Going to break a long standing personal rule because I’d actually like to see some discussion over the weekend on a matter that I’m actually quite curious about. Over the past couple of months, I’ve received a number of emails and comments from readers about Mr. A. Marx, esq.. some positive and some just as certainly not. And almost all of the negative comments pertaining to Marx hinge upon this notion that somehow, in some way, he violates the rules of this weird little world I’ve created in my overactive noggin. Suffice to say (because it’ll have to), Marx does not break the rules.. If anything, Marx embodies the rules of this world.. and he has limitations and boundaries just like any of the characters. However, it would spoil the story immensely if I were simply to come out and state what those limitations are and why they are. The approach I’ve taken to telling the story of Endtown from the very beginning is one of discovery, where door after door is being opened as you’re being dragged down a dark hallway.. And like life, what’s revealed can be funny, or sad, or frightening.. and, also like life, if you stick with it, you’ll ultimately experience all of it, again and again.. just maybe not necessarily in the order or quantity you’d have preferred. But why.. and this is what I’m curious about.. would someone believe that an author has made a mistake if he or she introduces elements into a story that a reader didn’t see coming? Has rote foreshadowing become so much a part of our storytelling traditions that anything that isn’t telegraphed in ages in advance is automatically seen as some kind of slip up? It doesn’t bother me as I can only tell this story in the way I know how.. but, as I said, the matter makes me curious. You tell me, folks.. :-)
@Aaron NeatheryI’m totally sold on the way the Endtown story has unfolded. I realize Marx doesn’t fit everyone’s notion of what a character should be or do. Marx has opened us up to new concepts and ideas. It is your story. I am enjoying it immensely. Keep it up!
@Aaron Neathery: I went back and read from the beginning. The “flower” that Gustine finds is an element of fantasy, with the conclusion that she chooses Albert to live. That said, I am so intrigued by Marx, I’d rather enjoy his exploits than condemn them. Authors are the “god” of their works, I agree. The only rule is “there are no rules.” You have one of the best comics going. To bring out so much emotion is talent. I care about “your” people, whether I dislike or like them. To bring out Flask’s many sided personality flies in the face of the one or two dimensional “types” in so many comics (and, dare I say books). You are a master. Lead on!
Hmmm… I am wondering something about our friend Aaron Marx. I was curious about something so I went back and looked at the September 6, 2012 panel one showing Flask’s human lover, again. I then looked at the next days panel one showing Marx in the same pose. Then back to the 6th. Hmm… Notice anything about that profile?Could it be… Could Marx be Petey maybe from a different time line? Flask said that the bio-suits put up images for the person inside, so she never really saw what he looked like with her own eyes, only what the suit showed her, also with the Dittos Marx can make himself look like anything he want’s. We all assume that Petey is the human Flask fell in love with because he called her Blackie, but is that proof? Could Marx have messed with the programming of his brain? Possibly put in the Blackie as a way to throw off Flask? Am I over thinking this?
Cool, he’s a walker above the maze! One of the children of the Goddess who plucks souls from this life, preps them for the next and returns them to the maze of life to continue their journey of enlightenment in a new form. I’m glad he removed her cancer (hate) and sent her onward. May her next life be a long and happier one.
@Aaron NeatheryMarx adds a new dimension (pun intended) to an already interesting plot. What great book or movie is not without surprise elements appearing in the plot?
Anyway…I’m guessing this is the wrapup, and we’ll get back to Wally and Holly, or Albert and Gustine, or maybe somebody we haven’t yet met, sometime soon…
AN: No joking, I just think it’s the sense that AM constitutes too much of a deus ex machina. We haven’t seen enough about his limitations at this point, so it seems as if he’s there to get you out of a corner you’ve painted youself into, even if we can’t see that corner.
Dear Aaron – I recently finished a novel, and have another in the works. I read a lot of information about the writing process. Many successful, commercial authors live by the rule, “all elements must be introduced early in the story. The reader should be pleasantly surprised when something unexpected happens, because she had an inkling of it, herself.”But yes, that’s a bit formulaic to me. What seems more important is to not introduce anything that knocks the reader out of the story. And you keep us deeply entrenched, and invested, in your world and its amazing inhabitants.Thank you.
A side note, I was excited to find a new Jeff Smith graphic novel at the library. The author of the “Bone” series! Have to admit to being a bit disappointed by it. Also, very disappointed that your work isn’t heralded as highly.
To Mr. NeatheryStill face down in the band pit but now fully awake. You have taken me on a journey to parts I thought were lost. I have posted here both the funny crazy and serious deep. YOU brought this out of me. I am such a prisoner that I have now joined the other side and do not want to go back. Marx is one of those rare characters that one sees once in a lifetime. You have proven that this world of Endtown is probably the most facinating creations ever done. As is said on the intro on the side of the GoComic site. This is the story of just one part. One part not the whole. This is not just Endtown. It is the Endtown UNIVERSE. You keep this up let not any critic change your course. Keep your focus and drive. You may loose some and you may gain some but the faithful will continue to follow. I for one will follow this where ever you take it.I feel that you have wrapped up Volume Three. I wait sitting in the front row like a kid waiting for the matinee to start.BRING IT. I CAN TAKE IT!And will love every minute of it.(I still think Holly is pregnant. Hehe)
Flask, almost evil, from bitterness over the loss of her love.
Petey – Brilliant, yet how much of his former self, without memory, without recognition of his love, can he be?
Marx, who is he? He knows so much more, and has shown endless love and forgiveness for Flask, nudging her back from a peaceful rest. Is this a divine intervention, or the other half of her lost love, secretly watching and protecting what goodness is left?
@Aron NeatheryContinue on as tyou have. As others have commentated, what rules are there supposed to be in a comic strip? All of us like the way the story continually unfolds. Even the naysayers take the time to e-mail you to remark on the story. Unpredicitibility is good for the sourl
OMG! On Monday Flask wakes up in Petey2b’s arms and BOBBY STEPS OUT OF THE SHOWER! Only it wasn’t a dream, it’s a REBOOT! Just kidding… what do I know? This is Aaron’s story remember… ;-)
PS: and Veteran, I think old soldiers and sailors must have something in common. That idea of yours about Holly occured to me as well…
Let’s recap:Flask had actually succeeded in her plan to bring the airship within range of the Topsider outpost so they could stupidly fry themselves (later to be thwarted by Marx doing his dimension thing). Meaning that the ship originally did belong to some other captain, who may or may not have been a Lucranian. Flask might have had to kill the Lucranian captain in order to get control of the ship, or maybe he’d done what Marx had, and left the password cleared. Which means that the air ship really did sense that Flask’s PT was scrap and therefore salvageable. The ship would have used its own dittos for cover and a distraction, and it rescued the mutants by accident, the first time around.So, the deus ex machina stuff on the ship (primarily the bit with Wally and Holly flying into the props) was just part of Marx’s plan to keep them distracted until Flask could successfully hijack the ship. While he may have powers, he’s been using them all along in conjunction with the plotline specifically to get Flask to lower her defenses and admit her mistakes.Which means that when Flask died the first time, her “cancer” had made it to the recycling bin and threatened to pollute the reincarnated souls following her. So, Marx isn’t “god” – he’s just a maintenance worker at the recycle center, changing out the air filters.
I like it the way you have been taking it. This is not Russian Lit where you have to check the front of the book to find out which character is using which alias.This week I have been trying to speculate, is this more reminiscent of the end of Hesse’s Steppenwolf, or is Marx some similar character to Castañeda’s shaman Yaqui Indian Don Juan.The reason I cite the Yaqui shaman Don Juan, is Castañeda claimed Don Juan showed Castañeda how everything was connected in this world, and used threads of connected illumination to demonstrate this principle. Of course, peyote was involved, and Castañeda used a blunt instrument to try to describe the principle of Oneness extant in the universe.
To one and all;I have her now forever as I chose to remember her. I received Blind Date today.I am now trying to hold back the tears.Remembering all that has transpired both in their world and in this one. This is the way I chose to remember Flask.She is not gone. It is time for another chapter to begin.One story closes and one opens.An end becomes a beginning.So it is with life.As I posted before:I am a child again sitting in the front row waiting for the matinee to begin.Enough said.Peace OutI Love You All. That was Aaron Marx message upon release.(Including TSOJ, you cad)
To DADOF3You know I had the same feeling about the Dallas Bobby steps out theme also.We do think alike!GREAT MINDS DO!Lets start a chant.HOLLY WALLY HOLLY WALLY HOLLY WALLYoh and Petey too. Even if he is still confused.Thanks I needed a pickme up and a cappucino. On my way now to get Blind Date framed and pick up a cappucino.Ice cream and Chocolates for all.TSOJ is buying!!!!!!!
There are a lot of things we take for granted that would seem like deus ex machinas to others. Not science sufficiently advanced, but occupations sufficiently other than their own that they are incomprehensible. I do things as a techie that boggle the minds of my clients, and they do things that boggle my mind. We seem like magicians to each other, but it’s all mechanics behind the curtain. Just because Marx can do mind-boggling things doesn’t mean he’s great and powerful. We just don’t see the tricks behind his “magic” yet. It’s all humbug.
To comment on yesterdays strip(You are going to love it!)Marx is Tidy bowl man and Flask is a Scrubbing Bubble.Thought about that all night while face down in the band pit.
I have to giggle at the idea that if an author names someone his or her name it has to be him or her. If I used my real name (Hope Good) no one would believe it was real. I couldn’t have made that up. On to number two: Fiction does have to have some rules in it’s own context. A friend once told me fiction writing is easy because you can make it up. There are no rules and yet there are, or we could not “suspend disbelief.” In Wile E. Coyote’s world you consistently, see him get double take time before gravity takes him off the cliff to end in a little poof of cloud, only to come back. It’s still consistent. Though with characters it’s fun to sometimes turn them around. Number 3: comment about the dark side, when we all got into Flask’s tortured mind a little: we all have the dark side. You don’t have to experience these things to find them. Authors go there all the time and come out sane. Otherwise all of the mystery writers would be murderers! Number four: Great posts and also: If you can’t do something yourself, go easy on the critiques. Giggle. Such as those who “can’t do, teach.” I don’t believe that, but I hope you all get the point. Grin.
After I first discovered Endtown a few months ago I went back and over the course of 2 days read from the beginning up to current. It’s a masterfully told story that is ever evolving.
I edit and proofread sci-fi/fantasy novels for a writer friend and the attraction of her work is the same as it is for Endtown, that being, unpredictability.
Characters such as A. Marx add a certain spice to the overall story and as such they keep readers guessing. This is a good thing when creating an entire world filled with diverse characters.
Predictability in a serial story lends to stagnation which usually is the cause of its demise.
Your world, your characters, your creation. Please continue leading us down this path with twists and turns when we least expect them.
I think some people read Marx as a Deus Ex Machina, and are thus turned off by what they perceive to be cheap storytelling. However, that’s an overly simplistic and wholly inaccurate stance, as Aaron Marx is no deus ex; rather, he’s an integral part of the characters’ lineage, complete with a shared history, and operating within bounds. He’s not truly omnipotent, omniscient, imminent, or transcendent, so he doesn’t fit any of the qualifications of a god (or God). He’s another fascinating and entertaining addition to the story.
The problem with Marx, from this reader’s point of view, is that he reduces my emotional commitment to the other characters. Neathery is a very skilled writer who has made me care deeply about Holly, Wally, and the others. When they’ve seemed to be in danger, I’ve worried about them like they were real people. Now, though, I may be more inclined to think to myself “this isn’t something to worry about; Marx will come up with some ability and get them out of it.”
That’s why rules and foreshadowing are beneficial. Not because of literary tradition, but because the rules define the world that we’re reading about. The only way the readers know that a character’s back is against the wall is if we know where the walls are.
This is not meant to be criticism but rather just affectionate observations. I love Endtown thoroughly; it’s one of the true treasures of GoComics, and I’m grateful to Neathery for soliciting feedback.
I (like some others) am beginning to think Marx is also Petey (if Petey) is actually Flasks’s lost love. The Marx we first met is NOT the man who would tell someone they loved them. If there are multiple Marxes then maybe the Endtown Marx was captured and rescued by Flask. Maybe he was recaptured and became Petey. Or…maybe he discovered he could hop dimensions the same night Flask changed and he fell out of time. By the time he could make his way back to Endtown-time Flask had become “the destroyer”. It would explain why he wanted to know what happened—the vulnerable woman Marx had fallen in love with had become something quite different when Marx found her again. Just guessing as usual.
