Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 31, 2018

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    Namrepus  over 6 years ago

    I haven’t seen so much blabbing and so little exercise since the last time I watched Hans and Franz.

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 6 years ago

    Oh, how we’d like to forget Tiff’s “The Eyez of Zeye” spiel.

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  3. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  over 6 years ago

    After Tiffany telling about herself and her accomplishments, I would bet a lot of those young girls will want to be just like her.

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    31768  over 6 years ago

    Luann stole my thought! Love her unimpressed look on panel 1Paris (Tiff) is exercising her ego. And Jack doesn’t seem too impressed either. She’s back into “celebutard mode.”

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    luann1212  over 6 years ago

    Well if there is eventually going to be any romance between either Luann, or Tiffany, and Mr. Man, I doubt highly that it will be Tiffany. I don’t totally buy she has not changed, I think she has, but is “ego maximus” because that is her, not because she is compensating anymore because of her alleged dad, Tom. I doubt Jack would be interested in that, but Luann might be more his speed. Luann likes “sensitive” artsty-fartsy type guys, but Jack did do the art classes, and he does seem sensitive but in a Mr. Man way. So we see.

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    Prescott_Philosopher   over 6 years ago

    Ya know, sometimes GnK pushs a point just a bit too far. And that plotting of the arcs on a wall? Guess that’s a fantasy of mine and it is becoming evident they don’t do that – mores the pity. Ah well, life moves on.

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  7. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  over 6 years ago

    In the third panel, Jack appears a little more smooth and refined than he usually does. Especially in contrast to when he first showed up. It might be Tiffany’s influence on him.

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    Joe1962  over 6 years ago

    Luann is right and Jack is not impressed, Tiff you change that attitude.

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    howtheduck  over 6 years ago

    Apparently whispering involves talking out of the side of your mouth.

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    AnyFace  over 6 years ago

    Remember, Tiff:

    ”Kids 1st.” ✹
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    margaretannehill  over 6 years ago

    Ohh nooo. Don’t fall in love with him, Luann. Bring back Quill.

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  12. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 6 years ago

    For anyone using my GC Replies bookmarklet, I’ve revised it for the changes to the message board last night. Get it here:

    The GC Index one should be updated sometime later today. I have it working. I just need to do a little more testing and then upload it.

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  13. W12
    chris_weaver  over 6 years ago

    The Eyez of Zeye – at a thrift store DVD section near you!

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    Brdshtt Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Panel 1: Tiff asks if anyone wants to see her favorite exercise.


    Panel 2: Tiff holds up her hand.


    Panel 3: Tiff asks the kids to hold up their hands and Jack says he did not see any exercising going on.


    Conclusion: The exercise was for the kids to hold up their hands. In the last panel two days ago when Tiff completed her cheerleadiing splits, she held up her hands. It all fits.

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    kenhense  over 6 years ago

    Well she’s lost Jack for starters. Back in the day, I think most of us tired of Tiffany when she overindulged in self praise for more than one Sunday strip. More recently, Tiffany became interesting, starting with the nature hike with Gunther and the prospect of an unlikely pairing. However, Gunther all but ran from Lady Luck and decided he should find somebody else – in this case Bernice – who had shown no interest in him. Tiffany actually tried to help. Later, Gunther got his just deserts when he invited Tiffany to Irma’s dinner party and told her to ignore Les, always a bad move. Later, we were all delivered a shock when Tiffany opened he door and we saw an extra 30 pounds on her. Everybody tried to offer support – a new thing for Tiff. Finally the issues with her dad and Ann E. Now that she’s given up on dad’s injustice, it looks like Tiff has found herself in a vacuum and is reverting to her teenage persona, due to lack of anywhere to go. I have held out hope for Luann & Tiff to become friends – there could be some fun exchanges between them. And Tiff hasn’t met Tara. Something tells me Tiff would quickly figure out she can’t impress Tara

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    kenhense  over 6 years ago

    The vectors still seem to be pointing to Luann & Jack as a couple.

