Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 05, 2016
Luann: ...since Quill's first love is theater, we broke up. And the New York trip-Pru's gonna set us up with her friends there! It's all ok, mom! No need to fret and hover. Luann: c'mon, ladies, let's talk New York!! Pru: Priority one: clothes! Dad: What happened? How's our daughter?! Mom: I'm not sure she's "ours" anymore.
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
yep, e’en Frank isn’t up to speed
Kymberleigh almost 9 years ago
So we now have a new version of the Three Musketeers, with Prudence in the Delta spot.
Wilde Bill almost 9 years ago
I have the feeling the full impact of what she has done hasn’t hit Luann, yet. She seems too cool & collected. She is headed for a crash, I think.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
King_Shark almost 9 years ago
No, she’s Evan’s, to fiddle with.
Sweetlorrain almost 9 years ago
Pru has her ‘game-face’ on! Like in the beginning of Luann’s reading, Dez said ‘Prudence’. And in the past strips we noticed them getting closer together, Luann being distant?? Hello?? If anyone can find a Great producer for LUANN?? Make it a TV cartoon for FOX??
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
To anyone who asked me questions about yesterday’s strip… I answered all of you… in yesterday’s comments.
CR7hater almost 9 years ago
I’ll stick my original prediction of a strip called “The New Luann” … it will based in NYC, and it will revolve around the lives – the loves and the losses – of three gals: Luann, Bernice, and … Well my original prediction was Tiffany, but I’ll change that to Prudence as the third.
A move as such eliminates Team Evans’ having to deal with Frank and Nacy, Toni and Brad, and a few other minor characters, while affording the gals – and us readers – a clean break from the still lingering story lines from high school …
I say this all goes down in 2017 …
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
It does seem as if Pru could be the “New Delta”, that said, if she’s been an experienced bartender; wouldn’t she be kind of old to hang around these kids who are barely into adulthood?
PhilipB almost 9 years ago
Not very realistic with Luann’s mood change. When Bernie barged in she was crying about Quill and now she’s all happy and excited about New York. With all the work she did to keep their long distance relationship alive I don’t think she’d be over him so quickly. But, it’s all good. This leaves her open for a new romance and other adventures.
Sweetlorrain almost 9 years ago
Hey everyone! Why don’t we VOTE on LUANN being a FOX Sunday night toon? I SECOND the vote! Let’s help Luann be popular! Please start a petition!
wantcomicsnow almost 9 years ago
“Heavily in shock….selfish with Quill…..”-OH PLEASE!!!!I-If anyone was selfish it was Q-ball. And I don’t understand why some readers can’t stand for Luann to be happy. She’s gotta be miserable and always in the wrong, and to blame for everything, and THEN they complain she’s a whiny crybaby.
bama1fan92 almost 9 years ago
Greg Evans no longer writes this strip. His daughter Karen does. That’s why it has become a soap opera. Also it is rumored she is gay so you can expect more twists and turns in the plot. Luann may have a gay ole time in NY.
notbornyesterday almost 9 years ago
just wait mom, the emotional crash is coming.
keema70 almost 9 years ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if Quill’s tour took him to New York.
DaJellyBelly almost 9 years ago
Who knows, maybe when they get to NYC.On an impulse Luann may get the nerve toaudition for a show there. Also, I’m sure thatPrudence is also aware of Luann’s talentfor set designing.
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
I’m sure Jonah giving up his kid won’t be traumatic at all for Shannon! Having her father say he doesn’t want her anymore, totally fine!^^Actually, it seems as if both of those statements are true, Shannon’s Father never wanted her and I think the feeling is mutual!