Alright, I am officially creating the “Deus ex Machina” Fan Club. IMHO this crazy world could use a lot more D.E.M.s! I plan to install AM as Honorary President for Life. Hands up all of you who want to be members! ;-) .PS: Address for mailing dues checks to follow.
My personal take on Aaron Marx is that he has escaped from the Q Continuum, I could be wrong though. (grin)You gotta admit, there are some similarities. Just saw a STtNG book with Doctor Who in it. ??? OK, NOW I have seen everything.
Aaron Neathery, Your character, Aaron Marx is certainly not you, nor represents you. He is a part of you like all your other characters. Very few of them don’t show a depth to their personalities that doesn’t generate some empathy for their position. Technically (forgive me, I’m an engineer) he has shown to be limited by the direction of time, if not space. He has the empathic ebility to heal like the one character in the first Start Trek series ( don’t remember the title) and therefore that leaves the transformation of Flask from where she was when she landed in that dimensionless void (Does time exist there? That could be an allowable exception.) to the sphere that represents what she is now in the current position in the story that doesn’t make sense to me. How can that happen? You know, and that’s all that matters. Any guesswork on my part or anyone else is both unimportant and moot. I’m enjoying what you do in this tale, especially this arc, and have not been disappointed with any part of it. Like many other submissions, I add my voice to theirs, “Thank you, Aaron Neathery”.
Since we’re talking about who Aaron Marx reminds us of, for some odd reason (because I’ve never read Lord of the Rings) I think of Tom Bombadil. Don’t ask…I can’t explain why. I just think strange thoughts.
I came up with a good Jethro Tull line to this saga.“Locomotive Breath”He hears the silence howlingcatches angels as they fallAnd the all time winnerhas got him by the ballsHe picks up Gideons BibleOpen at page 1God has stole the handle and the train won’t stop goingNo way to slow down.
“Wond’ring Aloud”Wond’ring aloud….. how we feel todayLast night sipped the sunset,my hands in her hair. We are our own saviours as we start both our hearts beating life into each other.Wond’ring aloud….. will the years treat us well.As she floats in the kitchen, I’m tasting the smell of toast as the butter runs.Then she comes, spilling crumbs on the bed and I shake my head.AND IT"S ONLY THE GIVING THAT MAKES WHAT YOU ARE.
Just to interrupt my post in progress, I too thought Marx might have been Deus Ex Machina, but thinking back to my very little theater experience, Deus Ex Machina was supposed to be ridiculous. At the moment of greatest peril, this ridulous contraption would be pushed, pulled, lowered, or raised to the stage with ropes, chains and or pulleys. Deus ex Machina = God from the machine. D E M is supposed to be folly, or ridiculous, or even whimsical. The day Marx arrived in Endtown (Homecoming) was July 25 our time, but maybe a day of their time. His first words were complimenting residents on their attire. A squirrel in a hat, a lizard in a sports coat, ".. AND .. OH FOR CUTE!! RATS WITH LITTLE GUNS He certainly was hilarious enow for Deus Ex Machina.But Marx does have a glaring limitation. He has a short attention span. He really has not been with Holly, Wally, Petey and Flask (and Linda too) but a couple or a few days. It just seems so much longer because we have been so involved with the story of a master storyteller and artist for so long in our weeks or months. Homecoming was July 25 (I wish I could have bought that one, but settled for making it my homepage featured comic here at gocomics.
Aaron Marx got more than he wanted or bargained for.He was a curious little boy playing in a big world. It was all fun and games.Cute critters, danger, excitement, missiles, drama.Then it got real.He pulled aside his favorite character who he knew little about and opened the box closed by only a thin wire by asking WHY?The answer to forever change him.Deus Ex Machina?No…. now a curious little boy forced lovingly into being a man witnessing that horrible side of a world he thought was fun.Deus Ex Machina, God, Supreme being, or not.He grew up. He learned. He will still have fun but will view through forever changed eyes.Analysis complete.It is time to move on.
I had a lengthy commentary on several things, but goComics glitched for a few minutes and, much like Flask, they went somewhere else. They’ll keep for awhile, anyway, before I nerve myself up to recreate them sometime this weekend—-unless they magically reappear
To GuiltyBystanderLed Zeppelin wrote it into a song.Ramble OnMines a tale that can’t be told, my freedom I hold dear.How years ago in days of old when Magic filled the air.T’was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair.But Gollum and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her.The Lady Galadriel and Isildur the ancestor of Aragon, future king of Gondor.
That story is in the The Silmarillion.It is a heartbreaker.Isildur is pinned to wall. Total darkness. Fear grips him. He sees a light in the distance. It gets closer and brighter. It is the Lady Galadriel who sees him. Feels pity and love then sets him free. But he looses her in Mordor never to find her again.
@Aaron NeatheryIt’s the reader who makes a mistake thinking about it :) when an author comes up with an idea, he/she is always right, noone else can decipher his/her style enough to say that he could do better :L
To all I am back.Shame on you Mr. Neathery making a grown big tuff old Texas Highway patrolman cry. Ahhhhh shoot. Its okay. It means I am still alive and have feelings.To RobertNorwallYOU TOO!I find myself sitting on the edge of the bed. My wife softly breathing next to me thinking wowee.Remember the Rowing Song of our Youth.Row Row Row your boat.Gently down the stream.Merrily Merrily MerrilyLIFE IS BUT A DREAM.It is a beautiful dream.To Flask I will say Au Revoir. Never goodbye. To Marx I will say Its your world. Welcome to it.To the author who’s beautiful work I now have being framed.BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!And please “May I have some more?”
Go home time.Keep the rubber side down. Slow down and drive safe. Be courtious to others. Give you and yours a hug. Say Hi to a stranger. Pet a dog or stroke a cat. Above all be kind. Be safe. Guard those who need protection. Defend the weak. Stand against oppression. Never Never sell your life cheap. Make em pay dearly for it. In other words. Be Human.
I got called back to the office for a few minutes I think you all need something to cheer you all up.Go over to the Auction Site.Click on Blind Date ( I know I have her but)(Hehe, but)Think of these lines while looking at it.Prof Mallard “Where can I get a drink around here.”Flask “I thought this date was with Daniel Craig.”
I think you are doing just fine also. Personally I like it when a story doesn’t follow a set path, one of the reasons I read is to discover new ways of looking at things.
A story that follows all of the standard foreshadowing is like eating comfort food, its good but predictable. I enjoy trying new dishes…and stories. Makes life interesting.
I can honestly say you have a very interesting story and I can’t wait to see where it leads next.
Another new thought: on a topsider transporter being close enough to hear Flask called “Blackie”—-well, from what we’ve heard, they obviously talk to each other, and if that one were an incorrigible gossip, well, maybe, all the transporters now know about it.
“Has rote foreshadowing become so much a part of our storytelling traditions that anything that isn’t telegraphed in ages in advance is automatically seen as some kind of slip up?”Yes. Yes it has.
Which is why those of us who still want a good story flock to things like end town.
hmm.. i was going to comment on how marx actually has back story if you read aarons earlier comics, but i realized that he said this was supposed to be separate from the earlier comics, i also noticed a lot of the side characters are in the earlier comics..
@surfstuff55As best as I understand, it is only the brain with electrodes directly planted in it that Flask saw. It is because of PT2B asking “Blackie?” that she assumed (right or wrong) the occupant was the one she loved. It also explains what Petey pulled out of the other PT and put in the old cooler that is keeping Linda company.BTW, I do wonder how they get nutrition when they are just a mind and how the one in the cooler is staying alive with nothing connected to it, but that’s a detail that’s unimportant to the story (as yet). It’s kind of like Travis in the jar in the Scary Gary strip.
I can’t help feeling, at times, that I am wandering through Endtown, myself, watching the characters find their way in this world.Foreshadowing can be done well. I think a lot of authors mustn’t know how to do it because of the comments here. Foreshadowing can also just be a red herring, too. Methinks the group of commenters think it’s overused. I find the comments interesting from the writer in me, not simply the consumer. Three comments in one day is a record from me. Are we there yet? 208?
Neathery has the perfect right to tell the story as he chooses. However, the issue here is whether the story is told well. It’s in the public domain, and by that score it’s fair game to be measured by readers and critics.I personally think the narration stands up without a fault, and I think most professional reviewers would be positive. That doesn’t mean people can’t discuss it and have a variety of opinions. And it doesn’t mean some people cannot like the work as a whole but have queries about one or two elements.I’d like to make a few points that haven’t been covered well, this time around:Endtown could be considered a series of novels. If Aaron Marx first appears in novel number four, and occupies the whole of the novel from beginning to end, I see no problem that he was not foreshadowed in novels number on, two or even three. Aaron Marx was not created as a character at the moment he appeared in Endtown. He has his own stories that precede Endtown. It’s the same Aaron Marx. He’s passing through. He is NOT Aaron Neathery suddenly appearing as a made-up character. I do not know the actual reason Neathery named this character Aaron, sharing his own first name, but I do know it was a long, long time ago, and he was quite a young man when he did. Daily comic strips always feel slow and long. Aaron Marx may seem as if he’s been here a lot longer than he has, due to the nature of a a web comic. The strips come out as fast as they can be written and drawn, ticking over at the agonising slowness of five per week. Those who read Endtown for the first time in the book form will find that the action sequences where Al and Gustine are being chased move quickly. Sparkplug Sanders’ flashback story, which seemed very long when read at one strip a day, is quite a manageable length in the book. It may feel like Aaron Marx has dominated Endtown for too long, on a daily basis. It won’t feel that long when read at the ‘right’ speed.I don’t know if Aaron Marx CAN bring everyone back from the dead. I do know that he WON’T. That would end the story straight away. Deaths and sadnesses still exist in great number. As they do in our own world. Although the plot and direction of Endtown are constantly being formulated, all major parts of the structure have already been conceived by Neathery. Whether Marx, Flask, Mallard and even the Lucranians, Neathery already knows a lot about them so what they do today will fit with implications of their actions a year from now. This is NOT spur-of-the-moment storytelling.
Aaron,…I wouldn’t worry too much about it, even if you don’t ever get a good indication about why these folks feel the character somehow “fails” to act in a way suitable to the story they believe you are telling…
Essentially, they are creating expectations in their own minds that you will NEVER be able to live up to, no matter how you try… The most that can be hoped for is that, just as they created personal expectations that didn’t fit with this particular choice in character you made, they’ll eventually alter these expectations to once again embrace your storytelling methodology… Either way,…the ball’s in THEIR court, and is really something you can’t do much about without giving away enough spoilers to deprive those who enjoy your methods of the surprises we so crave…
The expectations I personally choose to embrace is; you can never tell what’s really gonna happen next in this comic… And guess what,…I’m betting MOST of your readers like it that way… And, your curiosity about why some others don’t aside,…we’re all hoping you recognize how much we appreciate the way you seem to like to do things..
I think the episode was just called “The Empath”—-and I remember it chiefly because it was, by quite a margin, my least favorite episode of the series. Even though I’ve beein going over a lot of the episodes on recently acquired Blu Ray discs, I continue to avoid that one.
Belatedly redoing some of my “glitched” post—-I think I’ll copy and try pasting if it glitches again. Probably it’ll cover something others have talked about in the above. Probably carry on with a few more comments, too.
On the notion that “Neathery equals Marx”—-well, that Marx shares a first name with Neathery, talks about how people who can draw should make a lot of money, exhibits godlike powers—-it’s not hard for a casual reader to jump to the conclusion that Marx is a “Mary Sue” character, a stand-in for the writer (or cartoonist). Writers do put a good deal of themselves into works.
Even some of Marx’s behavior could play into this—-his wit, his activities, his ability to be in [apparent] control of any situation that arises—-could be said to be Neathery portraying himself as he wants to be, as he would like to be.
On the other hand—-one might take the choice of “Marx” as a last name to indicate a kinship with other Marxes, in particular ones named Groucho, Harpo, and Chico. (There’s Zeppo, who as straight man to the others, wasn’t as funny as the others—-then there’s Karl, who wasn’t funny at all…) One could take that as denying his likeness to his creator…
Well, it posted, so I don’t have to worry about losing it again.
Separate thought on the meaning of Marx saying “I love you”—-Lord knows, there are lots of other kinds of love, and Marx is probably expressing a love that’s not like that of, say, Holly and Wally, or Albert and Gustine.
