Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for May 28, 2013

  1. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  almost 12 years ago

    Uh oh . . .

    Did Mysta do what I think she just did?

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  2. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 12 years ago

    Good morning everyone…

    Mysta didn’t waste any time!

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 12 years ago

    I hate this…

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  4. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  almost 12 years ago

    I’ve lost all respect for Mysta and now I hate her!

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  5. Zap
    60sFan  almost 12 years ago

    Holey Moley!

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  6. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member almost 12 years ago


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  7. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  almost 12 years ago

    Also, by these actions, she may have alienated (no pun intended) herself from Junior AND Honeymoon. Because Sparkle has been the only real mother Honeymoon has known.

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  8. Mysta chimera invading blackhearts hq   8 29 2015
    willy007  almost 12 years ago

    Oh wow.I understand the hate thing. I also understand if others will think, “The real Mysta would never have done this. Therefore this person must be an evil fake or a clone.”That hypothesis might end up being correct, but before we automatically assume it is, remember:1. The original Mysta was basically a good person, but she was also quite tempermental and impetuous.2. The original Mysta was not shy about using her powers. She often zapped people, even her friends at times. (Lizz, Junior, etc.)3. This person thinks Junior is still her husband (see the May 2 strip). Such a belief is entirely consistent with her being the original Mysta.4. If she is the real Mysta, remember her perspective. She has awakened, fairly recently it seems, from a long sleep, only to discover that her husband and daughter have nearly forgotten her, and her (former) friend has married her husband. She would naturally be very frustrated. She is also an alien, not as in tune perhaps with how this incident will be perceived as we would be.5. The cemetery incident showed us that this Mysta, while basically a good person (only attacking criminals until now), is angry about being presumed dead and is willing to do edgy, violent stuff to send a loud and clear message that she is alive and back in business.6. Mysta has committed assault and battery, but it is highly unlikely that Sparkle is dead. Knocked out cold probably, but still alive. If so, this should be seen as a warning shot (inappropriate as it is) from a woman who thinks another woman has stolen her beloved husband from her.7. Up until now, this person has not used her powers for any other purpose than to stop criminals. It seems doubtful that we’ve had such a long lead in to this story, only to discover now that she’s actually the villain.All that to say, while this incident definitely reduces the sympathy factor for Mysta, it’s not a deal-breaker IMO. She could still easily be the original. In fact, I think this action is consistent with her being the original, or at least believable. Remember, too, this action is likely to increase the suffering of this tragic character (assuming she’s the original). Acting in such an impulsive and violent way to get her husband back is more likely to prevent any possibility of even a friendly relationship with him going forward, and will almost surely prevent her from ever having visitation rights with Honeymoon.

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  9. Missing large
    ReneTray  almost 12 years ago

    The action is straight out of a comic book.Of course that’s how comic books got its start and of course one of the persons of this strip had experiance in that field.

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  10. Missing large
    ReneTray  almost 12 years ago

    Another possibility you may have two “camps”.One for Mystia. The other for Sparkle.

    Of couse as mention they were friends during the orginal run.

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  11.   aa96125949 815708099062159 6596033479821734402 n  1
    dennis4476 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Before everyone assumes that Mysta is hurting Sparkle, how do we know that she is actually seeking her help. There may be a reason that Mysta is taking this action. Cracked up with the name Mrs. Whig though.

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  12. Mysta chimera invading blackhearts hq   8 29 2015
    willy007  almost 12 years ago

    As often happens here, the colors seem off to me. I don’t think Mysta’s wearing a wig (just my opinion), and I would assume her boots and gloves are supposed to be the usual purple (not orange??). Once again, I think the colorist at Comics Kingdom did a better job, or at least is thinking more as I would:

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  13. Bren suit
    FLIGHT SUIT  almost 12 years ago

    This is so confusing. Why are there different colorists for different venues?

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  14. Me
    SCOTTtheBADGER  almost 12 years ago

    That seems uncalled for, I must say!

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  15. Img 0021 2
    mikatt1  almost 12 years ago

    I hope she didn’t hurt her!

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  16. Mysta cutie
    yumpinyiminey  almost 12 years ago

    OH MY! I did not see this coming. I don’t know what to think right now. I’m still all in on this being the original Moon Maid, and I’ll love her regardless. But Mysta, honey, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? I’m not sure which is more upsetting, that she’ll now be despised by Junior and probably Honeymoon, that she’ll be regarded as a criminal by Sparkle’s father-in-law, or that at least some of her fans will now hate her. Augh!

