Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 19, 2015
Captain: "So, you two, when's the big day?" Fire fighter 1: "My sis had a huge wedding. Divorced a year later" Fire fighter 2: "Forget the plans. Elope" Fire fighter 3: "Yeah. My fiancee and I broke up trying to get married" Fire fighter 4: "I'll never forget my weeding. Cost 43,000 bucks" Brad: "Firefighters. So inspirational"
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Part of the stresses of getting married…listening to people regale you with “tales of honeymoon horror” and “wedding war stories”….. – Though some are well meaning, and some do have an encouraging “heads-up” sort of tone….
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“Word To The Wiseguys”“Cautionary Tale Spin”“Incorrigible Encouragement”“…But Not As I Do "“Inspira-Shun”“A Bowl Of Cherries…And Sour Grapes”“A Hopeless Hope Chest”or“Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This?” (♫)
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
DaJellyBelly almost 10 years ago
I think it is all a bit of good natured teasing and ribbing on the part of their comrades. None of what they are saying is meant to be taken seriously.
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
Ringo Starr my foot (I get by with a little help from my friends).
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
That’s if they don’t get in the way of shoplifters (and those people who like to leave used, empty packages of items on shelves)….
Angelalex242 almost 10 years ago
I dunno. The guy who said $43,000 on his wedding was probably telling it like it is and is still trying to pay the loans off.
The guy with a divorced sister is probably also telling the truth.
The guy who broke up with his fiancee may even be telling the truth.
William Loster almost 10 years ago
Is Toni the only female firefighter, I wonder? There has to be more than one. Since Toni has become a regular in this strip it would be nice to see her interacting with male and female colleagues on her own. Kind of like we see with Bernice and Dez.
homfencing almost 10 years ago
Uhhh…sarcasm, perhaps??
revmomdmhs almost 10 years ago
Reminds me of all those baby showers I’ve been to where women sit around telling horror stories about their 32-hour labor or the one that ended in an emergency C-section. . . while the poor, very pregnant mother-to-be gets paler and paler, listening. And no matter how much the tactful person tries to change the subject, lot of people love to contribute to the drama.
SF1972 almost 10 years ago
I think they’re just teasing, judging by Brad and Toni’s mild amusement. Most likely they’d jump at the chance to be a part of Brad and Toni’s firehouse wedding. Firefighters…well, I know a few, and they are among the most loyal people in the world. But they like to tease.
SF1972 almost 10 years ago
And to answer the Chief’s question, Wednesday, April 1, if you ask me.
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
Three of these annoying Debbie downers remind me of a certain alien.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 10 years ago
Sure Brad, but they’re not religious inspirational.
cdward almost 10 years ago
I hope you’re not being serious. Firefighters do hang out sometimes because they have to have some down time as well, even as they’re on duty. I hang out with a lot of firefighters, and they’re not always running to a fire or cleaning gear. I even know a couple who’re married to each other.
GOGOPOWERANGERS almost 10 years ago
Funny how only the captain is the only one not being judgmental i guess he is happily married and not obsessed with monetary part of marriage
GOGOPOWERANGERS almost 10 years ago
I also calling that the captain will be the minister if they do it in the firehouse
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Well at LEAST Everybody’s Drinking COFFEE!
I CAN’T, For Now…..,
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 10 years ago
Anybody can enter a burning building, but to enter a marriage is true bravery
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Typical break-room banter among friends—in this case, friends who are prepared to die for you if duty demands….But I still recommend a small wedding, church or justice of the peace as suits you, not a firehouse wedding.
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
I have a feeling this demotivational poster would fit any of that crew:
Ah, I see you’ve also discovered! ;-PPP
I cracked up my whole project team for 15 minutes at a meeting once.
kd1sq Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Missus and I gt married on the back porch overlooking the woods (very rural place.) The guy who ran the dump was also a JP – nice guy – we had him officiate.
Good time was had by all.
31768 almost 10 years ago
save the money for something more fun!
The Old Wolf almost 10 years ago
While I have immense respect for smoke-eaters, I would not survive a week in their company, I fear.
JimT8 almost 10 years ago
If this doesn’t get Brad and Toni talking, nothing will. They are all on Toni’s side of this. And look at her quiet look of satisfaction!
JimT8 almost 10 years ago
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“busting their chops”^That may well be what they’re doing, but even if they are doing so here (with only the intention of good natured ribbing), there are people who do talk about the subject in this way (and are being pessimistic when they do it) to others, even if those doing so are married!! – And too, sometimes people may be joking (like in this instance), but every now and then, there’s sometimes a bit of “true story/anecdote” (even if those people are a bit on the pessimistic side) ‘floating around’ in their “tongue in cheek” humor…
WildsidePhoto Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I read the comments on this strip because they are more interesting than the strip itself. You all do realize that the characters here are 2-dimensional, like, they aren’t real, right? It’s a cartoon; Brad and Toni don’t think anything. The cartoonist is probably ROTFLHAO after reading the hilarious musings of his die-hard fans!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“….but why Greg had Toni or Brad say or so something. Seeking the cartoonist’s motivation is a useful exercise.” ^Which according to the banner at the top, will be what Greg has fans to do, tomorrow, via Twitter (not I, as I don’t “Tweet”)….
WildsidePhoto Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Precisely; it’s Greg’s strip – this stuff’s in his head but the talk presumes that the characters are running the show. All that about firefighters being lazy and eating doughnuts – it’s a caricature. Not understanding the caricature illustrates ignorance of the profession and/or other professions that involve working in team-oriented environments.