(On the other hand, he did say she had a caboose that didn’t quit…)
A thought on “mistakes”—-well, it’s wrong to say a writer (or cartoonist) can’t make a mistake. Plot and character are pretty much what the creator wants to do. But things like background and continuity can trip you up—-for instance, the inhabitants of Endtown scramble to feed themselves by gathering up cans of beans, limiting their diet, but still have things like newsprint for the Endtown Examiner when it looks like every last tree on the surface of the Earth is gone. (Are there any trees in Endtown?)
No doubt justification can be made—-and probably will if the point is brought up—-but it’s all in retrospect, like much of the “Star Trek” commentary and justification—-explanations that never occurred to anybody to offer as they were coming up with these odd things.
(Ah, continuity and background…I’ve spotted a couple of things drawn in the background that tell me some of the Endtowners go fishing—-but I don’t know where, or what they’re able to catch.)
“I’ve spotted a couple of things drawn in the background that tell me some of the Endtowners go fishing—-but I don’t know where, or what they’re able to catch.)”They take their rod and reel down to the canal, toss the line in and sit on the bridge. One of the water dwellers swims by, ties an old boot to the hookless line and everyone is happy.
Good morning.Slept good some what fitful thinking about things but good.Where to go? Where to go?Flask is one thing she is from the Endtown Universe.Marx is the question. He started off as a fun loving character much like a kid in a toy box. He was so green. Joking, playing, teasing, observing.Now he is changed forever.He has walked into the mountains and emerged changed. Changed forever.He can never go back to fun loving imp grabbing at new things like a kid in a toy store.His character (I will say it) No longer fits in the Endtown Universe at the Endtown level. His power tips the balance too far. He would be torn between helping Endtowners and not becoming the armageddon of the Topsiders. God On Earth. How would that even work? I feel he can come back, drop in occassionally but a full time character you would be better off with Flask or just moving on. Sweet funeral for Flask. Raise a few glasses of Beer. See Holly and Wally miss her. Even though they fought they would still have a loss. It is one less Endtowner. A loss in its self.Marx I feel must move on. He overshadows. He would not fit in.I thought about this most of the night.It is my opinion and just that.And the fishing. Common human trait.My uncle and I used to go fishing when I was young. He loved to take me because I never complained about not catching a fish. I remember him putting the line in the water and not even baiting the hook. It was the company he enjoyed. He would sit back and tell stories of his life. He lead a full one. Big man almos 7 foot. Hands so big he could hand you a dinner plate by grabbing the edges like you would a coffee cup plate. Gentle giant. Had one child. Saw his wife go through labor and felt so bad seeing go through that he went one is enough. I cant hurt her anymore. He told tales of WWI that raised hairs on you neck. He only told me because I would listen. No judgement or boredom. Just listen then sit next to him to let him know it was okay.Fishing with out bait. As I said a human behavior just to be together.
To me Aaron Marx is quite natural, but I do wonder if he has an opposite number who is unnatural, a Hitleresque topsider who has somehow convinced all of the topsiders that anyone different from them, though sentinent, is fair game for dissection and murder. When you think about it, a topsider mother, child, brother, friend, whatever, can change into a mutant in an instant, and all the love one had for them will instantly disappear.Also wonder if there is someone who is playing both ends against the middle, someone who lives in Endtown and has a way to travel topside without being seen.One of the things that amazes me is that both sides have incredible technology, but they use it for fighting instead of peace. Hydroponics would feed both sides well.
To SuleskarryIt would be nice if they would all work together. It is the entrenched dogma of the Topsiders that hold them apart. The Topsiders are determined to be the final survivors. They are convinced the mutagenic virus is the mutants fault. You have to go back to Vol 2 of Al and Gustine story. You meet a character named Sparkplug. He started all this. He created or learned to control the Aimsworth Radiation effect. Disintegration leaving only dust.They started apparently an arms race. The mutagenic virus appeared on the field. Whether released or an effect of the Aimsworth effect has never been told. There are theories. Released as a pre-emptive strike to counter the Aimsworth device AKA Zero Weapons or a result of the Zero weapons themselves. It has not been stated. This resulted in WWIII. Armageddon was unleased. They missiled their own cities in a panic to stop the mutagenic virus with no success. Exposure to the virus varies according to you. Asleep you become a critter of some sort. Awake horrible monster. In the womb critter. New born awake monster. The Topsiders came out of the rubble with their suits and advanced technology. They blamed everything on the mutants and have begun an extermination project. Genocide. No questions. They kill without remorse or mercy. Even getting kicks out of it. Almost a game. I do not believe they started that way from earlier stories. There seemed to be a soldier mentality that this was necessary so do it quick and clean.But there seems to be a lack of computer control like chips. Topsiders use the heads, brains of those they kill. They are wiped clear of memories and the synapsis set to a function. IE Petey was a transporter but has some residual memory so Blackie was remember Why he did not know but it fit. Threw Flask into her final story.There MUTTS dog like creations with human brain material. No function other than to obey orders.According to a meeting by Prof Mallard Endtown is still some time away from self preservation by grown own food and stuff. They still have to come to the top and search around for food and supplies. A dangerous thing to do when Topsiders are on the patrol looking for mutants.Go back to when Flask found out she destroyed a dummy rocket. Read the quips back and forth between her and a Topsider who I suspect was someone of much importance maybe even the number one guy. The entrenched hatred and drive of the Topsiders is totally evident. This is a battle to the end. Topsiders will not give up until their entrenched dogma is broken. It would take replacing the entire Topsider command and the rest giving up the struggle. Go back to WWII what most people dont remember that there were still Anti-Allied German units still continuing the attack causing terror to nearly 1948. Flask was an exception when she was a Topsider she began to have doubts about what they were doing. She had feelings that conflicted with her Topsider training. This lead to her story. She was an exception to the rule. A high level Topsider with mutant sympathy. It would and did become unacceptable. She was treated differently than other mutants once she became one. Strong story. It would be nice if they could all get together and solve the problem but that I believe in an impossible task. There will be a winner and a loser. There can be no peace until one side wins. But who wins? Look at what the winner gets. A totally destroyed world covered in the dust of all that were killed. It would probably be better to remain underground. The Top would be depressing to me. I would prefer some semblance of normality. Marx appears as a unusual character with some suprizing abilities way beyond anything in Endtown. He fits but does not fit. More power than any. Could end it all in one stroke. Indestructible. Absorbed an blast from a Topsider rocket using Zero technology. Inhales it going Explody like it was a flavor.The discussion has been where to go from here. Does he belong? Should Flask come back. Will Holly have a baby. (HaHa I started that). Monday will come and we shall all see.
To rickDIt was not mutilating it was implanting. Necessary to hook up the required equipment so he could function. Look closely tho there is a bar code on the side of his head. I have seen the bar code on the back of the topsiders Zero pistols and on the MUTTS. It was not until Petey said her nick name Blackie that she even became aware of who he was. This was just another Topside PT unit. No big deal. It says Blackie and all hell breaks loose.His name and face was unimportant to us. I know we would like to know but was it necessary to the story. I enjoyed the fact we did not know. It kept the focus on Flask. It was her story not her lovers.
My private opinion is that even for Aaron’s fantastical world, Marx seems a little too Deux Ex Machina for what has been revealed so far. Seeing Marx in operation reminds me a lot of Dr. Who. Each has apparent knowledge and abilities which seem so far above and beyond that their very existence appears to trivialize everything else.In the Dr.‘s case, that’s fine, the story is about him. But in Marx’s case, it’s not fine because up to now the story has not been about him. Even the knowledge and abilities held by Sparkplug Sanders, arguably the biggest genius in the EndTown universe, appears pale by comparison to what Marx seems to know and be capable of. The only other character introduced so far that seems to violate the currently known universe laws is the Oracle, and quite frankly, there’s been so little interaction with that character that the discrepancy can be chalked up to simply being a plot vehicle.
To Nabu As a former soldier, holder of two silver stars, a bronze star, and the purple heart.I sir Salute YouThat is exactly what I have been saying. Flask went beyond being a soldier.She became a vengeful, sadistic, harden killer and all in the name of LOVE. She was willing to sacrifice any one and every one in her drive to prove her love to her Lover.Payback became very personal.That is why my heart bled for her. My soul torn in so many ways seeing her suffer with no one , no one to help her.That is why her character was so tragic. Salvation was all that Marx could give her. He expected a simple answer. “I did it because I hate them.” type answer.When he heard LOVE enter the equation. I believe that shattered him as it did me. What do you say to that as Marx. LOVE is a good reason to do alot of things but slaughter of innocents? Raises issues on so many levels. Marx did what he could do. He listened neither condemning nor condoning her actions. He let her figure it out. And at the end finally spent of all emotions (like the rest of us) she saw it was wrong. What she had wasted chasing that which could not be recovered.It will be interesting to see where this goes. Yes Flask was an evil kitty. But how far would you go for LOVE?If you were blinded by it. Like I have said Marx was a young boy playing with toys. He asked why not knowing all the story.I dont think he expected the answer he got. Now what can he do? Grow up, be who or whatever he is and give her peace.Now where does he go?That is the question now.I would have loved to see Flask returned someway to make up for all she caused. This I feel would do her alot of good. Sure there are going to be those who thumb their noses at you but the power of saying “I am sorry.” carries weight like nothing else. Forgiveness will usually follow and with it healing. I do not know. I may never know. All I can do now is just be happy she got it all out. I know how that feels. This old soldier salutes you for noticing that fact. I carry my demons and weight and shall do so until I die. But I made a journey like hers. To deepest depths of Hell then stand at the gate and then say not now, not now and return. When some one tells me to go to Hell as an officer. I just smile telling them already been there. Not an issue for me. Been there done that. Still here and the smile.I am kind of glad this journey is over. I was wondering how much more Mr. Neathery was going to put me through.and I am just kidding. I would ride this journey again and again without a complaint. Maybe a tear or two but never complain.
SIGH I do not know if Aaron Neathuery has changed his policy since he began this auction, but under his previous position, original daily strips were available for, I think, $130. So if anyone wanted this gorgeous strip , without risking losing it at auction, you might contact him at aaronneathery@gmail.com. JusSayin
Another stray thought: concerning Marx and his “dimensionometer”—-Marx spoke of infinite variations in the reality spectrum (or somesuch). I think he may have used his gizmo to move from one of these realities to another maybe three times—-(1) when we first saw Wally & Co. “taken down” by the topsiders, only to find they were a ditto illusion, (2) when Wally and Holly got blown out that door on the Opabinia Queen while looking for the bridge, and (3) when the Opabinia Queen got hit by the topsider missiles.
Maybe Marx’s meeting with Flask is a fourth time—-maybe she was alive all along and Marx was just saying she was dead. In which case…maybe he was her lover from before…and maybe he wanted to help her out of the disaster that was her life without killing her…
(Come to think of it, what happened to the Opabinia Queen? Looked like it was hit, then disappeared—-will we ever see it again?)
Wow, lots of talk and debate about the characters, the author, and possible “what if” scenarios. I’d like to return to TODAY’S strip for a moment, where we seem to be saying Goodbye to Flask.
First off, THANK YOU Aaron for showing us Flask’s history. I had always felt (and hoped) that there was so much more to her than a maniacal bloodlust. Whether she’s gone for good or not, she’ll remain one of my favourite characters – there was so much more to her than met the eye!
Secondly, the way that Marx puts her into that stream of other little balls, which I’m guessing are other souls and personalities – Thoughts that think themselves – and the way that the whole mass of them is shooting upwards… Right away, what popped into my head was “Up Up Up, to the Heavy-side layer!” from CATS.
The underlaying story in CATS was the rebirth of Grizabella, after being chosen to the the one Jellicle who would get to go to The Heavy-side Layer. That Flask IS a cat-person, and she’s being reborn (more or less) just made this connection for me. CATS is one of my favourite productions, and ENDTOWN is one of my very favourite comics!
Once again, THANK YOU Aaron for being such an incredible story-teller! I hope we haven’t seen the last of Marx (or Flask, for that matter.)