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  17. Superchicken
    Chopped Fowl  over 6 years ago

    The first panel reminds me of that show “Mystery Science Theater 3000”

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    dlkrueger33  over 6 years ago

    Like others have said
.disappointed that Tiffany is regressing to her old obnoxious self. She had grown a lot as a character. No longer one-sided. But now she is back to being the old school-girl-stuck-on-herself character. --by the way, I thought she hurt her back in that stretch yesterday
.but I guess Greg/Karen decided not to go there, either.

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    Barry1941  over 6 years ago

    That occurred to me also.

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    wig406  over 6 years ago

    What happened to the new Tiffany?

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    sueb1863  over 6 years ago

    Where’s Tiffany’s boss? Shouldn’t he be coming in at some point to find out where she is if he’s expecting her to come in? She’s not off to a good start here.

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    JohnFarson19  over 6 years ago

    Now it looks like Jack’s shirt says “FU TP”. Maybe he has something against toilet paper?

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    Pet  over 6 years ago

..she’s back. :)

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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Jack understood how Tiffany is self-centered and doesn’t seem to like this behavior. Clever guy! It’s really time for Tiffany to understand how she came back to her old self and start to make real changes!

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    jrankin1959  over 6 years ago

    Ego maximus; good one!

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    ianm  over 6 years ago

    Now is probably not the time for Luann to mention that she too has modeled Zeye. See She was quite a success. Zeye creator Elwood Druit preferred Luann to Tiffany. Now is definitely not the time for Jack to say he has modeled for ‘life’ classes. Does anyone think Luann will be temped by life modelling? She’s nowhere near as shy as she pretends to be and she needs to shake off Bernice’s prim and proper criticism.

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    JayBluE  over 6 years ago

    Tiffany’s only one “
.and what would you expect to pay for this contraption?
. " away from turning this into an infomercial

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  28. Tyge
    Tyge  over 6 years ago

    kenhense offered a good summary of the “Travails of Tiff” above. We were all (at least I was) hopeful that Greg was moving Tiff into a slightly different character. A character that somehow would blend the “Poor Little Rich Girl” with one more aware of her persona yet still able to call upon it to her advantage. Alas and alack. So far it looks like the character has reverted to her old character with only superficial (weight) changes. So far! Hope springs eternal.

    I actually liked the original Tiffany and could overlook her superficiality. She was like a five-year-old all grown up! Full of themselves and fun to watch their posturing. :oD

    Greg’s just succeeded in making her more pathetic. But I still like her.

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    JayBluE  over 6 years ago

    “An Excercise In Stretching”

    “A Credit, On Borrowed Time”

    “Name Droppers Are So Clumsy”

    “A Spare Picks Up Her Own Frame”

    “It’s Better To Be A Has-Been, Than A Has-B’isn’t-Right-Now”


    “The Silver-rry, Maybe Sort Of Grayish
 Perhaps More Slate Looking, Screen”

    “Hungry For A Sweet Cinema Role”

    “The Impact Of A Delta-Listed Star”


    “The Very Truly Short Story Of The Ellwood Druitt Film School"

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    WilliamVollmer  over 6 years ago

    Tiffany is exercising her ego with the only people who might be impressed with her ‘accomplishments" the kids in Luann’s preschool class.

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    6foot6  over 6 years ago

    Seem legit. she’s always working something. Good she’s working her brain once in awhile.

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    JayBluE  over 6 years ago

    I think I heard " That’s Entertainment? " say that an “Eyez Of Zeye” Pre-boot-quel is in the works

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    Airman  over 6 years ago

    Is that a new confidence creeping back into Tiffany? She looks like The Wild Kingdom on tap.

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    Bobtul07110  over 6 years ago

    Too bad. For a while there, it looked like Tiffany was turning into a real grown-up type. But now she seems to have reverted to her old shallow, egotistic, air-head teen self again. A shame, as she generated a few good story lines for a while.

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    Cheapskate0  over 6 years ago

    Well, let’s see.

    Gunther is unlikable. At least, he’s written that way. Paired with Les, Gunth is a stick in the mud – at least, that’s what I think GnK want us to think of him.

    Les is unlikable, even though I’m sure GnK want very much for us to like him. After all, he just stiffed his mother; doesn’t that make him a hero? To me, a zero!

