Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 20, 2017
police: how many students said they'd stay here over the break? lopez: twelve. this is the record of card use for those weeks police: i count 13 lopez: hm. someone shouldn't have been here. let's see who it farrell bernice: tiffany's a thief!?
gromit82 about 8 years ago
At least Bernice is getting good exercise. It seems that she spends lots of time jumping … to conclusions.
Templo S.U.D. about 8 years ago
Hm…. how suspicious of Tiffany
Argythree about 8 years ago
@BOBBIEPINN: Whiskey tango foxtrot…
wiselad about 8 years ago
poor Tiff, she can’t spend time with Daddy and Mommy, because they are off somewhere in the orient or on Europe, poor poor Tiff, and she pretends she got to do stuff on the break so no need to stay at the dorm
Lion_Tamer about 8 years ago
If Tiffany took the TV, she probably thought that no one would be using it over the winter break and has it in her dorm room to use for her self. Which is about Tiffany’s speed, never considering that it might construed as theft.
AnyFace about 8 years ago
Doesn’t even rise to the level of ‘Circumstantial Evidence.’
sar about 8 years ago
Gunther stayed for some winter thing and Tiffany stayed the night with him…this is such a reach but I wish it were true.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 8 years ago
Gee, WAY to throw Tiffany under the Bus, Bern. THAT, gets Your wannabe ‘boyfriend’ OFF the ‘Hook.’
Brdshtt Premium Member about 8 years ago
Perhaps the campus cop had something to do with it, too. As soon as Tiffany’s name was mentioned, his belt tightened and he sucked in his gut.
Mikeyj about 8 years ago
Tiffany is a lot of negative things, but, thief isn’t something I could see her doing.
Dreamdeer about 8 years ago
It could just as easily have been one of the students officially staying there.
Mikeyj about 8 years ago
Obviously, someone ELSE used her card, but, was it Piro? (Seems too obvious)….Perhaps Bernice will accuse him and ruin ANY chance with him.
Mikeyj about 8 years ago
Maybe it’s MPQ!! He may have run out of money and, as a foreign student, isn’t really supposed to work…. kick his butt out of the country! :D
sueb1863 about 8 years ago
Bernice, go away. You’ve done your job, let the authorities handle it from now on. You might not even know whoever took the TV. It could have been one of the students who let in a few other people who helped them cart it away. One person couldn’t have carried it.
Anon4242 about 8 years ago
Are we FINALLY going to officially discover that Piro is homeless?
kerumbo Premium Member about 8 years ago
Tiffany’s mad because she’s the ONLY character who wasn’t invited to the wedding.
JayBluE about 8 years ago
Yeah, that’s it, Bern… Throw them off of your scarf… I mean, trail… I mean- oh, never mind!
The only charges Tiffany would prefer to have thrown at her, have Visa on them…
JayBluE about 8 years ago
Thanks to Dog, Point, Mordy, Trilogy, JPW, Brd, and everyone else! - For posterity/reference, I got back late, but did leave some responses…
Tyge about 8 years ago
AAAARRRRGGGG!!!! Bern would drive a squirrel nuts.
JayBluE about 8 years ago
I could see Bernice with a plaid hat, trench coat and magnifying lens, all “Clouseau-style”, clumsily pointing the finger at everyone and anyone… Only for each to be able to easily answer her ‘off the mark’ arrows of accusation… Leading from person to person, until she almost runs out of people to accuse.
Ignatz Premium Member about 8 years ago
Yeah, Tiffany made off with a TV set. Seriously?
JayBluE about 8 years ago
“Suzie A-Q’z”
“To Circumstance, With Love”
“I Eat Red Herring”
“You Ain’t Nuthin’ But A Hound Dog” (♪♬)
“Never Go In Arraign, Without Protection”
“Don’t Count Your Students, Before They Can Hatch A Plan”
“Put Two And Two Together, And You Get Chicken Salad”
“Judge, Jury And Poor Execution”
“De-nounce, Is A Person Placing Bad Things” (♬♪)
“Pin The Trail On The Wonky”
“That’s The Ticket!”
