Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for July 15, 2018

  1. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    So much to love about today’s strip. A friend of mine swears her cats will only eat two flavors of a certain brand of cat food and that they know what color of can these flavors come in.

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  2. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    But would the Boys be happy to eat Spagettios? That’s the question.

    And quinoa? I’ve got a feeling that to the Boys, quinoa is like kale and we know what Puck thinks about that!

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  3. Photo
    BillJackson1  over 6 years ago

    One of my favorites here. I especially like the point Lupin makes about the man. And, of course, Elvis’ assessment of the lobster, and the “Facts”.

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  4. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    ::shrug::, “sigh” – methinks Lupin and Puck are less than impressed despite the Woman’s efforts to buy them a(n expensive) treat.

    But doesn’t Lupin look adorable sitting on the Woman’s lap? So cute!

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  5. 2018 09 18 bentley jungle
    butler2jc  over 6 years ago

    i love this one, yep, that’s my babies, alright!

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member over 6 years ago

    One of the funniest Sylvester and Tweety cartoon I’ve ever seen had a scene where Sylvester sneaks into what he thinks is a container of fish. It’s actually a lobster trap, and we see Sylvester, for once acting like a real cat, with his back arched, swiping at the lobster and hissing.

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  7. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    So this flavor should actually be called “Fancy Sea Monster that makes us puke.”

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    Rosette  over 6 years ago

    The rare, elusive, “Elvis chart”! It looks just as expected – well-researched, clearly printed, and free of silly drawings.

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  9. Missing large
      over 6 years ago

    Those are some great facts. Good job, boys!

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  10. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 6 years ago

    Smokey and the boys get a little cat food with garden greens and rice in it every night It’s when they DON’T get that they start getting picky about their canned food. Funny thing is for years Smokey refused canned food save for once in a blue moon, and even after the boys came along it wasn’t until they were two that she really started wanting a little canned food. Well, if the kittens were getting a special treat, guess that’s how she saw it.

    As for eating a garden, as I’ve said once before we tried several years ago, before the boys came along, to grow lettuce in a window sill planter. Smokey thought it was great, a nice leafy bed to sleep in and plenty of greens to munch on when she wanted a snack. She’d have gone after a garden as long as the plants were little seedlings, I have no doubt about that.

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  11. Wd icon60
    beammeup1701 (Bozo by Foxo makes everyone happy!)  over 6 years ago

    This one is my absolute favorite of the series. To this day, my wife and I still refer to quinoa as “bacon”!

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  12. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    Honestly why don’t cat food manufacturers just put that darn flaming $ on the labels – Yeah, this is expensive. It probably costs more than stuff you buy for yourself. No, we have no shame in gouging you.

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  13. F72798fc 23b3 4446 ba71 c86071cde6f1
    Strob  over 6 years ago

    Or as John Madden once said, “Arugula – didn’t that used to be weeds?”

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    MrsXandamere  over 6 years ago

    I’m with Elvis re: lobsters.

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  15. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    Yeah – quinoa isn’t orange. Lobsters aren’t orange. Garden greens aren’t orange so why IS that stuff “traffic cone” colored? Lupin is right to be skeptical.

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  16. Photo
    DennyWheeler  over 6 years ago

    “Can’t we just have a box of ham?” Right on, Pucky!! Whatever that is the Woman bought, it can’t be cat food. Nor people food.

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  17. Img 20171006 134513
    skykey  over 6 years ago

    This is the first time I’ve seen this strip, and I (literally) fell of my chair. The first sign was the flaming dollar bill. But the chart, and “is quinoa French for ‘traffic cone’?” I’m still laughing…

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  18. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 6 years ago

    I’m sure my face has had that same look of surprised disappointment as the look on the woman’s face. You buy the expensive food, toy, cat bed, thinking you’re going to make your furry friend so happy only to be met by indifference, or even worse, attempts to cover the food as if it were waste in the litter pan!