GirlGeek Premium Member almost 9 years ago
She’s slowly letting go
dadoctah almost 9 years ago
If you were going to make an animated show, live-action TV show, or a movie out of Luann, who would you cast?.I can only come up with one obvious name, and it’s a relatively minor role: Aubrey Plaza as Crystal.
wiselad almost 9 years ago
is quite possible that in a few years they will make another jump, with Luann being in final semesters of college, and Toni and Brad now taking care of an older Shannon(probably 10?) and thus we would have the “new Degroots” (Toni/Brad). Luann and friends and Shannon and friends(4th and/or 5th grade) as the 3 main sources of storytelling for this strip and have the Degroot parents, and Gunther and Tiff, and maybe Knute and TJ as minor sources of storytelling
fredd13 almost 9 years ago
It means that it’s finally dawning on Nancy that Luann has grown up. She’s not “theirs” – she’s her own woman.
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
“Where’s The Beef?”“How Mellow Can You Go?”“She Gave Peace A Chance”“Stoic And Go”“The Wind Done Left, Already”“Problem Solved”“Better Call Maury”“Invasion Of The Luann Snatchers”“A Stranger In The House…And Stranger, Still”“The Lu You Never Knew”“Goin’ Through The Emotions”or….“The Calm After The Storm”
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
“She’s grooming them.”^Heh, heh, like a monkey?
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
“I think you’ve missed the boat on that one. I think Nancy is referring to Luann how she is acting now compared to how she usually does in a situation like this…..”^Spot on!!!
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Oh GREAT, now BOTH DeGroots are home. Who’s Minding the Store??
Between Leslie “Needlenose” Knox and “Mr. Gray,” the ONLY thing left of the “FUSE” will be a large VACANT Lot when You Two RETURN on Tomorrow….,
draksig almost 9 years ago
I’m going to make a long term prediction, maybe someone else has already made it, I don’t know. Quill will be on a touring show. How much you want to bet the tour will be in NYC when they are there and they will run into Quill and his new girlfriend?
BJShipley1 almost 9 years ago
Why do people keep hoping this happens when she’s already there anytime Team Evans want her there? Nothing would change story wise, and Shannon’s trauma would have to be slid under the rug.
Because most readers would probably agree that her present circumstances are already pretty traumatic (having no stability in your home life and being bounced between two places at the drop of a hat can’t be that healthy for a kid) and would like the issue to be addressed instead of being enabled all the time.Keeping things going as-is may be simpler, but it’s also lazy writing. It reminds me of the series Arrested Development, where Buster went into the Army but was at home anytime the plot required (which was constantly). Except that series played it all for laughs instead of using it as a crutch.
31768 almost 9 years ago
time for you to let go of your “first love” too, Nancy.
31768 almost 9 years ago
hopefully Pru(ne) will teach her how to clean her bedroom next!(hopefully that will be the next step of letting go)they will both grow up and get back together again later(or not!)
gammaguy almost 9 years ago
Pru has said she’s gay. And a few days ago she said, “Ladies, pack your party panties!!” So just what sort of excitement does she have in mind for Luann and Bernice in New York?
darynl almost 9 years ago
It’s because she would have been still bawling about the breakup and confided in Nancy. This time, Luann went through it without her.
OneTime59 almost 9 years ago
Prudence came onto the scene, actually before she appeared, she was a maligned and suspicious character, who seemed shallow by most commenters, and probably designed that way at first by G&K.
But after having talks with Luann and Bernice about who and how she is, Pru’s character has quickly developed into one who has a calming, charismatic effect on those panic-mongers around her. At least it seems so at this point. The older, more experienced Prudence (living up to her name) is out-counseling the counselor (Bernice), and doesn’t have a degree. Bernice could use these recent episodes as learning and teaching tools.
luann1212 almost 9 years ago
Are you implying that Pru is grooming Bernice and Luann to become gay women? That is a form of pedophilia, and pedophiles are sexual predators who are not gay. If that is what you mean not only is it bigoted, but its totally inaccurate. An adult gay person is mature in his or her sexuality, a pedophile is not, and seeks to dominate younger or more vulnerable persons to satisfy those immature and dangerous urges. If we take your comment to it’s apparent logical conclusion, then any time a gay person has a straight friend they are “grooming” them to become gay. I hope I am sounding the alarm incorrectly, but if I am correct I feel I needed to do it.
