The problem is in some countries, other bigger medical establishments or a more cosmedic types of procedures use the word clinic where it’s inappropriate. This is one of those cases.
svetlana17 over 10 years ago
You have to remember back when this all started. Gunther’s mom reminded him how useful it was that he’d studied Spanish. And gotten a passport.
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Well, its time to give it a rest! Went to the Big City today (all three of us) for an appointment I had. My hub stays with our IS, Katie, while I go into the building. IS Katie just Loves going with us for a “long bye” because she knows on the way back she’ll get to play in a big city park! She “tells” us she wants to be in the park Now…but I tell her she has to wait, which she doesn’t want to hear as she understands "gotta wait! I don’t know if Puddles has ever gone on a road trip with his "family… Doesn’t seem like he does much of anything! ’Nite all! ;) -———————————————————————“Youth will be served, every dog has his day, and mine has been a fine one.” (George Borrow, 1803-1881)
LouEthelip over 10 years ago
Its most likely just my imagination but that lady who has been showing them around seems to have similar traits to Ann Eiffel (Might have mispelled the name). Could she be her Peruvian cousin?
Frenchfry Jones over 10 years ago
Maybe they’ll arrange a new identity for TJ
melmarsh9v over 10 years ago
Yes, Rosa could have asked her uncle a few basic questions about the clinic, but she didn’t. She regarded being impulsive as a major virtue, and now it’s time for her to do some long-overdue thinking!
flowergirl19 over 10 years ago
“I’m guessing Rosa’s uncle’s clientele are all multilingual.”
From my experience of living in Mexico for twenty years, some people, maybe even quite a few people, are bilingual (Spanish and English). However, most people are not. And you are right, the better the education, the better the chance they speak English. The only Mexican’s I ever met who are multilingual became that way by moving to and living in Europe. Well, I’m sure there are some, I’ve just never met them.
flowergirl19 over 10 years ago
@CaldoniaYour theory (from yesterday) could work, the tio loco. Nobody in the family talks about him because he’s a nut job.
cripplious over 10 years ago
A lot of Latin America plastic surgery clinics have people who speak English. I’d be more concerned with reading Spanish for data entry
Caldonia over 10 years ago
Well, if that does happen, there might have been some indication that her parents were psychologically abusive. Which is something that would have been useful for us readers to know about Rosa.
flowergirl19 over 10 years ago
@activist 1234(From yesterday)“Conceivably, he comes from a family where service to the poor, the underpriviliged is highly valued. For the last twenty years, he has been delighting his mother with tales of his service to the people in the bush. Rosa may be the first in the family to know he is really a high flyer.”
The only problem with this is that no one in the family every visits him, or he visits them? Maybe his parents disowned him for some reason which is highly unlikely. But his brother or sister (Rosa’s parents) too?
Editman over 10 years ago
Are they getting paid at least?
watmiwori over 10 years ago
The Conspiracy is EVERYWHERE!
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
I have not read all the comments so I just have to wonder if anyone had speculated of the evil plot of Rosa’s uncle; the plot where he uses the clinic as a fund raiser front for the disgusting huts in the jungle where the peasants go for medical treatments.
Alan Smithee over 10 years ago
So she gave up Yale for this? Shrewd!
jenbrown1017 over 10 years ago
hmmmmm…..didn’t I predict this yesterday?
Mordock999 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Hey Gunth? Wanna Have Some REAL Fun at that Computer?
Send an E-mail to Old Smiley and Pretend to be His Insurance Company and Tell the Jerk, They’ve decided in HIS Favor and Will Settle His Claim for a total of $750,000 in Damages and another $350,000 for “Emotional Pain and Suffering”! All “They” NEED Is HIS Checking Account Number so that THEY can “Place” the Funds in His Account!
Tell Him (Chortle) He should HAVE (SNORT) His “Money” (Guffaw) In about a Week!!! (Falls on the Floor doubled over in Laughter)
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 10 years ago
Few check on the things they think they already know.
ManateeGag over 10 years ago
she didn’t know her uncle was a plastic surgeon?
jeanie5448 over 10 years ago
I see a trip BACK home in their future. Rosa should have checked out exactly what the uncle did before she flew all that way.
