Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 07, 2017

  1. Little lulu
    sallymargaret  almost 8 years ago

    I totally agree, Flash Gordon. I canā€™t stand him.

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 8 years ago

    well, Gunther tried to liven the party upon which he pooped

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  3. Little lulu
    sallymargaret  almost 8 years ago

    I hope Gunther tells all four of them that heā€™s not going to any of those gatherings anymore. I hope he moves away from all those people, gets a full scholarship to MIT or another equivalent school, and makes a good life for himself.

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    GovernmentCheese  almost 8 years ago

    When did Gunther turn into Richard Nixon?

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    Argythree  almost 8 years ago

    The funniest thing about this is that no one is listening to what the other people are saying. Les pretends to listen to Tiffany reciting her long history of her acting ā€˜careerā€™, and Gunther is busy trying to duplicate Lesā€™s trick with the cherry stem. As soon as Gunther manages the trick, though, itā€™s obvious the Les wasnā€™t really paying much attention to Tiffany. And she isnā€™t listening to either guy; sheā€™s just going on about herself. So hereā€™s the result: no one ends up with anyoneā€¦

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    31768  almost 8 years ago

    Less is getting More of Parisā€™ (Tiffanyā€™s) attention. Gunthy is beginning to look dorky, and punching Less out is not what will solve his problem this time.

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    Namrepus  almost 8 years ago

    Why is Gunther so concerned if Les and Tiff hit it off? They deserve each other.

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    31768  almost 8 years ago

    also Less got his necklace back from Pru(ne) and should he decide to give it to Paris (Tiffany) Gunthy will be totally out of contention.

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  9. Little lulu
    sallymargaret  almost 8 years ago

    I sincerely hope Less is incarcerated soon.

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  10. Aimg5  mini
    Wizardgoat  almost 8 years ago

    Before this week I had never liked anything much at all about Les, due to his devious and dishonest nature. Even so, I appreciated how he added humor to the strip, so I was OK with that angle.

    But this week Iā€™m really impressed. Considering that he was a bully in high school who tried to coerce kisses from girls, it seems heā€™s come a long way. Heā€™s very successfully charming Tiff, and is even being a gentleman. He may have a long way to go in his personal character, but all this suggests that he is improving. Iā€™m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for a while.

    Gunther, in contrast, is suffering from being ā€œnothing but a gentlemanā€. Heā€™s clueless about being romantically charming and interesting, in a way that would attract most women.

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  11. Nextdoor avatar 05
    JD'Huntsville'AL  almost 8 years ago

    Oh come on everybody. Itā€™s LES, not less.

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  12. Ipta3
    Carrots  almost 8 years ago

    This is all just a Tiff show now, she is exaggerating EVERYTHING. She was a tiny extra in a mob of people in the Eye of Zeye, the modeling is exaggerated, and come on, a stereotype blonde being a British brunette Emma Watson. Come on Tiff! I thought you were better than trying to impress Less, and I thought we were going to see growth in characters, but nooooo this is the same high school Tiff-ster weā€™ve seen through all of the Luann series.

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  13. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 8 years ago

    Wizard, Les still gets my goat! Letā€™s see: Devious, dishonest, and a bully. And the way treats Gunther, it looks like none of that has changed. So heā€™s added ā€œcharmingā€ to his resume: I guess heā€™s graduated to con man! I think I agree with all the women on this page (except Tiffany) that Les appears to be without any redeeming value.

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  14. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 8 years ago

    Said before, if Greg had mercy, this arc would have ended last Saturday. But I guess Greg is related to a Martian: Ming the Merciless!

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  15. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Gunther, you fool ā€“ thatā€™s your retainer!

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    kenhense  almost 8 years ago

    Gotta say there is yet so many ways this could go. Not to mention surprises like Rosa (back from Peru) looking for Gunther; or police looking for Les. If Les gets too full of himself in the next few moments, one icy comment from Mr. Gray could totally change the weather.

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    Wizardgoat  almost 8 years ago

    Yesterday, Airman suggested that perhaps the tide will turn against Les this week, and that Tiff will go home affectionately with Gunther. Iā€™d acknowledge the possibility, but it really depends on how the Evanses have decided to take it, and for me thatā€™s too close to call.

    But I think that the only way that might happen is if Les says something really crass and puts off Tiff. Up to now, heā€™s been charming her very successfully. She acknowledged that sheā€™s been having a great time. And that was all due to Les, and in no way to Gunther.