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  19. Motog 001 zpsrt2p5zhy 1
    poppet bear  over 6 years ago

    My 2 completely agree with the boys – none of that fancy flavoured tinned food for them, they like the cheap stuff. I tried to get them to eat better quality food when I adopted them but soon gave up as I was just throwing out most of it. I still sneak a decent one in now and again but it must be a simple fish flavoured one or it’s snubbed. They really, really like catfish but it only comes in a bigger tin than they eat (I get the 85g size as they won’t eat more than that in a day). Mind if I did get a bunch of it they’d decide they don’t like it anymore :)

    Love so many things about this strip, Lupin in the third panel, Elvis’s chart and tongue sticking out, and Puck trying to decipher quinoa. I’m also totally with Puck on the ham front :)

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    Queen of America  over 6 years ago

    Every panel had me laughing! Thanks, Georgia.

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  21. Img 20171006 134513
    skykey  over 6 years ago

    Our girls are probably less finicky than I think they are, but are also more spoiled than they should be. First, there is a soft blend I give them for breakfast with their kibble- it’s called “tuna and egg”. Do I really think that the cats notice I’m making eggs part of their breakfast? Do I think they’re going to start asking for cinnamon toast and coffee? And the people food they get… “Golden Bird” fried chicken, deli ham. I’ll never forget the time I was innocently eating a sandwich at the dinner table and out of the corner of my eye saw the little tabby slip her entire upper body into the bag of potato chips I was eating, then slowly back out of the bag holding an entire chip in her mouth. And yet, I brought home “major chain” fast-food burgers once, offered her a little chunk of the burger patty, and she turned her head and walked away. Irrefutable proof of the higher intelligence of felis domesticus, if you ask me…

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  22. Photo
    Robin Harwood  over 6 years ago

    1. My favourite Lupin line in panels two and three.

    2. Quinoa isn’t French for “traffic cone”. It just tastes that way.

    3. The final fact on Elvis’ chart seems to be a necessary truth.

    4. Love the flames surrounding the picture of the tin. In Arabic, the idiom is “boiling expensive”.

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  23. Img 20171006 134513
    skykey  over 6 years ago

    Tre-C and Megan have found their warm, soft spots and are grooming and bedding down for the night. Jimmy’s closing up shop and Hector is nowhere to be found, which may be a good thing for now. Have a good Sunday…

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  24. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    Did the GN reporters fill Elvis in on the meaning of quinoa?

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  25. Bear2
    johovey  over 6 years ago

    A special treat? Roast beef, tuna, ham… basically real meat. My dogs like that. Oh and liverwurst!

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  26. Coleandsammy 019 square
    arolarson Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Our two get a small portion of canned food and a regular portion of kibble. I always knew they played musical bowls but one evening I watched a little closer. The white kit was eating kibble around the wet food and the black cat was scarfing wet. Then they changed bowls and did the same thing. They usually leave some kibble for a later snack too. Neither one seems partial to one flavor over another so we buy the canned by the carton at a big box store.

    And when it comes to cat toys they ignore the store toys in favor of bottle caps, tp tubes, crumpled paper and, best of all, pens or pencils. They have also figured out how to get the plastic balls out of the track toys so they can chase the balls all over the house instead of round and round the toy. Sigh!

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    fullmoondeb Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Elvis: “If I caught it and let it go 5-6 times”. Made me literally laugh out loud, didn’t remember that line from the original strip, I guess.

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  28. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  over 6 years ago

    I love everything about this one: Lupin’s sarcasm and expression when he says, “Because he loves us,” Elvis’ sarcasm when he defies that he wouldn’t eat a lobster if it crawled across the floor and he caught it and let it go 5 – 6 times, the hilarious chart about what they know about this fancy cat food, and top it all off Pucky infinitely preferring a box of ham. You’ve done it again Georgia! :D

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    Edward  over 6 years ago

    The only bad thing about this comic is that Georgia will likely not get a cat food sponsor.