There has been much speculation here that Aaron Marx is Aaron Neathery placing himself in the story.While Marx may contain elements of the author, including his first name, I think that Wally probably can make as much claim to being Neathery in disquise. In fact, I am sure traits to Aaron N show up in ALL of the Endtown characters (including Flask, Holly, Walt, Mallard, et al). As their sole creator, it cannot be any other way. All are creatures inhabiting the mind of the amazing mind of Neathery. How those character act and react is probably as much the story unfolding there as it is a conscious attempt at plot. That is why I believe that the lack of foreshadowing is actually what makes Endtown closer to real life. We have been subjected to humor, pathos, tragedy, fear, excitement, romance, real emotions. The result is REAL EMOTIONAL REACTION from us, the readers. Despite the knowledge that is only a comic strip, many of us in the Endtown family have had deep emotional and physical responses to the unfolding events. Some to the point of near depression at the lowest points of the story. This intimate involvement with Endtown by the readers is what proves the power and greatness of the story and art of Aaron Neathery. Aaron, please continue to write as you have been. You do the readers a great service because to not exercise our emotions is to lose them.Thank you for what you have given us so far and for what is yet to come.
I take note of all the comments, both those supportive and those probing for weaknesses. Everyone’s say is worthwhile. The fact we are doing this at all means we are taking Endtown seriously.For all the wonder of the world portrayed in the experience, Endtown is still written and drawn by a human being. Remarkably, it’s by a human being who is sometimes working at the limits of endurance.We can look at its strengths and flaws, and we can compare it with the strengths and flaws of works created by other fallible human beings.On balance, in my opinion, the work comes out overwhelmingly in credit.Following Endtown for me has been an experience like being a ball in a pinball machine. I mean that in a good sense.As for the rules of how to tell a story: Rules are for Salieri. You can break them if you’re Mozart.
I must concur with Jenner, JanBic and SurfStuff55. Aaron Neathery continues to create masterworks. In the archives, around August 15-16, when Marx took his leave of Mallard and emerged with Flask, Jenner advised us we were
Aaron has said that time travel doesn’t exist in this world, but he didn’t say he doesn’t use the convention of flashbacks. I’m assuming that this arc is a flashback to before Marx’s meeting with Mallard, and explains his tears and refusal to tell Mallard what happened to Flask. It indicates that Flask isn’t coming back, and that Marx doesn’t think Mallard is ready to know the terrible secret of alternate space.
“I’m assuming that this arc is a flashback to before Marx’s meeting with Mallard, and explains his tears and refusal to tell Mallard what happened to Flask..”Marx is a big fat liar. I’m not sure he’s ever told anyone the truth so far (with the exception just now in telling Flask that he’s removed her cancer). If he was crying for any reason at all, it was because he knew what he was going to be putting Flask through in a few minutes and it made him sad.
To TSOJMarx a liar or just putting alittle spin to it. After all what’s the fun in spilling all the beans.Don’t god like sentients do that?All the answers would be great but then ride would seen superfulous. I just feel he got more than he bargained for. It hit like a fully loaded Mack Truck. ( Oh I forgot you guys in Japan got little trucks so it would take several)(Hehe)On a nother note. Sitting here watch a cute Animated StoryDragon HuntersWatching the end when stands up to what scared him the most.As the hero falls to his certain death his last act is to throw his weapons on a final strike. Defeat the horror saving their world.Still not getting the respect but enjoying the ride anyway.
Great day on the TubeConan the Barbarian (New one) on in 20 minutes. Girls, Barbarian girls. The age of Hyboria.Before the rise of man and the sinking of Atlantis there was an age undreamed of.They were some great comics back in the day.Enjoy todayMonday comes.
“I just feel he got more than he bargained for. It hit like a fully loaded Mack Truck. ( Oh I forgot you guys in Japan got little trucks so it would take several)(Hehe)”We got bullet trains. Don’t need stinking little Mac trucks.
Talk about tough. In Conan’s birth. His father does the Caesarian birth and uses his finger for her to bite on for the pain. Man thats tough. True love there.
Oh yeah TSOJBut to get hit by one you have to be on the tracks. I guess that would work.Marx was trying to be the end of the tunnel and Flask was the Bullet Train. BOOOOOOOMI thought the TGV was faster.Cute side line. My first car going to college back in 71 was a Fiat 600D. The D was for Delux. It had a defroster. Neat car. 600 cc (Yes CC) engine 65 mph top speed. Over 50 miles to the gallon. Was sitting at a RR crossing. The DC Metro came by. It was a big Diesel pulling two passenger cars. It was fast. Real fast. It shot by at maybe 80 to 90 mph. The displaced air tipped my car over like a cow in a pasture. It just rolled up on its driver side. I climbed out. We were all laughing at how funny that was. It was such a slow roll. Pushed it back up on the wheels and drove off. Later in the day pulled out some small dents. Kept on going.Here is what I would think would be the coolest entro to Monday or some time.Flask awakens in her room. Going man what a weird dream. Feeling for once good about things. Real restful like sleeping on Serta. Saying yeah but it was just a dream. Then seeing her tail. Kumbaiya Starting fresh and anew. HeHe That would be sooooooo cool.Hey but what do I know. I am just a dreamer after all.Ever hopeful but always surprized. Keeps life exciting that way. It would be such a bore to know the final results. Well back to COD MWIII. Caster_1971 has to go get his butt kicked some more. But its okay. I do get payback and enjoy hearing the lamentations of da wemen.
A couple of people speak of Marx appearing in other works by Neathery—-I know, from the intro to “Endtown 1,” that there was an earlier web comic featuring a pre-apocalypse Albert and Gustine, and maybe this was where Marx appeared. Or maybe not. Either way, I haven’t seen any earlier work, and a short attempt at Google-searching didn’t turn up anything. (I have some time at hand. I’ll try again right after this. You know what they say about stuff on the Internet—-once it’s there, it’s there.)
By the way—-yet again, ‘cause I keep noticing things about this wonderful strip—-it seems that what happens to Flask in this most recent strip is what happened to her when she went to sleep in her lover’s arms and awoke mutated. There wasn’t any dialog, just Flask’s narration—-but her lover could’ve said what Marx says here.
I did locate a few pre-Endtown strips—-and Marx does appear in some of them—-and the implications for what went on in Endtown are quite large, and not just for Marx.
Now, I don’t mind guessing at upcoming plot points—-it amuses me to do so—-but I’d hate to give away genuine information—-especially since (1) I don’t know if it’s valid anymore or not, and more especially (2) I don’t know if Neathery would want it given away yet. I draw the line there. If you guys are interested, you’ll just have to dig it up yourselves…
Okay folks Here it comesVeteran is going into one of his rants.Flask cannot leave Endtown. Period.It would totally defeat the purpose of her being saved. Oh great here is your reward a new world and new life.Piss on everything else you did. All the hurt feelings, the anger you left behind but here you get a candy bar and a new life.Her memory would have to be completely wiped. I dont know about you guys but personally I could not live being given a new life after pissing everyone else off. Leaving all those bad vibes behind. Here your message.Treat every one like crap and get your reward. A new life and everything is now nambiebambie.Sorry for the rant but that just chaps my butt.She has to return. She has to. Either that or the moral is this: Hey kids piss off everyone you want to then move away to a new life. Leave all those you terrorized, angered, teased behind. You get a new life. They are left behind to remember you as a real A hole. But okay for you. You get to start over and be happy.Everyone left behind feels the hurt and pain of what you left behind.If that is what Flask becomes she disappoints me. She does not hit me as that type character. She was misguided and confused. Now she has focus and determination. Waste it somewhere else. NOOOO. Flask has to face ALL her demons. ALL OF THEM. It will not diminsh my love of the script and story if she goes I personally do feel it is right.I will never get to go back to my history and say to everyone I tried to kill that I am sorry about all that. I have met some that were once enemies now over here and held out my hand in friendship. The tears welled up in both our eyes one soldier to another.Flask leaves and get to happy happy joy joy land with out fixing what she left behind?As I said it will not make me leave the story but diminshes it in my eyes.There is my rant for today.The strip is based in fiction but the feelings and actions are based in real life. The choice is your author. Chose the path I will follow. My feelings may be bruised but my love of the strip shall not diminsh.Enough said.
DADOF3, Veteran is right. In my opinion also Flask needs to face those she hurt whether intentionally or not. The proof of change comes only with time, then it’s up to the others to accept who she is now or not. In my own past I hurt others, even seriously, and had to own up and prove I did my work to change. I had to accept what they decided in accepting me again or not. Some did and some didn’t. That’s how it goes. This is Aaron’s world and what’s going to happen is under his control. If she’s going to face the music, I guess she isn’t going to be a “bun in the oven” occuring between Holly & Wally like Veteran is predicting. We’ve heard Flask’s story. This arc may not be over, but it is coming to a close. We still have unresolved situations back in Endtown to deal with before the story is over. This may be a dream sequence, but a lot of time has been used up and events have happened to justify a dream sequence. We should start finding out in about nine and a half hours after this submission.
An addendum: The basis for what I said before was Marx’s words to Flask. “No rest for the wicked.” It’s a proverb or motif, usually used ironically with self-deprecation, in comment about oneself or someone else who has a load of tasks to fulfil conscientiously. When Marx said it, he was being literal. He told Flask she IS wicked, and she WILL have duties to fulfil without rest. He said this gently but with such authority that it is to be taken as a sentence. It’s left to our imagination, but I think Flask accepted this sentence. The thing is, the only way it can be carried out will be voluntarily. When Marx ‘removed her cancer’, as I have said in the past, he did not do anything TO her. He simply let her talk herself through it. He awakened her to the futility of her plight, and from there she did the rest herself. I believe she will realise full well the evil of all the deeds she has done. I believe she will carry her memories with her into the next world. I believe she will take the sentence “No rest for the wicked” and be reminded all the time the debt she has to pay off. I believe that the paying off of this debt will be secondary, and the lightness of her soul will be the primary outcome of her continuing to do good works in the hereafter.
OK, I’m a bit late to the party, here, but I’ve just spent the past week obsessively catching up. Soon I’ll have to experience the “dreaded weekend” along with the rest of you.But Aaron…you CAN’T make a mistake! You created this world and its rules (whatever they are….). And it’s all the twists and turns and unexpected moments that keep most of us reading. Well, and the great graphics! Wish I’d paid more attention to Jenner’s recommendation back when I started reading Doc Rat!
mr_sherman Premium Member over 12 years ago
Now it’s WOW time!And proof he has a thing for her caboose.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yes, I stayed up to read this. Good thing I don’t have to go to work tomorrow.
Bill Thompson over 12 years ago
Didn’t Flask have a child? Could this be her grown-up, time-travelling son?
SapphireDragonStudios over 12 years ago
Wow! So he’s sending her off to a whole new world.
A whooooole neeeew wooooooorld!!
And lol him having a thing for her caboose. He sure does.
aneathery over 12 years ago
Going to break a long standing personal rule because I’d actually like to see some discussion over the weekend on a matter that I’m actually quite curious about. Over the past couple of months, I’ve received a number of emails and comments from readers about Mr. A. Marx, esq.. some positive and some just as certainly not. And almost all of the negative comments pertaining to Marx hinge upon this notion that somehow, in some way, he violates the rules of this weird little world I’ve created in my overactive noggin. Suffice to say (because it’ll have to), Marx does not break the rules.. If anything, Marx embodies the rules of this world.. and he has limitations and boundaries just like any of the characters. However, it would spoil the story immensely if I were simply to come out and state what those limitations are and why they are. The approach I’ve taken to telling the story of Endtown from the very beginning is one of discovery, where door after door is being opened as you’re being dragged down a dark hallway.. And like life, what’s revealed can be funny, or sad, or frightening.. and, also like life, if you stick with it, you’ll ultimately experience all of it, again and again.. just maybe not necessarily in the order or quantity you’d have preferred. But why.. and this is what I’m curious about.. would someone believe that an author has made a mistake if he or she introduces elements into a story that a reader didn’t see coming? Has rote foreshadowing become so much a part of our storytelling traditions that anything that isn’t telegraphed in ages in advance is automatically seen as some kind of slip up? It doesn’t bother me as I can only tell this story in the way I know how.. but, as I said, the matter makes me curious. You tell me, folks.. :-)
dirtyoldlady1 over 12 years ago
Notisted awhile back that Flask had her tail back. ?Does this have any part of the plot? Blessed Be
SapphireDragonStudios over 12 years ago
;-;/ <-Me waving goodbye to Flask, as I assume that this may be the last time we see her.
Jerry Beck Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Aaron NeatheryI’m totally sold on the way the Endtown story has unfolded. I realize Marx doesn’t fit everyone’s notion of what a character should be or do. Marx has opened us up to new concepts and ideas. It is your story. I am enjoying it immensely. Keep it up!
Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago
I cried.