OneMom over 10 years ago
This is a pathetic story line. Rosa is too bright to not have known what kind of clinic her uncle had. Time to find out if she can still get in that Ivy League school for the fall semester.
David Hironimus over 10 years ago
They don’t need Spanish. Most of the clients at cosmetic clinics in Lima cater to U.S. citizens. The air fare and the procedure together cost far less than the procedure alone at home. AND they have a nice vacation to boot.
AtariDragon over 10 years ago
Maybe this will convince them of the need to get a degree, so that they can do something more than than answer phones and punch in data.
TheLiam over 10 years ago
Or, they thought that at 18 and being smart enough to be accepted to Yale she would do her own research. They were wrong, Yale lucked out it seems.
hiihhiih over 10 years ago
your being to hard on the situation. its a freaking COMIC STRIP!
TheLiam over 10 years ago
Those that are still blaming the parents, why is it Rosa is now 18, an adult. Smart enough to get into Yale, determined enough to go to Peru, but stupid enough not to ask questions of what’s going to happen or what her uncle does and yet it’s the parents fault? She was grown up enough to decide not to go to Yale so this is all on her now.
loubarra over 10 years ago
It’s Ingles
spiffny over 10 years ago
This really went a weird direction – there was a lot of promise in the story line but it is hard to see any of that promise coming out of this premise.
tubgrape over 10 years ago
Disillusionment. Hmmmmm. But maybe Gunther will find his niche. Interesting possible reversal of outlooks.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 10 years ago
A clinic (or outpatient clinic or ambulatory care clinic) is a health care facility that is primarily devoted to the care of outpatients. Clinics can be privately operated or publicly managed and funded, and typically cover the primary health care needs of populations in local communities, in contrast to larger hospitals which offer specialised treatments and admit inpatients for overnight stays. Some clinics grow to be institutions as large as major hospitals, or become associated with a hospital or medical school, while retaining the name “clinic." (Think Mayo Clinic.).There are many different types of clinics providing outpatient services. Such clinics may be public (government funded) or private medical practices.
A CLSC are in Quebec; they are a type of free clinic funded by the provincial government; they provide service not covered by Canada’s health care plan including social workersIn the United States, a free clinic provides free or low-cost health care for those without insurance.A retail-based clinic is housed in supermarkets and similar retail outlets providing walk-in health care, which may be staffed by nurse practitioners.A general out-patient clinic offers general diagnoses or treatments without an overnight stay.A polyclinic provides a range of health care services (including diagnostics) without need of an overnight stayA specialist clinic provides advanced diagnostic or treatment services for specific diseases or parts of the body. This type contrasts with general out-patient clinics.A sexual health clinic deals with sexual health related problems, such as prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections.A fertility clinic aims to help women and couples to become pregnant.An abortion clinic is a medical facility providing abortion and related medical services to women.An ambulatory surgery clinic offers outpatient or same day surgery services, usually for surgical procedures less complicated than those requiring hospitalization..
See what Rosa could’ve found in Wikipedia?
JimT8 over 10 years ago
It seems to me that the point of this whole episode is to underline a common American misperception about the “third world,” that it is all poor. Rather there is a big gap between rich and poor—as in America—and as in China, where Shanghai, where I have been, is one of the most modern and prosperous cities in the world— in contrast to the countryside, from where huge numbers come looking for work.
tstuarta1 over 10 years ago
I feel bad for Rosa. She is so disillusioned with what she thought her uncle does, and what she thought she’d be doing.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago
I would like to ask everyone associated with “Luann” whether by age 18 they knew what their uncles did for a living. I rather suspect the answer is “yes”. So how come they want us to believe that for 18 years Rosa never learned that her uncle is a plastic surgeon, even (according to Gunther) a “prominent” one? Did everyone simply say that he was “some kind of a doctor” without saying anything more about him (even though he is someone who is successful enough to fly off to medical conference in Madrid)? Was this phone call while Rosa was standing in line at her high school graduation the very first time in her life that she’s ever spoken to her uncle?
EighthAt14 over 10 years ago
Maybe not. They probably get a fair number of North American patients.
lotsalaffs Premium Member over 10 years ago
This strip is going nowhere fast.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 10 years ago
Even though this feels mean to say, in a lot of ways this seems very fitting in terms of an outcome for this arc given Rosa’s apparent lack of planning and/or investigating what she would be doing at the “clinica”.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago
How come Rosa knew her uncle’s phone number in Peru but not what kind of doctor he is?