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  30. Betty dipshit 3
    Bwahahaha!  over 6 years ago

    My Elvira loved tomato soup

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  31. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  over 6 years ago

    We were buying the expensive stuff, but they’d decide every once in a while that they’d gone off a flavour and we’d be stuck with most of a can to throw out. Then as an experiment I bought a few tins of grocery store food and they loved it. I feel like a Very Bad Cat Mom for buying it, but if they go “off” one of those flavours (they rarely do), I’m only out $0.70 instead of $2.00.

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  32. 2vx3att
    lightoftriumph  over 6 years ago

    We learned a long time ago that Fancy Cat Food was a waste of money. When we want to treat our cats, we give them Olives.

    For some reason, our cat’s favorite people-food is olives. Are my cats weird?

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  33. Missing large
    Display  over 6 years ago

    For cats or humans just learn how to choose and use good quality food and cook it the right way. (Even) Quinoa actually can be pretty darned good if you learn how to cook it and what it goes with best (“Are you telling me that mom didn’t have to boil every vegetables for 30 minutes or longer? Who knew that they had flavor?”). Nobody has to like everything but cooking and learning how to choose foods wisely and to cook is easy today. Use the Interwebz do learn about food and how to cook since it’s much easier than you’d think and you do not need a million dollar kitchen. Think brussel sprouts have to be bitter? Stop boiling ‘em for an hour and just roast ’em ’til they’re browned instead. Like most things the toughest part about cooking is to learn how to stop saying “I can’t…” The food can cost less, you’ll waste less and you’ll eat better (in many different ways).

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  34. Img 0980
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 6 years ago


    I’ve gots to find me some boxes ’o Ham Flakes!

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  35. Chubby
    Grace Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Hubby feels the same about lobster, he calls it the cockroach of the sea…

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    rs0204 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I love Pucky…Can’t we all just have Ham? Yes Pucky, we will always has some Ham for you. And maybe Spagettios!

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    ladykat Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Good morning and happy Sunday/Bunday, orbsters and orbabies! Yum Yum will only eat canned cat food if it is chunks in gravy. She doesn’t care about the brand, but she doesn’t like the pate. Paul is beginning to have trouble swallowing solid food (we were told to expect this, it’s a side effect of the radiation), so it’s puddings and Boost or Ensure for him, I guess. And if he won’t/can’t swallow, I have to pump it through his stomach tube, poor baby.

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  38. Myxbjv2
    la_momcat  over 6 years ago

    My all-time favorite line, left me laughing for days: “I wouldn’t eat this thing if it crawled across the floor and I caught it and let it go 5-6 times!”

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  39. Win 20180219 13 40 38 pro
    shaunnmunn  over 6 years ago

    Happy SunnyDay beloved Orb Leader and her loyal minions! Spread the love to all the world! The Mega Orb is POWERFUL!

    Special boops & bumps to our orbsters needing boosting, as well as all their loved ones!

    May joy dog your every step! (My new blessing.) >^.,.^<

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    theala  over 6 years ago

    Taz won’t eat canned cat food. She gets upset if I change the flavor of her kibble. The only treat I can give her is a pinch of shredded mozzerella cheeze. She goes nuts for that, and is quite vocal when she’s in the mood for some.

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  41. Win 20180219 13 40 38 pro
    shaunnmunn  over 6 years ago

    Dear orbsters! Erin Pierce lost her sweet baboo, Linus, yesterday! She posted late last night. If anyone wishes to share condolences, I’m sure she’d appreciate them! Just scroll down yesterday’s comments until you see her name. Thank you!

    Love, >^.,.^<

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  42. Photo
    GaryCooper  over 6 years ago

    You know what cats like? Eating the exact same food every day of the year. When we give them special “treats,” we’re projecting our own likes onto them. Also, they’d rather have a can of slimy mouse guts than lobster, quinoa, and greens. Again, the latter is a good meal for us, not for them.

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  43. Scan 20171212
    anne o  over 6 years ago

    My parents fed our cat table scraps in the early 50s – we didn’t know any better. Blackie Cat’s favorite thing was meat loaf with a side of fried potatoes and green peas. On Sundays when my grandmother made pie she would bake a little piece of the scrap crust dough so Blackie would have dessert. Blackie lived to be 21. She also snacked liberally on liverwurst and smoked fish, courtesy of my father.

