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Hard to know what to make of this. TJ’s not stupid, so I can’t believe he didn’t know she had his phone—he HAD to realize it was missing. At the same time, Ann’s not stupid, and it’s hard to believe she couldn’t be sure that he had copies of the recording. Yet here they are, both acting stupid. I think I’ll just sit back and eat popcorn.
P.S. More reason to believe WW doesn’t have video—all Ann’s hanky panky has gone on at the registers (coming on to TJ and lifting his phone, then putting the phone back in his pocket).
Re: yesterday’s conversation. I just sent the email to requesting that “Luann” be added as a category. Hopefully, we’ll see it happen soon. That’ll be something to tell our gradkids: “We made that happen!” Good job, team!
If this storyline is going to be resolved in a way that makes sense, it will probably involve the fact that while saying “I con smart” is not sufficient to get one fired, stealing and tampering with other people’s personal property (like a smartphone) is. But who am I kidding, this is Luann, so of course that’s not going to factor into it.
Presumably, she already has before TJ was hired. That seems like an order that would come from Corporate: that all store managers must train their employees with certain techniques “proven” to boost sales. Besides, if Ann herself can’t work out how TJ sells so well, how can she effectively train other cashiers to compensate for the lack of TJ’s sales. … I mean, TJ’s numbers had to be big; otherwise Ann would not have put up with so much. And logically, when she discovered his talent, she must have figured she may as well put him on the register as much as possible, which means the sales would have gone higher. This was all well and good until Ann fired TJ, which left her store kind of screwed and TJ back to his “idle rich” existence. That is, assuming TJ doesn’t have backup copies.
TJ:Why thank you, idiot. You stole my phone, deleted something on it, and I can now prove you did it, because:A:your prints are on the phone, and B:There’s a back up of what you deleted. Wonder how you’ll look duckwalked out of here…
I still can’t believe a customer was fooled by T.J.‘s “you might win a million bucks!” gimmick. I mean, wouldn’t it have been advertised everywhere like that McDonalds monopoly thing? And even if there was such a contest, the guy should have realized that his chances of winning were slim to none. And, even if the contest is real, the guy in the orange vest who’s telling you that you have a good chance at winning is: … 1. Wearing a uniform that does not inspire a whole lot of confidence in his intellectual abilities (which probably makes it easier for TJ to con customers, since they’ll think he looks too stupid to fool anyone), and … 2. Wants you to buy more. Even if he himself is not paid more whether you buy or not, he still presumably has a manager who wants employees to work their butts off to sell a certain amount of merchandise, so he/she can send them off to corporate and show what a good job he/she is doing. … I don’t think that guy EVER found out it wasn’t a real contest. Admittedly, that kind of sucks, but chances are, even if there was a real contest, he wouldn’t have won the million dollars anyway.
It might seem incredible, but some people don’t back up their smartphones. Which was the #1 reason I got one, backups are easy. We’ll see if she or he is more techno savvy very soon.
Even if there isn’t a backup, TJ could always pretend like there is. I could totally see him trying to record a fake backup in an attempt to fool Ann Eiffel, using Tiffany for Ann’s voice. Tiff would totally spend five hours on her makeup beforehand, even though it’s just a voice recording. Then she’ll whine that the premise of the recording is “boring” and has a “downer ending.” She’ll demand that they record with a better script, “using our real names so we can become famous.” Her sort-of boyfriend Ox sits nearby, completely uninterested in the proceedings, playing Angry Birds on his phone. Tiff refuses to work with TJ unless he allows her to take the lead on the project. TJ reluctantly agrees. …Tiff’s screenplay is surprisingly witty and character-driven. They’ll deviate slightly from the original script, but happy endings will be had by all. Ox would somehow play a role in some learning shenanigans at a magic school but emerge victorious. Tiff would go through an Elle Woods-like transformation and discover a brain under all that blonde. TJ would find a father figure in an unexpected person- his new vampire lover.
no way he didn’t have a back-up of the file. Anything less is way beneath him.I say he plays it cool and sends it to corporate to do with as they please
TJ: Oh OK. And BTW, you deleted my shopping list. I already uploaded the recording to Corporate since I figured you’d never resign. And this guy here? He’s the lawyer from corporate to tell you that YOU are fired.
Let’s just suppose that there were no “back-ups” or" Uploads to the net"… It sure looked like sexual harassment of Ann manhandling TJ in yesterdays panels, that is an actionable offense in this state.
does she think delete recording on his phone will resolve this in her favor? didn’t she think he might have back-ups? also, if he is fired, wouldn’t her sales plummet like a rock which means corporate audits her?