luann1212 almost 9 years ago
Luann is growing up and is much more quickly willing to accept new things, new people, and get over her fascination with young guys who do not, for whatever reason, return the feelings the way Luann hopes. She is growing up very simply into her own woman. Being a parent of grown children, including a daughter, this is very recognizable.
dougsathome almost 9 years ago
Frank and Pru are sharing a vest.
luann1212 almost 9 years ago
Let me make my original comment. This is a “come to Jesus” moment for Nancy. As a mom she reacted to protect her baby girl from the machinations of this pretender and relationship wrecker Pru, as so many of you assumed with no evidence, except crumbs that the strip left, and found out that this was not at all the case, quite the opposite, it turns out that Pru is a wonderful person, one who introduces Luann and her best friend, Bernice to a whole new way of seeing the world, and on top of that, Luann is not in dread over the loss of the Aussie chap. Hey this is growth, just the type of thing that should happen to a college age person. It’s a good thing, and Nancy being an excellent parent will adjust.
CashieNess almost 9 years ago
Interesting how Bernice was so against Luann going to New York when she first brought it up and now she’s going?
qpaulina42 almost 9 years ago
lol – would you prefer she had supervised sex
mcgibbs61 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
“unsupervised sex”?! Did you mean unprotected? Not sure parental supervision is the right way to go.
locake almost 9 years ago
Bernice and Luann are heterosexual. They are no more likely to become gay than Pru is to become straight.
kauri44 almost 9 years ago
I’m guessing you don’t know many lesbians (I am one, btw). That was a pretty offensive statement. We really don’t try to “convert” people, and “grooming” is a word associated with sexual abuse.
kauri44 almost 9 years ago
Wouldn’t it be ironic (and rather fun) if Luann came into a terrific theatre related career in New York?
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Brd, excellent explanation of “not ours”!
I think there is an additional factor. Parents have to let go more as a child ages, both for the child’s sake and for the sake of family dynamics. It is not easy, but luckily these were not helicopter parents. Luann’s examples of gained strength, self-respect in relation to how a male treats her, and desired increased independence along with mild adventure all hit Nancy at once. She is seeing her baby grow up.
quanyindove almost 9 years ago
Personally, I think it’s a healthy thing for Luann to go to New York with Bernice. Make the best of it, have a good time with her best buddy. What should she do? Let the tickets go to waste and pout around like it’s the end of the world? (that’s the healthier thing?) Sure, she can still have moments where she’ll be sad. This is a pretty normal thing. Hell, if I had tickets to go somewhere with my boyfriend and we broke it off, I’d still go too. And this stuff with her or Quill being "selfish"and stuff…they grew apart, that simple. The grown up thing to do it let each other go their separate ways, not keep each other back. Quill can try out his dream and Luann can go find herself, get a life, get some cool experiences. It is interesting how into comics people get. I admit with this one, I can be that way too sometimes. Weird…; )
brownswan almost 9 years ago
— and in New York Luann will meet a guy… or maybe Bernie will… or both or neither…
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I want to talk for a second about a different couple who i think people can agree both seem to be highly responsible adults (outside of speculations which may turn out to be no more reliable than many about Pru were): Mrs. Berger and Mr. Grey. We know that sje devoted herself to raising Gunther, likely holding down a job, scrimping and saving, making clothing, doing all the work needed at home except what her son coukd do. In the case of Mr. Grey we know much less except that he appears to be someone who succeeded in his field of work who now misses close connections so is working on a relationship with Mrs. B while trying to help family. Each had priorities, each wound of being a responsible adult. Anyone see younger parallels? A lot of time what people see or do not see is weighted from their own choices and experiences, but right in tge strip we have this couple to look to for comparison.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
P.S. Yes, i know Gunther makes clothing, but i also recall him mentioning that he learned that from his mom.
dre7861 almost 9 years ago
“unsupervised sex” How do you have supervised sex?
