Gee. How nice and convenient. When the people in the bank tell the cops that one of the crooks went out unmasked as hostage, it will easy for em cops to track em crooks down.
What kind of modern police action is this? No vests, and/or helmets. No mobile communications van. No SWAT. Tracyville PD insurance costs must be as high as a a politicians campaign fund.
be nice if the blond we noticed yesterday could call out that the ‘hostage’ is a part of the gang. the crooks are clear of the bank and so are exposed to gun fire.
and needless to say again we have tracy violating police policy. they are not going to let them walk out with a hostage.
As far as anyone knows so far, this Roboto is a new crook in Tracyville, right? The dialog at HQ seemed to indicate that the cops were just becoming aware of him as he made his first robberies. Yet, Roboto has been acting as if there is something personal between him and Tracy – calling him by name more than once, and addressing him personally. A new crook in a big city wouldn’t ordinarily know the name of the Chief of Detectives, no matter how famous he might be. My guess is that there will be a “big reveal” when the mask finally comes off, and it’ll be someone we know.
The idiocy in this story is amazing. The villain walks casually thru the police gathering with a gun to one of his henchmen’s heads, while carrying on a conversation with tracy… yet there’s NUMEROUS officers behind him who could get off a shot and wound him… ending his threat
Leaving the Postal Clerk to fumble with the buttons on her blouse, Kabuki puts his escape plan into action…
1-KABUKI: I’m coming out with a hostage. Go ahead and shoot. See if I care coppers! KNUCKLES: Wait a minute boss… KABUCKI: SHADDAP!
2-DT: Do you know that hostage Barney? Maybe Kabuki is running the ol’ fake hostage gambit.
3-BARNEY: Well now he could be Gomer’s big city cousin from Mt. Pilot visiting to get in a little fishing. I heard he just got into town yesterday. Now he might be stayin’ at the Mayberry Hotel on Main or he might be staying with Gomer but I wouldn’t recommend that. Word around town is that Gomer is a little ‘funny’ if you know what I mean. Not that Mayberry folk would hold that against…
DT: Never mind. They’re already gone. PICK UP YOUR BRASS BOYS. BARNEY: Well, aren’t you going to follow them? DT: Huh?
These days, the police err on the side of public safety. This is why many American cities have effectively banned high speed police chases within city limits. Too much danger to the citizenry. Even though the bad guys escape, they are often caught anyway because helicopters, street cameras and even satellite technology help the police to find them. This is why I have no problem with Tracy letting Roboto go. It’s entirely believable he would do that in the era in which we live.
It looks as though Lefty Roboto’s quick thinking might pay off. Thug #2 makes a credible hostage, while henchman Charlie Johnson has Roboto’s back (and keeps an eye on the Payroll Pals people, both the employees and the customers). Tracy is letting them pass, though once in their car, I expect the chase to resume….
AnyFace about 5 years ago
Neil Wick about 5 years ago
Good morning™, lurkers!
You’ll have to come out from behind that mask eventually!
HarryCK about 5 years ago
Good morning™, happy hostage scammers !
Like the shadowing on Dick and Sam’s face in P.2. It’s a great day to be a Robo ! :-)
22ph about 5 years ago
Something in Tracy’s mind… Where did I hear that voice before?
Gent about 5 years ago
Gee. How nice and convenient. When the people in the bank tell the cops that one of the crooks went out unmasked as hostage, it will easy for em cops to track em crooks down.
Yngvar Følling about 5 years ago
I don’t suppose anyone will call from the bank and say “He’s not a hostage”?
jonahhex1 about 5 years ago
It’ll be awhile before that place re-opens…..all the broken glass not to mention it’s riddled with bullets.
Speaking of which….those cop cars ought to look like Swiss Cheese after all the shooting Mr. Roboto and his gang did.
iggyman about 5 years ago
And the snow continues to fall!
