Faux “News” is NOT a “real” news organization — it is a political POOPaganda machine CREATED BY REPUBLICAN OPERATIVES AS A MEDIA OUTLET FOR REPUBLICAN SPIN. It is FALSE ADVERTISING and FRAUD to be marketed as news when it was created for the stated, explicit purpose of being a media outlet to represent the views of the Republican party.
In a 15-page memo from 1970, that had been in storage at the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda and only released years later, it was revealed that Roger Ailes started planning “Faux Noise” while working for Nixon, though it was not practical in an age before cable made it feasible to establish entirely new media outlets. As a top Republican party strategist, Ailes engineered the election of Nixon, and later Reagan and George H.W. Bush before officially leaving his Republican party political role and establishing Faux “News” with the stated intent, expressed in his 1970 memo, of creating a Republican POOP-aganda machine disguised as a news outlet which occurred by the 1990’s.
There has never ever been a similar instance where a former top political strategist of a political party was the head of a television news department. (ABC had Diane Sawyer [a deputy press secretary for Nixon] and George Stephanopoulos [media spokesperson for Clinton], but neither was actual head of the news department, and the two — Republican and Democrat — balanced each other out.)
Kavanaugh was lucky it was his sexual assaults that got the attention. That degraded the confirmation into a “he said, she said.”
It’s the perjured testimony that’s the issue. Did he lie under oath? He almost certainly lied about the Devil’s Triangle and boofing, but what about the 100,000 pages of his record with the Bush White House? What about the support for torture?
What is it about regressives that they have trouble with truth and fact? Why does reality appear difficult for them to adjust to? I guess if the facts don’t support the opinions you identify with—the regressives go with their gut, not the facts.
I know trump’s life is based on lies. But did we need to add a lying SC justice on top of the lying president??
Reminds me of the 60s and the riots, the lies, the Watergate break in, Deep Throat, and ‘all the presidents men’. Politics was not cleaner or better back then. We, as a nation and as a world, were more ignorant. They called us the ‘silent majority’. Remember, we the people voted for all this. Those in elected offices won those popularity contests.
Just because 2/5 of the country is still gripped by trump the con artist and always acts poised to say that they feel offended and patronized, doesn’t mean that 3/5 of us who are horrified and embarrassed by trump, someone who got in the Oval Office by questionable means (to put it charitably) are not allowed to find humor where we can to get through this bizarre time. I would say humor is all we have, however, we did have great success in the midterms, so change is coming!
The only REAL change throughout the evolution (and I use that term loosely) of politics is that mudslinging USED to happen at a pony express pace and now everyone can get their “facts” out there at 250Mbps in an attempt to be the first “truth” that is spread. Show me an honest politician and I’ll show you someone who is dirt poor and that their only “agenda” is to make things better for everyone. (*hint: ‘fraid that can’t be done in our current UN-united state). I almost feel like we are living the “life imitating art” existence. We currently have a reality tv personality (again, loose use of that last term) in the highest office on our rapidly sinking land mass. Insert some android police, the rich living in lavish towers behind an impenetrable barrier overlooking the destitute land surrounding them, while everyone on the “outside” is chosen randomly in a weekly lottery for a battle to “become an elite”, only to find out that even if they win they still lose because it was all just a ruse for the entertainment of the wealthy (but no one on the outside will know because they just get rid of the “winner” and make it look like they are living a lavish life in paradise, and then you’ll have a real-life blockbuster hit. (Or maybe that has already been done fictionally (possibly even the tv personality thing, too) and that would just PROVE that life imitates art ¯\(ツ)/¯ )
You know how, if you’re a tourist and somebody says “bienvenu” to you, you can whip out your French-to-English dictionary and look up that it means “welcome”? Well, it’s the same deal with right-wing phraseology: It’s a language all its own. So, in an effort to promote better communication in American politics, here’s a start on a handy right-winger-to-normal-English dictionary:
fake news = honest reporting
tort reform = corporate protection act
tax relief = billionaire enhancement program
right to work = kill unions
healthy forests initiative = chop down more trees
clear skies act = no more birds
chain migration = family reunification
invaders = asylum seekers
good people = racists and fascists
judicial activists = judges who’ve read the Constitution
abstinence education = sexual ignorance
no child left behind = standardized testing for all
world’s greatest hoax = climate change
that which may not be spoken = climate change
[obscenity redacted] = climate change
religious liberty = Christian fundamentalism for all
health-care system = health-insurance jungle
health-care plan = don’t get sick or die quickly
people = corporations
speech = money
peace = war
slavery = freedom
strength = ignorance
This list is still under construction. Additions welcome.
