I recall that Calvin’s dad also explained sunsets to him in this way. I tried this sort of “science” with my daughter to explain rainbows. Too smart to even buy it for a second, she just rolled her eyes at me and googled it!
You can tell this is an old strip, even without looking at the copyright notice. What 6 year old kid today would ask “Didn’t they have color film back then”?
About the first two panels, I’m 60 now and had to learn the hard way, sometimes it’s ok to leave the dishes (or whatever else) for a few minutes to enjoy life, never forget this people!
When this comic originally ran, my kids were 9 and 5 y.o. twins. I couldn’t resist. To my utter surprise, I got them quickly to the point where they kinda believed me. They’re still a little mad about it.
I was browsing through a museum’s World War I exhibit not long ago and came upon a small group of high schoolers watching some battlefield film footage from the period. They wondered amongst themselves why everybody moved so quickly, so jerkily back then. I should’ve told them it was habit from dodging the shells and bullets.
An aside … Granted, dad’s being a bit of a dick in the title panel. But I have little sympathy for women who voluntarily play Mary Martyr with the domestic chores and then get pissed and resentful about it. Dad’s right, she shouldn’t have even touched the dishes; there are more important things that take precedence in life.
Calvin’s Dad is a kindred spirit. All he had to do was say “no” to Cal’s original question. But he had to mess with him. Like I did with my kid. It’s fun!
Calvin could have asked if the world was black and white until the 30s, then why were many movies and TV shows and cartoons in black-and-white during the 40s and 50s (well, by the 50s all theatrical cartoons were in color, IIRC.) I also like Calvin’s worried expression in the eighth panel.
This is one that proves what I’ve always thought. Calvin is just like his daddy. One of these days he’ll be telling his and Suzi’s (or Alice’s) child this same story.
Of all the great “Calvin & Hobbes” strips over the years, and there were SO many (about one a day), this was my all-time favorite. This is the best one of the best comic strip of all time.
The ancient past was colored differently with black blood and dark red oceans…strangeness that.
The blur of blue and green
Searching to discover when “blue” started to appear in language as a color in its own right, Geiger discovered a pattern repeated all over the world; every language first had words for black and white, representing darkness and light and soon after people used a word for red, the color of blood and wine. The next colors to appear in language were yellow then green and the last color to appear in every language across the globe was blue.
One of my favorites is when Dad “secretly” tells Calvin that the plate of squishy green stuff is toxic waste and will turn him into a mutant. This makes Calvin snarf it down greedily.
BE THIS GUY over 5 years ago
I feel bad for all those people in the old portraits that didn’t get a chance to see what they would look like in color.
The Calvinosaurus That Calvin Wanted To Discover over 5 years ago
Next thing you know, Dad is telling Calvin that the Earth is flat or something like that.
Sugar Bombs 95 over 5 years ago
So, if that’s the case, why does so many old literature mention color such as red and blue?
And does that mean the world would’ve been monochrome even before humans evolved?
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
oh, Mom in the second panel asking for a little domestic violence, huh?
DennisinSeattle over 5 years ago
Dad is always ready to educate his son.
codycab over 5 years ago
Ever feel like the world still isn’t colorful enough?
retrocool over 5 years ago
I like dad’s sense of humor
Watcher over 5 years ago
One day Dad, POW, right in the kisser.
SHIVA over 5 years ago
Actually, there IS no color in nature at all. Our brains assign a color to an object that we percieve as having that color. Simple!!
rentier over 5 years ago
That’s a good way, Hobbes!!
Dr. Quatermass over 5 years ago
I recall that Calvin’s dad also explained sunsets to him in this way. I tried this sort of “science” with my daughter to explain rainbows. Too smart to even buy it for a second, she just rolled her eyes at me and googled it!
rentier over 5 years ago
Oh yes, in this way world and life is much easier!
Baarorso over 5 years ago
Calvin’s father was making “dad jokes” before “dad jokes” were cool.;-D
rshive over 5 years ago
Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 5 years ago
Some of the best C&H strips were of dad’s tall tales. He had game.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 5 years ago
But Mom is going to kick his tuchus. Go inside, grab her around the waist and plead with her to come outside and watch the sunset with you. Numbskull.
M2MM over 5 years ago
Calvin’s mom needs to kick her husband a little harder. He’s making Calvin crazier by the day.
coomback over 5 years ago
Hobb’s has the perfect answer ..
Aussie Down Under over 5 years ago
It’s good to see Dad “messing with” Calvin’s mind which in this case is Karma.
BigDaveGlass over 5 years ago
Life was so much simpler back then…
Mkfalkowski Premium Member over 5 years ago
Calvin doesn’t get that it’s humor, so it really is wrong for him to say this to a child who takes everything literally, especially from his parents.
Purple People Eater over 5 years ago
You can tell this is an old strip, even without looking at the copyright notice. What 6 year old kid today would ask “Didn’t they have color film back then”?
Masterskrain over 5 years ago
And now you have PROOF that Dad went to Law School…the ability to say something that outrageous with a straight face!
Doug Taylor Premium Member over 5 years ago
My kids used to believe all the tall tales I told them and now that they have there own kids they’re carrying on the tradition. I love my kids!
Auntie Socialist over 5 years ago
No wonder the kid’s a mess
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 5 years ago
This is the best of Dad’s explanations to Calvin in my opinion. He manages to cover all the bases.
cubswin2016 over 5 years ago
I think Dad needs a good smack upside the head Reba style.
posse1 Premium Member over 5 years ago
I love comics that can be re-read & find more smiles each time!
donlackie over 5 years ago
I love Calvin’s dad. I try to model my own parenting after him.
dwdl21 over 5 years ago
About the first two panels, I’m 60 now and had to learn the hard way, sometimes it’s ok to leave the dishes (or whatever else) for a few minutes to enjoy life, never forget this people!
ekw555 over 5 years ago
Calvin’s dad gets a measure of revenge.
llong65 over 5 years ago
a good example of the change over is the movie ’The Wizard of Oz", half way through production the change over happened ; )
Comic Man X over 5 years ago
The world can be a really confusing Calvin….