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  17. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    The laser-gun finger would seem to rule out the possibility that the new Mysta is just an ordinary woman who has been altered through plastic surgery, unless the doctors implanted an actual laser gun in her finger. However, maybe its part of her glove, like Spider-Man’s web-shooting devices are attached to his wrists?

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  18. Aliens2
    fhoffman01  almost 12 years ago

    This certainly complicates matters and could potentially destroy Mysta’s future presumed relationship with Honeymoon.

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  19. Missing large
    fredville  almost 12 years ago

    ….to me, this proves she’s not the real MM. Of course, the fact she was blown to bits does too, lol. Best case scenerio, this is a clone programmed to think she was successfully brought back from the dead….and it’s doubtful there’s been a successful cloning with these characters involved, either. Of course, if Chester G. was still alive, Sparkle could easily be a goner….ala Model Jones……hey, a hat trick for Junior!!!

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  20. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    This is not good. But it is amusing to see the reasoning twists and contortions of those who choose to believe that Clone-Moon Maid is in fact the real Mysta Tracy….

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  21. Ek 11
    jazzmoose  almost 12 years ago

    The colors are ALWAYS off. It’s a black and white strip; I wish they would run it that way.

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  22. Moonbeam
    SlyMongoose  almost 12 years ago

    Hey Now!

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  23. Missing large
    anopcfox1  almost 12 years ago

    I do not think Sparkle is dead. Just knocked out.

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  24. Mmdash6
    Pequod  almost 12 years ago

    To me this reads like a classic misdirect: Mysta would not act this way, so it must not be the real Mysta. Yet I believe this is Mysta. Whether blown clear of the car and spirited away to emergency care (by Retik and Stellaluna, those in her father’s employ, or another agent), or rapidly regenerated (physically and mentally) by Sail (post-“grunt” work by Ghote), I don’t believe we’ve been teased and pleased lo’ these many months, only to get a gotcha from Team Tracy.So why might Mysta act so out of character? Willy007 thoughtfully offers logical motivations for her actions, but there seems to be even more at play here. Who is motivated to manipulate Mysta? Why her hasty resolve to get to the moon? Sail strikes me as the obvious criminal whom Tracy will eventually pursue. He seems just as anxious as Mysta to be lunar bound. Or is it the other way around? We know why Mysta wants to go back to the moon with Junior and Honeymoon: family and safety. Why is Sail so set on securing a ride in a Space Coupe?Finally, where is the Governor in all of this? Where is he living and what does he know about his daughter’s condition? So many factors to consider: which is why this is such a rich and satisfying story.

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  25. Moon maid points at doorstop
    Jerry1967  almost 12 years ago

    What a curveball this is. Here I was settled in with the thought that Mysta would never do something like this, and now wham! I’ve been knocked off my horse. As much as I don’t want Sparkle to be hurt, I like the idea that Team Tracy has shocked us. It tells me Curtis is not going conventional on us and that there will be more surprises in store. Kudos for the curveball!

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  26. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 12 years ago

    W.C. Fields Forever (with apologies to Firesign Theatre and the Beatles)

    I was going to begin with a correction to my post yesterday, in which I credited MoonlitKnight with having “called” a peaceful “hello and farewell” when, in fact, Night-Gaunt49 had called it first.

    Until today, I figured that was exactly what we were going to get, and why not? There will be more than enough “tension” generated by our pair of docs and their “dog and pony” show (what Diet Smith called, “show and tell”). (The “dog and pony” show is why I entitled this post, W.C.Fields Forever)

    Add to that, none of the characters involved knows that the moon is once again lifeless.

    In fact, the “big crime” I was about to predict was the murder (perhaps only attempted) of Retik, Stellaluna, and Mysta as they were deposited on the surface of the moon! Again, why not? Once the pair of docs are finished with their scam, why not get rid of all three, the only ones who know what dirtbags the doctors have been!

    Mysta foes may be rejoicing right now. Even if Sparkle is only “stunned,” which is the most likely situation, Mysta has just committed a crime! This alone makes it clear that Mysta is not rejoining the cast of characters in her former standing.

    Mysta fans are likely puzzled, as I am this morning. Yes, I was using harmful intent on Sparkle as my “guage” as to whether this Mysta was genuine. Not a good morning for Mysta fans!