To be expected from G. Trudeau, and objectively it is funny. Half the audience laughs. The other half, mindful that it is based on unsupported allegation, “is not amused.”
Ya know what Trudeau…. been a fan of yours for 30 yrs. But when you poop the the bed…it’s hard to get get over. This one is over the top ….even for you.
BE THIS GUY about 6 years ago
At least Clarence Thomas now has someone to talk to.
Dtroutma about 6 years ago
Don’t leave Gorsuch out.
DD Wiz about 6 years ago
Faux “News” is NOT a “real” news organization — it is a political POOPaganda machine CREATED BY REPUBLICAN OPERATIVES AS A MEDIA OUTLET FOR REPUBLICAN SPIN. It is FALSE ADVERTISING and FRAUD to be marketed as news when it was created for the stated, explicit purpose of being a media outlet to represent the views of the Republican party.
In a 15-page memo from 1970, that had been in storage at the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda and only released years later, it was revealed that Roger Ailes started planning “Faux Noise” while working for Nixon, though it was not practical in an age before cable made it feasible to establish entirely new media outlets. As a top Republican party strategist, Ailes engineered the election of Nixon, and later Reagan and George H.W. Bush before officially leaving his Republican party political role and establishing Faux “News” with the stated intent, expressed in his 1970 memo, of creating a Republican POOP-aganda machine disguised as a news outlet which occurred by the 1990’s.
There has never ever been a similar instance where a former top political strategist of a political party was the head of a television news department. (ABC had Diane Sawyer [a deputy press secretary for Nixon] and George Stephanopoulos [media spokesperson for Clinton], but neither was actual head of the news department, and the two — Republican and Democrat — balanced each other out.)
wolfiiig about 6 years ago
Trump gave Kavanaugh a choice: Rehab or the Supreme Court.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 6 years ago
After Mueller will finish off the Rump and friends. The Democrats can then look into Kavanaugh’s lies under oath.
Radish... about 6 years ago
Kavanaugh was a big reason the Repubs lost the House.
For a Just and Peaceful World about 6 years ago
“The President’s reputation as a uniter continues to grow” has some truth to it in that people are uniting to replace 45 with 46.
Teto85 Premium Member about 6 years ago
I love it living in GBT’s cousin’s country.
montessoriteacher about 6 years ago
Brilliant as usual, GT! The cloud over their heads is perfect! Love it!
russef about 6 years ago
Have at it guys n gals.
twclix about 6 years ago
Kavanaugh was lucky it was his sexual assaults that got the attention. That degraded the confirmation into a “he said, she said.”
It’s the perjured testimony that’s the issue. Did he lie under oath? He almost certainly lied about the Devil’s Triangle and boofing, but what about the 100,000 pages of his record with the Bush White House? What about the support for torture?
What is it about regressives that they have trouble with truth and fact? Why does reality appear difficult for them to adjust to? I guess if the facts don’t support the opinions you identify with—the regressives go with their gut, not the facts.
I know trump’s life is based on lies. But did we need to add a lying SC justice on top of the lying president??
feverjr Premium Member about 6 years ago
And now, Bill Shine, who protected all the sexual perverts at FOX, works for Trump…. and we’re paying his salary…..
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Reminds me of the 60s and the riots, the lies, the Watergate break in, Deep Throat, and ‘all the presidents men’. Politics was not cleaner or better back then. We, as a nation and as a world, were more ignorant. They called us the ‘silent majority’. Remember, we the people voted for all this. Those in elected offices won those popularity contests.
ThomasCummins about 6 years ago
Too bad you are preaching to the choir while explicating the obvious to those with 1/2 a brain and a smidgeon of analytical capability.