Purdey over 12 years ago
@Aaron Neathery: I went back and read from the beginning. The “flower” that Gustine finds is an element of fantasy, with the conclusion that she chooses Albert to live. That said, I am so intrigued by Marx, I’d rather enjoy his exploits than condemn them. Authors are the “god” of their works, I agree. The only rule is “there are no rules.” You have one of the best comics going. To bring out so much emotion is talent. I care about “your” people, whether I dislike or like them. To bring out Flask’s many sided personality flies in the face of the one or two dimensional “types” in so many comics (and, dare I say books). You are a master. Lead on!
Tarry Plaguer over 12 years ago
Hmmm… I am wondering something about our friend Aaron Marx. I was curious about something so I went back and looked at the September 6, 2012 panel one showing Flask’s human lover, again. I then looked at the next days panel one showing Marx in the same pose. Then back to the 6th. Hmm… Notice anything about that profile?Could it be… Could Marx be Petey maybe from a different time line? Flask said that the bio-suits put up images for the person inside, so she never really saw what he looked like with her own eyes, only what the suit showed her, also with the Dittos Marx can make himself look like anything he want’s. We all assume that Petey is the human Flask fell in love with because he called her Blackie, but is that proof? Could Marx have messed with the programming of his brain? Possibly put in the Blackie as a way to throw off Flask? Am I over thinking this?
Wendy Emlinger over 12 years ago
Cool, he’s a walker above the maze! One of the children of the Goddess who plucks souls from this life, preps them for the next and returns them to the maze of life to continue their journey of enlightenment in a new form. I’m glad he removed her cancer (hate) and sent her onward. May her next life be a long and happier one.
wilsonzbird over 12 years ago
@Aaron NeatheryMarx adds a new dimension (pun intended) to an already interesting plot. What great book or movie is not without surprise elements appearing in the plot?
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
Anyway…I’m guessing this is the wrapup, and we’ll get back to Wally and Holly, or Albert and Gustine, or maybe somebody we haven’t yet met, sometime soon…
The Eclexian Premium Member over 12 years ago
AN: No joking, I just think it’s the sense that AM constitutes too much of a deus ex machina. We haven’t seen enough about his limitations at this point, so it seems as if he’s there to get you out of a corner you’ve painted youself into, even if we can’t see that corner.
crookedwolf Premium Member over 12 years ago
Dear Aaron – I recently finished a novel, and have another in the works. I read a lot of information about the writing process. Many successful, commercial authors live by the rule, “all elements must be introduced early in the story. The reader should be pleasantly surprised when something unexpected happens, because she had an inkling of it, herself.”But yes, that’s a bit formulaic to me. What seems more important is to not introduce anything that knocks the reader out of the story. And you keep us deeply entrenched, and invested, in your world and its amazing inhabitants.Thank you.
crookedwolf Premium Member over 12 years ago
A side note, I was excited to find a new Jeff Smith graphic novel at the library. The author of the “Bone” series! Have to admit to being a bit disappointed by it. Also, very disappointed that your work isn’t heralded as highly.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To Mr. NeatheryStill face down in the band pit but now fully awake. You have taken me on a journey to parts I thought were lost. I have posted here both the funny crazy and serious deep. YOU brought this out of me. I am such a prisoner that I have now joined the other side and do not want to go back. Marx is one of those rare characters that one sees once in a lifetime. You have proven that this world of Endtown is probably the most facinating creations ever done. As is said on the intro on the side of the GoComic site. This is the story of just one part. One part not the whole. This is not just Endtown. It is the Endtown UNIVERSE. You keep this up let not any critic change your course. Keep your focus and drive. You may loose some and you may gain some but the faithful will continue to follow. I for one will follow this where ever you take it.I feel that you have wrapped up Volume Three. I wait sitting in the front row like a kid waiting for the matinee to start.BRING IT. I CAN TAKE IT!And will love every minute of it.(I still think Holly is pregnant. Hehe)
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
This convinces me all the more that Marx was/is Flask’s REAL lover. Not Petey.
andygup over 12 years ago
Flask, almost evil, from bitterness over the loss of her love.
Petey – Brilliant, yet how much of his former self, without memory, without recognition of his love, can he be?
Marx, who is he? He knows so much more, and has shown endless love and forgiveness for Flask, nudging her back from a peaceful rest. Is this a divine intervention, or the other half of her lost love, secretly watching and protecting what goodness is left?
rudym300 over 12 years ago
@Aron NeatheryContinue on as tyou have. As others have commentated, what rules are there supposed to be in a comic strip? All of us like the way the story continually unfolds. Even the naysayers take the time to e-mail you to remark on the story. Unpredicitibility is good for the sourl
Francis362003 over 12 years ago
Twists and turns.
DADOF3 over 12 years ago
OMG! On Monday Flask wakes up in Petey2b’s arms and BOBBY STEPS OUT OF THE SHOWER! Only it wasn’t a dream, it’s a REBOOT! Just kidding… what do I know? This is Aaron’s story remember… ;-)
PS: and Veteran, I think old soldiers and sailors must have something in common. That idea of yours about Holly occured to me as well…
Ida No over 12 years ago
Let’s recap:Flask had actually succeeded in her plan to bring the airship within range of the Topsider outpost so they could stupidly fry themselves (later to be thwarted by Marx doing his dimension thing). Meaning that the ship originally did belong to some other captain, who may or may not have been a Lucranian. Flask might have had to kill the Lucranian captain in order to get control of the ship, or maybe he’d done what Marx had, and left the password cleared. Which means that the air ship really did sense that Flask’s PT was scrap and therefore salvageable. The ship would have used its own dittos for cover and a distraction, and it rescued the mutants by accident, the first time around.So, the deus ex machina stuff on the ship (primarily the bit with Wally and Holly flying into the props) was just part of Marx’s plan to keep them distracted until Flask could successfully hijack the ship. While he may have powers, he’s been using them all along in conjunction with the plotline specifically to get Flask to lower her defenses and admit her mistakes.Which means that when Flask died the first time, her “cancer” had made it to the recycling bin and threatened to pollute the reincarnated souls following her. So, Marx isn’t “god” – he’s just a maintenance worker at the recycle center, changing out the air filters.
JusSayin over 12 years ago
I like it the way you have been taking it. This is not Russian Lit where you have to check the front of the book to find out which character is using which alias.This week I have been trying to speculate, is this more reminiscent of the end of Hesse’s Steppenwolf, or is Marx some similar character to Castañeda’s shaman Yaqui Indian Don Juan.The reason I cite the Yaqui shaman Don Juan, is Castañeda claimed Don Juan showed Castañeda how everything was connected in this world, and used threads of connected illumination to demonstrate this principle. Of course, peyote was involved, and Castañeda used a blunt instrument to try to describe the principle of Oneness extant in the universe.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To one and all;I have her now forever as I chose to remember her. I received Blind Date today.I am now trying to hold back the tears.Remembering all that has transpired both in their world and in this one. This is the way I chose to remember Flask.She is not gone. It is time for another chapter to begin.One story closes and one opens.An end becomes a beginning.So it is with life.As I posted before:I am a child again sitting in the front row waiting for the matinee to begin.Enough said.Peace OutI Love You All. That was Aaron Marx message upon release.(Including TSOJ, you cad)
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To DADOF3You know I had the same feeling about the Dallas Bobby steps out theme also.We do think alike!GREAT MINDS DO!Lets start a chant.HOLLY WALLY HOLLY WALLY HOLLY WALLYoh and Petey too. Even if he is still confused.Thanks I needed a pickme up and a cappucino. On my way now to get Blind Date framed and pick up a cappucino.Ice cream and Chocolates for all.TSOJ is buying!!!!!!!
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
There are a lot of things we take for granted that would seem like deus ex machinas to others. Not science sufficiently advanced, but occupations sufficiently other than their own that they are incomprehensible. I do things as a techie that boggle the minds of my clients, and they do things that boggle my mind. We seem like magicians to each other, but it’s all mechanics behind the curtain. Just because Marx can do mind-boggling things doesn’t mean he’s great and powerful. We just don’t see the tricks behind his “magic” yet. It’s all humbug.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To comment on yesterdays strip(You are going to love it!)Marx is Tidy bowl man and Flask is a Scrubbing Bubble.Thought about that all night while face down in the band pit.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Again Mr. Neathery Forgive me, the cappucino has kicked in.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Today alone 60 plus posts.Wooow!
coffeemugman over 12 years ago
@Aaron. Great stuff. The Marx character has been an intriguing element. Did he ever get his hypnotic devise back from the Professor?
Purdey over 12 years ago
I have to giggle at the idea that if an author names someone his or her name it has to be him or her. If I used my real name (Hope Good) no one would believe it was real. I couldn’t have made that up. On to number two: Fiction does have to have some rules in it’s own context. A friend once told me fiction writing is easy because you can make it up. There are no rules and yet there are, or we could not “suspend disbelief.” In Wile E. Coyote’s world you consistently, see him get double take time before gravity takes him off the cliff to end in a little poof of cloud, only to come back. It’s still consistent. Though with characters it’s fun to sometimes turn them around. Number 3: comment about the dark side, when we all got into Flask’s tortured mind a little: we all have the dark side. You don’t have to experience these things to find them. Authors go there all the time and come out sane. Otherwise all of the mystery writers would be murderers! Number four: Great posts and also: If you can’t do something yourself, go easy on the critiques. Giggle. Such as those who “can’t do, teach.” I don’t believe that, but I hope you all get the point. Grin.
Richard A Erdman Premium Member over 12 years ago
@Aaron Neathery
After I first discovered Endtown a few months ago I went back and over the course of 2 days read from the beginning up to current. It’s a masterfully told story that is ever evolving.
I edit and proofread sci-fi/fantasy novels for a writer friend and the attraction of her work is the same as it is for Endtown, that being, unpredictability.
Characters such as A. Marx add a certain spice to the overall story and as such they keep readers guessing. This is a good thing when creating an entire world filled with diverse characters.
Predictability in a serial story lends to stagnation which usually is the cause of its demise.
Your world, your characters, your creation. Please continue leading us down this path with twists and turns when we least expect them.
josephcotten over 12 years ago
I think some people read Marx as a Deus Ex Machina, and are thus turned off by what they perceive to be cheap storytelling. However, that’s an overly simplistic and wholly inaccurate stance, as Aaron Marx is no deus ex; rather, he’s an integral part of the characters’ lineage, complete with a shared history, and operating within bounds. He’s not truly omnipotent, omniscient, imminent, or transcendent, so he doesn’t fit any of the qualifications of a god (or God). He’s another fascinating and entertaining addition to the story.
josephcotten over 12 years ago
Oh, and wow. This is amazing. I have a theory that AM is Petey — somehow.
Tom_Tildrum over 12 years ago
The problem with Marx, from this reader’s point of view, is that he reduces my emotional commitment to the other characters. Neathery is a very skilled writer who has made me care deeply about Holly, Wally, and the others. When they’ve seemed to be in danger, I’ve worried about them like they were real people. Now, though, I may be more inclined to think to myself “this isn’t something to worry about; Marx will come up with some ability and get them out of it.”
That’s why rules and foreshadowing are beneficial. Not because of literary tradition, but because the rules define the world that we’re reading about. The only way the readers know that a character’s back is against the wall is if we know where the walls are.
This is not meant to be criticism but rather just affectionate observations. I love Endtown thoroughly; it’s one of the true treasures of GoComics, and I’m grateful to Neathery for soliciting feedback.
RickD Premium Member over 12 years ago
I (like some others) am beginning to think Marx is also Petey (if Petey) is actually Flasks’s lost love. The Marx we first met is NOT the man who would tell someone they loved them. If there are multiple Marxes then maybe the Endtown Marx was captured and rescued by Flask. Maybe he was recaptured and became Petey. Or…maybe he discovered he could hop dimensions the same night Flask changed and he fell out of time. By the time he could make his way back to Endtown-time Flask had become “the destroyer”. It would explain why he wanted to know what happened—the vulnerable woman Marx had fallen in love with had become something quite different when Marx found her again. Just guessing as usual.
DADOF3 over 12 years ago
Alright, I am officially creating the “Deus ex Machina” Fan Club. IMHO this crazy world could use a lot more D.E.M.s! I plan to install AM as Honorary President for Life. Hands up all of you who want to be members! ;-) .PS: Address for mailing dues checks to follow.
Tarry Plaguer over 12 years ago
My personal take on Aaron Marx is that he has escaped from the Q Continuum, I could be wrong though. (grin)You gotta admit, there are some similarities. Just saw a STtNG book with Doctor Who in it. ??? OK, NOW I have seen everything.