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  44. Pucky heart 2
    Lily.spokescat  over 6 years ago

    Can anyone figure out what Lupin is writing or coloring in panels 1-3? Is it the news report, and he’s signing it? (Like check, done)

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  45. Snekjpg
    KL  over 6 years ago

    Giggles all the way through, and BWAHAHAHA overall!

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  46. Hobbes
    MDMom  over 6 years ago

    . . . do be careful, when buying seafood. Know the “Country of Source” before purchase! Quality standards are being lowered for more profit. Some countries are using formaldehyde and other yucky stuff, that could harm your pets! “Do NOT mourn, STAY INFORMED!” :’(

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  47. Avatar
    Georgia Dunn creator over 6 years ago

    This is one of the truest-to-real-life BCN strips! I always try to “treat” our boys, and they leave it nine times out of ten. (Nine lives out of ten?) They love “the cheap stuff” so much! Around the holidays we even have a bag of a certain super affordable flavor blasted, bits-in-little-food-shapes kibble for an extra treat. We call it “kitty junk food” (lovingly! But I don’t want to say the brand here in case that’s an insult to it, hehe)

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  48. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member over 6 years ago

    There is so much here—one of my all time favorite BCN strips. And it’s so true.

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  49. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 6 years ago

    ORANGE is the new catfood, cat!

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  50. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 6 years ago

    Is it just me, or Go Comics looks more like Twitter now? Maybe Twitter is going to sue them for copying basic web design. I don’t see any improvements based on our suggestions though. Wasted time in new look (copied from Twitter), but did no improvements. Well, more reason to less use this site.

    And a big Hello and Happy Sunday Funday to y’all! See ya soon!

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  51. 1
    metagalaxy1970  over 6 years ago

    When I started to introduce canned food to my boys, I would buy one of each brand (small can) and test it out. If they didn’t like it, I brought it down to the cat colony and they would eat what mine would not. Nothing went to waste. Finally came down to blue buffalo’s wilderness turkey. I cut it up into quarters, put a little water in it to “soup” it up and my Vlad gets that. Sebastian likes it too.

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  52. 0584 l
    1MadHat Premium Member over 6 years ago

    FLASHBACK!!! Yesterday Elvis had one ear down along with the unkempt hair? A little dab will do ya! 8^)

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  53. Missing large
    Brein43  over 6 years ago

    Georgia,could I offer a little constructive feedback ? I read you in The Oregonian AND here, so this was not an issue for me, but the chart came out almost unreadable in print and a little blurry. May have been the way they resized it, but might want to think of using a less bold font for that.

    On another note I am now the exceedingly happy owner of the Puck and Lupin originals from the shelter auction. Wanted Elvis as well, but a last second bid plucked it away from me. They are magnificent!

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  54. Picture 7 banjogordy crp 100
    Banjo Gordy Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Long life potential for cats & dogs depends upon dental health, as well as food good for their species. Our current cat, Shellie was fed kibble as a young kitten in a no-kill rescue. She was a bit picky on some varieties of kibble we fed her. But refuses any canned food, or even a bit of tuna fish when I make a salad. Her favorite has been & continues to be Science Diet t/d Dental Care.

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  55. Ruke toe
    miscreant  over 6 years ago

    When Elvis says lobsters are small I wonders if he is referring to crawfish? Compared to himself lobsters are large but crawfish would be small and they do look like lobsters. We call them our rednecks lobsters because it’s about the closest to lobster we can afford to buy and they are darn tasty too.

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    tremor3258  over 6 years ago

    One of my favorites. The second panel pulls such a bait and switch with the third

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  57. Avatar02
    Kim Metzger Premium Member over 6 years ago

    My boys are accepting their new food, but now there’s something else that puzzles me. I have food dish for them with two sides. I put food in both sides. But the cats only want to eat from the left side. I’ll put food out for them, go to bed, and, when I get up the next day, the left side of the bowl has been licked clean, while the right side has barely been touched. I can switch the sides around, and fill up the empty side, but it’s still the left side that they prefer. I have yet to figure this out.