Major Matt Mason Premium Member about 5 years ago
For some reason, the hostage scene in “Blazing Saddles” comes to mind… :D
L Silverman about 5 years ago
Wondering if Roboto’s mask is bulletproof…
Eric Goebelbecker about 5 years ago
“And thank you very much Mr. Roboto For helping me escape When I needed to”
WilliamVollmer about 5 years ago
What kind of modern police action is this? No vests, and/or helmets. No mobile communications van. No SWAT. Tracyville PD insurance costs must be as high as a a politicians campaign fund.
jrankin1959 about 5 years ago
Man, I hope y’all got clearance from the DeYoungs for all this… or that, at least, they’re huge DT fans.
Knightman Premium Member about 5 years ago
At least follow them with a Police copter!!!
Ignatz Premium Member about 5 years ago
Why don’t ALL crooks pretend an accomplice is a hostage?
WaitingMan about 5 years ago
The art is still fine but the stories are approaching Locherian levels of inanity.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 5 years ago
be nice if the blond we noticed yesterday could call out that the ‘hostage’ is a part of the gang. the crooks are clear of the bank and so are exposed to gun fire.
and needless to say again we have tracy violating police policy. they are not going to let them walk out with a hostage.
Ken in Ohio about 5 years ago
As far as anyone knows so far, this Roboto is a new crook in Tracyville, right? The dialog at HQ seemed to indicate that the cops were just becoming aware of him as he made his first robberies. Yet, Roboto has been acting as if there is something personal between him and Tracy – calling him by name more than once, and addressing him personally. A new crook in a big city wouldn’t ordinarily know the name of the Chief of Detectives, no matter how famous he might be. My guess is that there will be a “big reveal” when the mask finally comes off, and it’ll be someone we know.
tsull2121 about 5 years ago
The idiocy in this story is amazing. The villain walks casually thru the police gathering with a gun to one of his henchmen’s heads, while carrying on a conversation with tracy… yet there’s NUMEROUS officers behind him who could get off a shot and wound him… ending his threat
Counterpoint about 5 years ago
Clybourne lookalike “hostage” is a pretty good actor…
Another Take about 5 years ago
Leaving the Postal Clerk to fumble with the buttons on her blouse, Kabuki puts his escape plan into action…
1-KABUKI: I’m coming out with a hostage. Go ahead and shoot. See if I care coppers! KNUCKLES: Wait a minute boss… KABUCKI: SHADDAP!
2-DT: Do you know that hostage Barney? Maybe Kabuki is running the ol’ fake hostage gambit.
3-BARNEY: Well now he could be Gomer’s big city cousin from Mt. Pilot visiting to get in a little fishing. I heard he just got into town yesterday. Now he might be stayin’ at the Mayberry Hotel on Main or he might be staying with Gomer but I wouldn’t recommend that. Word around town is that Gomer is a little ‘funny’ if you know what I mean. Not that Mayberry folk would hold that against…
DT: Never mind. They’re already gone. PICK UP YOUR BRASS BOYS. BARNEY: Well, aren’t you going to follow them? DT: Huh?
Kip W about 5 years ago
“Good thinking, Boss!”
buckman-j about 5 years ago
The Good: Great, colorful art..the Bad:..More plot holes than Swiss Cheese. And BTW..Is that guy Clybourne, out on bail?
dsjwriter about 5 years ago
This robbery has put Mr. Roboto’s mettle — and metal — to the test.
fhoffman01 about 5 years ago
These days, the police err on the side of public safety. This is why many American cities have effectively banned high speed police chases within city limits. Too much danger to the citizenry. Even though the bad guys escape, they are often caught anyway because helicopters, street cameras and even satellite technology help the police to find them. This is why I have no problem with Tracy letting Roboto go. It’s entirely believable he would do that in the era in which we live.
Johnny Q Premium Member about 5 years ago
He could hope Mr. Roboto falls for the “Look out for that truck!” line. (It worked with Big Brass the TV scammer in 1974!)
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
It looks as though Lefty Roboto’s quick thinking might pay off. Thug #2 makes a credible hostage, while henchman Charlie Johnson has Roboto’s back (and keeps an eye on the Payroll Pals people, both the employees and the customers). Tracy is letting them pass, though once in their car, I expect the chase to resume….
Durak Premium Member about 5 years ago
Now, if you don’t mind, we’re just going to stroll on outta here.
Eric S over 1 year ago
Good thing the lady in the previous day’s strip overheard them!