Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 04, 2016
hair: and. roll 'em! gunther: did you know taht 70% of american silent films have been lost? bernice: you're a buff, too? gunther: well, i did a bit of research 'cuz you're so into them... bernice: actually, not that much hair: dude, know who it? piro! gunther: oh. ohhhh...
Namrepus over 8 years ago
There’s another movie that Gunther should be researching. It’s called “(S)He’s Just Not That Into You.”
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
NOW it all comes together with Gunther… though he was told by Tiffany ahead of time.
Wilde Bill over 8 years ago
And Gunther has an epiphany…
JayBluE over 8 years ago
That ‘ding!’ You just heard, was Gunther’s “Uneasy Bake” oven going off. -As soon as he opened the door to it, he realized it was anything but a ‘piece of cake’…..
Kymberleigh over 8 years ago
Look at Bern’s eyes in the last panel. She still doesn’t realize where Gunther is coming from …
Argythree over 8 years ago
Wonder if Gunther will FINALLY recognize that Bernice is not actually the girl of his dreams…
margaretannehill over 8 years ago
Is Quill still living with Gunther’s Mom?
margaretannehill over 8 years ago
I’d like to see him show up, too.
smurf764 over 8 years ago
The more I think about it, the more I like Tiff and Gunther together. Tiff isn’t really a phoney around him and is actually kind. Wonder when the light bulb will go off.
lattiee2 over 8 years ago
I do wonder where is Piro if he’s so into Silent Movies . Now I wonder what Gunther will do on the next Monday strip since he now realized that Bernice proably used the Silent Movie Set up to get Piro because she’s like him . Wouldn’t it be interesting if Tiff ran into Piro talked him out of going to the Silent Film to show up to Dez movie in hopes that she could give Bernice and Gunther some alone time .
Airman over 8 years ago
Okay, Gunther, will it be back toTiffany’s comforting arms?
Flash Gordon over 8 years ago
Oh, now Gunther gets it. Bern was interested in Piro, not him. ☺yesterday jimmjonzz said:“Comic book and comic strip letterers almost always avoid the word “flick” because the ALL CAPS lettering style plus reduced size of the original text plus the frequent lack of sharp print (especially on newspaper stock) has often caused readers to see another word entirely.”In yesterdays Chicago Sun Times it was clearly FLICK.
MrGoobinski over 8 years ago
when Gunther gets back to Tiff’s room he will find Piro crashing on the couch
Argythree over 8 years ago
Maybe with Tiffany.5?
JayBluE over 8 years ago
“Search and Re-search”“Bait And Switched”“Call Me Ish-kabob!”“The Fisherman Gets Hooked”“A Couched Response”“Trapped In A Love-Seat”“The Fly In The Ointment”“The Moment You Realize The Pretty Dew Is Glistening On The Web”“More Piro Pressure”“The Trouble With Statistics”“The Best Mislaid Plans….”“Roxanne, You Didn’t Have To Put On The Red Light”“The Ring Of Truth Has Call Waiting”“It’s Always Darkest Before It Dawns On You”or" ’D’oh!’, Ra Mi…"
seismic-2 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Of course, Tiffany is very much interested in Piro too, and maybe she has invited him to see the screening of Barbarella with her? However, Piro has shown no interest in either one of them, so he is probably not at the movies at all. He may have found someone else who was willing to let him sleep on their couch, and so he’s on the other side of town.
JayBluE over 8 years ago
Not only have many silent movies been lost, but many early TV shows, too. One network was reported to have found their early shows so ’worthless, that they actually went so far as to dumping any media containing them, into the river….
Argythree over 8 years ago
It’s been my worry during this arc that Gunther will lose his temper. Hope it doesn’t happen, but we’ll see…
Argythree over 8 years ago
The more I look at the second frame, the more important and telling it seems to me. Here is Gunther, explaining to Bernice that he really isn’t a silent movie buff himself, but he did research into the topic because he figures she is a buff, and he also figures his research into the topic will impress her. That’s Gunther in a nutshell: someone who researches information in the hopes that his knowledge will attract someone he thinks is similar to him. But no time spent on actually ‘researching’ that person…
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 8 years ago
Now THINK Bernice. He learned because he cares for what he thinks you care about because he cares about you.
Superhawk over 8 years ago
Is it possible that there will be two epiphanies? Gunther will leave, dejected, and Bernice will go, “Oh… OH?!”.
Scott Stevenson over 8 years ago
…and the penny drops.
Chuck374 over 8 years ago
The pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. Gunther in the last frame reminds me of Edith Bunker.
Chuck374 over 8 years ago
The pieces of the puzzle are falling into place. Gunther in the last frame reminds me of Edith Bunker.
RoseHawke over 8 years ago
Aaaaaand, the light bulb just went on.
thebigboot over 8 years ago
Here’s the thing, neither Tiffany nor Gunther realized this was an elelaborate hoax by Bernice. Despite giving her a make over multiple times and helping Bernice’s best friend’s family when said best friend couldn’t be bothered to show up, Bernice thought it was fair to trick her into not showing up. So with the thought of the movies being legit, Tiffany acted like an actual friend to Gunther to try to get a girl he’s crushing on.