Left over from yesterday: Leviticus said, about 3 hours ago
I’ve been a member of FFnet for about 10 years, .So what stories did you place there? I will look them up and give them a read.^^3 short manga/anime based stories, just look for stories by “mikado2”
Mordock999 said, 3 minutes agoAh! According to THAT sign in Panel One, They Are NOW serving “Delete Recording: YES” at THIS Resturant! SOUNDS Yum…….,Now WAIT just a Darn Minute…..,^^“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but, I’ll gladly defend your right to confuse me” {Hawkeye Pierce, MASH TV show)
Actually TJ is a genius. He was blackmailing AE which is a crime. She just deleted the evidence and fired him. When sales drop off cliff she will be summoned to explain the drop. She can not claim she fired TK for blackmail cause she just destroyed the evidence.
I take it that the drama here is waiting to see how the “queen of the harpies” will meet her downfall? I mean…it’s not as if she fired Brad who actually needs a job. If she bests T.J., he just goes back to the couch, right? Has it ever been revealed what he does for money? Am I mistaken but didn’t he offer Frank and Nancy money at one time?
I’m sorry but the number of businesses that want to get ahead by conning their customers is very small. It’s not a long term strategy and only works when you don’t have permanent locations and repeat customers. I’m getting a little disgusted by how many of you think “corporate” would want to encourage this kind of behavior.
I don’t think that guy EVER found out it wasn’t a real contest. ^^Obviously not, because that would be outright fraud and the company could find itself the target of several lawsuits and LARGE fines… Frankly, TJ should have been fired, there and then
There had to be more to that recording because what we’ve “heard” so far doesn’t justify Ann potentially being fired by corporate. Yes, Ann admitted to cheating but what was the context? Let’s see how this plays out.
Wow… that was so easy for her to do. 1. Steal the phone from TJ and 2. Push a button to delete it. But TJ definitely has some kind of a copy of it hopefully. (fingers crossed!)
Howtheduck, you’re right—-much stupidity at WW. Up until now, though, most of it seems to be Ann, openly cheating customers. Now Ann and TJ are vying for the crown. I await the double- and triple-cross!
But for some reason, none of his customers have said “Hey, I don’t want that! I only have X amount to spend. Just give me what I ordered!” … Ironically, they do this when Ann’s running the register. This indicates that TJ’s either really lucky, has some secret salesman secret, or these people that he’s upselling are actually using money TJ gave them to come to his register and buy things.
“I don’t need to define ubiquitous do I?” … No. But an explanation of what makes “an excellent legal summary of the law” as opposed to a mediocre “legal summary of the law” would be greatly appreciated.
And in answer to your other question, personally I like how the strip gave Gunther a makeover. Evans moved Luann away from being the homely girl obsessing over Aaron Hill, so it would make sense to move Gunther away from being the shy, nerdy boy obsessing over Luann. I wish he made Bernice and Delta have more character development.
“Ann, back on 01-18-12 you also told TJ he was fired. Just think of all the headaches you would have saved yourself if you had stuck to your decision. " … You have a good point there. Although I doubt Ann ever washes those vests before issuing one to a new employee. It would be ironic if she did, considering her problem with picking up her own dry cleaning.
TJ knew Ann’s game. He knew Ann would play exactly how she did – offering to resign right away and all. He did make a copy and let Ann think he didn’t know what was up her sleeve. Ann underestimated TJ once again. She always underestimates everyone and overestimates herself.
Lev, because Ann was blatantly cheating customers, like Ox. TJ was upselling. NOT the same thing. But hey, maybe people have complained about both of them, and they’re both under investigation, and they’re both going to be fired.
I wonder if TJ has the skills to change his phone so that deleating a file actually sends it. Now that would be a trick, making Ann send the incriminating evidence herself.
I don’t know anyone of named “Baby,” aside from the girl in “Dirty Dancing.” It’s been a while since I watched that. Didn’t she decide to go by her birth-name (Frances) at some point in the movie since she was growing up or something? Also, I’ve never written any legal type stuff on here.
Wow. Mikeyj. Is that you in the picture? If it is, you look exactly like the robot in Lost in Space, only smaller.^^Yes, that’s me…. not sure who that incredibly distinguished, intelligent looking giant, holding me up to the webcam is, though
“MY B-9 environmental robot, is a little smallerthan yours :p”…
Just a tich smaller… So instead of Crush, Kill, Destroy" it says “Snap, Crackle, Pop?”^^Good one, but, wasn’t it Robby the Robot (from Forbidden Planet) who said “Crush, Kill, Destroy”?