Tarry Plaguer over 12 years ago
Marx also reminds me of Trelane, another Star Trek character, who is also from the Q Continuum. I think it is the way he dresses.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 12 years ago
Aaron Neathery, Your character, Aaron Marx is certainly not you, nor represents you. He is a part of you like all your other characters. Very few of them don’t show a depth to their personalities that doesn’t generate some empathy for their position. Technically (forgive me, I’m an engineer) he has shown to be limited by the direction of time, if not space. He has the empathic ebility to heal like the one character in the first Start Trek series ( don’t remember the title) and therefore that leaves the transformation of Flask from where she was when she landed in that dimensionless void (Does time exist there? That could be an allowable exception.) to the sphere that represents what she is now in the current position in the story that doesn’t make sense to me. How can that happen? You know, and that’s all that matters. Any guesswork on my part or anyone else is both unimportant and moot. I’m enjoying what you do in this tale, especially this arc, and have not been disappointed with any part of it. Like many other submissions, I add my voice to theirs, “Thank you, Aaron Neathery”.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
91 posts. And the weekend has yet to begin.Better charge the battery in my lap top
Guilty Bystander over 12 years ago
Since we’re talking about who Aaron Marx reminds us of, for some odd reason (because I’ve never read Lord of the Rings) I think of Tom Bombadil. Don’t ask…I can’t explain why. I just think strange thoughts.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
I came up with a good Jethro Tull line to this saga.“Locomotive Breath”He hears the silence howlingcatches angels as they fallAnd the all time winnerhas got him by the ballsHe picks up Gideons BibleOpen at page 1God has stole the handle and the train won’t stop goingNo way to slow down.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
“Wond’ring Aloud”Wond’ring aloud….. how we feel todayLast night sipped the sunset,my hands in her hair. We are our own saviours as we start both our hearts beating life into each other.Wond’ring aloud….. will the years treat us well.As she floats in the kitchen, I’m tasting the smell of toast as the butter runs.Then she comes, spilling crumbs on the bed and I shake my head.AND IT"S ONLY THE GIVING THAT MAKES WHAT YOU ARE.
Author!!!!!! Never stop giving.
JusSayin over 12 years ago
Just to interrupt my post in progress, I too thought Marx might have been Deus Ex Machina, but thinking back to my very little theater experience, Deus Ex Machina was supposed to be ridiculous. At the moment of greatest peril, this ridulous contraption would be pushed, pulled, lowered, or raised to the stage with ropes, chains and or pulleys. Deus ex Machina = God from the machine. D E M is supposed to be folly, or ridiculous, or even whimsical. The day Marx arrived in Endtown (Homecoming) was July 25 our time, but maybe a day of their time. His first words were complimenting residents on their attire. A squirrel in a hat, a lizard in a sports coat, ".. AND .. OH FOR CUTE!! RATS WITH LITTLE GUNS He certainly was hilarious enow for Deus Ex Machina.But Marx does have a glaring limitation. He has a short attention span. He really has not been with Holly, Wally, Petey and Flask (and Linda too) but a couple or a few days. It just seems so much longer because we have been so involved with the story of a master storyteller and artist for so long in our weeks or months. Homecoming was July 25 (I wish I could have bought that one, but settled for making it my homepage featured comic here at gocomics.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Aaron Marx got more than he wanted or bargained for.He was a curious little boy playing in a big world. It was all fun and games.Cute critters, danger, excitement, missiles, drama.Then it got real.He pulled aside his favorite character who he knew little about and opened the box closed by only a thin wire by asking WHY?The answer to forever change him.Deus Ex Machina?No…. now a curious little boy forced lovingly into being a man witnessing that horrible side of a world he thought was fun.Deus Ex Machina, God, Supreme being, or not.He grew up. He learned. He will still have fun but will view through forever changed eyes.Analysis complete.It is time to move on.
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
I had a lengthy commentary on several things, but goComics glitched for a few minutes and, much like Flask, they went somewhere else. They’ll keep for awhile, anyway, before I nerve myself up to recreate them sometime this weekend—-unless they magically reappear
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To GuiltyBystanderLed Zeppelin wrote it into a song.Ramble OnMines a tale that can’t be told, my freedom I hold dear.How years ago in days of old when Magic filled the air.T’was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair.But Gollum and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her.The Lady Galadriel and Isildur the ancestor of Aragon, future king of Gondor.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
That story is in the The Silmarillion.It is a heartbreaker.Isildur is pinned to wall. Total darkness. Fear grips him. He sees a light in the distance. It gets closer and brighter. It is the Lady Galadriel who sees him. Feels pity and love then sets him free. But he looses her in Mordor never to find her again.
Banderi over 12 years ago
@Aaron NeatheryIt’s the reader who makes a mistake thinking about it :) when an author comes up with an idea, he/she is always right, noone else can decipher his/her style enough to say that he could do better :L
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
104 and counting.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To RobertNorwallIt is the volume of postings. For a Friday. Unbelievable to witness such an outpouring.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To DADOF3Is there going to ice cream and chocolates?
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
My final review.I have joked, got serious, even hurt, stating facts, rumors, and inuendosSitting here now looking the panelsCan’t stop crying.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To all I am back.Shame on you Mr. Neathery making a grown big tuff old Texas Highway patrolman cry. Ahhhhh shoot. Its okay. It means I am still alive and have feelings.To RobertNorwallYOU TOO!I find myself sitting on the edge of the bed. My wife softly breathing next to me thinking wowee.Remember the Rowing Song of our Youth.Row Row Row your boat.Gently down the stream.Merrily Merrily MerrilyLIFE IS BUT A DREAM.It is a beautiful dream.To Flask I will say Au Revoir. Never goodbye. To Marx I will say Its your world. Welcome to it.To the author who’s beautiful work I now have being framed.BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!And please “May I have some more?”
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Go home time.Keep the rubber side down. Slow down and drive safe. Be courtious to others. Give you and yours a hug. Say Hi to a stranger. Pet a dog or stroke a cat. Above all be kind. Be safe. Guard those who need protection. Defend the weak. Stand against oppression. Never Never sell your life cheap. Make em pay dearly for it. In other words. Be Human.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Oh…..and keep your powder dry.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
I got called back to the office for a few minutes I think you all need something to cheer you all up.Go over to the Auction Site.Click on Blind Date ( I know I have her but)(Hehe, but)Think of these lines while looking at it.Prof Mallard “Where can I get a drink around here.”Flask “I thought this date was with Daniel Craig.”
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
TaTa for now. Back to the band pit.This time I am taking a pillow and my snookie wuggems.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
My favorite chihuahua.Her name is Midget but I call her snookie wuggems.She snores when she sleeps.Wakes me and the wife up.
Coffeesloth over 12 years ago
@Aaron Neathery
I think you are doing just fine also. Personally I like it when a story doesn’t follow a set path, one of the reasons I read is to discover new ways of looking at things.
A story that follows all of the standard foreshadowing is like eating comfort food, its good but predictable. I enjoy trying new dishes…and stories. Makes life interesting.
I can honestly say you have a very interesting story and I can’t wait to see where it leads next.
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
Another new thought: on a topsider transporter being close enough to hear Flask called “Blackie”—-well, from what we’ve heard, they obviously talk to each other, and if that one were an incorrigible gossip, well, maybe, all the transporters now know about it.
crookedwolf Premium Member over 12 years ago
I love how all the silent types have come out of the woodwork to sing Endtown’s praises.Speaking to the choir, y’all!
harmgb over 12 years ago
I STILL look forward to reading Endtown more than any other comic I look at……
spamster over 12 years ago
“Has rote foreshadowing become so much a part of our storytelling traditions that anything that isn’t telegraphed in ages in advance is automatically seen as some kind of slip up?”Yes. Yes it has.
Which is why those of us who still want a good story flock to things like end town.
thamojster over 12 years ago
hmm.. i was going to comment on how marx actually has back story if you read aarons earlier comics, but i realized that he said this was supposed to be separate from the earlier comics, i also noticed a lot of the side characters are in the earlier comics..
mr_sherman Premium Member over 12 years ago
@surfstuff55As best as I understand, it is only the brain with electrodes directly planted in it that Flask saw. It is because of PT2B asking “Blackie?” that she assumed (right or wrong) the occupant was the one she loved. It also explains what Petey pulled out of the other PT and put in the old cooler that is keeping Linda company.BTW, I do wonder how they get nutrition when they are just a mind and how the one in the cooler is staying alive with nothing connected to it, but that’s a detail that’s unimportant to the story (as yet). It’s kind of like Travis in the jar in the Scary Gary strip.
fae430 over 12 years ago
all I can say is wow this is an amazing comic and I can’t wait for more it made me tear up a bit
Purdey over 12 years ago
I can’t help feeling, at times, that I am wandering through Endtown, myself, watching the characters find their way in this world.Foreshadowing can be done well. I think a lot of authors mustn’t know how to do it because of the comments here. Foreshadowing can also just be a red herring, too. Methinks the group of commenters think it’s overused. I find the comments interesting from the writer in me, not simply the consumer. Three comments in one day is a record from me. Are we there yet? 208?
Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago
Neathery has the perfect right to tell the story as he chooses. However, the issue here is whether the story is told well. It’s in the public domain, and by that score it’s fair game to be measured by readers and critics.I personally think the narration stands up without a fault, and I think most professional reviewers would be positive. That doesn’t mean people can’t discuss it and have a variety of opinions. And it doesn’t mean some people cannot like the work as a whole but have queries about one or two elements.I’d like to make a few points that haven’t been covered well, this time around:Endtown could be considered a series of novels. If Aaron Marx first appears in novel number four, and occupies the whole of the novel from beginning to end, I see no problem that he was not foreshadowed in novels number on, two or even three. Aaron Marx was not created as a character at the moment he appeared in Endtown. He has his own stories that precede Endtown. It’s the same Aaron Marx. He’s passing through. He is NOT Aaron Neathery suddenly appearing as a made-up character. I do not know the actual reason Neathery named this character Aaron, sharing his own first name, but I do know it was a long, long time ago, and he was quite a young man when he did. Daily comic strips always feel slow and long. Aaron Marx may seem as if he’s been here a lot longer than he has, due to the nature of a a web comic. The strips come out as fast as they can be written and drawn, ticking over at the agonising slowness of five per week. Those who read Endtown for the first time in the book form will find that the action sequences where Al and Gustine are being chased move quickly. Sparkplug Sanders’ flashback story, which seemed very long when read at one strip a day, is quite a manageable length in the book. It may feel like Aaron Marx has dominated Endtown for too long, on a daily basis. It won’t feel that long when read at the ‘right’ speed.I don’t know if Aaron Marx CAN bring everyone back from the dead. I do know that he WON’T. That would end the story straight away. Deaths and sadnesses still exist in great number. As they do in our own world. Although the plot and direction of Endtown are constantly being formulated, all major parts of the structure have already been conceived by Neathery. Whether Marx, Flask, Mallard and even the Lucranians, Neathery already knows a lot about them so what they do today will fit with implications of their actions a year from now. This is NOT spur-of-the-moment storytelling.
Jadugara over 12 years ago
Aaron,…I wouldn’t worry too much about it, even if you don’t ever get a good indication about why these folks feel the character somehow “fails” to act in a way suitable to the story they believe you are telling…
Essentially, they are creating expectations in their own minds that you will NEVER be able to live up to, no matter how you try… The most that can be hoped for is that, just as they created personal expectations that didn’t fit with this particular choice in character you made, they’ll eventually alter these expectations to once again embrace your storytelling methodology… Either way,…the ball’s in THEIR court, and is really something you can’t do much about without giving away enough spoilers to deprive those who enjoy your methods of the surprises we so crave…
The expectations I personally choose to embrace is; you can never tell what’s really gonna happen next in this comic… And guess what,…I’m betting MOST of your readers like it that way… And, your curiosity about why some others don’t aside,…we’re all hoping you recognize how much we appreciate the way you seem to like to do things..
Keep up the great work!
Jadugara _
Paulshockey over 12 years ago
Aaron keep doing what you are doing because it is great! I look forward to Mondays because of you and Endtown!
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
I think the episode was just called “The Empath”—-and I remember it chiefly because it was, by quite a margin, my least favorite episode of the series. Even though I’ve beein going over a lot of the episodes on recently acquired Blu Ray discs, I continue to avoid that one.
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
Belatedly redoing some of my “glitched” post—-I think I’ll copy and try pasting if it glitches again. Probably it’ll cover something others have talked about in the above. Probably carry on with a few more comments, too.
