Goldie’s personality is quite a contrast to Tommy’s! When Tommy was the stray, he’d stroll up to the window and chat up (or aggravate) the boys constantly! She seems more … circumspect? Maybe gathering some intel before she decides if she can trust the residents of the Pink House?
I take no offense at what Marllyn said yesterday, and she was being honest and kind. She was trying to warn me about the significant challenges that anyone entering the writing field would face, particularly if you need to make a living at it. Furthermore, I cherish what Shaunn, GSD-Mom Sunflower, Besuper Sue Ellen and all the others in this Orb that said…follow my dreams. Sue was right, I was being 90% tongue in cheek. With two teenagers (one in a Ballet Conservatory) and the other wanting to pursue Art as a career, my parents, my wife and 3 Bartenders relying on me, my steady income is vital.
It is because of all of you here, that I am writing anything at all. Your encouragement was vital for me to start. I appreciate when you don’t point out my grammatical errors or typing the wrong word, which is glaringly obvious when I go back and re-read my work (I wish I could edit my Posts here). When I write, even a Post, I can’t type fast enough to get all the words out.
I usually write on Saturdays and Sundays, I look forward to those days all week. Last night when I was cutting grass, I was ‘writing’ the climactic scene with Belle and Giblet in my mind. I made notes and I can’t wait to get it written down in the story. I will shop this story around, but even if it isn’t picked up, all of you will get to read it…I promise.
But right now, I need to finish my Breakfast Bloody Mary* at my desk and get to work. After all, the big Muckety-Mucks expect a semi honest day’s work from me. Better get too it.
Dear Shaunn (sorry…I don’t know how to tag someone in gocomics without using the reply feature…) I surely hope the Mega Orb concept has not run its course! It has been nice having a bit more connection with a lot less angst on this page. Curious why you decided to ask the question. Cheers! Carol
I love that so many people love BCN. I’m slightly creeped out by the concept of the Mega Orb, but whatever everyone wants is fine with me. The important thing is that we all have Georgia and her wonderful creations.
Shaunnmunn, you have truly created something not only beautiful but strong. Yesterday and today we had our first real test of strength. By that, I mean a difference of opinion. The difference is genuine, heartfelt and also a non-issue, simply a disagreement. So many forum collapse into flame wars and here we simply have in essence agreed to disagree.
I appreciate your feedback. As Scaeva wanted to know what prompted my question, and SunflowerGirl100 knows, there was a difference of opinion yesterday. I withdrew my responses to the thread, as I began to wonder about whether the Mega Orb concept is still — valued? Relevant? Needed? Desired?
It does require things of some readers that they may find constricting. Very few remember that I broached the Mega Orb concept shortly after BCN went to printed format. Heck, it’s been so long ago, I can’t even find it!
We seemed to be of one mind at the time, and readers turned a tentative probe into a wonderful group I have taken to my heart with joy.
But am I being selfish? This is EVERYONE’s forum.
So I will once again explain what I believe the “Mega Orb” to be:
A collection of people who love animals, each other, and our beautiful planet Earth.
Orbsters acknowledge Georgia as our leader and guide, giving us wonderful things to discuss, and a safe place to share joys and concerns without the fear of put-downs, unkind remarks, and such things that sap spirits and create depression, anger or sadness. Our gratitude can never equal what she has done for us. ♥♥♥
Orbsters try to build up. Because it seems so many in the cyber world thrive on undermining, the haven of the Mega Orb offers boosts, “atta(boys/girls)”, and “YES YOU CAN!s”.
Orbsters see past the surface & embrace the hearts of others. Your faith (if you choose to believe), appearance, bank account, past life, etc., have no bearing.
Love. Just love. ♥
This is why I asked. BCN readership has GROWN. Toward what course is it tacking?
@ Shaunn: I think ‘Mega Orb’ is just right, dear lady. We are as you so eloquently state above. I know that for myself, I’m on my good behavior here, and that’s not always been the case in online fora. Wasn’t because I was hiding behind a ‘nym, either—with the exception of the discussions on the local newspaper’s site, I have always used my real name in online discussions. (yes, I—unlike several others—did note your request to not answer in the ‘has Mega Orb outlived its usefulness’ thread)
Obviously, the tone and mood in this group is primarily set by Georgia and her delightful depiction of the cats of BCN and her family. There are some regulars I consider prime examples; I won’t try to name more than one, but if I don’t mention you, that has no bearing on whether I consider you a bellwether for us. One of those I consider a leader in that respect is of course shaunnmunn; the reasons will be obvious to anyone who’s read a few of your posts, dear lady.