    Many have asked whether there is a “plausible” explanation for the “real” Mysta to have survived Collins’ car bomb.

    In the end, I think that explaining her survival is going to be easy compared to explaining why Mysta has done this. Like it or not, Mysta is now a villain! (And this is from someone who wants this Mysta to be real)

    Most sinister thought (for now, anyway): Is this Mike and Joe’s way of “sending off” Moon Maid, once and for all – in a manner such that all of us may want her gone?

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  27. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  almost 12 years ago

    Big time jealousy! What the heck? ….. Uh-oh man-o-man I hope she’s not ….a…a … uh … you know …

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  28. Tracy
    coratelli  almost 12 years ago

    Oh, god. :(

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  29. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 12 years ago

    Pequod77: Call it a moment of gloom. I am just terribly disappointed in this turn of events – I almost even said “devastated” – but that should be reserved for living souls, not fiction.

    Perhaps I was also affected by a movie my wife wanted to watch, the Big Wedding, with Dianne Keaton and Susan Sarandon. Perhaps the only redeeming feature in that film was when Dianne confronts Susan, now living with Dianne’s ex, were Dianne’s words to Susan: To the effect that, “I’m glad when I left him that he found you.”

    I guess my feelings were, with absolutely everything else that’s going wrong in this story (crooked doctors, “dog and pony” show, loss of husband, loss of daughter and, soon to be revealed, loss of her homeland), Mysta acting out like a criminal was not in anyone’s best interests, especially Mysta’s!

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  30. Missing large
    Ken in Ohio  almost 12 years ago

    Good story telling with surprises around every corner! I just hope that when Mike and Joe and Company finish this story, the next, more earth-bound story is crafted as well, and runs as long. You know, a real Dick Tracy style crime, detection and chase, with twists and turns along the way.

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  31. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 12 years ago

    Pequod77: I just remembered something else – in the beginning, there were times that Mysta harmed people unintentionally. However, if this is the real Mysta, that would have been a lesson she learned a long time ago.

    Now that’s Pretzel Logic! (Or, was that Steely Dan?)

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  32. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  almost 12 years ago

    It may mean nothing but MM doesn’t seem to have any anger or rage on her face in panel 3. I think if she was acting as a women scorned she would not be as cool, non-emotional as she’s drawn. (Let’s remember that’s she’s not real, all you MM devotees!) LOL!!!!!S.I.T.O.A.N.M.I.

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  33. Biopic
    furnoir  almost 12 years ago

    most likely just stunned Sparkle so she can be bait to lure Junior and Honeymoon, thinking they will welcome her back (De Nile must be a river on the moon as well).

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  34. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  almost 12 years ago

    Moon Maid has the ability to painlessly freeze people in their tracks. Once Lizz and Junior had a party and the guests took turns at being frozen. I agree with tsull2121 that from Mysta’s expression, there doesn’t seem to be malice. Also, she may not be acting of her own accord. There is prior indication that she may have been brainwashed.

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  35. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  almost 12 years ago

    If she isn’t wearing a wig, why does she call herself Mrs. Whig? If she is wearing the same boots and gloves, why was she picking out other clothes to wear in public yesterday?

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  36. Lumandabnetar
    Blindfolded Wildcat  almost 12 years ago

    Remember the days when you couldn’t wait to grab the newspaper and find out what would happen in “DIck Tracy”? Well, those days are happily here again!

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  37. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  almost 12 years ago

    willy, panel two of yesterdays strip you can very clearly see the wig right behind/next to the bug goggles/glasses she is wearing, and she also somewhat holds up the jacket as well. and yes, the wig IS colored an orangy tint which explains the “miscoloration of mysta’s hair today” issue

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  38. Mysta chimera invading blackhearts hq   8 29 2015
    willy007  almost 12 years ago

    “Mysta is still a tragic figure only now it is compounded by her actions her and from then on. I for see terrible things all done for the wrong reason and will end badly.”I agree. I do feel bad for Sparkle, but considering all the suffering Mysta has had to endure (assuming she’s the original), she’s an extremely sympathetic character in my book. Lost years of her life, lost husband, lost daughter, and as she’ll soon find out, lost the moon colony and possibly her people as well. If today’s action makes her a criminal in the eyes of Tracy and family and the Plentys as it seems sure to do, that might be the most cruel stroke of all. Who knows, though, all of this might turn out okay in the end after all. There have been plenty of twists and turns in this story already, and I’m hoping there will be some semblance of a happy ending to it. I just can’t believe Curtis and Staton have promoted Mysta for this long and built expectations to such a level, only to yank it out from under us in the end and send her back to oblivion. That would make no sense at all, financially if nothing else.