Oh my gosh! Now that you mention that, I can totally see that as Frank’s brother!! :O We now have a mystery on our hands, guys. Who is this Frank look-a-like!!??
I hope they get married :) Then again I hope all of these relationships get married, except for Luann and Quill. That relationship doesn’t quite work for me. Luann and New Guy might work, but maybe that is after the College Years.
Nice twist, it will be interesting to see where this leads..I would have to be TJ’s phone, unless she doesn’t go through it to check...Hopefully, he does have a copy, or will have a copy of the video tape of her picking his pocket etc..
True, however, the B9 I have kind of blurs the line here and there. He does 511 different phrases, about 300 of which are taken from the original series, and the remainder were more contemporary and random phrases done by Dick Tufeld, ^^Cool…. Mine seems to be mute, for some reason ;)
I’m taking a bit of a risk saying this but, I don’t think TJ is dumb enough to fall for something like that. I think he may have something else up his sleeve… Guess/Hope we’ll find out this week! :-)
barbarasbrute about 12 years ago
Being fired is no reason to be unable to have HER fired. He’s got the proof.
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
Hard to know what to make of this. TJ’s not stupid, so I can’t believe he didn’t know she had his phone—he HAD to realize it was missing. At the same time, Ann’s not stupid, and it’s hard to believe she couldn’t be sure that he had copies of the recording. Yet here they are, both acting stupid. I think I’ll just sit back and eat popcorn.
MerriMagic about 12 years ago
I’m betting TJ has uploaded that recording somewhere.
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
P.S. More reason to believe WW doesn’t have video—all Ann’s hanky panky has gone on at the registers (coming on to TJ and lifting his phone, then putting the phone back in his pocket).
Templo S.U.D. about 12 years ago
What a sly vixen you are, Ann. T.J. didn’t feel his phone being slipped out of his vest pocket nor it being put back in.
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
Re: yesterday’s conversation. I just sent the email to requesting that “Luann” be added as a category. Hopefully, we’ll see it happen soon. That’ll be something to tell our gradkids: “We made that happen!” Good job, team!
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
Now watch sales go down, down, down. Isn’t that the only reason Ann didn’t fire TJ in the first place?
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
Good work, Sideshow!
Durandal_1707 about 12 years ago
If this storyline is going to be resolved in a way that makes sense, it will probably involve the fact that while saying “I con smart” is not sufficient to get one fired, stealing and tampering with other people’s personal property (like a smartphone) is. But who am I kidding, this is Luann, so of course that’s not going to factor into it.
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
TJ’s so going to steal the little bow-tie as he leaves.
Hank1938 about 12 years ago
I smell red herring. New item on the menu at WW!
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
Presumably, she already has before TJ was hired. That seems like an order that would come from Corporate: that all store managers must train their employees with certain techniques “proven” to boost sales. Besides, if Ann herself can’t work out how TJ sells so well, how can she effectively train other cashiers to compensate for the lack of TJ’s sales. … I mean, TJ’s numbers had to be big; otherwise Ann would not have put up with so much. And logically, when she discovered his talent, she must have figured she may as well put him on the register as much as possible, which means the sales would have gone higher. This was all well and good until Ann fired TJ, which left her store kind of screwed and TJ back to his “idle rich” existence. That is, assuming TJ doesn’t have backup copies.
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
Probably… but “Luann” doesn’t really do legal.
Angelalex242 about 12 years ago
Ann is hosed. TJ’s 95% likely to have backups. He’s grinning too widely not to.
Angelalex242 about 12 years ago
TJ:Why thank you, idiot. You stole my phone, deleted something on it, and I can now prove you did it, because:A:your prints are on the phone, and B:There’s a back up of what you deleted. Wonder how you’ll look duckwalked out of here…
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
Sideshow, you have a future in speechwriting, I can tell. :-)
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
I still can’t believe a customer was fooled by T.J.‘s “you might win a million bucks!” gimmick. I mean, wouldn’t it have been advertised everywhere like that McDonalds monopoly thing? And even if there was such a contest, the guy should have realized that his chances of winning were slim to none. And, even if the contest is real, the guy in the orange vest who’s telling you that you have a good chance at winning is: … 1. Wearing a uniform that does not inspire a whole lot of confidence in his intellectual abilities (which probably makes it easier for TJ to con customers, since they’ll think he looks too stupid to fool anyone), and … 2. Wants you to buy more. Even if he himself is not paid more whether you buy or not, he still presumably has a manager who wants employees to work their butts off to sell a certain amount of merchandise, so he/she can send them off to corporate and show what a good job he/she is doing. … I don’t think that guy EVER found out it wasn’t a real contest. Admittedly, that kind of sucks, but chances are, even if there was a real contest, he wouldn’t have won the million dollars anyway.