The contributions from so many help make this a very special virtual place. Keep it up, all, and thank you.
Responding to Shaunn’s question about the Mega Orb concept: No matter what we call it (and I’m fine with calling it The Orb), we have a community, and I treasure it. I’ve gotten used to calling it The Orb and, for me, the concept represents the support network that we get from each other. We gotta call it something, and it would be weird to change it now. But if we ever did change it, I vote for Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Wolf Squadron! Just kidding. Bonus points if y’all know where I got that.
Shaunn, I can’t even begin to express how much the Mega-Orb means to me. When you first coined the term I thought it was a perfect description. These are the only comments I make sure to read every day since my first day here. When I lost kitties to horrible diseases, the Orb was here with support and comfort. When, even worse, I lost my beloved husband Marc, the Orb helped me hold it together when precious few others could be bothered. I have tried to pay this forward, though I don’t always post, because the Mega-Orb is important. A meeting of minds and kindred spirits that may have squabbles and disagreements (as all families do) but always manages to find a way to be kind to each other. The older I get, the more kindness means to me.
Hmmm – what is she up to with that camera? I’m glad the storm is over and we can all see that she’s safe and well, but what exactly is that new cat doing? Loving this story line and can’t wait to see where it takes us.
Shaunnmunn – the Mega Orb is so important to me! It is a family, support group, place to share happy news, sad news, help others in need…and on and on, not to mention enjoy, discuss and speculate on the actual BCN comic. I was a lurker (non-poster) for years before I started posting here, and felt a part of the Orb even as a lurker. It’s just the best! I would be so sad to see it dissipate. ♥♥♥
Moving my post here because I can follow instructions … once I actually notice them. Like many others, I enjoy the concept of the Orb and the Mega Orb – an embodiment of the all-encompassing connectedness of humanity that is often so very hard to find, but so very evident here.
Esmeralda Anistasia over 5 years ago
I can tell already, she’s gonna fit in great.
fullmoondeb Premium Member over 5 years ago
Don’t hide, Goldie! You are among friends.
Courage the Cowardly Dog! over 5 years ago
Looks like BCN is gonna get a sensational new reporter!!
infranscia over 5 years ago
Sadly, Lupin’s deafness works against him in this instance.
DennisinSeattle over 5 years ago
Goldie, you don’t need to hide! You will be welcomed!
Jungle Empress over 5 years ago
Exclusive photos of Lupin’s rear end! But hey, it’s polite to stick your butt in people’s faces, right? Even if you don’t know they’re there!
Strob over 5 years ago
He’s as vigilant as the tech who missed seeing the target in The Andromeda Strain.
With better consequences in this case.
dmah Premium Member over 5 years ago
I’m lovin’ that pink wall in panel 2!
Lifeflame over 5 years ago
I love how she is proactive!!!
WelshRat Premium Member over 5 years ago
She’s a SuperSpy!
dmah Premium Member over 5 years ago
Goldie’s personality is quite a contrast to Tommy’s! When Tommy was the stray, he’d stroll up to the window and chat up (or aggravate) the boys constantly! She seems more … circumspect? Maybe gathering some intel before she decides if she can trust the residents of the Pink House?
Sue Ellen over 5 years ago
Maybe she’s on a reconnaissance mission to find the best potential new home.
over 5 years ago
She will be a great addition to the Big Pink House.
Robin Harwood over 5 years ago
Since the Monster Cat can sneak up on Lupin while he’s being vigilant, he’s obviously doomed.
Ruth Brown over 5 years ago
Goldie made Lupin. I think I like her. (I know I do because in real life she and Elvis are friends.)
Gent over 5 years ago
Don’t look now, Lupin, but…. BEHIND YOU! BEHIND YOU!
Gent over 5 years ago
Aha. She’s got to be a spy from a rival cat news channel. Get her, boys!
cat19632001 over 5 years ago
And Lupin just finishes that third turn before sitting right, ahead of the Mystery Cat hopping up.
asrialfeeple over 5 years ago
Is Goldie a ninja?
cat19632001 over 5 years ago
Believe in yourself, Lupin!
Gent over 5 years ago
Say cheese, Lupin.
Gent over 5 years ago
I had a joke about what she’s photographing here butt I’d better shut up.
tatempleman over 5 years ago
I see a BCN photographer in the making!
Trespassers W over 5 years ago
I do like the little swirl marks in panel 3, indicating that Lupin circled a bit as he settled down.
rs0204 Premium Member over 5 years ago
She is photographer! Just what the Station needs!
