Gluck Gluck, Franz. While you are Offenbach, maybe a Poochini will befriend you, and you can un Ravel her Fur. She’ll be Wagner tail! She was such a MUSSgorsky, now she is the Bellini of the ball!
So Franz is a piano man, eh? Rat’s not an uptown girl, but is in a New York state of mind… Perhaps poor Franz is an innocent man sold down the river of dreams…
So many bad puns I’m going to get a huge mug of beer at one of the many German bars down on Stein Way. They’re all piano bars though. That’s the key to everything. Remember, a man’s gotta stanza for something so you gotta dress sharp before you fall flat on yer face. But if you lie in the gutter too long and you’ll catch a coda that just goes around but might be the end of things. Ooo look! There’s a picture of that old movie star, Montgomery Clef over by the staff’s side of the bar. Enough of this, I’ll give it a rest before I become a person of note. Of chorus I’ll refrain from any more because here comes the first sargeant and then we’ll just have to take it from the top.
Ein Musiker will ein Zimmer mieten, aber die Vermieterin lehnt bei derBerufsangabe gleich ab: “Ich hatte schon einmal einen wie Sie. Zuerst warer sehr beethövlich, doch schnell wurde er mozärtlich zu meiner Tochter,brachte ihr einen Strauß mit, nahm sie beim Händel und führte sie mit Lisztüber den Bach in die Haydn. Dann wurde er Reger und sagte: ‘Frischgewagnert ist halb gewonnen.’ Er konnte sich nicht brahmsen und jetzt habenwir einen Mendelssohn und wissen nicht wo Hindemith.”
Ironic…I’m just preparing a course for my piano students for next semester entitled “Who’s Haydn?” As they enter the studio, they will see a statue of Mozart saying, “Has anyone seen my teacher?” One student says the thing we do best in this studio is make bad puns. You got it right!!
BE THIS GUY about 6 years ago
Just call him, he’ll be right Bach.
DarthRevan about 6 years ago
Whoa, now, Franz, keep a Handel on things. Not everyone wants to learn piano.
fullmoondeb Premium Member about 6 years ago
He’s making a Liszt.
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
I guess will prefer Carlos Santana over Bedřich Smetana?
B UTTONS about 6 years ago
After knock’n a neighbor, Rat is NOT GOING TO MISS his SHOT by popping Pastis in the CHOPIN to TCHAIKOVSKY’s 1812 overture
hariseldon59 about 6 years ago
Looks more like Larry Fine.
DennisinSeattle about 6 years ago
Y’all took Pastis’ jokes for the rest of the week!
Gent about 6 years ago
Drop a piano on his head!
DennisinSeattle about 6 years ago
Gluck Gluck, Franz. While you are Offenbach, maybe a Poochini will befriend you, and you can un Ravel her Fur. She’ll be Wagner tail! She was such a MUSSgorsky, now she is the Bellini of the ball!
the lost wizard about 6 years ago
I can’t afford lessons. I’m Baroque.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 6 years ago
Don’t bring these puns up while in a pub. Nobody likes that kind of Bartok.
Painted Wolf about 6 years ago
So Franz is a piano man, eh? Rat’s not an uptown girl, but is in a New York state of mind… Perhaps poor Franz is an innocent man sold down the river of dreams…
Breadboard about 6 years ago
And now for something completely different !
kucpa Premium Member about 6 years ago
He goes door to door because he needs the money. He’s baroque.
WaitingMan about 6 years ago
Ives had just about enough of these bad puns.
uniquename about 6 years ago
Why does he look like Bozo?
MeGoNow Premium Member about 6 years ago
If he doesn’t go a way in a minuet, we can fire him out of a canon, and that’s just a prelude. This is going to be suite.
Stocky One about 6 years ago
I don’t know about that, Rat. He might be fun to have around. In fact, I could think of a whole Liszt of reasons!
YippiKiAyMofo about 6 years ago
Them who’s Haydn going to be?
crobinson019 about 6 years ago
Guess Rat will be Chopin him up soon
Spence12 Premium Member about 6 years ago
One lame, overused pun per strip? This is going to be tedious.
Squoop about 6 years ago
The only way to cook a beet, is in a beet-oven.
cunningpal about 6 years ago
Does he balk at playing Bach?
jonesbeltone about 6 years ago
I am with Rat.
ChessPirate about 6 years ago
After reading all this, I think I need Beethoven’s Fifth…
Glug, glug, glug, gluuuuggg…
Radish... about 6 years ago
Rat would like to turn him into a de-composer.