On the notion that “Neathery equals Marx”—-well, that Marx shares a first name with Neathery, talks about how people who can draw should make a lot of money, exhibits godlike powers—-it’s not hard for a casual reader to jump to the conclusion that Marx is a “Mary Sue” character, a stand-in for the writer (or cartoonist). Writers do put a good deal of themselves into works.
Even some of Marx’s behavior could play into this—-his wit, his activities, his ability to be in [apparent] control of any situation that arises—-could be said to be Neathery portraying himself as he wants to be, as he would like to be.
On the other hand—-one might take the choice of “Marx” as a last name to indicate a kinship with other Marxes, in particular ones named Groucho, Harpo, and Chico. (There’s Zeppo, who as straight man to the others, wasn’t as funny as the others—-then there’s Karl, who wasn’t funny at all…) One could take that as denying his likeness to his creator…
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
Well, it posted, so I don’t have to worry about losing it again.
Separate thought on the meaning of Marx saying “I love you”—-Lord knows, there are lots of other kinds of love, and Marx is probably expressing a love that’s not like that of, say, Holly and Wally, or Albert and Gustine.
(On the other hand, he did say she had a caboose that didn’t quit…)
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
A thought on “mistakes”—-well, it’s wrong to say a writer (or cartoonist) can’t make a mistake. Plot and character are pretty much what the creator wants to do. But things like background and continuity can trip you up—-for instance, the inhabitants of Endtown scramble to feed themselves by gathering up cans of beans, limiting their diet, but still have things like newsprint for the Endtown Examiner when it looks like every last tree on the surface of the Earth is gone. (Are there any trees in Endtown?)
No doubt justification can be made—-and probably will if the point is brought up—-but it’s all in retrospect, like much of the “Star Trek” commentary and justification—-explanations that never occurred to anybody to offer as they were coming up with these odd things.
(Ah, continuity and background…I’ve spotted a couple of things drawn in the background that tell me some of the Endtowners go fishing—-but I don’t know where, or what they’re able to catch.)
Ida No over 12 years ago
“I’ve spotted a couple of things drawn in the background that tell me some of the Endtowners go fishing—-but I don’t know where, or what they’re able to catch.)”They take their rod and reel down to the canal, toss the line in and sit on the bridge. One of the water dwellers swims by, ties an old boot to the hookless line and everyone is happy.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Good morning.Slept good some what fitful thinking about things but good.Where to go? Where to go?Flask is one thing she is from the Endtown Universe.Marx is the question. He started off as a fun loving character much like a kid in a toy box. He was so green. Joking, playing, teasing, observing.Now he is changed forever.He has walked into the mountains and emerged changed. Changed forever.He can never go back to fun loving imp grabbing at new things like a kid in a toy store.His character (I will say it) No longer fits in the Endtown Universe at the Endtown level. His power tips the balance too far. He would be torn between helping Endtowners and not becoming the armageddon of the Topsiders. God On Earth. How would that even work? I feel he can come back, drop in occassionally but a full time character you would be better off with Flask or just moving on. Sweet funeral for Flask. Raise a few glasses of Beer. See Holly and Wally miss her. Even though they fought they would still have a loss. It is one less Endtowner. A loss in its self.Marx I feel must move on. He overshadows. He would not fit in.I thought about this most of the night.It is my opinion and just that.And the fishing. Common human trait.My uncle and I used to go fishing when I was young. He loved to take me because I never complained about not catching a fish. I remember him putting the line in the water and not even baiting the hook. It was the company he enjoyed. He would sit back and tell stories of his life. He lead a full one. Big man almos 7 foot. Hands so big he could hand you a dinner plate by grabbing the edges like you would a coffee cup plate. Gentle giant. Had one child. Saw his wife go through labor and felt so bad seeing go through that he went one is enough. I cant hurt her anymore. He told tales of WWI that raised hairs on you neck. He only told me because I would listen. No judgement or boredom. Just listen then sit next to him to let him know it was okay.Fishing with out bait. As I said a human behavior just to be together.
Suleskarry over 12 years ago
To me Aaron Marx is quite natural, but I do wonder if he has an opposite number who is unnatural, a Hitleresque topsider who has somehow convinced all of the topsiders that anyone different from them, though sentinent, is fair game for dissection and murder. When you think about it, a topsider mother, child, brother, friend, whatever, can change into a mutant in an instant, and all the love one had for them will instantly disappear.Also wonder if there is someone who is playing both ends against the middle, someone who lives in Endtown and has a way to travel topside without being seen.One of the things that amazes me is that both sides have incredible technology, but they use it for fighting instead of peace. Hydroponics would feed both sides well.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To SuleskarryIt would be nice if they would all work together. It is the entrenched dogma of the Topsiders that hold them apart. The Topsiders are determined to be the final survivors. They are convinced the mutagenic virus is the mutants fault. You have to go back to Vol 2 of Al and Gustine story. You meet a character named Sparkplug. He started all this. He created or learned to control the Aimsworth Radiation effect. Disintegration leaving only dust.They started apparently an arms race. The mutagenic virus appeared on the field. Whether released or an effect of the Aimsworth effect has never been told. There are theories. Released as a pre-emptive strike to counter the Aimsworth device AKA Zero Weapons or a result of the Zero weapons themselves. It has not been stated. This resulted in WWIII. Armageddon was unleased. They missiled their own cities in a panic to stop the mutagenic virus with no success. Exposure to the virus varies according to you. Asleep you become a critter of some sort. Awake horrible monster. In the womb critter. New born awake monster. The Topsiders came out of the rubble with their suits and advanced technology. They blamed everything on the mutants and have begun an extermination project. Genocide. No questions. They kill without remorse or mercy. Even getting kicks out of it. Almost a game. I do not believe they started that way from earlier stories. There seemed to be a soldier mentality that this was necessary so do it quick and clean.But there seems to be a lack of computer control like chips. Topsiders use the heads, brains of those they kill. They are wiped clear of memories and the synapsis set to a function. IE Petey was a transporter but has some residual memory so Blackie was remember Why he did not know but it fit. Threw Flask into her final story.There MUTTS dog like creations with human brain material. No function other than to obey orders.According to a meeting by Prof Mallard Endtown is still some time away from self preservation by grown own food and stuff. They still have to come to the top and search around for food and supplies. A dangerous thing to do when Topsiders are on the patrol looking for mutants.Go back to when Flask found out she destroyed a dummy rocket. Read the quips back and forth between her and a Topsider who I suspect was someone of much importance maybe even the number one guy. The entrenched hatred and drive of the Topsiders is totally evident. This is a battle to the end. Topsiders will not give up until their entrenched dogma is broken. It would take replacing the entire Topsider command and the rest giving up the struggle. Go back to WWII what most people dont remember that there were still Anti-Allied German units still continuing the attack causing terror to nearly 1948. Flask was an exception when she was a Topsider she began to have doubts about what they were doing. She had feelings that conflicted with her Topsider training. This lead to her story. She was an exception to the rule. A high level Topsider with mutant sympathy. It would and did become unacceptable. She was treated differently than other mutants once she became one. Strong story. It would be nice if they could all get together and solve the problem but that I believe in an impossible task. There will be a winner and a loser. There can be no peace until one side wins. But who wins? Look at what the winner gets. A totally destroyed world covered in the dust of all that were killed. It would probably be better to remain underground. The Top would be depressing to me. I would prefer some semblance of normality. Marx appears as a unusual character with some suprizing abilities way beyond anything in Endtown. He fits but does not fit. More power than any. Could end it all in one stroke. Indestructible. Absorbed an blast from a Topsider rocket using Zero technology. Inhales it going Explody like it was a flavor.The discussion has been where to go from here. Does he belong? Should Flask come back. Will Holly have a baby. (HaHa I started that). Monday will come and we shall all see.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To rickDIt was not mutilating it was implanting. Necessary to hook up the required equipment so he could function. Look closely tho there is a bar code on the side of his head. I have seen the bar code on the back of the topsiders Zero pistols and on the MUTTS. It was not until Petey said her nick name Blackie that she even became aware of who he was. This was just another Topside PT unit. No big deal. It says Blackie and all hell breaks loose.His name and face was unimportant to us. I know we would like to know but was it necessary to the story. I enjoyed the fact we did not know. It kept the focus on Flask. It was her story not her lovers.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
I meant unnecessary for the story. Who he was or his name was insignificant. She knew. That was enough for me.Maybe he was Russell Crowe?
brett over 12 years ago
My private opinion is that even for Aaron’s fantastical world, Marx seems a little too Deux Ex Machina for what has been revealed so far. Seeing Marx in operation reminds me a lot of Dr. Who. Each has apparent knowledge and abilities which seem so far above and beyond that their very existence appears to trivialize everything else.In the Dr.‘s case, that’s fine, the story is about him. But in Marx’s case, it’s not fine because up to now the story has not been about him. Even the knowledge and abilities held by Sparkplug Sanders, arguably the biggest genius in the EndTown universe, appears pale by comparison to what Marx seems to know and be capable of. The only other character introduced so far that seems to violate the currently known universe laws is the Oracle, and quite frankly, there’s been so little interaction with that character that the discrepancy can be chalked up to simply being a plot vehicle.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To Nabu As a former soldier, holder of two silver stars, a bronze star, and the purple heart.I sir Salute YouThat is exactly what I have been saying. Flask went beyond being a soldier.She became a vengeful, sadistic, harden killer and all in the name of LOVE. She was willing to sacrifice any one and every one in her drive to prove her love to her Lover.Payback became very personal.That is why my heart bled for her. My soul torn in so many ways seeing her suffer with no one , no one to help her.That is why her character was so tragic. Salvation was all that Marx could give her. He expected a simple answer. “I did it because I hate them.” type answer.When he heard LOVE enter the equation. I believe that shattered him as it did me. What do you say to that as Marx. LOVE is a good reason to do alot of things but slaughter of innocents? Raises issues on so many levels. Marx did what he could do. He listened neither condemning nor condoning her actions. He let her figure it out. And at the end finally spent of all emotions (like the rest of us) she saw it was wrong. What she had wasted chasing that which could not be recovered.It will be interesting to see where this goes. Yes Flask was an evil kitty. But how far would you go for LOVE?If you were blinded by it. Like I have said Marx was a young boy playing with toys. He asked why not knowing all the story.I dont think he expected the answer he got. Now what can he do? Grow up, be who or whatever he is and give her peace.Now where does he go?That is the question now.I would have loved to see Flask returned someway to make up for all she caused. This I feel would do her alot of good. Sure there are going to be those who thumb their noses at you but the power of saying “I am sorry.” carries weight like nothing else. Forgiveness will usually follow and with it healing. I do not know. I may never know. All I can do now is just be happy she got it all out. I know how that feels. This old soldier salutes you for noticing that fact. I carry my demons and weight and shall do so until I die. But I made a journey like hers. To deepest depths of Hell then stand at the gate and then say not now, not now and return. When some one tells me to go to Hell as an officer. I just smile telling them already been there. Not an issue for me. Been there done that. Still here and the smile.I am kind of glad this journey is over. I was wondering how much more Mr. Neathery was going to put me through.and I am just kidding. I would ride this journey again and again without a complaint. Maybe a tear or two but never complain.
JusSayin over 12 years ago
SIGH I do not know if Aaron Neathuery has changed his policy since he began this auction, but under his previous position, original daily strips were available for, I think, $130. So if anyone wanted this gorgeous strip , without risking losing it at auction, you might contact him at aaronneathery@gmail.com. JusSayin
Doggard over 12 years ago
Huh? he is You and what He and You say goes… Duuhhhh
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
Another stray thought: concerning Marx and his “dimensionometer”—-Marx spoke of infinite variations in the reality spectrum (or somesuch). I think he may have used his gizmo to move from one of these realities to another maybe three times—-(1) when we first saw Wally & Co. “taken down” by the topsiders, only to find they were a ditto illusion, (2) when Wally and Holly got blown out that door on the Opabinia Queen while looking for the bridge, and (3) when the Opabinia Queen got hit by the topsider missiles.
Maybe Marx’s meeting with Flask is a fourth time—-maybe she was alive all along and Marx was just saying she was dead. In which case…maybe he was her lover from before…and maybe he wanted to help her out of the disaster that was her life without killing her…
(Come to think of it, what happened to the Opabinia Queen? Looked like it was hit, then disappeared—-will we ever see it again?)