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
All – Be sure to check out the “Bonus” comic posted today!
gromit82 over 10 years ago
It’s worse than that. Rosa didn’t know her uncle’s clinic was in Lima; she apparently thought it was in some rural area. Also, the idea that she had to leave in only two weeks seems to have been unrealistic, because Rosa and Gunther had apparently been in Lima for at least a few days (if not longer) before they first went to the clinic.
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member over 10 years ago
The comments are a laff riot today. Outrage. Disgust. Disbelief. Headshaking! - read, blather, repeat.
Bluejedi72 over 10 years ago
Rosa…if you learned the name of your uncles “clinic” and where it was located before you left maybe you could understand why your parents were so pissy and upset you were going there instead of Harvard.
They knew it was a nip and tuck clinic but had this grand idea that every dr who runs a clinic in Costa Rica helps poor, rural folks.
You totally forget that yes, even in Costa Rica some women have the ability to pay a dr to shoot botox in their eyebrows and make a 48 year old woman’s boobs look like they did when she was 21. All in the name of vanity.
Congrats Rosa. You just learned reality is a cold, cruel mistress.
Gunther- Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone ends in epic failure, sometimes it’s a wash and sometimes it’s a sweet deal.
This is one of those times it’s a sweet, sweet deal.
Like Rosa, you have learned a valuable life lesson-taking a leap of faith can make you end up with a wonderful, happy thing.
Enjoy this moment Gunther, and never forget what happened when you took a leap of a faith.
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
Gunther and Rosa are learning a lot about life. It will be an education in itself, and they can start college a semester or year later and be all the wiser. They will not fit in as well to college freshmen because they will be ahead of them in maturity in many aspects.
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
You give the routing number, not the account number. Funds can go in, but not out.
How would the bank know in which account to place the funds if they aren’t given the account number by the sender? How would the bank know the account for which the sender intended the funds?
Waddling Eagle over 10 years ago
Rosa gave up Yale for this?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 10 years ago
seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Considering the implausibility of everything that was used to set up the present situation, Mr. Evans might as well go all the way and let Gunther put a Babelfish in his ear.
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
If Gunther and Rosa share that cubicle, they will also share the duties. It seems a given that Rosa will handle the phone and Gunther the data-entry. Should not be a problem.
It is not at all surprising to me that Rosa didn’t know in detail what her uncle in Peru does beyond “run a clinic.” Her father is a busy diplomat, and I doubt there were detailed family conversations at home about uncle-in-Peru. I would not expect her to have known that he ran an upscale plastic surgery practice (and, besides, we don’t know that it’s all cosmetic plastic surgery just because we saw a few patients in a waiting room). I look forward to meeting Uncle rather than just his executive secretary….
Lamberger over 10 years ago
>"… they use Microsoft products even in Peru."
Also Apple and Linux (or Unix).
Diane Lee Premium Member over 10 years ago
Sounds to me like uncle has found a really good way to pay for those “supplies” he sends to the village.
Lamberger over 10 years ago
Rosa’s uncle may be using his big clinic(s) to fund his small clinics, where he does free reconstructive plastic surgery.
drewpamon over 10 years ago
Come on Rosa you’re helping the poor just like you hoped. All those poor Americans who can’t afford plastic surgery in the states will come down to your clinic. Your job is to upsell… “You only want to upgrade to a C cup? you know that DDs are what men like”
Trails4GMZ over 10 years ago
How is it that Rosa’s parents let her travel that far…without giving her a clue about her uncle. Rosa has been living a dream and now reality is hitting her in the face. Time to pack up and go, or start your own business to help the poor with her uncles money.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 10 years ago
Place your bets, Ladies and Gentlemen!Will:a) Gunther discover that Rosa’s uncle does charity work on the side through the data files?b) Rosa in her disappointment and impulsiveness flies back to the U.S. before her uncle returns?i) Leaving Gunther behind?ii) Convincing Gunther to follow her, yet again?c) Rosa’s uncle returns to make her head of “out-reach” for the charitable work Gunther found in “a”?i) Gunther becomes head of IT for the Clinica?
reedkomicks Premium Member over 10 years ago
Because there is already a printed sign with their names on it on the cubicle, the Uncle certainly knew they were coming!
reedkomicks Premium Member over 10 years ago
Apropos to nothing; in case you were wondering, Nancy is 44 or 45 this year as given away by Luann in Luann Again.