Moral of the story: Bernice lied and deceived because she’s boy hungry, which given some comments I’ve read in the past about Tiffany, should get Bernice slammed.
Really though, setting her up to be a fine counselor. Not.
jrankin1959 over 8 years ago
BOI-OI-OI-OI-OING! And the light comes on…
31768 over 8 years ago
Gunther suddenly sees he’s the car’s 5th wheel (he’s not needed there)
Willywise52 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Bern will be smart enuf to see that Gunthie’s the one for her.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 8 years ago
GREAT Caesar’s GHOST! Do People Ever Just SHUT UP and Actually WATCH Movies Anymore?!!? And I’m Very Surprised One or MORE if These “Yutes” Aren’t on Their Cell Phones during the show!
And by the Way, Just WHERE Is the “Unpredictable”, Supposedly “Silent Film-Loving” Piro-Maniac, ANYWAY, Gunth?
Watching “Barbarella?” In VERY Close Proximity to Tiffany?
Uncle Bob over 8 years ago
Perhaps Piro remains in the area to take care of odd jobs for Mr. Grey; like arson and such…
gmoldmule over 8 years ago
Bernice is the uncommon clueless girl who was lucky enough to not run into one of the many morons that tell girls “it’s just a biologic thing, lets hop in the sack”.Piro fits the user/shooter profile – heroin and seemingly homeless.Gunth is starting to figure things out, but still can’t man up and actually talk to Bernice about his feelings… But, makes for a storyline.
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
Gunth old man, time to wake up and smell the coffee.None of this should be that much of a surprise, after all you knew of her Piro preoccupation previously. but it’s time to accept defeat; besides which, who’s to say Bernie would be that great a catch anyway?
Doctor Go over 8 years ago
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 8 years ago
It was pretty presumptuous of Bernice to think that Piro [pjɛʁo] is the only student who loves silent films, when I was in university, I took a film appreciation course that was nothing but silent era German “horror” films and there were about thirty students in that class (the end of semester parties were a gas!)
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
The re-imagining / re-booting of the Tiffany character by G.E. is one of the most transformational in the strip. It has also resonated positively with the audience … Greg would do well to follow up on it.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Stupid eye. I had Gunther on my mind so wrote ""Gunther instead of Airman’s name, went to hit reply to correct myself and hit the delete button instead again. Aren’t we all glad that i have long ago given up blow pipe target shooting and that i have holders for veggie cutting?Anyway, i really hope that Airman is right and Gunther goes back to Tiff. Then he needs to get past his narrowness and see her kindness and strengths. Tiffany is good to him and she could be good for him. She has bothered to try to figure out WHO he is, and she even knows how to defuse his rants.Tiff recognizes Piro’s arm candy potential, amd has loaned him hair styling equipment but beyond that does not seem to really see him, unlike her take with Gunther.Bernie wants to figure out who Piro is, but needs to figure out how, instead of using plots more like those of an early teen. Even if it had worked, it woukd not have worked because in this setting she woukd not have learned anything much about Piro. She is just very inexperienced.Having worked while going to school, and having known people for whom finances were even tighter, including some lounge sleepers, car sleepers, and even someone who slept in a lab atop filing cabinets and wound up doing very well in his studies and career, i am more than willing to give Piro the benefit of the doubt, and suspect that his inability to have an easier going schedule might be mostly related to the demands of hard work for school and financing his education. (If he is someone who appreciates education to that extent he also will later be a good donor.)
luann1212 over 8 years ago
Well as someone else has already said Gunther has an epiphany. Bernice as usual in on her mission of possible doom, and is thus clueless about what would be the better choice on paper at least. We await further developments.
Luanaphile over 8 years ago
A I guess this story arc will end with a whimper rather than a bang?B. Consistent of Gunther to come prepared with Silent Movie internet trivia.C. Hair seems to be just a plot device.D. Bernice is honest about not being into the Silents. But, would she have been honest with Piro?E. Still time for Piro to show, but I am beginning to wonder if he was waylaid by Tiffany, so to speak.
dblbaraje over 8 years ago
Maybe Piro is an undercover cop?
3pibgorn9 over 8 years ago
Bernice has glasses, yet is blind.
thebigboot over 8 years ago
Nope, it’s a hoax. If she was just trying to make a move they wouldn’t have done the two movie happenings. She made one to get everyone away from Piro then the one for her and Piro. Hoax, lies, whatever you want to call it, it’s not a good thing. Not to mention can we slut shame her yet? God knows the comments if Tiffany went through this much work to hook up with someone.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 8 years ago
If this turns out to be a plot by Tiffany (with Piro’s help) to teach Gunther a lesson for ignoring herand Bernice for being a stuck-up, hypocrite.
