Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for June 03, 2016
Rat: Your furniture doesn't come with a list of all the people who worked on putting it together. Nor do your shoes. Or your shirt. Or your car. Or your carpet. Goat: So? Rat: So why do movies? Goat: Sometimes you stump even me. Rat: Attention: Gaffers...I do not need your name!
BE THIS GUY over 8 years ago
I once worked as an extra on a movie — no credit.
Sherlock Watson over 8 years ago
I would like to see the following in a list of credits::Key Grip . . . THUMB AND INDEX FINGER
aardvarkseyes over 8 years ago
Contractual obligation.
Ragtime78rpm over 8 years ago
That’s a good start. Next: how about not hearing from actors who seem to feel their opinions about whatever must be listened to – and acted upon – when they actually have no qualifications whatsoever about the subject at hand.
cdgar over 8 years ago
My feelings exactly. Name the stars and principal supporting actors. Nobody gives a flying flick about the rest of the ‘credits’ that are tacked onto the end of a movie. Waste of cellulose acetate.
i_am_the_jam over 8 years ago
“Gaffer (What’s a gaffer?)” – Airplane“Best boy – [some name]Worst boy – Adolf Hitler” – Also from Airplane
jackhs over 8 years ago
Sometime I do want to see the credits/cast. But those are the times they go by so fast or are obscured.
nossmf over 8 years ago
Cracks me up when news shows start asking actors political questions, as if they’re somehow more in the know than the rest of us bozos…
Kristiaan over 8 years ago
He’s got a point.
LeftCoastKen Premium Member over 8 years ago
I’ve been sayin’ that for years…
BE THIS GUY over 8 years ago
Just a face in the crowd.
Alexander the Good Enough over 8 years ago
My all-time fav: In the middle of the crawl at the end of The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert was the line “This Space Available………..Your Name Here.”
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
I like to see the kind of old-fashioned cast list that gave the name of actor plus character played (as in a stage playbill), both at the beginning and again at end of the movie. Otherwise, writer and director are enough for me. In some recent films (especially those with a lot of CGI) the end-credit roll is nearly ten minutes long!
juicebruce over 8 years ago
Everyone needs there 10 seconds of fame :-)
water_moon over 8 years ago
My kids have a game, they try to count how many people have their name or names of family (makes waiting to the bonus scenes more bearable.). We’ve notice that recently a bunch of movies include “production babies” that is a list of kids born to the people working on the movie. I am not making this up, to be in the movie credits, you just need to be born at the right time. Presumably to a parent who has to neglect you to get the film wrapped up.
Egrayjames over 8 years ago
No Rats were hurt in the production of today’s comic strip.
Chad Cheetah over 8 years ago
My brother are fans of both Star Wars and Marvel movies. We’ve learned that if you’re seeing a Marvel movie, you wait until the credits are over, because there’s always post-credits scenes.When we went to see THE FORCE AWAKENS in December, my brother made us wait through all the credits, thinking there would be an extra scene. Our reward for all that waiting? The BAD ROBOTS logo.We had a good laugh.
pschearer Premium Member over 8 years ago
“Inspected by No. 17”
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago
I watch old movies on TCM and the credits list is about 10 or 12 names long. Mostly director and actors. Now we know who cleans the toilets.
jeffiekins over 8 years ago
The movie we saw last night credited 3 tax credit consultants!
pschearer Premium Member over 8 years ago
My favorite is when they credit the UNIX system administrator.
CAD_IL over 8 years ago
Mind blown.
æ² over 8 years ago
The movie industry is probably the most self-congratulatory line of profession there is. It’s not just the credits, it’s the awards shows and everything else.
just-ducky over 8 years ago
I’m amused that right above this comic is the words “by Stephan Pastis”
Thakrij over 8 years ago
Why not spend those minutes sat comfortably listening to the closing music whilst everybody else queues in the aisles and on the stairs?
Kaputnik over 8 years ago
I generally watch credits all the way to the end, just in case they tack on any little scene or joke, as they sometimes do. Admittedly, I don’t care who the gaffer was, or the best boy. Not even sure what gaffing is. And does the second best boy every feel jealous?
OGWhatahunk over 8 years ago
Kaputnik over 8 years ago
“We’re glad that your film was well staffed.”Said the rat with a sneer, and he laughed.“But we could just assume,Someone handled the boom,And what does it matter who gaffed?”