KEA over 10 years ago
not likely to be FORTRAN, COBOL maybe (if it’s really old)
notbornyesterday over 10 years ago
Leave Rosa, run!!! (or fly) as fast as you can maybe you can still make opening day at Yale where you’ll have plenty of time to reflect on how stupid you were
notbornyesterday over 10 years ago
ON THE OTHER HAND, playing up “I’m an American nerd” will probably be a huge turn on for the local girls, so go Gunther GO!!!
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 10 years ago
I wonder if everyone at the clinica is pronouncing Gunther’s name as if they were Sofía Vergara or Rosie Perez ?
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 10 years ago
Besides, John Wayne was fluent in Spanish andpresident of the Latin Club in school. He only married Latinas as best I recall even if one did try to shoot him out of jealousy.
MaryEMcGivern over 10 years ago
Greg, please bring these two home and send them to college. This is bo-o-o-o-oring
Chuck374 over 10 years ago
I’m thinking that Rosa is wishing she was at Tale right now. And Gunther, who was dreading this trip from the moment he decided to go, seems to be enjoying himself.
Hey Rosa, there is always the Peace Corps.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
“yeh, I hate when they do that…” ^I also am tempted sometimes to recite out loud how much spent in gas getting there, and any other “misc” expenses I can think of, that weigh against the “savings” I accumulated at that store….
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Evans does strips months ahead. He doesn’t believe in “playing it close”. – He also used a word in his seminar Q&A from earlier in the year to describe how he “doesn’t play around” with his being ahead of schedule. I forget the word, but it’s there in the vid on Youtube….
wondra over 10 years ago
Is this a treatise about the dichotomy of the population of South America?
doverdan over 10 years ago
Is Babelfish still around?
JayBluE over 10 years ago
And it might be more common to hear of such, than one would think! – Also (in an extension of the topic), in this day and age, an ironic thing is that there’s so much information (on the web, in books, etc. ) out there, and yet we have a “disconnect” when it comes to knowing about each other…. family or otherwise…
cjswan232482 over 10 years ago
People, Rosa’s and Gunther’s high school grades and test score will not change. People defer college all of the time. There is nothing preventing Gunther and Rosa from going to their college next semester or next year
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
there’s also a chance that the uncle colluded with the parents on what he’d be having them do
And, in the spirit of fair play, “I CALLED THAT ONE 1ST!” :-PPP (Lookup “Machiavellian Scenarios”) ;-)))
krondor2000 over 10 years ago
The only way I can see this story line comes to a conclusion is that Rosa’s uncle makes an appearance and have a heart to heart talk with Rosa. Since he is a successful surgeon, he should be able to send Rosa and Gunther on to their respective universities. Rosa focus on her degree so she can join the peace corps and Gunther a possible change in career to become a successful plastic surgeon in his own right thanks to an eye opening experience in Peru!!
ImaginaryGIrl over 10 years ago
Poor Rosa. She was so eager to help poor village in a rural village with her good, ol’ uncle!
ACTIVIST1234 over 10 years ago
“What program, Gunth?”*Clark Kent— might be Dialing for Dollars.
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
People with direct deposit had to give the routing number when they signed up for direct deposit. If you don’t give the routing number the transaction can not be made. If you didn’t know that, don’t feel bad. I learned by my mistake when I signed up and then got the call informing that the transaction could not be made and why.
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
If you haven’t already, click on the Bonus. Now that is funny.~
JayBluE over 10 years ago
And in other words… she might have gotten the “Zonk!” prize. She really thought the curtain was better than the box…..
capricorn9th over 10 years ago
Rosa expected to be in the great outdoors, attending to poor and infirm people coming to his uncle’s good will no-wall clinic. She should have gone to Peace Corps instead. That is exactly what Rosa is seeking. Gunther is content with just following Rosa around.