THAT would make all of this interesting.If it’s just an excuse for Gunther to go into another of his infantile rages and dump the popcorn bucket on someone’s head because he’s not getting something he “planned”, I will be sorely disappointed.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
For Gunther and even more for some commentors:Perhaps at some level Bern chose not to seeSince Gunther is far from her cup of tea.There sadly are those who think a woman mustAccept all attentions like an object of lust,With “object” being the operative word:A misconception that’s wildly absurd.A woman can choose, and she can refuseAdvances that she would much rather lose.Objectify women and you’ll live to seeThat being alone becomes your type of “free”.Blame the women who you annoy And you’ll be never a man, but always a boy.See instead that a woman is complete as a manWith strengths, desires, and hopes, and you canSee that one has the right to refuse youWhich might lead you instead to another who’ll choose you.
locake over 8 years ago
Like I said yesterday, this is a cruel way to treat another human. Gunther feels bad because he realized that he is not wanted at the movie. Anyone would feel awkward if they realized that. Hair is too dense to realize it and his feelings won’t be hurt. Gunther is hurt because of Bernice’s thoughtless actions.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 8 years ago
Tiffany had the hots for Piro (and she used trying to “teach” Gunther how to go about flirting, as an excuse to act on her own desires):--This failed, which led Tiffany to suspect a possibility about Piro that many people who post here also believe to be the case:--However, she may not have given up completely, yet.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 8 years ago
The light bulb finally went on.
David Rickard Premium Member over 8 years ago
Gunther finally makes contact with the clue-by-four
RSH over 8 years ago
I am beginning to wonder if this will be the arc that reveals more of Piro and his real life. Maybe something has happened, and we cut to a scene that contains Piro in different circumstances.
locake over 8 years ago
Monday will likely be a different plot line, hopefully back to see what trouble Les is up to.
StoicLion1973 over 8 years ago
I guess once Gunther showed up in this arc, it was inevitable he’d be hurt. I sympathize with him.
Kymberleigh over 8 years ago
Silver was the cause. The silver nitrate used for the film stock changed over time into an explosive gelatinous form. Also the silver was used so many were willfully destroyed for it.
That is indeed why such a high percentage of silent movies were lost over the years and why efforts have been made to restore those remaining films that can be..Jay’s point, about old television programs being dumped in the river unceremoniously, was for a different reason, since kinescopes (films made of television shows by aiming a camera at a video monitor) were on modern film stock. What happened there was, in the aftermath of the DuMont Network collapsing, the subsequent ownership (what became Metromedia) thought the cost of keeping the old DuMont kinescope master library in temperatire-controlled storage exceeded their potential worth and they were hauled off in the dead of night to the East River and dumped in there. Estimates are that the total number of films lost was close to 20,000 and included some of Ernie Kovacs’ early work..It may or may not come as a surprise to you that this was a solution arrived at by Metromedia’s attorneykaffekup over 8 years ago
So everyone’s watching a silent film because Piro loves them, and he’s not even there. When will Bern realize Gunth studied up on them just to impress her, and fall for him?Stay tuned!
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Dog,Didn’t you say that you had a dog who had kidney disease? If so, did the dog survive long enough to need darbepoetin, and if so did you find a palatable and non-painful way to provide supplemental iron needed by that med for optimum chance of acting? Pivot is probably in her final winding down, having gotten a half year more than anyone expected, but is now anemic from the kidney disease and all of the three ways to get iron into her that have been so far tried are too hard on quality of life, so we are asking far and wide in case anyone has found a better option. Here we thought that her heart would be the one of her problems most likely to take her…
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
sorry, wasn’t me.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Thanks, Dog. I guess we just need to be grateful that this little ferret is 8 years and 4 months, and not in noticable pain from her problems, but increasingly tired.
Fan o’ Lio. over 8 years ago
This arc is very lame. Time to get back to the Fuse with Mr. Gray, Leslie Knox et al.
Ruth Brown over 8 years ago
Well, I hope that Gunther figures this is dead in the water and that he gave it a good shot. That is demoralizing, but it is time for him to move on.I do think that he and Tiffany should give each other a real chance. They could open up new worlds for each other: Barbarella, the symphony, etc. Of course, if Gunther did that then Bernice would find him attractive. They both would be more well-rounded if nothing came from it.I just realized why Tiffany had that coffee cup gift all prepared for Piro. She was going to give it to Gunther and the whole coffee conversation. Was it it to encourage him in the Bernice quest? Was it to show that she liked coffee, too? In any event, she tried to attract Piro to give Gunther a chance at Bernice.Wasn’t Piro Dez’s friend? Why can’t she tell more about him?
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
Gunther struck out with Rosa. Now he is striking out with Bernice. Did he have a sudden (and long overdo) epiphany? Will he seek solace with Tiffany?
Argythree over 8 years ago
Hope you are doing ok. When will you know the results of your biopsy?
Argythree over 8 years ago
Well, on the good side, at least Bernice managed to get a soft drink (brought by Gunther) that she can enjoy while watching the movie. Probably on her own, though, because Gunther is likely to either storm out, or just leave, and Hair will probably fall asleep after eating all the popcorn…
JayBluE over 8 years ago
Or even “The Silent Treatment”!
Argythree over 8 years ago
Kinda, but with an important change in topic…
JayBluE over 8 years ago
Ha, Ha, thanks! I know it’s a bit late, sorry!
donwestonmysteries almost 4 years ago
I’m betting Piro is curled up in a corner watching the flick. Well, it would be a typical Luann plot.