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    RolloTheGrouch  almost 8 years ago

    Another day of brilliant acting by Tiffany. Somehow I feel that sheā€™s not really enjoying recounting her life story, and is doing it only to give Gunther some time to try that cherry stem trick himself. Itā€™s inspiring how sheā€™s giving him space to work out how to become a manly man all on his own. And note how sheā€™s distracting Les so he wonā€™t make fun of how ridiculous Gunther is looking while heā€™s doing it, all the while keeping a subtle eye on his progress. And such mastery of the thespianā€™s improvisational skills, giving an extemporaneous 11-minute monologue, culminating in a brilliant finale that places her career firmly in the tradition of great actors who have gone to college. Bravo, Tiff! We all appreciate your sacrifice for Guntherā€™s sake. Be sure you donā€™t break the spell by letting on what youā€™re doing ā€“ keep up the illusion of being a self-centered bimbo.

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    Airman  almost 8 years ago

    Tiff is just being Tiff. Les turned a spotlight on her dreams, and she reacted as we might expect. But, she has also developed something for Gunther, her study buddy. Trust? Loyalty? A soft spot? She did try to help him with Bernice, and they did share that ā€œmomentā€ in Tiffā€™s dorm room, so Iā€™m hoping that by eveningā€™s end, Tiff strokes Guntherā€™s ego and makes him look good in front of everyone.

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    RolloTheGrouch  almost 8 years ago

    Les, ever the gentleman, is just pretending he doesnā€™t remember Tiffanyā€™s famous high school career, and is patiently giving her the time and space for self-validation. And being something of an actor himself, he seems to be admiring her skill at extemporaneous speaking.

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  21. Tumblr m8cvuqinuu1r0mvk8o9 250
    jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Iā€™m thinking of the time Gunther asks Tiffany if sheā€™d ever had a real boyfriend. She replies with a dismissive joke BUT DOES NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION. Gunther is not fooled and says ā€œI thought so.ā€ Later she confides to Crystal that Gunther was right. She even confesses that she likes to flirt but wishes that someday a boy that she likes would like her back. Sheā€™s confident of her attractiveness but aware that sheā€™s failed to attract someone who would love her. The only person she has gone out of her way to help, encourage, be good to without a selfish motive, again and againā€¦ is YOU KNOW WHO. Sheā€™s more self aware and a better person than many commenting here realize, perhaps more than SHE realizes. Many of the things she does and says are simply coping mechanisms, the only ā€œtoolsā€ that have consistently worked for her. I think thereā€™s also a case to be made that Gunther has likewise been good to her, is concerned for her well being, in a fundamentally unselfish way. They each treat the other in a way that is patient, kind, keeps no score of wrongs, is not vain or self indulgent. Thereā€™s a word for that.

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    Wizardgoat  almost 8 years ago

    Has anyone noticed that when Gunther is annoyed by Lesā€™s moves on Tiffany, and attempts to get her to leave, there is a strong parallel with the way heā€™s been uncomfortable with his mother dating Mr. Gray (or presumably anyone)?

    Gunther does not have a developed romantic side. With his life empty in that way, he clings to an Oedipal attachment to his mother, and wants to fend off any other competition.

    With Tiff, Gunther was actually terrified of having a real relationship with her, when she clearly gave him the chance. So he discarded her for a pipe dream about Bernice that had no reality to it. So now, Gunther invites Tiff to what he thought would be a lame party, just because he wanted an escort. And when he sees another guy making time with Tiff, heā€™s defensive and possessive over her, just like he is with his mother.

    Guntherā€™s complexes are not trivial; they run very deep!

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  almost 8 years ago

    Going to get the feeling Tiffany is not going to happy with Les in any way.

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    JayBluE  almost 8 years ago

    I hope that somebody tells Tiffany that to ā€˜pursue a Degreeā€™, in this case, does not necessarily mean that you find the right temperature for making sure the pizza rolls donā€™t come out all charredā€¦


    ā€¦And that it also doesnā€™t mean picking up that brand of deodorant, at the storeā€¦

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    sueb1863  almost 8 years ago

    Why is Gunther behaving like a jealous 15 year old? Hasnā€™t he matured at all? Heā€™s almost 20, youā€™d think heā€™d be past this sort of stunted behavior.