Mighty_Mouse about 12 years ago
It might seem incredible, but some people don’t back up their smartphones. Which was the #1 reason I got one, backups are easy. We’ll see if she or he is more techno savvy very soon.
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
Even if there isn’t a backup, TJ could always pretend like there is. I could totally see him trying to record a fake backup in an attempt to fool Ann Eiffel, using Tiffany for Ann’s voice. Tiff would totally spend five hours on her makeup beforehand, even though it’s just a voice recording. Then she’ll whine that the premise of the recording is “boring” and has a “downer ending.” She’ll demand that they record with a better script, “using our real names so we can become famous.” Her sort-of boyfriend Ox sits nearby, completely uninterested in the proceedings, playing Angry Birds on his phone. Tiff refuses to work with TJ unless he allows her to take the lead on the project. TJ reluctantly agrees. …Tiff’s screenplay is surprisingly witty and character-driven. They’ll deviate slightly from the original script, but happy endings will be had by all. Ox would somehow play a role in some learning shenanigans at a magic school but emerge victorious. Tiff would go through an Elle Woods-like transformation and discover a brain under all that blonde. TJ would find a father figure in an unexpected person- his new vampire lover.
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
LOL! Now, that’s an awesome fanfic premise!
brewingbiker about 12 years ago
no way he didn’t have a back-up of the file. Anything less is way beneath him.I say he plays it cool and sends it to corporate to do with as they please
kenhense about 12 years ago
At this point – neither Ann getting TJ’s only tape – or TJ having a backup – is going to be interesting enough. C’mon Greg – surprise us!
Sportymonk about 12 years ago
Be nice to thing TJ reprogramed the phone so Delete Yes really sent the voice recording to Facebook, Google + and the corporate office of course!!
23035387 about 12 years ago
this is why you have backups
w6nim about 12 years ago
Some friend in the corner videorecording Ann picking his pocket and returning the phone – with copies of what was deleted saved somewhere else??
CatKiki about 12 years ago
TJ: Oh OK. And BTW, you deleted my shopping list. I already uploaded the recording to Corporate since I figured you’d never resign. And this guy here? He’s the lawyer from corporate to tell you that YOU are fired.
auramac about 12 years ago
T J probably owns the place!
ReneTray about 12 years ago
Oui, And at least one human witness.
ratbastage about 12 years ago
Let’s just suppose that there were no “back-ups” or" Uploads to the net"… It sure looked like sexual harassment of Ann manhandling TJ in yesterdays panels, that is an actionable offense in this state.
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
does she think delete recording on his phone will resolve this in her favor? didn’t she think he might have back-ups? also, if he is fired, wouldn’t her sales plummet like a rock which means corporate audits her?
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Left over from yesterday: Leviticus said, about 3 hours ago
I’ve been a member of FFnet for about 10 years, .So what stories did you place there? I will look them up and give them a read.^^3 short manga/anime based stories, just look for stories by “mikado2”
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
That was TOO easy, it HAS to be part of TJs plan…. but, one can only wait to see
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
GEE1A said, about 3 hours agoAnn Eiffel missed her calling as a pick pocket, con artist, and all around creep!^^Creep yes, but, HOT creep
Mordock999 about 12 years ago
Ah! According to THAT sign in Panel One, They Are NOW serving “Delete Recording: YES” at THIS Resturant! SOUNDS Yum…….,Now WAIT just a Darn Minute…..,
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Mordock999 said, 3 minutes agoAh! According to THAT sign in Panel One, They Are NOW serving “Delete Recording: YES” at THIS Resturant! SOUNDS Yum…….,Now WAIT just a Darn Minute…..,^^“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but, I’ll gladly defend your right to confuse me” {Hawkeye Pierce, MASH TV show)
LonesomeStallion about 12 years ago
I’m sure TJ has a recording, he is so far ahead of Ann on most everything.
cdward about 12 years ago
She really needed to make sure he didn’t have it backed up before she fired him. Took me awhile to figure out she had stolen his phone.