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  39. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  almost 12 years ago

    Sigh. As I said yesterday, here’s where things start coming apart for Mysta.Of course, Sparkle is only stunned. But the real question is how will Stellaluna react when she sees Mysta with an unconscious Sparkle? And what will Drs. Sail and Ghote do if they bring Sparkle there? (if Mysta is becoming a menace, they can’t exactly show her off to Diet Smith, can they?)Don’t know if anyone’s mentioned it, but Junior and Mysta know how to the Space Coupe…

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  40. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  almost 12 years ago

    Head’s UP! Gasoline Alley has been running a story about Walt and Slim visitng the comic strip retirement home!When Maggie and Jiggs realize her pearl broach has vanished (after Smokey Stover almost ran her down), the theft is investigated by …Fearless Fosdick!It’s a “Who’s Who” (and “who’s that?”) for anyone who loves the classics, and enjoyed the cameos of Walt, Hank O’Hair and Hotshot Charlie here in Tracy.

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  41. Weaponbrown4
    andrew_c  almost 12 years ago

    Oops, commented on the wrong strip there.

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  42. Kantuck icon124x84
    kantuck-nadie  almost 12 years ago


    Thank you for adding some of your thoughts to this. Personally I have a strong feeling this is not our beloved Mysta, but an imposter. I’m hoping I’m correct but still.

    But your notes also pointed out several things; how Impetuious Mysta was in the 70s, also being an alien she may think a bit differently than humans. I’ve suspected too that the Lunaians are an off-branch of humans, especially since Honeymoon exists.

    Also your point about Sparkle being the only mother she really had; might I add that at the time of Mysta’s death Honey was around 5 or so, so she could have remembered Mysta.

    This is a sad development, but we must remember. Mysta is innocent until proven guilty. Since her electrical abilities are electrical in nature, they can be simulated. Thank of a taser.

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  43. Painted lady2
    frankt0001  almost 12 years ago

    The only thing disappointing about Mysta’s coat is that she’s wearing one. She looks mighty darn cute in those sunglasses though.

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  44. Chief patton
    Chief Patton  almost 12 years ago

    I’ve been struggling with this strip all day. I’ll just say I’m going to be heartbroken if Mysta is hated by her family because of this. I so want her to have an ongoing role with Honeymoon and even in some way with Junior. And right now I don’t see how that’s ever going to happen. I’m so in the tank for Mysta that she could do no wrong in my eyes. But oh what she’s done here. I hope she can come back from this.

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  45. Missing large
    fredville  almost 12 years ago

    …..ok, #1, well…..she’s sure making Junior’s “decision” easy, isn’t she?#2……she doesn’t necessarily mean harm to Sparkle??? Uhhh…..read yesterday’s panel again…….she’s planning on going HOME to the moon…but has some “business” to take care of first. I’d say replacing her tomb with Sparkle’s body, perhaps…..actually, while that would be grim, killing off Sparkle would sure raise interest in the strip, huh? Adds the ol’ realism factor……

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  46. Missing large
    fredville  almost 12 years ago

    But, has ANYBODY stated the most OBVIOUS conclusion to all this yet??? That HONEYMOON ends up saving her adopted mom……I doubt Mike has been interjecting Honeymoon’s detective work all this time for no reason…..and it solves all the potential “problems” in one neat wrap……both her and Junior have an easy choice for mom and wife, and if MM gets killed again, she dies more justifiably…plus is out of the picture again…

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  47. Missing large
    fredville  almost 12 years ago

    Finally, we all have to remember, though, that this is a fantasy comic strip where moon people exist, Dick Tracy is well over 100 years old, characters of today interact with those who would be long dead, and much more. So, really, Mike and Joe can take it wherever they want…..they don’t really need to “justify” it, or make it totally plausible…….just hopefully, as they’ve been doing all along….enjoyable!!!

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  48. Missing large
    dr.otis  almost 12 years ago

    So much for taking the high road.

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  49. Mens vs womens shopping patterns
    mrichman  almost 12 years ago

    Oh No! What is Mysta going to do with her? I don’t like this!

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