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    JayBluE  almost 8 years ago

    ā€œAccumulating Interestā€

    ā€œGive Her Some Creditā€¦She Likes Creditā€

    ā€œA Freeze, On Your Accountā€

    ā€œA Plus B Equals ā€˜Cā€™ Your Way Outā€

    ā€œBetter Eliminate, Than Neverā€

    ā€œA Looney Eclipsingā€

    ā€œRadio Free Guntherā€

    ā€œCanā€™t Find The Exitā€

    ā€œAll In All, Itā€™s Just Another Trick In The Stallsā€ (ā™Ŗ)

    ā€œCaught In A ā€˜Ticking Offā€™ Trapā€ (ā™Ŗ)

    ā€œTo Lose The Race To Ratsā€ (ā™Ŗ)

    ā€œCatch Them, Subdividedā€ (ā™Ŗ)

    ā€œFrame! Iā€™m In A Big Endeavorā€¦.ā€ (ā™Ŗ)

    ā€œShe Is The Very Model, Of A Major General Motion Picture Flopā€ (ā™Ŗ)

    ā€œSeriousā€¦.Eye In The Zeyeā€ (ā™¬)

    ā€œHe Donā€™t Want Cleverā€¦.Conversationā€¦.ā€ (ā™Ŗ)

    ā€œSheratonā€¦ And Share Your Likesā€

    ā€œLadies And Pageantsā€

    ā€œAt The Tone, It Will Be Half Past Guntherā€


    ā€œThe Troll Gets The Billy Goatā€™s Gruffā€

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  27. V2
    Willywise52 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Most women would LOVE for a guy to take 11 minutes to tie a cherry stem with their tongue.

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  28. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 8 years ago

    The moment doesnā€™t play true. Tiff surely remembers Les from high school and vice versa. They both should be aware of each otherā€™s history. Gunth ought to send her one black rose to work. Maybe LuAnn could explain the meaning to her.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Gunther? With Heartfelt Apologies, to Lyricist JAYBLUE and those of the Readership with ā€œDelicate Sensibilities,ā€ You SHOULD take a Tip from the Great, Bugs Bunny, as He sang during the Unforgettable ā€œHillbilly Hare:ā€

    ā™Ŗā™Ŗ ā€œGRAB a Fence Post, Hold it Tight!ā€

    ā€œWHOMP Old Lester with ALL Your MIGHT!

    ā€œHIT Him the Shins, HIT Him the Head,ā€

    ā€œHIT Him A-GAIN, the Critter Ainā€™t DEAā€¦..,ā€ ā™Ŗā™Ŗ

    Well, You ā€œGETā€ the Idea.

    And You should ā€œDo Itā€ Right at the Dinner Tableā€¦ā€¦,

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    bossyheifer  almost 8 years ago

    UGH, enough already! Les has no redeeming qualities and Tiffany barely has any. Gunther deserves better and Iā€™m ready for this particular arc to be OVER!

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  31. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Les will be disappointed again. Tiff is not into relationships.

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  32. Ella nov 2022  11 months
    m b  almost 8 years ago

    Les is beyond creepy and still conniving, a bully, out for what he can get.

    This is 2017 ā€“ who calls their parents friends ā€œMr or Mrsā€, maybe little kids but not adult kids ā€“ some days itā€™s like Greg is in 1950 and other days, I donā€™t where heā€™s at ā€“ Gunther and Les in suits for a family dinner at home, really ? Jeans and a shirt are more like it. He needs to bring his characters into ā€œreal timeā€

    I really do not understand what Greg thinks Les brings to this strip ā€“ donā€™t think much of Tiff either, I think itā€™s time they both went the way of Quinn

    Bernie & Gunther has gotten crazy, Rosa and (forgot her other friend) have disappeared.

    Luann still acts like sheā€™s in high school and needs to start growing up at least a little bit

    Brad & Tony seem to have disappeared.

    I have to say this strip is not what it use to be, I donā€™t look forward to reading it anymore

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Well, no one predicted today, but with a center panel this funny, who cares?

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  34. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 8 years ago

    goes to show that with patience and training, Gunther can hold his own.

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    TerryI1  almost 8 years ago

    Itā€™s no coincidence that Gunther looks like an Archie character in that middle panel.

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    Outsideplaying  almost 8 years ago

    Gunther wanted Tiffany to feel the same way about the dinner as he felt they were ā€“ boring. She got some attention from Les, so sheā€™s the center of the universe and is having a great time being Tiffany and Gunther canā€™t stand it. All three of them are pretty unlikeable and itā€™s a very uncomfortable situation.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Someone yesterday mentioned how people fake the cherry stem trick. Gunther is unlikely to have spent 11 minutes faking it. Les is another matterā€¦

    Meanwhile, werenā€™t there multiple teen girls who said that Gunther was a great kisser? I can not personally recall the thread w him kissing Bernice but someone mentioned it sometime in the last month or two. Both Luann and Rosa found him good at it. If i remember right, Luann even told him that one of his assets is that he is a great kisser.