Cameron1988 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Any relation to Larry Fine?
rugeirn about 6 years ago
If you’re really going to support and decorate all this, do it in the right key. Be a pilaster-in-A.
Bucinka about 6 years ago
I’m going Bach to Luann.
The Handsome Raspberry about 6 years ago
Your Puns make us all sick Pastis. Thank you. Reply if you agree
Display about 6 years ago
So many bad puns I’m going to get a huge mug of beer at one of the many German bars down on Stein Way. They’re all piano bars though. That’s the key to everything. Remember, a man’s gotta stanza for something so you gotta dress sharp before you fall flat on yer face. But if you lie in the gutter too long and you’ll catch a coda that just goes around but might be the end of things. Ooo look! There’s a picture of that old movie star, Montgomery Clef over by the staff’s side of the bar. Enough of this, I’ll give it a rest before I become a person of note. Of chorus I’ll refrain from any more because here comes the first sargeant and then we’ll just have to take it from the top.
The Handsome Raspberry about 6 years ago
I can’t Handel this
rjgray9 about 6 years ago
Pastis is going to have a lump of Cole on his Christmas Liszt.
Znox11 about 6 years ago
Hey! Give the guy a break, he’s going door to door trying to earn some extra money for his wife, I guess you can say he’s doing it….Für Elise.
The Handsome Raspberry about 6 years ago
and E flat G flat and a B flat walked into a bar. The bartender said, “we don’t serve minors here.”
MartinHierholzer about 6 years ago
Sorry, this one works only in German, but anyway:
Ein Musiker will ein Zimmer mieten, aber die Vermieterin lehnt bei derBerufsangabe gleich ab: “Ich hatte schon einmal einen wie Sie. Zuerst warer sehr beethövlich, doch schnell wurde er mozärtlich zu meiner Tochter,brachte ihr einen Strauß mit, nahm sie beim Händel und führte sie mit Lisztüber den Bach in die Haydn. Dann wurde er Reger und sagte: ‘Frischgewagnert ist halb gewonnen.’ Er konnte sich nicht brahmsen und jetzt habenwir einen Mendelssohn und wissen nicht wo Hindemith.”
WCraft Premium Member about 6 years ago
You realize if you folks “like” the comics when Pastis uses a pun, you’re only encouraging him, right?
coach about 6 years ago
More crocodiles, please! When I read ‘em I can HEAR ’em talk in a rumbly, hissy voice! No, I’m not nuts…As far as you know….
codedaddy about 6 years ago
Haydn’s first name is Joe; not Franz.
Herb L 1954 about 6 years ago
And keep your Hans to yourself,Franz ;)
dadoctah about 6 years ago
My name is Franz Schubert, and this is my brother Raspberry.
Ermine Notyours about 6 years ago
Franz is too tall to be an eight inch pianist.
txmystic about 6 years ago
Don’t let the puns Strauss you out…
NORTHIDAHO about 6 years ago
He looks like Larry – copying Moz-Art.
hariseldon59 about 6 years ago
And then there’s this joke from an old Johnny Carson skit:
Johnny: I’m tutoring a young lady in Austrian composers.
Ed: Mahler?
Johnny: Every chance I get!
richdell about 6 years ago
If it ain’t Baroque, don’t fix it.
Masterskrain about 6 years ago
This one sure seems to have struck a Harpsichord with a LOT of people…
hariseldon59 about 6 years ago
If it ain’t baroque, don’t Vicks it.
Comicness7 about 6 years ago
IIIIII dun’t get ut.
NathandeGargoyle about 6 years ago
Stephan tends to forget old characters. He really hasn’t used that Iraq man enough. Pow Pow Khaching! Bazinga?
kaffekup about 6 years ago
That was one of my favorite jokes for years.
“Mozart, where are you Haydn?”
Chief Inspector about 6 years ago
rats makin a Lizst
Sisyphos about 6 years ago
How long, O Cartoon-Boy, wilt thou continue to abuse our patience?
Let Franz be on the fritz!
laurasohn11 about 6 years ago
He looks like Larry Fine from the Three Stooges
SallyBuxton about 6 years ago
Ironic…I’m just preparing a course for my piano students for next semester entitled “Who’s Haydn?” As they enter the studio, they will see a statue of Mozart saying, “Has anyone seen my teacher?” One student says the thing we do best in this studio is make bad puns. You got it right!!
Charlie Tuba about 6 years ago
When I can Handel it, I’ll be Bach!
PBSherm about 6 years ago
Stephan, get him Orff the comic page!
b r u h about 6 years ago
When pianoists try to fish…
“Hey, why is the box of Beethoven? (bait open)”
alantain about 1 year ago
You’re going on my Liszt!