Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 10, 2016
Pru: Why shouldn't Lu and Bern go have fun with some new guys? TJ: cuz if the girls aren't interested, they guys get the wrong message. Pru: What, men aren't able to be friends with women? TJ: I'm just sayin' it's easy for both sides to get confused. Bernice: Hm. Why is this powerhouse woman not dying to go have fun with her "new friends"? Luann: Cuz she's confused.
Flash Gordon about 8 years ago
Isn’t Prudence gay?
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
oh, what a headache
seismic-2 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Confused at the Fuse. At least this keeps us away from the Brad and Toni wedding planning, so I hope the confusion persists next week too.
AnyFace about 8 years ago
“Lu and Bern Need Wedding Dates.”
Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago
If they are dying for some fun, after dark, they could all take a drive around the cemetery.
Wesley_B about 8 years ago
So, Pru is Confused? Nice comment. ::snicker::Methinks this arc better end quickly or there’s gonna be a riot…
SactoSylvia about 8 years ago
I really like where Luann is trying to go here: hang out with these two – er – people, and enjoy their company as people rather than potential romantic interests. This is exactly what I’ve been hoping she’d come to realize. As for Bernice – I can empathize because I’ve been in her c"confused" state of mind, albeit several decades ago. It’s easy for young women to fall into the trap of believing that they are not “complete” without a mate, and to start to fantasized about anyone who shows a little interest in them as being that mate (and yes, some young women are still fed that line in their families, not to mention in pop culture, advertising, etc.) I hope Bernice will follow Luann’s lead here.
kenhense about 8 years ago
Of course men & women can be friends. But Jack is coming on really strong – obviously Jack wants more than just friends with Luann. That would be OK if he weren’t breathing down her neck at the get go. Anyway – you don’t have to be friends with everybody.
BellsAndMotley about 8 years ago
Flash Gordon—I think the “powerhouse woman” Bern refers to is herself, not Prudence.
JayBluE about 8 years ago
“(♪)…..Signals get crossed
And the balance distorted
By external interference…..
- -…Everybody got mixed feelings
About the function and the form…..(♪)"
rimshot22 about 8 years ago
Guys can be friends with women, as long as they don’t want to nail them. To guys, when a girl says she wants to be friends, she really means, “You’re okay if I can’t get anyone else to do something for me, but I’d rather burn in Hades for eternity than let you touch me for 30 seconds.”
JayBluE about 8 years ago
“Second Hand Thoughts”
“Crimes Of Impression”
“Fancy That!”
’Would Anybody Return, After These Messages?"
“Interpret Peeves”
“Set Sail Across The Notions”
“Twist And Pout” (♪♫)
“You’re So Afraid To Catch A Dose Of Influencer” (♪)
“Canary In A Coal Mine’ (♫)
’A Hazy Shade Of Interpreter" (♫)
“Love…Or Nothing Like It” (♫)
“Lost, Vague, Us”
“A Non Date Is Raisin’ Expectations”
alviebird about 8 years ago
Bruce: So, do you have feelings for me? I’m confused.
Selena: Good.
JayBluE about 8 years ago
Guys can definitely be friends with women….and vice versa.
-The problem only happens when women and men forget how “the other half” thinks and does things.
JayBluE about 8 years ago
Yep, there are lots of situations that could be misinterpreted. For instance, every time he opens the door for a lady doesn’t mean that he thinks she’s a “weak and helpless damsel in distress”. It just means he was trying to be polite. Or if a guy is rushing through the door and doesn’t hold it open, maybe….just maybe…it’s because that guy was trying to follow the “I don’t need you to do that!” rule. I said maybe….
- -Conversely, if a girl runs home around midnight at a dance, and leaves behind a glass shoe, it doesn’t mean that she wants us to find her, again. All that happened was that she realized that she broke the heel on her other Jimmy Choo stiletto pump and realizes the first one is no good, now. …..Plus, her limo rates could have skyrocketed if she used it after 12:00, and doesn’t want to run up the bill….and, too, maybe the pumpkin pie that they had at the buffet table left her feeling a little under the weather. …..That, and maybe she realized that she misheard him, and that he actually said he was “in charge of prints at Office Kingdom”, and not that he was of royalty, or anything….
Barry1941 about 8 years ago
Does Berni have a turkey neck? Why is she always wearing a scarf?
kaystari Premium Member about 8 years ago
Did we miss a panel? Why is TJ on the defensive?