“Wrapped Around Your Finger Pointing”
Outsideplaying about 8 years ago
For someone who has been portrayed as smart over the years, Bernice sure is dumb lately. JayBlue, love the reference to ‘Clouseau-style’. So fitting since Bern seems to be going down every rabbit hole.
dblbaraje about 8 years ago
I know this is a comic, but Bernice is being shown in a demeaning manor. She is not that stupid, just misguided. Accusing Tiffany of being a thief is not funny. The Evan’s missed the ball on this one.
Also, it is sad that Tiffany had to spend the Holiday break at college. It means her Father did not have time for her. All I want is for Tiffany to find someone who will show her true love and not dessert her.
JayBluE about 8 years ago
Instead of stealing the TV, maybe Tiffany should’ve just taken the remote…
JayBluE about 8 years ago
If it wasn’t Tiffany, I think Piro was thinking about taking it, but put it down, because he had to rest. Then, he put it down, turned around for something, got distracted, and had to leave. Then Hair thought it was for the College garage sale. Then, Viper came and offered to help carry it, and she stopped to get a dolly to put it on. Then, in giving them the Dolly, Sun suggested that they test it out, in someone else’s room (off dorm, by now). So, you’ll find them all there, watching… And nobody realized that it was all because of a misunderstanding…
stefaninafla about 8 years ago
Bernice, you’re not looking too bright here. My guess is someone stole Tiffany’s cards. Tiffany doesn’t strike me as thief, but she does strike me as someone who would get careless about a door key card.
A R V reader about 8 years ago
Didn’t Tiffany end up with one of Piro’s scarves as well?
cubswin2016 about 8 years ago
Innocent until proven guilty, Bernice.
Vorticia about 8 years ago
Sigh…and the saga continues and Bern still hasn’t a clue.
jrankin1959 about 8 years ago
Oh, for pity’s sake – Tiffany’s Dad has enough to purchase an entire Best Buy for her…
blessosu Premium Member about 8 years ago
Tiffany didn’t take it. She would never lift anything that heavy!
TORAD_07 about 8 years ago
I don’t, for one milisecond, think this is Tiffany. If she needed a TV, she need only whip out Daddy’s CC. I simply think this is a records SNAFU. Perhaps, Tiffany wasn’t even there, even though the records say she was. To be determined.
What it might be, though, is a setup between Tiff and Bern. Bern accuses Tiff, (perhaps privately at first), and then Tiff counters by blackmailing Bern in re: Piro. Should prove very interesting… [popcorn popping]
Argy.Bargy2 about 8 years ago
@THEODORKERIN: First of all, we have no idea if Tiffany was involved with the disappearance of the TV at all; that was just a guess that Bernice blurted out. Secondly, it would be very unlikely that Tiffany would care at all about not being invited to Brad’s wedding. But even if she was mad, why would she try to get back at Brad by stealing a TV from Moony U?
Argy.Bargy2 about 8 years ago
@BLESSOSU: LOL!!! You’re probably right; when Tiffany was moving into her dorm suite, she had a whole football team carrying her furniture and stuff…
CitizenOfTheValley about 8 years ago
My guess.. Tiffany is not there. Piro stole her card so he would have a place to sleep. Or maybe she gave it to him to use while she was away.
luann1212 about 8 years ago
I am not at all concerned that Tiffany did any crime. The last thing she would do is commit a crime. It is interesting that she gets introduced in the arc in this way. I for one want to see how it plays out, and contrary to some who must have a major case of attention deficit disorder, I really want this arc to play out. It should really be very interesting.