Willow Mt Lyon almost 10 years ago
They are acting like guys who would put “Trial Run” on the back of the bride and groom’s car instead of “Just Married”.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
And they are all exactly right. Businesses have sold the women of America on the crazy idea of huge weddings. Better to use that 43K on debt relief or a down payment on a home.
GOGOPOWERANGERS almost 10 years ago
nowadays the percentage of divorce is crazy high something like 35-65% for a lot of the countries not only americabut since this a comic strip we can assume that this is not going to happen otherwise it be kind of sad.If comic strips were to truly reflect the real would they would show real life scenarios such as people dying from diseases and suicide.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
There have always been artists who used caricatures to make a point, and that continues, even after what happened with Charlie Hebdo. It is not an outdated art form. It may offend, but it will not go away, any more than the verbal expression of opinos will go away.
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
t’s up to us, the consumer, to vet them, believe them, or call “BS” on them. ;-)-Just don’t do it too many times in one day, or that’ll get you reported to the moderator for “personal attacks” ….
There are many different ways to call “BS” and make it seem “PC,” or not a “personal attack,:” Back in the days of the old BBS Networks (anyone remember :FIDONet?), we had a motto, “Attack the post, not the poster.” And there are other little tricks. I won’t reveal them here, as I use them frequently! ;-)
maverick1usa almost 10 years ago
Woo woo! The start of the “Honeymoon”!
maverick1usa almost 10 years ago
Time to find the church!
live2read almost 10 years ago
At stores, I’ve actually seen a Wilton cake top that consists of a bride dragging the groom. Though it’s meant “in good fun,” I consider that an insult. It reinforces the stereotype of women “dragging” unwilling men into marriage, as if women can’t also feel like they’re being “trapped” into the institution, too. The teasing we see here today may be just that, but ReallyBad2 has a point: the firefighters wouldn’t be saying those things if they didn’t believe them on some level.
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
How does that go? Oh, yeah, “CBS, NBS, ABS, it’s all BS…”
Now, Now,,, We have to be fair…. Don’t forget FXBS (Fox / Fox Business)… ;-PPP
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
Tune in tomorrow to see the firefighters say “Take my wife—please!”
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
-Wow, I guess it totally depends on what source of info someone uses. For example, Nielson’s Top 10 for the week of February 23 was:-The Big Bang Theory at one; The Voice for Tuesday at two; the Voice again at three; Empire at four; The Odd Couple (the new one) at five; Blue Bloods at six; NCIS at seven; 60 Minutes at eight; Madame Secretary at nine and CSI Cyber at ten.-Meanwhile, TV Guide has a totally different list for right now, which as Empire first, Nashville second, ‘Scandal’ third, Gotham fourth, American Idol fifth, Bates Motel at six, Gold Rush at seven, The Last Man on Earth at eight, The Walking Dead at nine and Dancing with the Stars (yech) at ten.
The Orange Mailman almost 10 years ago
Is this the first we have seen of these coworkers besides the captain?
Airman almost 10 years ago
Greg does pace his storylines very slowly and they always seem to end “not with a bang, but a whimper.” But, the art work is very good and worth the price of admission.
James Lindley Premium Member almost 10 years ago
My daughter and son-in-law had a civil wedding. They’ve been together longer than most couples now, and have two kids. The cost of the wedding doesn’t have a thing to do with how long the marriage lasts.
RSH almost 10 years ago
somehow the fire station (as a location) doesn’t look so attractive anymore……….now what?
ACTIVIST1234 almost 10 years ago
Nothing like horror stories for entertainment. Keep smiling, kids!
Jim Kerner almost 10 years ago
A co-worker told me that marriage is a great institution. So’s Belleview!
Jim Kerner almost 10 years ago
After you say “I Do”. You don’t!
tsyitee2001 almost 10 years ago
You people don’t know firemen
wreck it ralph almost 10 years ago
I cannot wait for the wedding ,will we finely meet Brad’s Granparents or Tony’s other family members.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“Those do appear to be in some semblance of order, but there is one missing: the “Who Da Baby Daddy” show”^A,K,A. the new “Maury Povich”…..
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
That only counts if it’s ice cream. For donuts, it’s “filing is for winners…". Or “jelly…”
thefloyd almost 10 years ago
Comic strip. Not real. No one takes it seriously. No one is insulted.
wiselad almost 10 years ago
technically Tony is open to both genders, out of the usual 4500 names used for girls in the USA, is ranked 1544, while ………………
Tony for boys is ranked around 100 for the 1400 usual names used for boys in the USA
so usually there are more variants of names for girls. so there is no guarantee that Tony Gale is Anthony(even if Anthony looks most likely) or Antoinette, we have to take that the only fact is that both Toni and Brad know who is Tony Gale
gromit82 almost 10 years ago
Coincidentally, had a piece today (actually a reprint, but it did re-appear today) which said that the statistics on “average wedding cost” are significantly exaggerated. First, the surveyed brides are not a truly representative group — they are drawn from users or Brides magazine readers, who would be more likely to have pricey weddings. (If you were just going to go to the courthouse and get married wearing a T-shirt and jeans, you probably wouldn’t use or read Brides magazine.)-Second, they use the mean cost rather than the median cost — that is, the average which can be dragged upwards by certain very expensive weddings, as opposed to the middle number where half the weddings cost more and half cost less.-Here’s the link:
wiselad almost 10 years ago
let’s go aboard!!!!!!!!!!!!
Argythree almost 10 years ago
SPOILER ALERT!-Words of wisdom from the Captain
wiselad almost 10 years ago
choosing one captain over the other means either not worrying about the wedding, or means get Brad drunk lol
sjsczurek almost 10 years ago
Hey, is that Meghan or whatever Trainor in the wedding gown?