CasualObserver about 12 years ago
The security camera caught it all.
morningglory73 Premium Member about 12 years ago
TJ got trumped.
bagbalm about 12 years ago
In real world things would be much nastier.
Dabit about 12 years ago
sundogusa about 12 years ago
Maybe that’s not the real phone! TJ is the type of guy that would have 2 phones or more!!
mcp about 12 years ago
TJ has money from some unknown source. Could it be family money from some fast food chain?
mafuthafree about 12 years ago
Now, Now, We all know that bow-ties are COOL! Just ask Doctor Who.
Terrywoebegone about 12 years ago
It’s not over, TJ’s smarter than that. Scamming the scammer.
SwimsWithSharks about 12 years ago
Of course TJ felt her hand on his chest both stealing it and returning it. She’s got the smooth touch of a ditch-digger with blisters.
draksig about 12 years ago
Actually TJ is a genius. He was blackmailing AE which is a crime. She just deleted the evidence and fired him. When sales drop off cliff she will be summoned to explain the drop. She can not claim she fired TK for blackmail cause she just destroyed the evidence.
Alan Smithee about 12 years ago
I take it that the drama here is waiting to see how the “queen of the harpies” will meet her downfall? I mean…it’s not as if she fired Brad who actually needs a job. If she bests T.J., he just goes back to the couch, right? Has it ever been revealed what he does for money? Am I mistaken but didn’t he offer Frank and Nancy money at one time?
drewpamon about 12 years ago
I’m sorry but the number of businesses that want to get ahead by conning their customers is very small. It’s not a long term strategy and only works when you don’t have permanent locations and repeat customers. I’m getting a little disgusted by how many of you think “corporate” would want to encourage this kind of behavior.
eocene82 about 12 years ago
Good for Ann! It’s about time. She should have fired him several storylines ago.
sjsczurek about 12 years ago
On the contrary! That’s exactly how she got to be a business manager!
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
I don’t think that guy EVER found out it wasn’t a real contest. ^^Obviously not, because that would be outright fraud and the company could find itself the target of several lawsuits and LARGE fines… Frankly, TJ should have been fired, there and then
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
Mercedes, we will find out Who’s Stupid soon, I expect.
Dave53, YouTube is a GREAT idea! Doh!
nanellen about 12 years ago
What is TJ is the CEO? Been an undercover boss the whole time?
Rakkav about 12 years ago
TJ not have a password on his phone? Now THAT’S implausible.
StoicLion1973 about 12 years ago
There had to be more to that recording because what we’ve “heard” so far doesn’t justify Ann potentially being fired by corporate. Yes, Ann admitted to cheating but what was the context? Let’s see how this plays out.
Dconskjk about 12 years ago
Hmmm…can’t be that easy. TJ has to be quicker than that, or vould Ann really be his match.
Alyzza B about 12 years ago
Wow… that was so easy for her to do. 1. Steal the phone from TJ and 2. Push a button to delete it. But TJ definitely has some kind of a copy of it hopefully. (fingers crossed!)
angusdad about 12 years ago
I don’t think that TJ is that stupid. He’s got a back up program.
Kathy M T M Premium Member about 12 years ago
I dont think we’ve seen him do anything like that. Convincing someone to add stuff is not the same thing.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
You’re replying to Night-Gaunt49’s comment:
No one ever said Anne Eiffel was stupid, just devious, manipulating, heartless and evil.^^You forgot “Sexy as all get out”
cubswin2016 about 12 years ago
Check! your move T.J.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
MY B-9 environmental robot, is a little smaller than yours :p
SwimsWithSharks about 12 years ago
Funny you would post that today. I was just thinking Bernice has to get written into this storyline before Ann get her just desserts.
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
Howtheduck, you’re right—-much stupidity at WW. Up until now, though, most of it seems to be Ann, openly cheating customers. Now Ann and TJ are vying for the crown. I await the double- and triple-cross!
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
But for some reason, none of his customers have said “Hey, I don’t want that! I only have X amount to spend. Just give me what I ordered!” … Ironically, they do this when Ann’s running the register. This indicates that TJ’s either really lucky, has some secret salesman secret, or these people that he’s upselling are actually using money TJ gave them to come to his register and buy things.
jessiethepoet about 12 years ago
she may be having hot flashes for brad,uh yu thank
scorpy007 about 12 years ago
TJ is too smart to have someone trick him like that. He must have something up his sleeve….besides his arm!!
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
“I don’t need to define ubiquitous do I?” … No. But an explanation of what makes “an excellent legal summary of the law” as opposed to a mediocre “legal summary of the law” would be greatly appreciated.