GaryCooper about 6 years ago
The saddest part is that today’s comic strip exaggerates nothing. It’s not satire; it’s just an accurate report.
montessoriteacher about 6 years ago
Just because 2/5 of the country is still gripped by trump the con artist and always acts poised to say that they feel offended and patronized, doesn’t mean that 3/5 of us who are horrified and embarrassed by trump, someone who got in the Oval Office by questionable means (to put it charitably) are not allowed to find humor where we can to get through this bizarre time. I would say humor is all we have, however, we did have great success in the midterms, so change is coming!
dsatvoinde Premium Member about 6 years ago
The only REAL change throughout the evolution (and I use that term loosely) of politics is that mudslinging USED to happen at a pony express pace and now everyone can get their “facts” out there at 250Mbps in an attempt to be the first “truth” that is spread. Show me an honest politician and I’ll show you someone who is dirt poor and that their only “agenda” is to make things better for everyone. (*hint: ‘fraid that can’t be done in our current UN-united state). I almost feel like we are living the “life imitating art” existence. We currently have a reality tv personality (again, loose use of that last term) in the highest office on our rapidly sinking land mass. Insert some android police, the rich living in lavish towers behind an impenetrable barrier overlooking the destitute land surrounding them, while everyone on the “outside” is chosen randomly in a weekly lottery for a battle to “become an elite”, only to find out that even if they win they still lose because it was all just a ruse for the entertainment of the wealthy (but no one on the outside will know because they just get rid of the “winner” and make it look like they are living a lavish life in paradise, and then you’ll have a real-life blockbuster hit. (Or maybe that has already been done fictionally (possibly even the tv personality thing, too) and that would just PROVE that life imitates art ¯\(ツ)/¯ )
tinner2000 about 6 years ago
mourdac Premium Member about 6 years ago
Love this take, Mr. Trudeau.
carlzr about 6 years ago
I would drop Doonesbury from my comics list but his slanders provide me with an excellent anger management exercise week after week.
Richard S Russell Premium Member about 6 years ago
You know how, if you’re a tourist and somebody says “bienvenu” to you, you can whip out your French-to-English dictionary and look up that it means “welcome”? Well, it’s the same deal with right-wing phraseology: It’s a language all its own. So, in an effort to promote better communication in American politics, here’s a start on a handy right-winger-to-normal-English dictionary:
fake news = honest reporting
tort reform = corporate protection act
tax relief = billionaire enhancement program
right to work = kill unions
healthy forests initiative = chop down more trees
clear skies act = no more birds
chain migration = family reunification
invaders = asylum seekers
good people = racists and fascists
judicial activists = judges who’ve read the Constitution
abstinence education = sexual ignorance
no child left behind = standardized testing for all
world’s greatest hoax = climate change
that which may not be spoken = climate change
[obscenity redacted] = climate change
religious liberty = Christian fundamentalism for all
health-care system = health-insurance jungle
health-care plan = don’t get sick or die quickly
people = corporations
speech = money
peace = war
slavery = freedom
strength = ignorance
This list is still under construction. Additions welcome.
montessoriteacher about 6 years ago
It was great seeing GT on CBS Sunday Morning being interviewed by his wife, Jane Pauley today.
Airbender about 6 years ago
Now Roland will head over to CNN and report exactly opposite what he just reported on FOX.
bakana about 6 years ago
If Congress really wanted to, they could Impeach KavanBoof for his Perjury during the confirmation hearings.
It was obvious at the time, but the RepubliKlans all had their fingers in their ears going “LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA …”.
b2plusa2 about 6 years ago
To be expected from G. Trudeau, and objectively it is funny. Half the audience laughs. The other half, mindful that it is based on unsupported allegation, “is not amused.”
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member about 6 years ago
I’m from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean and I’m always pleasantly surprised how much debate and comments Trudeau create every Sunday
lordhoff about 6 years ago
Not true for either but, eh!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 6 years ago
“…or not.”
Mr. Blawt about 6 years ago
Brett is the GOP’s idea of a justice, because he doesn’t believe in justice for women
falcon_370f about 6 years ago
First two panels were me in 2008.
jwrush49 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Ya know what Trudeau…. been a fan of yours for 30 yrs. But when you poop the the bed…it’s hard to get get over. This one is over the top ….even for you.
WDD about 6 years ago
What a lovely aluminum cap you’re wearing!
Dennett Premium Member about 6 years ago
This strip reminds me so much of a four-year old’s tantrum where they jump up and down and hold their breath until they turn Democrat blue…
tbwlbw over 2 years ago
Just a reminder that as of 6/4/22 FAUX has TWICE (once for Carlson) used the defense in court that no rational person would take them seriously.