Proxima Premium Member over 12 years ago
Wow, lots of talk and debate about the characters, the author, and possible “what if” scenarios. I’d like to return to TODAY’S strip for a moment, where we seem to be saying Goodbye to Flask.
First off, THANK YOU Aaron for showing us Flask’s history. I had always felt (and hoped) that there was so much more to her than a maniacal bloodlust. Whether she’s gone for good or not, she’ll remain one of my favourite characters – there was so much more to her than met the eye!
Secondly, the way that Marx puts her into that stream of other little balls, which I’m guessing are other souls and personalities – Thoughts that think themselves – and the way that the whole mass of them is shooting upwards… Right away, what popped into my head was “Up Up Up, to the Heavy-side layer!” from CATS.
The underlaying story in CATS was the rebirth of Grizabella, after being chosen to the the one Jellicle who would get to go to The Heavy-side Layer. That Flask IS a cat-person, and she’s being reborn (more or less) just made this connection for me. CATS is one of my favourite productions, and ENDTOWN is one of my very favourite comics!
Once again, THANK YOU Aaron for being such an incredible story-teller! I hope we haven’t seen the last of Marx (or Flask, for that matter.)
JanBic Premium Member over 12 years ago
There has been much speculation here that Aaron Marx is Aaron Neathery placing himself in the story.While Marx may contain elements of the author, including his first name, I think that Wally probably can make as much claim to being Neathery in disquise. In fact, I am sure traits to Aaron N show up in ALL of the Endtown characters (including Flask, Holly, Walt, Mallard, et al). As their sole creator, it cannot be any other way. All are creatures inhabiting the mind of the amazing mind of Neathery. How those character act and react is probably as much the story unfolding there as it is a conscious attempt at plot. That is why I believe that the lack of foreshadowing is actually what makes Endtown closer to real life. We have been subjected to humor, pathos, tragedy, fear, excitement, romance, real emotions. The result is REAL EMOTIONAL REACTION from us, the readers. Despite the knowledge that is only a comic strip, many of us in the Endtown family have had deep emotional and physical responses to the unfolding events. Some to the point of near depression at the lowest points of the story. This intimate involvement with Endtown by the readers is what proves the power and greatness of the story and art of Aaron Neathery. Aaron, please continue to write as you have been. You do the readers a great service because to not exercise our emotions is to lose them.Thank you for what you have given us so far and for what is yet to come.
JanBic Premium Member over 12 years ago
Please forgive the typos, that was a lot to type on an iPad.
coffeemugman over 12 years ago
‘I am the Eggman, I am the Eggman, I am the Walrus. Cho-coo-a-choo’
Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago
I take note of all the comments, both those supportive and those probing for weaknesses. Everyone’s say is worthwhile. The fact we are doing this at all means we are taking Endtown seriously.For all the wonder of the world portrayed in the experience, Endtown is still written and drawn by a human being. Remarkably, it’s by a human being who is sometimes working at the limits of endurance.We can look at its strengths and flaws, and we can compare it with the strengths and flaws of works created by other fallible human beings.On balance, in my opinion, the work comes out overwhelmingly in credit.Following Endtown for me has been an experience like being a ball in a pinball machine. I mean that in a good sense.As for the rules of how to tell a story: Rules are for Salieri. You can break them if you’re Mozart.
JusSayin over 12 years ago
I must concur with Jenner, JanBic and SurfStuff55. Aaron Neathery continues to create masterworks. In the archives, around August 15-16, when Marx took his leave of Mallard and emerged with Flask, Jenner advised us we were
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
Aaron has said that time travel doesn’t exist in this world, but he didn’t say he doesn’t use the convention of flashbacks. I’m assuming that this arc is a flashback to before Marx’s meeting with Mallard, and explains his tears and refusal to tell Mallard what happened to Flask. It indicates that Flask isn’t coming back, and that Marx doesn’t think Mallard is ready to know the terrible secret of alternate space.
Ida No over 12 years ago
“I’m assuming that this arc is a flashback to before Marx’s meeting with Mallard, and explains his tears and refusal to tell Mallard what happened to Flask..”Marx is a big fat liar. I’m not sure he’s ever told anyone the truth so far (with the exception just now in telling Flask that he’s removed her cancer). If he was crying for any reason at all, it was because he knew what he was going to be putting Flask through in a few minutes and it made him sad.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
211What can one say.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To TSOJMarx a liar or just putting alittle spin to it. After all what’s the fun in spilling all the beans.Don’t god like sentients do that?All the answers would be great but then ride would seen superfulous. I just feel he got more than he bargained for. It hit like a fully loaded Mack Truck. ( Oh I forgot you guys in Japan got little trucks so it would take several)(Hehe)On a nother note. Sitting here watch a cute Animated StoryDragon HuntersWatching the end when stands up to what scared him the most.As the hero falls to his certain death his last act is to throw his weapons on a final strike. Defeat the horror saving their world.Still not getting the respect but enjoying the ride anyway.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Great day on the TubeConan the Barbarian (New one) on in 20 minutes. Girls, Barbarian girls. The age of Hyboria.Before the rise of man and the sinking of Atlantis there was an age undreamed of.They were some great comics back in the day.Enjoy todayMonday comes.
Ida No over 12 years ago
“I just feel he got more than he bargained for. It hit like a fully loaded Mack Truck. ( Oh I forgot you guys in Japan got little trucks so it would take several)(Hehe)”We got bullet trains. Don’t need stinking little Mac trucks.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Sorry sons of Arius not man.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Talk about tough. In Conan’s birth. His father does the Caesarian birth and uses his finger for her to bite on for the pain. Man thats tough. True love there.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Oh yeah TSOJBut to get hit by one you have to be on the tracks. I guess that would work.Marx was trying to be the end of the tunnel and Flask was the Bullet Train. BOOOOOOOMI thought the TGV was faster.Cute side line. My first car going to college back in 71 was a Fiat 600D. The D was for Delux. It had a defroster. Neat car. 600 cc (Yes CC) engine 65 mph top speed. Over 50 miles to the gallon. Was sitting at a RR crossing. The DC Metro came by. It was a big Diesel pulling two passenger cars. It was fast. Real fast. It shot by at maybe 80 to 90 mph. The displaced air tipped my car over like a cow in a pasture. It just rolled up on its driver side. I climbed out. We were all laughing at how funny that was. It was such a slow roll. Pushed it back up on the wheels and drove off. Later in the day pulled out some small dents. Kept on going.Here is what I would think would be the coolest entro to Monday or some time.Flask awakens in her room. Going man what a weird dream. Feeling for once good about things. Real restful like sleeping on Serta. Saying yeah but it was just a dream. Then seeing her tail. Kumbaiya Starting fresh and anew. HeHe That would be sooooooo cool.Hey but what do I know. I am just a dreamer after all.Ever hopeful but always surprized. Keeps life exciting that way. It would be such a bore to know the final results. Well back to COD MWIII. Caster_1971 has to go get his butt kicked some more. But its okay. I do get payback and enjoy hearing the lamentations of da wemen.
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
A couple of people speak of Marx appearing in other works by Neathery—-I know, from the intro to “Endtown 1,” that there was an earlier web comic featuring a pre-apocalypse Albert and Gustine, and maybe this was where Marx appeared. Or maybe not. Either way, I haven’t seen any earlier work, and a short attempt at Google-searching didn’t turn up anything. (I have some time at hand. I’ll try again right after this. You know what they say about stuff on the Internet—-once it’s there, it’s there.)
By the way—-yet again, ‘cause I keep noticing things about this wonderful strip—-it seems that what happens to Flask in this most recent strip is what happened to her when she went to sleep in her lover’s arms and awoke mutated. There wasn’t any dialog, just Flask’s narration—-but her lover could’ve said what Marx says here.
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
To JanBicI did read every book. I did not if some here did. They are much younger than some of us.
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
I did locate a few pre-Endtown strips—-and Marx does appear in some of them—-and the implications for what went on in Endtown are quite large, and not just for Marx.
Now, I don’t mind guessing at upcoming plot points—-it amuses me to do so—-but I’d hate to give away genuine information—-especially since (1) I don’t know if it’s valid anymore or not, and more especially (2) I don’t know if Neathery would want it given away yet. I draw the line there. If you guys are interested, you’ll just have to dig it up yourselves…
Vet Premium Member over 12 years ago
Okay folks Here it comesVeteran is going into one of his rants.Flask cannot leave Endtown. Period.It would totally defeat the purpose of her being saved. Oh great here is your reward a new world and new life.Piss on everything else you did. All the hurt feelings, the anger you left behind but here you get a candy bar and a new life.Her memory would have to be completely wiped. I dont know about you guys but personally I could not live being given a new life after pissing everyone else off. Leaving all those bad vibes behind. Here your message.Treat every one like crap and get your reward. A new life and everything is now nambiebambie.Sorry for the rant but that just chaps my butt.She has to return. She has to. Either that or the moral is this: Hey kids piss off everyone you want to then move away to a new life. Leave all those you terrorized, angered, teased behind. You get a new life. They are left behind to remember you as a real A hole. But okay for you. You get to start over and be happy.Everyone left behind feels the hurt and pain of what you left behind.If that is what Flask becomes she disappoints me. She does not hit me as that type character. She was misguided and confused. Now she has focus and determination. Waste it somewhere else. NOOOO. Flask has to face ALL her demons. ALL OF THEM. It will not diminsh my love of the script and story if she goes I personally do feel it is right.I will never get to go back to my history and say to everyone I tried to kill that I am sorry about all that. I have met some that were once enemies now over here and held out my hand in friendship. The tears welled up in both our eyes one soldier to another.Flask leaves and get to happy happy joy joy land with out fixing what she left behind?As I said it will not make me leave the story but diminshes it in my eyes.There is my rant for today.The strip is based in fiction but the feelings and actions are based in real life. The choice is your author. Chose the path I will follow. My feelings may be bruised but my love of the strip shall not diminsh.Enough said.
DADOF3 over 12 years ago
Hang in there Veteran. We know Flask is headed somewhere, but to reward or punishment only Flask can determine. Monday should prove most interesting…
mr_sherman Premium Member over 12 years ago
DADOF3, Veteran is right. In my opinion also Flask needs to face those she hurt whether intentionally or not. The proof of change comes only with time, then it’s up to the others to accept who she is now or not. In my own past I hurt others, even seriously, and had to own up and prove I did my work to change. I had to accept what they decided in accepting me again or not. Some did and some didn’t. That’s how it goes. This is Aaron’s world and what’s going to happen is under his control. If she’s going to face the music, I guess she isn’t going to be a “bun in the oven” occuring between Holly & Wally like Veteran is predicting. We’ve heard Flask’s story. This arc may not be over, but it is coming to a close. We still have unresolved situations back in Endtown to deal with before the story is over. This may be a dream sequence, but a lot of time has been used up and events have happened to justify a dream sequence. We should start finding out in about nine and a half hours after this submission.
Robert Nowall Premium Member over 12 years ago
Well I hope all these comments were actually helpful to Mr. Neathery, even if we (and particularly me) strayed away from the topic of Marx…
Jenner Premium Member over 12 years ago
An addendum: The basis for what I said before was Marx’s words to Flask. “No rest for the wicked.” It’s a proverb or motif, usually used ironically with self-deprecation, in comment about oneself or someone else who has a load of tasks to fulfil conscientiously. When Marx said it, he was being literal. He told Flask she IS wicked, and she WILL have duties to fulfil without rest. He said this gently but with such authority that it is to be taken as a sentence. It’s left to our imagination, but I think Flask accepted this sentence. The thing is, the only way it can be carried out will be voluntarily. When Marx ‘removed her cancer’, as I have said in the past, he did not do anything TO her. He simply let her talk herself through it. He awakened her to the futility of her plight, and from there she did the rest herself. I believe she will realise full well the evil of all the deeds she has done. I believe she will carry her memories with her into the next world. I believe she will take the sentence “No rest for the wicked” and be reminded all the time the debt she has to pay off. I believe that the paying off of this debt will be secondary, and the lightness of her soul will be the primary outcome of her continuing to do good works in the hereafter.
coloharpare Premium Member about 12 years ago
OK, I’m a bit late to the party, here, but I’ve just spent the past week obsessively catching up. Soon I’ll have to experience the “dreaded weekend” along with the rest of you.But Aaron…you CAN’T make a mistake! You created this world and its rules (whatever they are….). And it’s all the twists and turns and unexpected moments that keep most of us reading. Well, and the great graphics! Wish I’d paid more attention to Jenner’s recommendation back when I started reading Doc Rat!