Victoria’s statement in the last panel reflects one of my less dark thoughts about the maladministration of our federal government for the last three years. Maybe my giant meteor should have an orange detector installed.
Let me put it this way. You remember when some people were saying “Idiocracy” was a documentary? Well they were right but it was about current America, not the distant future.
so that can possible be considered scatter shot murder, and similarly scatter shot murder is happening in Wisconsin where Trump political and court cronies are forcing poll workers and voters to face risks instead of simply delaying the election day.
My hope for both is that as many people around the world as possible learn of these things, and my hope for the second is that enough Wisconsin Republicans write-in vote for someone OTHER than Trump for the Republican candidate to signal to the nation that not everyone is willing to completely surrender their morals to go along with these attacks on American citizens.
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that the act of observation inevitably changes the conduct of the object being observed. Although this principle was stated in terms of quantum physics, it was also demonstrated in Jane Goodall’s work with the chimpanzees of Gambia, although Ms. Goodall admitted it was a mistake to interact directly with the chimps she was studying as that also changed their behavior from what would normally occur in the wild.
Well perhaps all you critics would prefer to live in one of those 10 European countries that have a higher per capita rate of virus infection than the US.
macky87 almost 5 years ago
It’s worse than that! Now we have a special time of day when ‘stupid’ is broadcast out to all of America. Thank goodness it’s not on every channel.
franki_g almost 5 years ago
Guess I’ve been inside too long.
All I can think is “fresh pineapple! She has 2 fresh pineapples!”
pls forgive drool on screen
mattro65 almost 5 years ago
Victoria’s statement in the last panel reflects one of my less dark thoughts about the maladministration of our federal government for the last three years. Maybe my giant meteor should have an orange detector installed.
Bilan almost 5 years ago
If you want to see stupid, wait until Danae realizes she has no more parental restrictions.
Say What? Premium Member almost 5 years ago
That’s right, Victoria. The booger-brained boys got even more booger-brained, to an unsurpassed degree.
danketaz Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Quick, mention that you had to go see her because you love her ,you dip!
Andrew Sleeth almost 5 years ago
Seriously, Joe, you haven’t seen this woman in years, and all you’ve got on your mind is filling her in on world events?!
WGillete almost 5 years ago
Joe, it’s time to give her a kiss, say good-bye, and go back to the boat, because your romantic ship has definitely sailed.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I think we are finally lining in time where ‘no news is good news’ means nothing you hear is good.
theincrediblebulk almost 5 years ago
Let me put it this way. You remember when some people were saying “Idiocracy” was a documentary? Well they were right but it was about current America, not the distant future.
saltylife16 almost 5 years ago
Wiley is going to have to change the name of this island. Joe is going to ruin its reputation.
uniquename almost 5 years ago
Geez Joe. Not I wanted to be rescued, just I wanted to be with you.
kipcole65 almost 5 years ago
Worst. Dad. Ever.
Diat60 almost 5 years ago
Victoria is most definitely underwhelmed. There’s a message here and he’s not getting it.
Geophyzz almost 5 years ago
Her “Oh” reaction suggests this plot may be borrowed in part from Doris Day’s Move Over Darling.
dandye almost 5 years ago
Now “stupid” is played on CNN and MSDNC 24/7
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Meanwhile, in NJ the feds have seized a county’s order of face masks that were ordered to protect First Responders, Nurses, and Physicians:
so that can possible be considered scatter shot murder, and similarly scatter shot murder is happening in Wisconsin where Trump political and court cronies are forcing poll workers and voters to face risks instead of simply delaying the election day.
My hope for both is that as many people around the world as possible learn of these things, and my hope for the second is that enough Wisconsin Republicans write-in vote for someone OTHER than Trump for the Republican candidate to signal to the nation that not everyone is willing to completely surrender their morals to go along with these attacks on American citizens.
squireobrien almost 5 years ago
‘I wanted to be with you, and I didn’t want to be there,’ ought to do it.
Bookworm almost 5 years ago
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle states that the act of observation inevitably changes the conduct of the object being observed. Although this principle was stated in terms of quantum physics, it was also demonstrated in Jane Goodall’s work with the chimpanzees of Gambia, although Ms. Goodall admitted it was a mistake to interact directly with the chimps she was studying as that also changed their behavior from what would normally occur in the wild.
Just sayin’, that’s all.
kunddog almost 5 years ago
now I understand where the phrase “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” means.
Buckeye67 almost 5 years ago
Well perhaps all you critics would prefer to live in one of those 10 European countries that have a higher per capita rate of virus infection than the US.
locake almost 5 years ago
Didn’t Victoria leave Joe? If she wanted to be with him, she would not have left him.
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
But you’re infected, you’re gonna to drink a lot mind erasers.
mistercatworks almost 5 years ago
Never follow a woman to her “special place”. Same advice for women. It’s a form of abuse.
Redd Panda almost 5 years ago
Joe must be a little slow on the pickup. What does he think “Go away.” means?
Sojourner almost 5 years ago
What kind of loser just abandons his two little girls and runs off to an island to find his “ex” so she can “rescue” him?
bakana almost 5 years ago
It’s Hopeless. He will not be able to stop himself from Blurting out the bad nooze.
Budman 2 almost 5 years ago
Can someone help me Who is Victoria ?