ACTIVIST1234 over 10 years ago
On a different thread… what kind of clothes will the hot Sofia pick out for the G-man?
seyleigh over 10 years ago
Am I the only one here who made an extremely stupid/ignorant mistake on par with Rosa’s at age 18? Yes, it is easy to look things up. But, you have to realize that you need to look them up.
And if Rosa’s situation becomes anything like mine, she’ll be very happy she did that idiotic thing :) .
justamann over 10 years ago
Perhaps Rosa should head for New Haven. Gunther could stay. Both receive a good education.
TheLiam over 10 years ago
Utterly hilarious how many folks think they can just defer college at the drop of the hat. Sorry people, if they’re just let back into school then it’s just another thing Evan’s says “Screw reality” to.
Doctor11 over 10 years ago
This certainly isn’t what Rosa was expecting to do, and I wasn’t expecting it to be that kind of clinic either.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago
FORTRAN and COBOL are programming languages, but the “program” Gunther is referring to could be the particular compiler or the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that allows you to build programs in that language on that particular operating system for that particular CPU. And there is so much FORTRAN and COBOL code still in use that both languages will continue to be around for a long time yet. However, I agree that Gunther is probably referring instead to a specific application, such as a bookkeeping program or a program that uses a particular database product (such as Oracle) to maintain a mailing list.
SactoSylvia over 10 years ago
I grew up in a different country than my extended family, and I had no idea what my uncles did for a living. Just saying. Does it stretch credulity that Rosa would have taken this step without more information about her uncle’s practice? Perhaps, but it’s not that extreme a move if she deferred admission. Does it change my enjoyment of the comic strip? Not at all. I read the comics to be entertained, and to counteract the realities reflected on the real news.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago
The issue is not whether Rosa’s uncle maybe treats poor patients in rural Peru, using the profits from his upscale clinic in Lima. The issue is how Rosa could have talked with him long enough to work out all the necessary arrangements for her to come here, but in all those communications she never learned about the existence of the upscale clinic in Peru. There is simply no way she could have made any arrangements at all (including entering the country) without somewhere filling out a form saying that she would be volunteering at this particular establishment. “My uncle’s clinic, somewhere in Peru” just isn’t good enough.
SactoSylvia over 10 years ago
Plus, I kind of like how the tables are being turned to put Rosa out of her comfort zone, and Gunther into his.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 10 years ago
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
I knew Fortran.
I worked with Fortran.
Fortran was my friend.
This ‘program’ is no Fortran!
I once had a copy of the original FORTRAN source code for Adventure. It was weird seeing all the statements (i.e. "sepulchral voice, " etc.), in the code. ;-)
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 10 years ago
“Another way to read “What’d he say?” is in disbelief, as in “I know we just got in this cab. We can’t be here, already!”. Similar to what DHG is saying”..More similar to what DHG was saying is, “WHAT? What did he mumble? Can’t hear nothin’ over this dadgum traffic noise.”
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 10 years ago
Cut the parents some slack. Their daughter announces she’s going to work with one of them’s brother and they think, “That should be a nice visit.”
JayBluE over 10 years ago
"well, one more day and then we probably switch to another arc Monday.. " ^Near the end of last week, I threw out “Brad and Toni” for the next one. Didn’t expect Rosa and Gunther this week. I’m still holdin’ out that it’s B&T, next week….
atomicdog over 10 years ago
Did Rosa ever do any volunteer work with Delta?
JayBluE over 10 years ago
And I too would like to know where Knute and Crystal are! – And I don’t peg it as a real possibility, but wouldn’t it be something if her name got revealed? Though it seems better when it’s not. One of those “running” things that keep it all interesting, I suppose….
JayBluE over 10 years ago
But I don’t think they (Delta and Rosa) ever “tag teamed” in spearheading any work together….
mechaman over 10 years ago
Interesting twist so far, but I stumbled at Rosa not knowing about her uncle’s ‘Clinic’… seemed a bit far fetched that she didn’t know. I THINK I know what’s coming, but I won’t spoil it…
locake over 10 years ago
I think Sofia is unhappy with Rosa’ clothing, not Gunthe’sr so much. All the females in the clinic have to look stylish. I don’t see any male customers.