I don’t think Luann is in a state of shock because she was the one who made the decision. Unlike in her past ‘relationships’ where the decisions were made for her. Right or wrong, she feels empowered. I’m not saying that she won’t indulge in some second guessing or a bout of self-pity, but right now she’s made a decision that has relieved a lot of anxiety in her life.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Also, yes, i know there is more societal pressure on men to place work first, with stay at home dads often treated poorly instead of getting the respect they deserve, and that the reverse holds for women. Stereotypes do have a remarkable way of very often becoming destructive traps for those who embrace them too tightly, don’t they? That is true, of course, for stereotypes about other types of groups, too.
Argythree almost 9 years ago
-The phrase you have used is one used for a person who is a pedophile. That is nothing like being homosexual. Do some research.
Argythree almost 9 years ago
-Greg and Karen Evans are the creators of this ’toon.
Argythree almost 9 years ago
glynis37 almost 9 years ago
Everyone seems to be assuming that Quill’s tour is going to make him a star. I think it’s more realistic that he will wash out in the “big time” and return to the smaller venues (i.e. the Fuse) where he’s successful, with his tail between his legs.
Of course, this Luann-land, not reality, so only Evans knows.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
glynis37glynis37 GoComics PRO Member said, 2 minutes agoEveryone seems to be assuming that Quill’s tour is going to make him a star. I think it’s more realistic that he will wash out in the “big time” and return to the smaller venues (i.e. the Fuse) where he’s successful, with his tail between his legs.Of course, this Luann-land, not reality, so only Evans knows.-—
Good point! (Although i doubt many expect him to become a star)
I have to wonder if the show he will be in is a lot LESS of a big deal than Quill seems to think it is. He has not yet earned his chops.
alangwatkins almost 9 years ago
Us Dads never are…
RSH almost 9 years ago
Getting through a 1st break up and learning from it is a growth step . Maybe (hopefully) this a new plateau after which there will be a new more mature Luann
wiselad almost 9 years ago
most true pedophiles are either about power or they find kids(either gender or both) stimulating, most of them I think? do not act on their desire(except maybe in getting images and videos made by “others” and lot of them(if they act on it) see kids as their right and they see the kids as bad for wanting to tell on them, so deserve to die and usually there is no hope for cure of that…………… but some labeled pedophiles are kids who acted on their curiosity with another kid, or adults who expressed their affection on a kid the wrong way and there is hope for them…………. and those who are attracted to teens under 18 are mislabeled pedophiles but is actually hebephilia(early teens) and ephebophilia(older teens), and most tragically I think………. lot of males who as an example are 19 and have sex with their 16 years old GF and found out in a state with age of consent higher than 16, would be labeled as sexual predators………… age of consent is all dependent on society they live at, a girl in the USA who is expected to go to college, and have a career, makes sense for age of consent being 18(and most women marry after 25) but in a village in Peru, where there is no higher education and many times they end schooling by age 14, it makes sense for age of consent to be 14 or 15(as they are already prepared to be a housewife) ……… before industry revolution and girls getting college education, age of consent in the USA was 14 or sometimes lower …….. we even had one state that had it at 9, now all of them are either 18 or if it is lower, usually have it at age plus 3 (15 years old girl can be with an 18 years old boyfriend, but not with a 20 years old BF ) and sadly, I have seen in youtube lot of adults eager for videos of girls(some of them under 10) with shorts or low skirts, and talk about it and in some cases, the girls actually “do not mind” because it means more hits on their videos and decide to be “more open” to what they show and they read it as “people like me”
Luanaphile almost 9 years ago
Grooming idiots:
I assume mikep and lucky are heterosexuals. So do you two “groom” young girls? I am going to err on the side of you two just being stupefyingly immature!
Luanaphile almost 9 years ago
In defense of Nancy’s “not OURS any more”" comment. I don’t think this means possession any more than her saying “She’s MY daughter.” And I remember my own teenage girls suddenly seeming very independent and not MINE.
doverdan almost 9 years ago
Karen’s issues are that plots are teased as long as possible, usually fall flat, and then quickly move to the next thing to tease hoping you won’t notice….not to mention having too many simultaneous stories going on at once. .Greg was better at this, but Karen’s getting better. Finally realizing Quill was a boring character was a good step for her.=========Let’s hope this is not teased out for a long arc or series of arcs. I fear we may never be shown anything actually happening in New York, maybe a vignette or two of buildings. .Then we can jump to Gunther, perhaps with Les moving into the bed that Quill has vacated.That should be fun.
