Pelican: It’s beak can hold more than its belly can.
I watch the pelicans at the beach. At first glance, they seem to be ungainly birds. However, for all our technology, we have yet to develop a dive-bombing, submersible aircraft.
They circle around about 30-50 feet in the air until they see lunch and then make a vertical dive into the water impacting it at approximately 30 mph.
I am trying to imagine what it would be like to faceplant into salt water at 30 mph. Supposedly, like most birds, they have hollow bones. Why they don’t fracture under the impact strains my thought process as an engineer.
Occasionally God gets it right. It’s 5:30a in San Diego, CA, USA as I write this and the song birds are in full chorus. They are my favorite alarm clock.
The biggest joke is Homo Sapiens. After 4 BILLION years of earth’s existence, we’ve destroyed the place in a few thousand years. MOSTly in the last few hundred. One of those jokes that’s reallllly not very funny…
“I believe our Heavenly Father invented man because he was disappointed in the monkey. I believe that whenever a human being, of even the highest intelligence and culture, delivers an opinion upon a matter apart from his particular and especial line of interest, training and experience, it will always be an opinion of so foolish and so valueless a sort that it can be depended upon to suggest our Heavenly Father that the human being is another disappointment and that he is no considerable improvement upon the monkey.”
Just remember: A wonderful bird is the pelican,His bill will hold more than his belican,He can take in his beakEnough food for a weekBut I’m damned if I see how the helican!
C over 2 years ago
It isn’t?
oldpine52 over 2 years ago
How do you think the platypus feels?
Enter.Name.Here over 2 years ago
God (or Nature) tries every combination possibility. You should see the species that didn’t make the cut.
The web-footed, beaver-tailed duck-bill Platypus barely made it under the wire. ;-)
angelolady Premium Member over 2 years ago
Not a joke. He simply has a great sense of humor.
Wilde Bill over 2 years ago
No. The jokes are all down here.
Asharah over 2 years ago
God has a sense of humor
dcdete. over 2 years ago
Would that someone’s name up there who thinks that is a joke be Mason or Mick Mastroianni? Well guess what. You are right. It’s darn funny.
Doug K over 2 years ago
The same could be asked/said about the person you see in the mirror.
Doug K over 2 years ago
Just read a devotional today.
It reminded me that “All God’s Creatures Got a Place in the Choir”
Milady Meg over 2 years ago
“Let’s ask that spotted cow with the super long neck and antenna. Oh wait. All that neck and no vocal cords.”
scote1379 Premium Member over 2 years ago
sandpiper over 2 years ago
Not necessary to go that far back. Just look around and then look in the mirror.
preacherman Premium Member over 2 years ago
As has been said, the gods are laughing. It’s nice to know that God has a sense of humor.
Purple People Eater over 2 years ago
A hairy bird with wingless feathers, and a walking trash can. Sounds like a joke to me.
dflak over 2 years ago
Pelican: It’s beak can hold more than its belly can.
I watch the pelicans at the beach. At first glance, they seem to be ungainly birds. However, for all our technology, we have yet to develop a dive-bombing, submersible aircraft.
They circle around about 30-50 feet in the air until they see lunch and then make a vertical dive into the water impacting it at approximately 30 mph.
I am trying to imagine what it would be like to faceplant into salt water at 30 mph. Supposedly, like most birds, they have hollow bones. Why they don’t fracture under the impact strains my thought process as an engineer.
William Bednar Premium Member over 2 years ago
That “someone up there” knows the “whole thing” is a joke.
car2ner over 2 years ago
God in His wisdom made the Fly and then forgot to tell us why…Ogden Nash
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Let’s go ask the platypus. She knows everything.
mckeonfuneralhomebx over 2 years ago
Evolution created my wife….and she is a real piece of work….
Bruce1253 over 2 years ago
Occasionally God gets it right. It’s 5:30a in San Diego, CA, USA as I write this and the song birds are in full chorus. They are my favorite alarm clock.
blakerl over 2 years ago
OK who did this? was it the art department or the writers? Or was it the disgruntled guys in Prepress?
IWannaBeLerxst over 2 years ago
The biggest joke is Homo Sapiens. After 4 BILLION years of earth’s existence, we’ve destroyed the place in a few thousand years. MOSTly in the last few hundred. One of those jokes that’s reallllly not very funny…
Daltongang Premium Member over 2 years ago
“I believe our Heavenly Father invented man because he was disappointed in the monkey. I believe that whenever a human being, of even the highest intelligence and culture, delivers an opinion upon a matter apart from his particular and especial line of interest, training and experience, it will always be an opinion of so foolish and so valueless a sort that it can be depended upon to suggest our Heavenly Father that the human being is another disappointment and that he is no considerable improvement upon the monkey.”
― Mark Twain
raybarb44 over 2 years ago
I’m sure that He had some fun making His plans. He did create us didn’t He……
andersjg Premium Member over 2 years ago
On the seventh day God walked away laughing.
mindjob over 2 years ago
God admitted he made avocado pits too big
Buckeye67 over 2 years ago
Just remember: A wonderful bird is the pelican,His bill will hold more than his belican,He can take in his beakEnough food for a weekBut I’m damned if I see how the helican!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 2 years ago
No one makes it. It just has to do with evolutionary niches.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 2 years ago
Evolution is the rule. Surviving it is the exception.
Bruce1253 over 2 years ago
Remember the goal of the earth is life. It doesn’t have to be human. We are not special.
edeloriea14 over 2 years ago
The pelican has a huge beak for scooping fish.
hagarthehorrible over 2 years ago
Well, the elongated beak is for gulping down the fishes. You are in the wrong terrain.