Hi everybody! (I sound like Dr. Nick Rivira)
I take no offense at what Marllyn said yesterday, and she was being honest and kind. She was trying to warn me about the significant challenges that anyone entering the writing field would face, particularly if you need to make a living at it. Furthermore, I cherish what Shaunn, GSD-Mom Sunflower, Besuper Sue Ellen and all the others in this Orb that said…follow my dreams. Sue was right, I was being 90% tongue in cheek. With two teenagers (one in a Ballet Conservatory) and the other wanting to pursue Art as a career, my parents, my wife and 3 Bartenders relying on me, my steady income is vital.
It is because of all of you here, that I am writing anything at all. Your encouragement was vital for me to start. I appreciate when you don’t point out my grammatical errors or typing the wrong word, which is glaringly obvious when I go back and re-read my work (I wish I could edit my Posts here). When I write, even a Post, I can’t type fast enough to get all the words out.
I usually write on Saturdays and Sundays, I look forward to those days all week. Last night when I was cutting grass, I was ‘writing’ the climactic scene with Belle and Giblet in my mind. I made notes and I can’t wait to get it written down in the story. I will shop this story around, but even if it isn’t picked up, all of you will get to read it…I promise.
But right now, I need to finish my Breakfast Bloody Mary* at my desk and get to work. After all, the big Muckety-Mucks expect a semi honest day’s work from me. Better get too it.
*In reality, its just V8 Juice…or is it?
Snowy&Finlay over 5 years ago
Hmm… a fine example of cat vigilance.
cat19632001 over 5 years ago
Lupin has perfect “loaf position.”
T_Lexi over 5 years ago
I’m pretty sure I hear the theme from “Mission Impossible” when I look at panels 2 & 3. What an impressive girl!
ladykat Premium Member over 5 years ago
So Goldie is scoping out the Big Pink House and its inhabitants before deciding if it’s a good fit for her! Wise kitty.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 5 years ago
Goldie looks to be an Investigative Reporter !
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 5 years ago
Kiki is a window cat.
Colorado Expat over 5 years ago
You’re not alone in your belief, Lupin – the People know about the strange cat too!
christineracine77 over 5 years ago
Uh, Lupin, I think we need to review the meaning of “vigilant” . . .
cat19632001 over 5 years ago
Lupin toe beans!
Susanna Premium Member over 5 years ago
Georgia posted this conversation with the boy the other day:
The Boy: “Why are our cats allowed on the table?”
Me: “Because they pay half the mortgage.”
and this picture of Puck on the table:
and this picture of Elvis being a good boy and not being on the table:
diskus Premium Member over 5 years ago
Lol Lupins makes a great Guard Cat
Code the Enforcer over 5 years ago
“Vigilance, Mr. Worf! That is the price we have to continually pay!” -Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard
Beloved over 5 years ago
Goldie’s a photojournalist! Yay!
BarbaraKrooss over 5 years ago
A freelance photojournalist. Maybe doing something for Cational Geograpgic.
knight1192a over 5 years ago
Ok, proof she’s a spy.
anomalous4 over 5 years ago
shaunnmunn over 5 years ago
Dear folks,
May I ask if the concept of the BCN Mega Orb has run its course? Is it time to drop it and just be an ordinary comment forum?
What do you believe IS the Mega Orb? Anyone who considers it important to this board, please weigh in.
And those who do not care or do not want it, please share your reasons.
I ask that no responses be made in this thread. I’m just asking for each poster’s input.
Thank you!
cemunsey Premium Member over 5 years ago
Dear Shaunn (sorry…I don’t know how to tag someone in gocomics without using the reply feature…) I surely hope the Mega Orb concept has not run its course! It has been nice having a bit more connection with a lot less angst on this page. Curious why you decided to ask the question. Cheers! Carol
KL over 5 years ago
I love that so many people love BCN. I’m slightly creeped out by the concept of the Mega Orb, but whatever everyone wants is fine with me. The important thing is that we all have Georgia and her wonderful creations.
SunflowerGirl100 over 5 years ago
Shaunnmunn, you have truly created something not only beautiful but strong. Yesterday and today we had our first real test of strength. By that, I mean a difference of opinion. The difference is genuine, heartfelt and also a non-issue, simply a disagreement. So many forum collapse into flame wars and here we simply have in essence agreed to disagree.
shaunnmunn over 5 years ago
Loved ones! ♥
I appreciate your feedback. As Scaeva wanted to know what prompted my question, and SunflowerGirl100 knows, there was a difference of opinion yesterday. I withdrew my responses to the thread, as I began to wonder about whether the Mega Orb concept is still — valued? Relevant? Needed? Desired?