RSH almost 9 years ago
We didn’t get to see Quill in NYC, only his leaving and return at the airport. But will we get to see Luann and Bernice in New York? They are major characters.. the main protagonist and her best friend. Surely we won’t just see them leaving and returning…. or will we?
doverdan almost 9 years ago
@Implausible’s comment:Karen’s issues are that plots are teased as long as possible, usually fall flat, and then quickly move to the next thing to tease hoping you won’t notice…not to mention having too many simultaneous stories going on at once. =======We have even forgotten some of the stories.
luann1212 almost 9 years ago
Huh? Grooming was meant, I thought in this case, to be the situation where a gay person, in this case a femaile, attempts to make a straight person become interested in becomeing a gay person. Not only is this not the case, it is so offensive that it makes me sick, and trust me I am as straight as a ruler. It’s like a black man has sex with a white woman to mongrelize the white race. The idea is the same,and its about as offensive as one can get.
On the cure part for pedophilia I feel tenderness for people who have that terrible curse, particularly those who are not also sociopaths, but have no sympathy for what they do. That is another reason, why even in this for fun forum that kind of statement has to be called out for what it is, rank ignorance and prejudice. Sorry to be so preachy, but somebody needs to do it.
luann1212 almost 9 years ago
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Dog, reply was not working, but you wrote:
sort of on a “back burner” until Greg decides what to ultimately do with him?
Yeah, popcorn with hopes of movies: Shake, Rattle, and (hopefully) Role
RSH almost 9 years ago
Also If I recall correctly, Quill graduated from Pitt High after spending two years there as an exchange student. So he is a Pitt graduate and (I believe) has earned his way in a regular character. And he brought in Pru (who is not leaving the strip… the way I see it). I used to think that Pitt was a fictional town in Ohio or some other Midwestern state. But knowledgeable people here say that Pitt is in CA. So that would be a prime location for Quill to pursue theatre and acting. It would be interesting if Luann’s artistic talents also got a boost from her being in New York.
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
I hope Pru’s NYC friends really do take care of Bernie and Luann in the big city, because alone those two are not ready for it….
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 9 years ago
Clothes may make the manBut they accessorize the woman.Hellen Reddy should be so proud.
I am woman, watch me shopFor clothes until I dropAnd I bought too much to go back from retailAnd I’ll keep it all ‘cause I bought it all on sale
,Oh, yes, I am brokeBut it’s poverty with shoesYes, I’ve paid the priceBut that is all old newsIf I have to, I can go shop againI am strongI am invincibleI am fully out of my brain.Now somebody is going to tell me I have said something stereotypical about a stereotypical activity..CHILD. you don’t buy clothes to go to New YorkYou buy clothes IN New York.(Sheesh, this younger generation. No respect for tradition.)