JohnReagan Premium Member over 5 years ago
When this comic originally ran, my kids were 9 and 5 y.o. twins. I couldn’t resist. To my utter surprise, I got them quickly to the point where they kinda believed me. They’re still a little mad about it.
katzenbooks45 over 5 years ago
And Calvin grew up to be president of the Flat Earth Society.
RobinHood over 5 years ago
It was all monochrome until Dorothy brought the colors back from Oz.
fgerbil46 over 5 years ago
I like Hobbes idea.
timzsixty9 over 5 years ago
it’s all very complicated…
A R V reader over 5 years ago
Dad’s theory: A confused child builds character.
JAY REIDER Premium Member over 5 years ago
Been waiting for this one!
Pocosdad over 5 years ago
Bad dad! Bad dad!
Redd Panda over 5 years ago
Seems perfectly rational and logical to me.
Andrew Sleeth over 5 years ago
I was browsing through a museum’s World War I exhibit not long ago and came upon a small group of high schoolers watching some battlefield film footage from the period. They wondered amongst themselves why everybody moved so quickly, so jerkily back then. I should’ve told them it was habit from dodging the shells and bullets.
An aside … Granted, dad’s being a bit of a dick in the title panel. But I have little sympathy for women who voluntarily play Mary Martyr with the domestic chores and then get pissed and resentful about it. Dad’s right, she shouldn’t have even touched the dishes; there are more important things that take precedence in life.
tripwire45 over 5 years ago
Dad is evil.
MichaelHelwig over 5 years ago
I’ve got a job for dad over at Faux News.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 5 years ago
When He who must be trusted lies to you. Where are you to go?
Sassy's Mom over 5 years ago
This is one of my family’s favorite Calvin comics!
BiggerNate91 over 5 years ago
I used to believe this…
Lou over 5 years ago
And folks wonder why Calvin is such a little jerk.
mizdurble over 5 years ago
I gather dogs only see in black and white. Is it the same for tigers?
gladimadad over 5 years ago
The dishes will wait, Woman. Come watch the sunset with me and we will do them together afterward.
carlzr over 5 years ago
I prefer this Hobbes’s philosophy to the Hobbes I had to study in school.
JohnFarson19 over 5 years ago
Calvin’s Dad is a kindred spirit. All he had to do was say “no” to Cal’s original question. But he had to mess with him. Like I did with my kid. It’s fun!
DCBakerEsq over 5 years ago
FUN FACT. The world was flat until 1912.
jel354 over 5 years ago
Calvin’s dad tries to instill zeal in his son, though not necessarily knowledge.
sparkle 13 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Dad’s cruse’in for a bruse’in !!!!!lol
Le'Roy Hawkins over 5 years ago
This, along with the “Where does the sun go when it sets” are the 2 best Dad Wisdom comics.
Ermine Notyours over 5 years ago
So why are the comics in black and white all week and only color on Sunday?
DanWolfie over 5 years ago
Calvin could have asked if the world was black and white until the 30s, then why were many movies and TV shows and cartoons in black-and-white during the 40s and 50s (well, by the 50s all theatrical cartoons were in color, IIRC.) I also like Calvin’s worried expression in the eighth panel.
smorbie the great and beautiful over 5 years ago
This is one that proves what I’ve always thought. Calvin is just like his daddy. One of these days he’ll be telling his and Suzi’s (or Alice’s) child this same story.
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Good thing Calvin didn’t have access to Google to find out the father was just winging it!
paullp Premium Member over 5 years ago
For sheer absurdity, this is one of my all-time favorite Calvin and Hobbes strips.
Flatworm over 5 years ago
Of all the great “Calvin & Hobbes” strips over the years, and there were SO many (about one a day), this was my all-time favorite. This is the best one of the best comic strip of all time.
Concretionist over 5 years ago
Definitely in my set of top-25 C&H strips!
susanawarren over 5 years ago
I’m guessing that Calvin’s dad was a lot like Calvin when he was a kid. So payback is hell for Calvin’s mother.
Ralphsloan over 5 years ago
The C and H ever.
sugordon over 5 years ago
Got to love the line about a lot of great artists being insane too.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
The ancient past was colored differently with black blood and dark red oceans…strangeness that.
The blur of blue and green
Searching to discover when “blue” started to appear in language as a color in its own right, Geiger discovered a pattern repeated all over the world; every language first had words for black and white, representing darkness and light and soon after people used a word for red, the color of blood and wine. The next colors to appear in language were yellow then green and the last color to appear in every language across the globe was blue.
bigbadwolf49 over 5 years ago
Sound advice by Hobbes, as usual
Muatansir over 5 years ago
kfo111 over 5 years ago
so that is why calvin is the was he is.
chromosome Premium Member over 5 years ago
One of my favorites is when Dad “secretly” tells Calvin that the plate of squishy green stuff is toxic waste and will turn him into a mutant. This makes Calvin snarf it down greedily.
PuppyPapa over 5 years ago
THIS is a classic! Is this one of the ones that eveyrbody has remembered over the years???
lindz.coop Premium Member over 5 years ago
And we wonder why Calvin is crazy…..
SumRndmPenguin over 5 years ago
How to confuse your child 101
MichaelMcGinnis1 over 5 years ago
Calvin’s dad could be Science Advisor for a Republican administration.
David Illig Premium Member over 5 years ago
One of the greatest, a true classic.