Crystal: Why do people vape? It's really not healthy. Tiffany: My dad vapes. He's trying to quit smoking by lowering the nicotine in his e-juice. You shouldn't judge people, Crystal! Tiffany: why do people let themselves get so out of shape?
ShagsCA over 9 years ago
Yep…don’t judge people.
Belinda Banana Ana over 9 years ago
Good to see someone make fun of the “don’t judge” phrase. AKA “shut up and let me do what I want” or “all advice is evil.”
blunebottle over 9 years ago
Why do some people have helmet hair?
blunebottle over 9 years ago
Re: vaping: don’t know what it’s like for other parts of N.A., but around here, vaping is 90% cheaper than cigarettes.And, I’ve heard many, many reports of people being able to wean themselves off smoking entirely, for the first time in their lives. Nicotine in vaping is not nearly so bad as all the other chemicals that accompany it in tobacco products.
Fiammata over 9 years ago
Small lethality is still disgusting. I wonder if everyone can become allergic so it can all just go away.
GOGOPOWERANGERS over 9 years ago
I wonder if greg used to vape that’s wy he brought this issue up in the strip today
Kymberleigh over 9 years ago
Oh look … Crystal is still here …
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Tiffany do you realize what you just did? I’m sure Crystal can spell it out for you, but here’s a clue: hypocrite.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“The Hypocritic Oath”“Tailored By A Vested Interest”“Life’s The Same, I’m Moving In Stereotypes…” (♪)“Truth And Consequences”“Stuck In Advice Grip”“Take A Gander At That Goose!”“The Shaming Of The Shrew”“Glass Houses And Egg Shell Moccasins”“People In Glass Houses Shouldn’t Subscribe To Rolling Stone”“If The Lawsuit Fits…”“A Judgmental Case”“P.C. Repair”or“My Hammy Ad-vice”
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 9 years ago
My dad let himself get out of shape. He’s trying to quit endorphins by lowering the amount of exercise he’s getting.
SF1972 over 9 years ago
Vaping helped me quit smoking a couple of years ago. A 20-year habit went poof from three months of vaping.
Now, I’ve become one of THOSE people who can smell a cigarette 1/2 mile away and absolutely hates everything about it. So…vaping isn’t so bad for that purpose.
Gerry Lee over 9 years ago
Everyone has blind spots. It’s easy for Tiff to see Crystal’s. It’s easy for me to see Tiff’s. It’s mine I cannot see. A nice comment about human nature this strip. And it had Tiffany in it, hooray!
moosemin over 9 years ago
And now MY judgement. Tiff, it’s time for a new hairstyle. You’re in college (university) now!
Mungolikecookies over 9 years ago
I would say that vaping is a better option than smoking as less hazardous chemicals are involved, although at the same time I know someone who used to smoke about 10 cigarettes a day who now almost permanently has a vaporiser in his mouth and his intake of nicotine has massively increased. There are quite a few others with similar approaches, if word of mouth to people I have mentioned it to is correct. It is a bit of a swings and roundabouts situation.
nate3766 over 9 years ago
I smoked for decades…has a triple by path….that was it and surprising..there was no with draw problems..simply cold turkey…rarly think of it anymore unless watching a old flick and all those movie stars are smoking away…and I am a turner old time movie answer if it really gets to me..a make believe drag on a but and exhale.. usually takes care of it just now..LOL…
cabalonrye over 9 years ago
They were holding hand. She is just jealous and lashing out.
puddleglum1066 over 9 years ago
Tobacco is pretty much unique among addictions in that the drug itself is fairly close to harmless in the small doses needed to service the addiction (it’s the CO2 and carcinogenic tar in the delivery system that kill you). Vaping seems to offend some deep-seated particle of Puritan ethic that says the only thing worse than a pleasure that might kill you is a pleasure with no harmful consequences, ‘cause, y’know, if something is enjoyable it must be the work of the devil.
And no, I do not vape, nor have I ever smoked. I’m just observing a cultural phenomenon that’s become particularly visible since the invention of a low-risk way to enjoy nicotine.
While we’re at it, note that medical research has shown that people a few pounds heavier than the defined “healthy” range (by the Body Mass Index metric used by the government and insurance industry) live longer and have fewer diseases than people in the “healthy” range. This has not led to any changes in the recommendations, of course.
The Old Wolf over 9 years ago
I want to see Tiffany in 50 years, then we’ll see.
Duncan Idaho over 9 years ago
… and now in Washington and probably in Colorado you can vape e-joints.
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member over 9 years ago
Young Tiff has yet to hit “the wall” when those extra calories just don’t disappear.
cubswin2016 over 9 years ago
Now who’s judging.
cdemattos over 9 years ago
I’m assuming Tiffany and Crystal are on their way to church?
ai_vin over 9 years ago
As much as I dislike Tiff I got to say I understand what she’s saying – in both statements: You shouldn’t judge people who vape because like her dad they may be trying to get healthier. Those two overweight people on the other hand – is there any reason to think they’re trying to get healthier?And yes I know saying that makes me sound mean-spirited.
terry over 9 years ago
Also you don’t know that they may have lost 50 pounds since last year.
rcerinys701 over 9 years ago
Vaping makes me think about the Frenchmen who came up with the idea of imported bottled water to sell to the Americans.
cruiserd over 9 years ago
Tiff..Shallow as always..