Airman over 10 years ago
It’s dark now, so I’ve come back to check the comments, and was amazed to see that there were 235 of them. Can’t read all of them, but noticed that a great number stray pretty far off topic, computer languages and reality stuff. One person said she reads Luann to escape the reality of the world, someone else pointed out that Rosa and Gunther’s names were on their cubicle. Now, those are the kind of comments that I enjoy most. Simple observations from people who just like a dash of humor in their day. Let’s hope that Uncle? has been wise enough to dream up a task that will make Rosa and Gunther both happy. (and I’d still like to see a little more heat in their romance).
Michelle Morris over 10 years ago
The TV show or the operating system?
JayBluE over 10 years ago
I actually agree that Drew is a great host! I also love his work in other stuff, especially “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” and think he’s one of the least “Hollywood phoney” types. – I didn’t mean to imply that Drew was a bad host, it’s just that in terms of a show retaining it’s “identity”, it seems more like two different shows than the same show. I also think Drew is a great host, which is why I tried to qualify it with: “(Not that I don’t like Drew, it’s just not the same show with anyone else).” -The comparison I was trying to make was that with TPIR, it seems to have a “different” feel from the two hosts, whereas “LMAD” still seems (at least to me) as though it’s the same show in look and feel, even with different ones…
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
Barker was always too stand-offish IMO. (except to the models, but that’s another story). Now if we can just get him to drop the old “spay and neuter” spiel at the end, the transition would be complete.
Not likely to happen. Barker is a hard core animal rights activist. After all, he financed purchase of the MV Bob Barker for the Sea Shepherd Organization.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Could be! Could also be the ways that new producers/directors do it, compared to the “old school” styles. Whenever I get to catch TPIR, I see some of those kinds of things, too.
susan.e.a.c over 10 years ago
Who thought that Rosa had no idea what her uncle did at all?
seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Rosa: “Before I decide to throw away my chance for a degree at Yale to go to South America instead, I need to know – just where is your clinic?”Uncle: “Peru. I thought you knew that.”Rosa: “And who do you treat?”Uncle: “Patients. I don’t treat anyone who isn’t a patient here.”Rosa: “And what do you do for them?”Uncle: “Whatever medical procedure they come to me for.”Rosa: “OK, That’s all I needed to know. I’ll start packing right away.”Uncle: “Since you know absolutely nothing about me and what I do, how did you get this number?”Rosa: “I Googled for doctors in Peru with your name, and I found this phone number. It’s funny, but the ‘Aragones Clinic of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery’ sounds almost as if you’re a plastic surgeon, ha ha ha! Well, bye now.”Uncle (after hang-up): “Yale? Just how much money did my brother offer them to accept that idiot, anyway?”
James Connell over 10 years ago
Holy Beep – seismic-2 (and many, many others) seem to think that this strip should follow all the natural laws of science… get a grip folks – it’s the funnies – not real life. Enjoy the situation, not the minutiae of plausibility. I don’t believe the comment sections are a substitute for an episode of Mythbusters.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
As I have said before, all part of the “human experience”. You live and you learn. the character of Rosa is going on 18, and the saying “the more you know, the more you need to know’” would apply. She isn’t a dummy, and she is pretty mature for someone her age. But the experiences that come along teach us as we go. Even at 40, 50, and beyond, people learn every day. Just some of us won’t “own up” to it, heh, heh!
gromit82 over 10 years ago
Is it realistic that Rosa might not have known in the past what her uncle’s medical practice was like? Yes.
But is it realistic that Rosa would not have found out what her uncle’s medical practice was like before traveling thousands of miles to a foreign country to go work for him? No.
I also question why Rosa’s uncle would have been willing to have Gunther work for him, when Gunther obviously doesn’t speak Spanish. He can’t answer the phone, because most of the calls are going to be coming from Spanish speakers, and he’s going to have a hard time with data entry, too.
If Gunther and Rosa wanted to have jobs answering the phone and doing data entry in a medical office, I’m sure they could have found work like that back home in the U.S., but they probably wouldn’t have skipped college to do that.
jemgirl81 over 10 years ago
@ReallyBad2: That should be interesting. About Crystal and Knute hanging with Luann at the CC.
ZBicyclist Premium Member over 10 years ago
Maybe the attraction for Tio is to have English speakers to build up his medical tourism business?
Scorchwave over 10 years ago