Brad: "Big news!"
Mom: "You picked a wedding date!"
Brad: "What? No-"
Mom: "You chose a venue"
Brad: "No"
Mom: "You're going to elope?!"
Brad: "No! It's not a wedding thing"
Brad: "The fire station is hosting a mud run!"
Mom: "Oh"
Dad: "REALLY?"
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Oh, a mud run. Sounds thrilling.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Yeah… when Frank reacts to something like a “Mud Run”, you know he’s probably somewhere in the middle of a Mid Life Crisis…. – Don’t let Frank fool you… The M in his name (not really!) stands for “Milhaus”, not "Mud"….
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Here’s Mud In Your Eye”“A Soil-ent Green Thumb”“Secret Ad-mire-er”“Cruisin’ For An Oozin’ "“A Dirty Old Man”“An Obstacle! Of Course!”“A Life Of Ooze”“The Old Mudslinger”“Campaign Of Pain”or“Soiled Yer Pants”
Lilikoi70 over 9 years ago
A mud run? Woo-hoo!
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
A Mud Run sounds like a much cheaper thing to get excited about than restoring the warehouse.
kenhense over 9 years ago
God – Gimme Frank’s address so I can sell him something…
Namrepus over 9 years ago
What do you call a chicken that crosses the road, rolls in the mud, and then crosses back?
Sakura Tomoe over 9 years ago
The hell is wrong with nearly everyone here? Luann’s parents are divorcing for sure. Frank is in a midlife crisis. It’s a fricking comic! It’s not gonna mirror real life. I’m sorry your parents hate each other and left you feeling confused in life. Let comics just be comics.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
There have been some “scary reports” in the news lately, about being careful- not from the course, but from the mud, itself….
Skylark over 9 years ago
beymly over 9 years ago
Or a mud-life crisis
Argythree over 9 years ago
Yet more proof that exercise is bad for you!
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
Frank: “Why don’t we hold the event at the warehouse venue that we don’t yet own?And while you’re there, you can check it out for code violations.”
jemgirl81 over 9 years ago
This is an eerie coincidence. Gross!
Caldonia over 9 years ago
They’re hosting a mud run for everyone with intestinal parasites, colitis, and gastroenteritis. It’s going to be gross. But it’s for a good cause!
Caldonia over 9 years ago
Thanks for being such a good sport! Especially after I wrote such a ridiculous joke. :)
SF1972 over 9 years ago
I’m with Nancy here.
Ida No over 9 years ago
New poll up: Are you musically talented?
What are the chances of success for the new warehouse venture?1) 10 votes – Guaranteed because of the adults2) 8 votes – Zero, with TJ involved3) 8 votes – Uncertain, like Luann herself4) 8 votes – Other (mixed responses)5) 2 votes – Low due to zoning laws
Mordock999 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Oh GREAT.The “Firehouse” is hosting a “Mud Run.”In the meantime, homes all over the town of Pitts are burning to the ground.BAH!!
Wait a Sec: “Mud.” “Mud-Wrestling!!” Featuring a bevy of Top-Heavy, Buxom, ANGRY Babes!
Hey Frank? About what to Feature at Your Warehouse, Art Museum, COFFFEE House Thing……,
Contessa Carrington over 9 years ago
Watch out for a flesh eating bacteria.
TORAD_07 over 9 years ago
Mud run…. Hmmmmmmm….
Usually Fire Depts. hold something quite “opposite” to this. It’s called a “wed down.” Whenever a new fire house or station is built, or a new piece of apparatus is acquired, the community celebrates by wetting said new house/gear down. FD’s from around the community will arrive at the new house or where the new rig is stationed, approach it with Lights & Sirens on, and pull out a hose and wet the thing down (as if it were on fire). Then they go party at the house.
Depending on the water source, I guess, a lot safer from a health perspective and maybe a bit cleaner. Just don’t “straight stream” anyone (i.e. full blast of the hose with no sprinkle diffuser)…
StoicLion1973 over 9 years ago
I’m surprised to see Nancy excited at possible wedding news; I didn’t realize she got over her animosity towards Toni.
comicboyz over 9 years ago
we already know where the venue will be and I suppose the wedding will be its inaugural event
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 9 years ago
What’s a Sigmoidoscopy???.A Sigmoidoscopy is one shove short of a Colonoscopy.
RolloTheGrouch over 9 years ago
There was a time long ago when Brad was frustrated with Toni’s neverending stalling in making plans for that big wedding. Now he doesn’t seem to care. What happened?
dre7861 over 9 years ago
Where are they making the mud run to? Seems kind of cruel to make the mud run at all. For one thing is there such a thing as runny mud? I’m so confused.
The Old Wolf over 9 years ago
Sheesh, Mom. Get your mind out of the wedding canal.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
A “mud run”, aka a chance to “share” with your friends and community.
Willow Mt Lyon over 9 years ago
I have run many organized races, but a mud run I avoid. That mud is full of unhealthy things, and I don’t want to waller in it.
Sparkys44 over 9 years ago
my want to go there…
Pipe Tobacco over 9 years ago
Maybe Bwad is sneakily going to have it be a “Mud Run” themed wedding ceremony and party? He and Toni became too frustrated with all the “themes” and decided to do something wild and crazy. It will save a lot on planning and what not. Then, they can also save, and have Subway cater the event. :)
Sangelia over 9 years ago
You can tell that Brad’s & Luann’s mom wants grandchildren. And NOT those born on the wrong side of the blanket type.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“I Got The Runs”^Either that, or “Runs In The Family”!
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“I won!!! What did I win?? What’s a Sigmoidoscopy???”^And 1st runner up was only a VW Bug …..
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
One man’s “big news” (Brad’s) is another’s “ho hum” (mine). Our village FD doesn’t sponsor mud runs, and I think that’s just fine….
Guilty Bystander over 9 years ago
If they really want to raise money, they should host mud WRESTLING (with Toni in the main event).
Argy.Bargy2 over 9 years ago
Frank and the Captain of Brad’s Fire Station have both lost their minds. Maybe both are having ‘mid-life crises’. Whatever happened to just buying a red sports car and toupe?
ACTIVIST1234 over 9 years ago
Guys! What would happen to them if they couldn’t get a good woman to set them straight?
ACTIVIST1234 over 9 years ago
“Well, I suppose he could at least spring for a red toupee…”*BS – Love the red toupee. Or as his assistant asked my doctor, “Why are you wearing a dead gopher on your head today?” (Yeah, he kept his job)
Jim Kerner over 9 years ago
Remember Frank. Mud spelled backwards is Dum! From that wise sage, Bugs Bunny.
ACTIVIST1234 over 9 years ago
What! The fire dept. in Southern California is going to waste water on a MUD run? I see some water shaming in the forecast.*BTW – did you get the cloud I sent your way? Might have boomeranged because it’s storming here again as of 5 minutes ago.
TORAD_07 over 9 years ago
Send messages of condolences to Emma Peel today…
I was a Tara person…. ;)
But, yes, Sad to see Patrick MacNee depart.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Brings to mind a line from a(n) (in)famous play: “Toupe….or not toupe… just answer the dumb question!” (“Taming Of The Strand Or Two”, starring Billy Shatmer and Patty Stalwart)
Argythree over 9 years ago
Ok, I give up trying to read this with my weak eyes. What does the button on his collar say?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
I still haven’t figured how Frank’s mid-life crisis “dream” (has he ever had it before?) has roped Nancy into the idea that their entire life savings and house (as collateral) should be risked on this venture.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
(How’d THAT get posted to the wrong page?)