Uncle Bob about 8 years ago
Tiffany’s a theif, alright. She just stole Piro from Bernice…
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Look at this as what it is——————-a farce, then smile and laugh at the antics.
locake about 8 years ago
I think Bernice stole the TV. She is way too eager to assign blame to anyone else. She had Dez with her when she “discovered” the missing TV so Dez is her witness at finding the TV gone. They should just lock Bernice up now and write her out of this comic. She is tedious and annoying. Aren’t comics supposed to be humorous, at least some of the time. This one is rarely funny.
Germanshepherds4ever about 8 years ago
Tiffany and Leslie would be a perfect match. The thug and the slut.
RolloTheGrouch about 8 years ago
Today’s Friday, and by regular storytelling conventions the story is nowhere near a resolution. Usually a story arc ends on a Saturday. So either the Evanses are going to let the story just hang tomorrow, or we’re going to be treated to another week or two of this farce.
Argy.Bargy2 about 8 years ago
@ROLLOTHEGROUCH: Look at it this way: this arc is distracting some of us from the other stories going on in the real world…
Annie K. about 8 years ago
The adults in panel 3 seem to be thinking ‘uh oh, we should have dismissed this kid before starting to discuss the case!’ Well yeah…
Neil Wick about 8 years ago
I have completed a new bookmarklet that will allow you to make a chronological index of all the comments on any GoComics page. This will make it easy for you to highlight the ones you haven’t yet read. You will find it, with instructions, at Thanks to the comments from the Luann fans which I have been using to test this function, since Luann gets more comments than most strips here. Let me know if you have problems. I usually scan the Luann comments quickly these days, but you can always find me at Dick Tracy.
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
Since Tiffany and Bernice have already locked horns over Piro, its a natural development that one of them would be complicit in his still being around. Now, was it knowingly or?….
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member about 8 years ago
Bern is a serial jump-to-contusions sort
Argy.Bargy2 about 8 years ago
@Schrodinger’s Dog: Remember, though, that Bernice is assuming (since she found a scarf) that Piro is involved and so she’s trying to protect him. There was a time she spent all day wearing a scarf because she thought it was his, and it turned out to be Hair’s scarf. So we shouldn’t follow Bernice’s lead, and assume that a scarf found in the common area was proof that Piro was there. Maybe it was Hair again, and maybe whoever left the scarf had nothing to do with the missing TV. The scarf may just be a red ‘hairing’…
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
@ARGY.BARGY2 LOL …“Hairing”?! good one.
yes I agree, it’s possibly Hair’s, tho I tend to think Hair’s would be in his own room. As Piro doesn’t have a room, I can see it more likely his. And agreed that it may be co-incidence and entirely unconnected to the TV. I wouldn’t be surprised if Gunther took it to repair or something without telling anyone.
But I still have a nagging feeling the TV culprit may never be known. In real life that’s often the case. I suspect the TV is serving as a McGuffin … a plot device to bring about other developments, e.g.: now between Tiffany and Bernice.
ironman01 about 8 years ago
Go sniff some more of what ever that was before you say any more Bernice, you made a lot more sense after you sniffed that.
RSH about 8 years ago
Bernice is just a nervous wreck. She wonders if Piro had anything to do with this. Now there’s a connection to Tiffany who may have given Piro her card access (so he could have a place to sleep), or they may have been hanging out together in the lounge over the break.
Sisyphos about 8 years ago
Don’t leap to crucify the Tiffster, folks!
Maybe she foolishly (i.e., in her normal good-hearted but unthinking fashion) lent her keycard to someone less honorable….
Schrodinger's Dog about 8 years ago
@sisyphos , yeh, but good-hearted or not, what she did put everyone else in the dorm at risk. What if her judgement re: Piro wasn’t good and he wasn’t the amiable non-dangerous person she assumed him to be? Or did she really know that his judgement as to who else to let in would be good? She could have been exposing the others to unacceptable personal danger.
RSH about 8 years ago
Even the campus security guard and Ms Lopez seem shocked by Bernice’s outburst and quick assumptions regarding Tiffany.