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  58. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member over 6 years ago

    We feed BARF. I grind whole chickens (no feathers) and add a supplement packet and water.

    They love it, they thrive on it. The shortest lifespan in our menagerie has been 17 years. The longest was 26. I attribute this to BARF and being indoor kept.

    If you allow them outside access you can expect to knock at least 3-4 years off the average life span. It just goes with the territory. Dogs, cars, illnesses from contact with ferals, etc, etc.

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  59. Picture
    VirginiaBClark  over 6 years ago

    unrelated…but check out today’s B.C.

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  60. Trespassers will..
    Trespassers W  over 6 years ago

    “…because HE loves us!” One of my all-time favorite BCN lines.

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  61. Media 5dc187a4803260.04617927 fdd8684c13693e6d6c85e304b87dcbf01c6b0e48b4fdb1af66a6adf1388907b3
    anomalous4  over 6 years ago

    1 Elvis with the charts! 2 I agree 100% with his assessment of lobster. 3 Love Puck’s take on “quinoa?” 4 He’s right about the box of ham, too! 5 SpaghettiOs – so bad for the body, so good for the soul (& completely off my menu now that I’ve had to go low-carb for my diabetes, whine whine). 6 Lupin TOE BEANS! & last but certainly not least: 7 BRAVA to Georgia / the Woman for not being shy about rockin’ that leftover “baby fat”! We all know it’s good for People kittens!

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  62. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  over 6 years ago

    ⇧ @andylit

    “allow them outside access you can expect to knock at least 3-4 years off the average life span”

    as usual, you don’t know what you’re talking about – our cats spent their entire long, healthy lives outdoors…

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  63. 20181012 212741
    Corey Cohen  over 6 years ago

    If I open a can of tuna or salmon at my house there will be a riot!

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    Font Lady Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I had chicken tenders for lunch and Reboot sat on the arm of my chair watching every bite. I finally broke down and offered him a small bite of just the chicken (no breading) between my finger and thumb. He licked it but wouldn’t eat it. Then I put it on my flat palm and he scarfed it down like there was no tomorrow. He refuses to take food from my fingers.

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  65. Profile
    Fastfur07  over 6 years ago

    Oh yeah, this is funny, really funny, esp. the last panel. I got a bit confuzed about ‘quinoa’ because it’s also an ancient South American grain. (I love the word quinoa because of how it sounds, how it tastes [We snack on quinoa and fava beans] and because I can type it without having to move my hands. Try it!)

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  66. Poor elbis
    Maizing  over 6 years ago

    Why cats are better than dogs:

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  67. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 6 years ago

    I like the second translation for “quinoa” and the list of facts. Both made me smile.

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  68. Sidryan2018
    Cleementine  over 6 years ago

    " • YOU CAN’T EAT A GARDEN" I am going to try that one on my doctor next time I get nagged about cholesterol or whathaveyou. ;)

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  69. Magic of reading
    Gemina13  over 6 years ago

    I love this. My little lady, Penny, likes her kibble (Naked Essentials) well enough. But when it comes to her wet food, she won’t touch anything but an inexpensive brand of chicken & liver pate. Nothing else will do. Her breath nearly kills me when she decides it’s time for a goodnight kiss.

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    catmom1360  over 6 years ago

    My Car a loves the new FF salmon filets. Real salmon pieces, about the size of a long, fat finger. Humans could actually serve it as an appetizer with a little hollandaise sauce. On another note: my vet said it is not good to feed male cats too much fish cat food. He says it can cause urinary blockage.l

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    catmom1360  over 6 years ago

    My cat, not my car. I never feed my car salmon.

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    YoshiyukiLivingstonStanbery  over 6 years ago

    My dogs and my great aunt’s cat agree with them

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