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
And in answer to your other question, personally I like how the strip gave Gunther a makeover. Evans moved Luann away from being the homely girl obsessing over Aaron Hill, so it would make sense to move Gunther away from being the shy, nerdy boy obsessing over Luann. I wish he made Bernice and Delta have more character development.
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
“Ann, back on 01-18-12 you also told TJ he was fired. Just think of all the headaches you would have saved yourself if you had stuck to your decision. " … You have a good point there. Although I doubt Ann ever washes those vests before issuing one to a new employee. It would be ironic if she did, considering her problem with picking up her own dry cleaning.
9thCapricorn about 12 years ago
TJ knew Ann’s game. He knew Ann would play exactly how she did – offering to resign right away and all. He did make a copy and let Ann think he didn’t know what was up her sleeve. Ann underestimated TJ once again. She always underestimates everyone and overestimates herself.
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
Have any of the customers Ann was blatantly cheating ever called Corporate? Maybe Ann’s already under investigation.
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
Lev, because Ann was blatantly cheating customers, like Ox. TJ was upselling. NOT the same thing. But hey, maybe people have complained about both of them, and they’re both under investigation, and they’re both going to be fired.
patlaborvi about 12 years ago
I wonder if TJ has the skills to change his phone so that deleating a file actually sends it. Now that would be a trick, making Ann send the incriminating evidence herself.
SideshowStarlet about 12 years ago
I don’t know anyone of named “Baby,” aside from the girl in “Dirty Dancing.” It’s been a while since I watched that. Didn’t she decide to go by her birth-name (Frances) at some point in the movie since she was growing up or something? Also, I’ve never written any legal type stuff on here.
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
MJ, you have gone 1 day without pictures- that is unacceptable….^^Actually, I posted 2, Bern with Lu and Myself with a tiny replica of Birds**t
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
Wow. Mikeyj. Is that you in the picture? If it is, you look exactly like the robot in Lost in Space, only smaller.^^Yes, that’s me…. not sure who that incredibly distinguished, intelligent looking giant, holding me up to the webcam is, though
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
You’re replying to Brdshtt’s comment:
“MY B-9 environmental robot, is a little smallerthan yours :p”…
Just a tich smaller… So instead of Crush, Kill, Destroy" it says “Snap, Crackle, Pop?”^^Good one, but, wasn’t it Robby the Robot (from Forbidden Planet) who said “Crush, Kill, Destroy”?
sfknight about 12 years ago
i’m guessing this won’t turn out well for ann.
Alyzza B about 12 years ago
Oh my gosh! Now that you mention that, I can totally see that as Frank’s brother!! :O We now have a mystery on our hands, guys. Who is this Frank look-a-like!!??
Angelalex242 about 12 years ago
How amusing it would be if it actually WERE Frank?
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member about 12 years ago
If he was smart, which I have no doubt he is, he would have already uploaded that recording to the cloud.
comixlover347 about 12 years ago
tj probably has another recording…hopefully!
tgregoryt about 12 years ago
I hope they get married :) Then again I hope all of these relationships get married, except for Luann and Quill. That relationship doesn’t quite work for me. Luann and New Guy might work, but maybe that is after the College Years.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 12 years ago
Nice twist, it will be interesting to see where this leads..I would have to be TJ’s phone, unless she doesn’t go through it to check...Hopefully, he does have a copy, or will have a copy of the video tape of her picking his pocket etc..
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
You’re replying to Night-Gaunt49’s comment:
Reminds me of that episode when there was swarm of B-9’s.^^One is a swarm?
Mikeyj about 12 years ago
True, however, the B9 I have kind of blurs the line here and there. He does 511 different phrases, about 300 of which are taken from the original series, and the remainder were more contemporary and random phrases done by Dick Tufeld, ^^Cool…. Mine seems to be mute, for some reason ;)
handinit about 12 years ago
Two words.. Surveillance camera… Tis got her now.
transylvanian about 12 years ago
TJ is not a toad. Hell, if I could blackmail my bosses the way he does, I’d own the company. AH HAHA HA HAAAAAA.
Duruwen about 12 years ago
I’m taking a bit of a risk saying this but, I don’t think TJ is dumb enough to fall for something like that. I think he may have something else up his sleeve… Guess/Hope we’ll find out this week! :-)
sfknight about 12 years ago
the thing of it is, the crime itself isn’t what gets you, it’s the coverup.
mindylupies about 12 years ago