Tyge about 8 years ago
I get the feeling this is more of the strips attempt to be ‘hip’ or ‘edgy’. See ‘About Luann’, above. My guess: Jock & Nil represent male character with opposite libidos. Just some more confusing encounters with the ‘reproductive imperative’ as it were. We, along with today’s characters, remain CONFUSED.
brucebernhart about 8 years ago
When is TJ going to come out of the closet?
31768 about 8 years ago
somebody cut off the “power” to the “house”
Willywise52 Premium Member about 8 years ago
The lights are on,but no one’s home.
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
cause she’s got a stick up her butt.
Here’s a question to the assembled: There have been a number of “suggestions” as to what Bernice should do to get out of her rut and experience life around her, but many are simply out-of-character paths G.E. or Karen would not write. OK then, how about postulating a way forward for Bernice that is consistent with how Greg has written her character lo these many years?
Ignatz Premium Member about 8 years ago
Did they skip a comic or something? When did the argument start? How does Bernice’s comment make sense? Why would they be Pru’s “new friends”? Does she even know them?
ACTIVIST1234 about 8 years ago
But if there are no sparks on either side, there might just be a warm frientship.
luann1212 about 8 years ago
Hi Fellow Luann lovers and even trolls. On this strip I had to wait to make my usual before I go to bed comment or response to someone. The reason is not because of Trumpism, although I am going through the stages of grief, but I am an American who loves to visit Canada, but I will stay here. No this strip is confusing in that the underlying argument makes no sense to me, and using TJ and Pru as sort of Shakespearean secondary characters arguing over what the main characters are doing is a bit strange too. I think GE is kind of playing with us but there is a point. There will be a point eventually, what it is I am not sure. I do think this is part of the development of Luann and Bernice but where it will end up I have no idea. So there is my comment after I got up though. Still not much I admit.
Outsideplaying about 8 years ago
Lots of confusion in the Fusion. Things may be about to go Kablooie.
gromit82 about 8 years ago
This strip implies that TJ had previously expressed disapproval of Luann and Bernice hanging out with Jack and Nil in a non-date situation, but he hadn’t been shown saying anything like that before.
whiteaj about 8 years ago
We have “lopsided LuAnne” again today.
ironman01 about 8 years ago
I’m so confused.
Aqsnt about 8 years ago
Don’t look now but I think the guys just left.
Vorticia about 8 years ago
I’m with Lu and Pru…part of life is being able to enjoy new experiences with different people, regardless of gender and hidden “romantic” agendas.
dmostroff about 8 years ago
Nil def likes Bernice. Is PJ gay?
Takagi-san about 8 years ago
I’d just like to see some eyebrows for Prudence. That’s not too much to ask, right? It’s not too late to start drawing some for her. It would really help add some expression to her face.
dw90125 about 8 years ago
Holy cow. Talk about over-thinking things. The only way people get to know each other in this world is to talk and spend time together. If Luann is truly interested in growing then she needs to have new experiences, period.
If I were Luann I’d be disappointed that Bern doesn’t want to come along in this new journey. But that’s how friendships dissolve, too. If Bern wants to be an elderly single cat-lady then she’s well on her way….
seismic-2 Premium Member about 8 years ago
> Is PJ gay?
You mean “TJ”. We have never seen him demonstrating an attraction to anyone or discussing his attraction to anyone, so who knows. Of course, we’ve never seen Pru demonstrating an attraction to anyone or discussing her attraction to anyone, either. We have only her word for it that she is in fact gay.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
“Old Maid” is such an outdated term. It does not belong in today’s world. There was a past when in certain locations at certain times with disease, famine, and such precreation had to be the major concern, and then a person was often defined in relation to that and the social conventions preceeding it. These days we are in a world that is over-populated but in which a person in much of the industrialized world also has more people to select among, so does not have to “settle”.