Mikeyj almost 9 years ago
Christianity moves to shut what freedoms we do have today, down once again.^Yup, religion is nothing more than a way to control people
wiselad almost 9 years ago
grooming can be from good to bad, is not a specific term……….. we can get the pedophile(ones who go for pre-puberty kids to be specific in this case) who groom kids to “trust them” in one bad extreme, to a Sergeant in basic training grooming the new recruits, also advertisers grooming the public to buy certain product, or the fashion industry driving us to see very short skirts on anyone of any age as sexy and take out the general thought ( but we still have some people who think this way ) of looking at sight of ankles of a woman as sexy and immoral in the early 20th century ……………. about pedophilia, true pedophilia(ones who see kids as desirable and not adults) and act on it is completely wrong, and ones who eagerly look at images but not act on that impulse is also wrong even if they do not personally hurt someone (even if those thoughts are on clothing catalog of sears or from national geographic magazines where there is no nudity ) ………….. and there is a huge difference between someone even 14 years old taking advantage of a 8 years old kid and someone who is 20 deciding to make out with his 16 years old GF, and as I said, even if the burden of guilt is mostly on adults who encourage it, many kids who are in high school and even junior high knowingly put on the web self images and videos of themselves that make maxim pictures “very mild” in order to have people “like them” ( most important thing for anyone is to like themselves, and strive to be the best they can be and not ever depend on others liking them or despair because others do not like them, those opinions are irrelevant in personal life of anyone………. or to compare self worth by comparing themselves to others )
wiselad almost 9 years ago
about Quill, the problem is not that he had no right to have a “personal life” of his acting, but that he seems to want to devote 99.44% of time on that, instead of say……………….. 75% on it, and make a significant 25% room to have a “life with Luann” ( his GF ) so she would not feel like an unimportant accessory
kittysquared Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I am very surprised at how well Luann is handling a major break-up. A trip to NYC takes the edge off, perhaps, but I’m not buying it. And Quill never questioned the break-up? I thought they were a tighter couple than this. This is what tweens-boyfriend /girlfriend of the week do.
wiselad almost 9 years ago
today it sometimes goes overboard, a teen who was in HS football got a label of predator because when he was just over 18, he made out with his 17 years old GF, even when her parents defended him, and there are 2 or 3 states where under their law, a 17 years old boy and his 17 years old GF could decide to do it, authorities find out, and BOTH are found sex predators of each other! or a parent could be labeled for putting a pic of the 17.5 years old daughter who decided to do a certain pose in a bikini at the beach on facebook but is okay for someone who just became 18 to be in a extreme hardcore magazine
wiselad almost 9 years ago
the only 3 “sex predators” in this comics had been Dirk, Leslie and Mrs Eiffel( Bern though her sights were on Zane, and has not realized even now that it was actually on her) as Ann Eiffel is either bi or lesbian (and this was confirmed by Greg in his old blog that sadly got taken out so I can’t show you )
æ² almost 9 years ago
Wow, this comment chain has sure taken a rather strange, dark turn off of the content of today’s strip.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 9 years ago
@Wiselad“today it sometimes goes overboard, a teen who was in HS football got a label of predator because when he was just over 18, he made out with his 17 years old GF, even when her parents defended him, and there are 2 or 3 states where under their law, a 17 years old boy and his 17 years old GF could decide to do it, ".Mississippi used to be extremely forward-thinking. Back in 1948 my parents went there to the the first town inside Mississippi to wed without the wait for a blood test. They took Grandma Huie with them to sign permission for her to wed. They discovered too late from the justice of the peace that women could wed at 13 without permission but men had to wait until they were 21 unless their mothers — or maybe fathers — gave permission..They went to the next town’s justice of the peace by which time, Grandma Huie had become Grandma Green and my parents were “legally” married..I forget what that makes me.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
In the mid nineteenth century there were a number of states in which a girl coukd be wed at the ages of ten through twelve, rather than only at older ages. Yipes! I had to look that up for something maybe five years ago. Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Her friends have her covered!!
Kymberleigh almost 9 years ago
All this back-and-forth on a single one sentence comment by someone who never posted here before and apparently hasn’t even come back to see what the responses were?
Maybe “lucky louie” meant something different with his remark than many have read into it. Until and unless he comes back and clarifies, we’ve worked ourselves into a tizzy over an unknown variable.
We have had lots of remarks in recent months about Luann and/or Bernice going off and experimenting with lesbian tendencies. I’ve even made a few tongue-in-cheek remarks myself about that. Do I think Greg and Karen are going to take the strip down that road? Not for a minute.
Usually, we dismiss such remarks with a “never gonna happen” and whoever suggested it goes away. Why didn’t we do that this time?
ACTIVIST1234 almost 9 years ago
Pru: “Talk clothes?” Says the young woman sauntering the thrift shop look. But maybe she will exchange their branded apparel for things both more affordable and recycled.
Dconskjk almost 9 years ago
Yeah, Luann is probably going to have another bout with hurt and loss at bedtime.