    Tiffany, after showing some true grit – and growth – and not just girth – now reverted to the same character that Sheriff suggested a couple of days ago that we were supposed to hate.

    Jack, I don’t like jocks, and I really, really do not like dogs. (In other words, the dog park episode did nothing for me) But Jack seemed likable enough. Luann liked him, so I guess he can’t be all bad.

    Luann, remember Luann? There’s a comic strip named Luann. Oh, hi, Luann! Actually, she’s not bad most of the time. Which brings us to today:

    Jack and Luann in full judgemental mode. Now, even they’re unlikable.

    It seems as if the point of the last month to month-and-a-half has been to disparage all the leading characters in this comic strip.

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    Code the Enforcer  over 6 years ago

    At least Jack and Luann are relating even a little more! Tiff has provided that incentive.

    I do want to think that Tiffany has been ‘resetting’ herself. She has been through a lot of stuff. But, she has an obviously long ways to go.

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  37. Man standing
    And Your Point Would Be  over 6 years ago

    I haven’t gone back to check any old strips to confirm this, but some of Jack’s facial expressions this week seem drawn eerily like Quill’s. Jack’s eyes are usually black dots, but this week he sometimes has Quill’s horizontal line eyes. And Quill’s smaller mouth. Granted, it’s morning and I haven’t fired up the Keurig yet.

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  38. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  over 6 years ago

    it woulda been funny if Jacks logo shirt changed like Knute’s.

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    Enoi  over 6 years ago

    And here I’d hoped that Tiffany had learned a little humility. Wrong again.

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    timbob2313 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    She appears to be “flirting” with Jack, except that he is not at all interested in her

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    davetb1956  over 6 years ago

    Who needs politics in the Luann comments section when people already bicker about which character they like the most or least.

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    astahl2003  over 6 years ago

    Its not bragging if you’ve done it. Most of the advice I see marketed to women today says to learn to to learn to toot your own horn, advocate for yourself and have the confidence to speak up for what you want. Tiff, if anything, has a third party problem. She’s perceived as pushy and bitchy because she is speaking to her accomplishments and not apologizing. Solution: Tiff should get a TRUSTED friend (Bernice? Crystal? Gunther?) to post and mention her accomplishments so it doesn’t appear that she is being “pushy” by talking herself up. In return, she does the same for them. Luann should do that too for that matter. Not that she has that many accomplishments.

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    leejohnbumphus  over 6 years ago

    One main difference between the left and the right, is that the right doesn’t try to take political potshots at every friggin’ opportunity.

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  44. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  over 6 years ago

    Jack’s shirt should have changed to "SHUT UP " !

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  45. Large angrychicken
    RWY  over 6 years ago

    Frankly, the more annoying ego belongs to Luann, not Tiffany. At least you can laugh at Tiffany for being ridiculous, and you can’t hate her much anymore, because she’s less malicious. While Luann fills the free space in the panels with endless passive-aggressive barbs that serve the purpose of whining about how much Tiffany bruises her ego. There could be a reason Luann is less and less the strip’s focus: she’s tiresome and even the Evanses realize it.

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  46. Ligand1
    RSH  over 6 years ago

    Tiffany just walks into Luann’s class with Jack as the instructor for the day, starts distracting all the kids and essentially tries to take over. If it was my class I think I would have something to say about it. Luann is just standing by. It may just be a kids after school day care, not a college lecture but it doesn’t matter. Tiffany is being rude and Luann should call her out on it. BTW, is anyone else having trouble seeing all the comments?.

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  47. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 6 years ago

    Tiff seems to have gone a bit off-track, but give her enough time and she’ll circle back to “favorite exercise” again

    Jealous, Luann?

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    Airman  over 6 years ago

    A priest, a Rabbi, and Tiffany walk into a bar
..whoops, wrong cartoon.

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  49. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  over 6 years ago

    wait’ll Tiff shows the kids her latest “pole dancing” exercise regimen!

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  50. Toughcat
    bakana  over 6 years ago

    The phrase “Ego Maximus” implies that Tiff’s Ego is a Giant Ass.

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