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    Cole Rene Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Shouldnā€™t Tiffany remember Les from high school? Tiffany has not changed at all from the beginning of the strip. It is time for her to grow up a bit.

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  39. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 8 years ago

    both guys need haircuts.

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  40. W12
    chris_weaver  almost 8 years ago

    Hey, Tiffany! Can I have your autograph?

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    old_timey_dude  almost 8 years ago

    Also Eyez of Zeye was a total flop.

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  42. Ball 3001 reasonably small
    kauri44  almost 8 years ago

    Does anybody know the date of the strip where Les sexually harrased/intimidated Tiffany? Iā€™d like to look at it again. I really donā€™t believe sheā€™d have forgotten it or would be so comfortable with him now.

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  43. Little lulu
    sallymargaret  almost 8 years ago

    I just had a fantasy that Gunther will yell, ā€œTiffany is MY girlā€ and punch Less in the nose. Then the ball is in Tiffanyā€™s court. Prediction? Weā€™ll see.

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  44. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 8 years ago


    The best part of todayā€™s comic, to me, is how it points out how utterly out of touch Gunther is being in terms of this dinner, his interactions with Tiffany, his interactions with Les, and Mrs. Berger and Mr. Gray. His damned, dogged determination in the middle panel to knot a maraschino cherry to prove he can be like ā€™ole Les misses the point in its entirety. Les did the ā€œcherry trickā€ because he spontaneously decided on his own that it would be a way to be suggestive to Tiffany of his a) interest in her and b) his ā€œprowessā€ and ā€œmachismoā€. Gunther trying so very hard to mimic Les only makes him look like a compliant, desperate puppyā€¦. which he does act like most of the time.


    I still think that Tiffanyā€™s ā€œinterestā€ in Les is all for show. I believe she is acting at being interested in Les to try to help Gunther, but Gunther is being too obtuse to realize it.

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Also, for my prior commentā€¦. while Les may view his ā€œcherry trickā€ as showing his ā€œprowessā€ and ā€œmachismoā€ā€¦ it is, IMO, a silly trick that I believe did not really impress Tiffany at all. I am not sure how this will be resolved, but I suspect that Tiffany will, in the end, be able to easily get Les to know she is not interested in himā€¦ and I suspect she will do so in a pretty classy way.

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    jr1234  almost 8 years ago

    Just like in the movies/or in a book if you hate a character the actor is successfully doing his job. Les is doing his job so you have a reason to like the hero(es) .

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  47. Tulips
    locake  almost 8 years ago

    I guess Mr. Gray and Mrs. Berger went in the bedroom for their dessert? The younger folks are alone if they are behaving like this.

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    NotGregEvans  almost 8 years ago

    When one delves deeper into the symbolic achievement of tying a cherry stem in a knot with oneā€™s tongue in order to impress a potential paramour, it is generally Guntherā€™s persistence and endurance that is more highly valued than Lesā€™s speed.

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    JayBluE  almost 8 years ago

    ā€œSeriouslyā€¦..I Am The Guy (A sort-of ā€˜conversationā€™)ā€

    (By Ellen Parsnipsā€™ Failed Project)



    Donā€™t you get up from the table, just yet-

    But donā€™t say things that Guntherā€™s gonna regretā€¦.

    Weā€™re shifting away from T-Squaresā€¦

    To run the highlights of your shining hair

    Donā€™t ask me what that meansā€¦.just as long as you keep on talking


    I wonā€™t say words you havenā€™t looked up, yet

    Oh? Thatā€™s just Gunther, donā€™t let it worry your pretty head!

    You may have had this conversation, before

    But Iā€™m sure, youā€™ll like to hear it, some more

    Maybe the light in your eyes will reflect this here necklaceā€¦



    Well, I am the ā€˜Iā€™ in ā€˜diguiseā€™, looking at ā€˜uā€™!

    No, the other ā€˜Iā€™, and you canā€™t leave me behind!

    I follow the rules, suffer no fools!

    And I could treat you rightā€¦

    But I donā€™t need to see any more, to know that he will be unkindā€¦.



    I got burned, in the meal scam- but that was a long ago time

    Weā€™ve got some things in common, In my ā€˜picture perfect frameā€™ of mindā€¦

    Iā€™m a model, but I think I could be so much more

    Donā€™t know why Gunther said youā€™d be a bore!