It does require things of some readers that they may find constricting. Very few remember that I broached the Mega Orb concept shortly after BCN went to printed format. Heck, it’s been so long ago, I can’t even find it!
We seemed to be of one mind at the time, and readers turned a tentative probe into a wonderful group I have taken to my heart with joy.
But am I being selfish? This is EVERYONE’s forum.
So I will once again explain what I believe the “Mega Orb” to be:
A collection of people who love animals, each other, and our beautiful planet Earth.
Orbsters acknowledge Georgia as our leader and guide, giving us wonderful things to discuss, and a safe place to share joys and concerns without the fear of put-downs, unkind remarks, and such things that sap spirits and create depression, anger or sadness. Our gratitude can never equal what she has done for us. ♥♥♥
Orbsters try to build up. Because it seems so many in the cyber world thrive on undermining, the haven of the Mega Orb offers boosts, “atta(boys/girls)”, and “YES YOU CAN!s”.
Orbsters see past the surface & embrace the hearts of others. Your faith (if you choose to believe), appearance, bank account, past life, etc., have no bearing.
Love. Just love. ♥
This is why I asked. BCN readership has GROWN. Toward what course is it tacking?
I love you all, dearly, ♥♥♥
Hi Yo Comet! Away! over 5 years ago
What with her clothes and her ability to remain unseen she must be a Jedi in training…
Denny Wheeler Premium Member over 5 years ago
@ Shaunn: I think ‘Mega Orb’ is just right, dear lady. We are as you so eloquently state above. I know that for myself, I’m on my good behavior here, and that’s not always been the case in online fora. Wasn’t because I was hiding behind a ‘nym, either—with the exception of the discussions on the local newspaper’s site, I have always used my real name in online discussions. (yes, I—unlike several others—did note your request to not answer in the ‘has Mega Orb outlived its usefulness’ thread)
Obviously, the tone and mood in this group is primarily set by Georgia and her delightful depiction of the cats of BCN and her family. There are some regulars I consider prime examples; I won’t try to name more than one, but if I don’t mention you, that has no bearing on whether I consider you a bellwether for us. One of those I consider a leader in that respect is of course shaunnmunn; the reasons will be obvious to anyone who’s read a few of your posts, dear lady.
The contributions from so many help make this a very special virtual place. Keep it up, all, and thank you.
Fiona D Premium Member over 5 years ago
Responding to Shaunn’s question about the Mega Orb concept: No matter what we call it (and I’m fine with calling it The Orb), we have a community, and I treasure it. I’ve gotten used to calling it The Orb and, for me, the concept represents the support network that we get from each other. We gotta call it something, and it would be weird to change it now. But if we ever did change it, I vote for Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Wolf Squadron! Just kidding. Bonus points if y’all know where I got that.
Font Lady Premium Member over 5 years ago
Shaunn, I can’t even begin to express how much the Mega-Orb means to me. When you first coined the term I thought it was a perfect description. These are the only comments I make sure to read every day since my first day here. When I lost kitties to horrible diseases, the Orb was here with support and comfort. When, even worse, I lost my beloved husband Marc, the Orb helped me hold it together when precious few others could be bothered. I have tried to pay this forward, though I don’t always post, because the Mega-Orb is important. A meeting of minds and kindred spirits that may have squabbles and disagreements (as all families do) but always manages to find a way to be kind to each other. The older I get, the more kindness means to me.
GSD Mom Premium Member over 5 years ago
Hmmm – what is she up to with that camera? I’m glad the storm is over and we can all see that she’s safe and well, but what exactly is that new cat doing? Loving this story line and can’t wait to see where it takes us.
piwismom over 5 years ago
Shaunnmunn – the Mega Orb is so important to me! It is a family, support group, place to share happy news, sad news, help others in need…and on and on, not to mention enjoy, discuss and speculate on the actual BCN comic. I was a lurker (non-poster) for years before I started posting here, and felt a part of the Orb even as a lurker. It’s just the best! I would be so sad to see it dissipate. ♥♥♥
willie_mctell over 5 years ago
They need a photographer.
GSD Mom Premium Member over 5 years ago
Moving my post here because I can follow instructions … once I actually notice them. Like many others, I enjoy the concept of the Orb and the Mega Orb – an embodiment of the all-encompassing connectedness of humanity that is often so very hard to find, but so very evident here.
Fennec! at the Disco about 1 year ago
So vigilant!