Knowing how long it took my favorite aunt (who BTW was incredibly attractive so she really perplexed those locals who were narrow in relation to appearances) to find the right man, i also was ready to wait. In my case i met just the right man for me in my late twenties. My aunt and my uncle were never sorry that they waited till they found each other, though. When they married she was 40 and he was 50. They got to have 46 absolutely wonderful years together. She, of course, knew people who were married longer but nowhere near as happily. So far, i have had the same sort of results, so i am very glad that i turned down my earlier options and waited for someone with the right personality.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Instead of Meddling in Luann and Bernice’s personal affairs, Shouldn’t You Two “FUSE EMPLOYEES” be, oh I dunno, WORKING???
old_timey_dude about 8 years ago
Bernice is a milksop unable to take risks. Luann is an idiot unable to judge character.
Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago
Sure, men and women can be friends. My wife and I became good friends, we enjoyed each other’s company, and things rolled on from there. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with my best friend, and it appears that my wish came true. Two kids and almost 27 years later, she is still my best friend. We still call each other several times a day, tease each other all the time, and frequently go out on “dates”. I am truly a lucky guy.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
I’d rather be friends with a woman than not. Of course FWB is better…
2Goldfish about 8 years ago
Ok, this is just getting stupid.
Pipe Tobacco about 8 years ago
Even though in the best case scenario, Luann and Bernice should both go rock climbing with Jack and Nil….. if Bernice is so set on NOT going, then:
I would suggest that Luann just say…. “Ok, Bernice…. no problem.” Then Luann should say she is ready to go rock climbing with both Jack and Nil. This will make it seem even less “date” like (which seems to be Luann’s preference)…. and even if Nil were to beg of because he didn’t want to be perceived as a “third wheel”, the fact that Luann suggests the three of them go would establish as less “date-like” even if only Luann and Jack go.
I think it is very nice and good that Luann is wanting to go. I would like for Bernice to want to go as well. I would like for Bernice to feel more enjoyment…. rather than just dreaming about Piro…. I want to see her have more fun.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
“Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you”. Sartre (Hope i spelled that right.)
The question for me is why Bernice does what she does to herself, why she is such a turtle.
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
sounds like TJ is speaking from experience.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
Oh, here is the direct link to the strip you mentioned, Brd.
It may interest some others because the arc involves Zane.
Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago
BTW, while I was looking back in the archives, I did find this one where Luann describes her perfect guy. Sure fits Quilly to a tee. Har!
GRRRRRR! Mr. GoComics – Tear down that wall!!
Oops, I mean, fix that image posting problem!!!
Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago
I guess I better get back to work before I have to fire myself.
Airman about 8 years ago
Seems like we’ve reached over-kill on answering “Is Pru gay”. Greg has a lot of tokens coming and going: Delta was black, TJ looks to be either bi-racial, Italian, or Puerto Rican, Gunther might be Jewish, Rosa was Hispanic, Pru is lesbian, Tiffany is stereotyped as a “dumb blond”, Bernice is snarky, Brad has bad hair, Toni has hair down to her tush, Shannon is a brat, Prof. Zebo is probably gay, Dez is from “the islands”, possibly Haiti (Voodoo country), Sun was Asian, Crystal is Goth, and Luann can’t hold on to a boyfriend. Only Frank, Nancy and Puddles are normal. This isn’t a cast of friends, it’s a bag of Trail Mix.
Sisyphos about 8 years ago
Powerhouse Woman Bernice is confused, as Luann suggests, though the confusion is more deeply-seated than just the matter of going rock-climbing with Jack ‘n’ Nil.
And TJ is his usual glib but obtuse self in the face of Pru’s reasonable approach….
JPuzzleWhiz about 8 years ago
Now that I’ve read (and responded to some of) everyone else’s comments, I’ll offer my own original thought:
What with the activity on Jack’s mind, might one be able to quip that he’s “got rocks in his head”? Or maybe he wants “to bould(er)ly go where no man has gone before”?
(Ducking, now…)
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 8 years ago
Flash Gordon said,
“Isn’t Prudence gay?”
That doesn’t cure her from being a woman.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 8 years ago
Night-Gaunt49 said,
“Hoarding is a psychological problem separate from physically and emotionally maturing.”
The only problem with hoarding is storage space.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 8 years ago
Night-Gaunt49 said,
“An unchallenged lie becomes an unquestioned truth.” -lrw
“And so I challenge them over at the Political cartoons.”
Some of them.
Others you parrot as if they were provably true rather than provably false.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 8 years ago
Spoiler: terms, control, familiarity. One guess who is taking charge.
euthuno about 8 years ago
Oh yeah, Prudence is confused all right.
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member about 8 years ago
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member about 8 years ago