    Wait- did you say you acted with Pru? Or did you just ask about my Jimmy Chooā€™s?


    You know, I was in ā€œThe Eyes Of Zeyeā€!?

    They fell asleep watching it, so it watched you

    But donā€™t let that change your mind

    If itā€™s pie in the sky, Iā€™ll still take a bite

    Cos itā€™s all about how itā€™s looking good, youā€™ll find!

    And when I walk through the door, Iā€™m looking for something moreā€¦

    Iā€™ll let you know, when I find it Yeah, youā€™ll know, when I find itā€¦



    I am the ā€œIā€ in disguise, right next to ā€˜uā€™!

    In stealth, I sit and hope youā€™ll find

    I am the guy cutting in, to help you out!

    No, you donā€™t need his kind, and I want to find-

    Why his laugh is the sound of a wild boar-

    And why you donā€™t even seem very bored?

    Did you know youā€™re the

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    JayBluE  almost 8 years ago

    Did you know youā€™re there, next to a boor?

    ā€¦.Guess Iā€™ll just sit here, some moreā€¦..

    ā€¦Guess itā€™s the best, that I can hope forā€¦.

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  51. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 8 years ago

    Tiffany is more interested in an acting career than in Les. Her expressions over this arc say it all. The one time she really lit up (w/ innocent excitement) was when Les mentioned Uncle Al knowing someone in Hollywood. The rest of the time they have ranged from suspicion to snide acknowledgement. If sheā€™s engaged now, itā€™s because she has found an audience to brag to. Sheā€™s in interview mode for a modeling or acting job.

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    JayBluE  almost 8 years ago

    @CHRYSTOS B MINOT: Sorry, I got back so late! Read your message, and thanks!


    And thatā€™s a really nice talent that your son Raphael has been given, to be able do that!!!

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  53. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 8 years ago

    so who does Tiff drive off with ā€¦Les or Gunth?

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  54. Man standing
    And Your Point Would Be  almost 8 years ago

    Now that Tiffany seems to have Ma Bergerā€™s seal of approval, maybe Gunther will feel he has Mamaā€™s ā€œpermissionā€ to pursue her.

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    nathenleeturner  almost 8 years ago

    Going by todayā€™s replies Les has no fan base whatsoever. I myself would like to see him go and never return. But as in real life, we must deal with those we wish we didnā€™t have to. Les is a jerk and life is full of jerks. I think Greg is only keeping it real.I see in this strip that les discovered the secret to Tiffanyā€™s heart, get her to talk about herself, her favorite subject. But I donā€™t think she is as dumb as to think Les is relationship material. Instead I think she is making Gunther jealous on purpose. Let us not forget, back when Brad and TJ recruited Tiff to help get rid of Toniā€™s old boyfriend, she proved she could really act. And after she let Gunther know she was interested in him but learned he liked Bernice, she was willing to run interference with Piro to clear the way for Gunther. So we know that one, she can act and two, she likes Gunther, a lot.

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    rimshot22  almost 8 years ago

    Tiffany gets to be the center of attention while people, especially guys, fawn over her, and compete for her. She hasnā€™t had that since high school, and she loves it.

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    Airman  almost 8 years ago

    Okay, ladies and gentlemen: Place your bets. Will Tiffany revert to her old fickle self and fall prey to Les? Or will we see the new Tiff who comes down on the side of her friend and mentor, Gunther? I know that Gunther is like a fish out of water, and that Greg has not been very kind to him, but I think Tiff will stay loyal to her treasured ā€œstudy buddy.ā€

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 8 years ago

    YEP, she and Emma are practically spiritual twins.

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  59. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 8 years ago

    YEP, she and Emma are practically spiritual twins.

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  60. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 8 years ago

    YEP, she and Emma are practically spiritual twins.

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  61. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 8 years ago

    I think Gunther is missing the Big Picture here.

    Clearly, it is not Loser Les who is exploiting Tiffany! (Never fear, Gunny!)

    It is Tiffany Farrell, in her alter ego guise as Sheraton St. Louis, who is using Leslie Knoxā€”ā€œwhoever!ā€ā€”as a foil to re-run her jacked-up autobiography for the edification of all present! (Hey, maybe Mr. Gray knows a big Hollywood producer, or at least a Vegas showgirl producer!)

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  62. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   almost 8 years ago

    Psh, sheā€™s just making Gunther jealous so heā€™ll pay more attention to her.

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