Max Starman Jones over 8 years ago
It’s also at the front of movies: “Smith Films present a Smith Films Production; in association with Jones Worldwide Enterprises; Produced by Brown and White, under the supervision of Williams Films…..and on and on and on…”
John Allen Premium Member over 8 years ago
Also do we need to know the people who drew the cartoon? Really, that is so unimportant.
RedRock2512 over 8 years ago
Believe it or not, it’s because a movie is an art form, and everyone who works on a movie is an artist in some form or another. Your discussion reinforces the need to point out that there is more to making a movie than a director and actors. A few seconds acknowledgement at the end of the movie is a small price for the audience to pay to realize that.
It’s also what we do in the performing arts (theatre, dance, etc…).
So if you have a problem with reading the credits leave when they start to roll. Otherwise why not marvel at the incredible number of artists it takes to create the entertainment you just experienced (and paid a pittance to watch).
Ermine Notyours over 8 years ago
The credits are accompanied by music, which gives the people cleaning the theater something to listen to.
angelfiredragon over 8 years ago
I’d prefer at the end a link to a website to list everyone that worked on the movie.
kaffekup over 8 years ago
It’s part of their compensation. And they may get another job if people in the industry liked what they did or need someone who worked on a good movie. And I like the old movies showing the character with the actor’s name. I don’t always catch the character’s name during the movie.
albzort over 8 years ago
Anybody who’s interested in the crew can look it up on IMDB, rather than spending time watching the end credits.
Best credits every: Monty Python and the Holy Grail. They even list the moose trainer, something you rarely see in credits nowadays.
dutchs over 8 years ago
I feel the exact opposite. It takes a small army to make your pictures. Listing them at the end is a token of respect. If you don’t like the end credits, leave.
Ginny Premium Member over 8 years ago
Not a thing. Yet another good reason not to aggrandize actors (if you can call Schwarzegger an actor!).
Ragtime78rpm over 8 years ago
“Believe it or not, it’s because a movie is an art form”
Art form? “Plan 9 From Outer Space?” “Battlefield Earth?” “Superman IV?” “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians?” “The Last Airbender?”
ChessPirate over 8 years ago
I also check through the end credits for scenes, jokes, and especially out-takes. Even bad movies can have hilarious out-takes.
mgrossberg over 8 years ago
Nobody’s making you watch the end credits.
danketaz Premium Member over 8 years ago
Cm’on Rat . Even you wouldn’t mind being credited as Best Boy.
Saddenedby Premium Member over 8 years ago
i guess it is kind of like the comments on this strip daily – if you liked the strip you might comment and then read the other comments and shake your head at some of them as to what were they thinking/typing?if you didn’t like the strip you might or might not read the comments. etc.most of the comments i think are to see ‘our alter ego’ show up somewhere so we have or at least think we have importance of some kind.i often wonder if the NSA checks our comments like they do everything else we do?????just wondering. really not paranoid, really! wait is that men in black coming up the walkway??? NOOOOOOOOO!
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 8 years ago
And he said, “There will be no money involved, but when you die, on your death bed, you will receive total consciousness.” So I’ve got that going for me.
knight1192a over 8 years ago
There was a time centuries ago when bakeries had each individual baker in the bakery have to stamp their baked goods so folks would know just who made them so they knew who to blame when something was bad. Course baked goods like cakes didn’t get stamped since the were a batter when they went into the oven.
Nuliajuk over 8 years ago
I did like seeing the craft services company on one Australian production. “Hel’s Kitchen” is a great name for a catering company.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 8 years ago
That would be because they are all “Artiists”, and just better people than us common folk.
Phatts over 8 years ago
As for those of you griping about actors offering political opinions – I guess the names “Ronald Reagan” and “Arnold Schwarzenegger” don’t mean anything to you, huh?Yah, they prove the point!
toahero almost 8 years ago
Maybe it should. It would give people pause before throwing stuff away.
chassimmons Premium Member over 5 years ago
You can see this comic’s not a movie — it violates the 180 degree rule.
LOAFY about 4 years ago
Same with books.
LOAFY about 4 years ago
I guess manual labor just isn’t given it’s due respect.