Airman over 9 years ago
Who cares what they say, we got two hotties together?
Takagi-san over 9 years ago
The vaping part is important. Our 16 year-old boy bought a vaporizer from a friend along with liquid containing 6mg nicotine. He had himself convinced (thanks to handy Internet sites) that it was, in his words, “110% safe” and not addictive. Of course, if he really believed that, why did he hide it from us? He had no answer for that. He didn’t smoke before using this, so he wasn’t trying to quit (great idea for those who ARE trying to quit), but it seems clear that teens in general think it’s safe, when it’s not. Likely more safe than cigarettes, but certainly not as safe as smoking nothing. So, they think it’s safe and are enjoying a non-addictive buzz from it and “look cool” to boot. What a perfect gateway device.
celeconecca over 9 years ago
8 years cigarette-free, and I still want one every time I smell it. Good thing I’m broke and can’t afford cigs, even though I’m in SC (they’re cheaper here), and I have no idea what vaping.
maverick1usa over 9 years ago
Judge not least ye be judged. Tonite will be the “Super Harvest Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse”! Check it out while you await GoComics to update!
JimT8 over 9 years ago
“Only connect.” E.M. Forster
luann1212 over 9 years ago
I don’t know if I would Tiffany a hypocrite here. She is after all not talking about HER conduct, Rather she talks about her dad’s conduct and then, turns around and criticizes two other persons for engaging in conduct she does not approve. I think contradictory, self-centered thinking is probably more appropriate. What is interesting about her character (and I have to admit I am becoming more sympathetic as the Gunther-Tiffany arc is developing) is how her friend Crystal is very wise about her faults, but is such a loyal friend no matter. Tiffany is so totally clueless to how her friend knows about those faults; or maybe she is not? Anyway these two are tied at the hip in terms of loyalty. Tiffany has always been loyal to Crystal as well. Even with Knute, who is beyond being put off by Tiffany. He cares about Crystal and she about him no matter. Ooops, I did not intend to write this much on Sunday so bye for now (lol).
luann1212 over 9 years ago
Addicts do all kinds of things that normal people would not, until they themselves engage in addictive behavior. My advice is to say, “there but for the grace of God, [or whatever you believe in]go I”
Airman over 9 years ago
Whoops, excuse me, I was looking for the Luann comic strip comments and ended up in the Betty Ford Clinic. I’m way too evil to be here…………….Cheers.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 9 years ago
E-cigs are the tobacco companies’ last gasp to try to regain their shrinking market. Don’t believe them!
bookworm0812 over 9 years ago
I vape. And the thing is, I never smoked. But I started getting very tempted when I had a very stressful job. I found that just giving myself the illusion of smoking took the edge off for me. I have the kind of e-cig that looks like an actual cigarette where the end even lights up as you drag. Those ones that look like mini-hookas don’t cut it for me. Oh, and I don’t inhale, either. I tried that and I choked on the stuff.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 9 years ago
If people wish to kill themselves, that’s between them and their deity.,Vaping doesn’t stink up the place as badly as burnt tobacco.
That’s between them and me..ALL HAIL VAPING INSTEAD OF SMOKING
luann1212 over 9 years ago
Congratulations, but you were neither an alcoholic, or a true nicotine addict. I am so sorry about your wife, going to meetings and reaching out might have helped her. I know this is very sensitive, but I know people who have done what you did and its great and God bless them. I know many, many, many more who could not, but have been sober, truly sober, and/or clean with help including meetings. I don’t judge who has stronger will or not, only say a little prayer for those who can quit such self-destructive activity in any way that truly works.
luann1212 over 9 years ago
That is not an addiction, its living life on life’s terms and enjoying the gift of each day. Good for you. And of course you are not an addict, if you were you would have had to learn that dude. Trust me I know. -:)
luann1212 over 9 years ago
Oh God I miss good cigars too. Not enough to try them anymore, but a really good, smelly stoogie, along with nice red wine is nearly as good as good sex. I can do the sex, but I don’t do the other stuff anymore. I do know how compelling things can be though. And it is not strange at all, it’s totally human.
Airman over 9 years ago
My thanks to the Navy…..they have the best medics, and my brother was a sailor.
luann1212 over 9 years ago
Hahaha, smile
Gerry Lee over 9 years ago
Hi Luannfan1212, I found your post about the friendship between Crystal and Tiffany very helpful. I used to be really down on Crystal because she seemed to be amusing herself at Tiffany’s expense, cooly cutting Tiff down when the opportunities arose. But after reading your post I thought about it, and it’s not so different than the Luann/Bernice relationship, and I’ve always thought Bernice a real friend to Luann. Though, Tiffany didn’t mention Crystal during her confession of loneliness to Gunther, that doesn’t mean that Crystal isn’t her only other friend.
Still, I would like to see the Tiff/Bernice relationship grow and thrive. They are hilarious together, and I think they really have a lot to teach one another. Plus, they are so cute when they are arguing, ha ha;)
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
No eclipse here, just clouds.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
SPOILERS.....Back to the other campus this week. It’s about time!
Endunamoo over 9 years ago
We all judge. May not be fair, but well all do it in our own way.
aussiephoenix over 9 years ago
Where is the evidence that says Vaping is bad, writers pushing there personal views.