Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for May 29, 2020

  1. Goojf2
    FreihEitner Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Dramatic music and a fog horn. I love it!

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    Jayfbird1969 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Poor Princess. Captain Nimble seems to excel at getting lost at sea.

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  3. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 4 years ago

    Was the boat pea green? Was the first mate an owl?

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    Notaspy  over 4 years ago

    Nimble needs to start thinking about retirement

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    DennisinSeattle  over 4 years ago

    The monogram on the furniture is apparently a J not an S. Who does that belong to?

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    Strob  over 4 years ago

    Is the captain’s name Jack B.?

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    DennisinSeattle  over 4 years ago

    The bodices – purple heart and red heart – are meant for those two!

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    maggijoseph Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Both the white and the black Paisley toe beans!

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  9. Pawmark valentine s
    Hedgehog  over 4 years ago

    I blame that smug little boat.

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  10. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I think Princess had an old copy of a previous season’s script and had to ad-lib.

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    Robin Harwood  over 4 years ago

    Anyone who was paying attention to this bilge (I’m not) would wonder why a psychic wouldn’t know about what was happening to her twin brother.

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  12. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  over 4 years ago

    Poor Princess, she has a fraught life, indeed, lovin’ a sea farin’ man

I mean cat!

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    catmom1360  over 4 years ago

    Love Princess’ not-so-lady-like door kick.

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    WelshRat Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Well, Nimble’s still pursuing his dream of being a submariner. Just wish he wouldn’t use the direct route all the time.

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    Cassia  over 4 years ago

    Paisley and her twin brother must be water signs?

    â™Șâ™Ș You are my dream, I have a wish that you’ll come home from sea.

    You are so dope, you are my love, you’re everything that I need.

    I love you, scared to death you’re truly madly in deep doo doo..

    I will be strong, I will be hopeful ‘cause I’m counting on my Nimble returning.

    A salty cap’n needing a deeper cleaning. Yeah..

    I wanna ride with you on Space Mountain,

    I want you safe here from the sea.

    I wanna purr with you forever,

    Until we both will cease to be.

    And when the stars are shining brightly in a catnip sky,

    I’ll make a wish, send it to heaven that you ain’t gonna die..

    The tears of joy for when you return with certainty.

    And we’re surrounded by the comfort and protection of..

    um, Paisley’s powers.

    No more lonely hours. The boops I’ll give to you..

    I wanna ride with you on Space Mountain,

    I want you safe here from the sea.

    I wanna purr with you forever,

    Until our 9 lives cease to be. â™Șâ™Ș

    Savage Garden – Truly Madly Deeply

    Songwriters: Daniel Jones / Darren Hayes

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  16. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 4 years ago

    Back of Cat Head!

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  17. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 4 years ago

    Wow, I don’t think the Rockettes kick as high as Princess did there.

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  18. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  over 4 years ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Yesterday, you remember, the cards revealed the cats were hungry. Where Is the Food?

    Queen Catshepsut the Golden: We must call the Royal Chef at once.

    Serfig-Aro: Tommy, can you hear me?

    Enter Royal Chef Thomosis, carrying a huge amount of food

    Thomosis: Right here, just took longer to cook for the banquet.

    Elvis-Anum: Tommy, can you see me?

    Thomosis: Yep, but I could use a paw with these dishes.

    Lupinium: Can I help to cheer you?

    Thomosis: Sure, just do your thing.

    After an amazing banquet

    Pais-Leprent: On behalf of my fellow actors, I would like to thank you for your most gracious hospitality. We would like to perform a song for Your Majesty and the Royal Staff.

    Sophititi: Who?

    Cat Chorus: Listening to Mew, I get the music,

    Gazing at Mew, I get a treat,

    Following Mew, I climb the bookshelves,

    I show the toe beans on my feet!

    Tabith-Isis: Right behind Mew, I see the Red Dot,

    Beatrixia: For Mew, I keep the stories,

    Royal Procurers: For Mew, we grab the items,

    The Queen: With Mew, life isn’t boring!

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    wolfiiig  over 4 years ago

    The plot thickens!

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  20. White rose of york jpeg
    Alicelth Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Is it just my imagination or does that blue vase in panel one somehow looks as though it has Snowball Taggart’s face on it? O? r at least his eye. Or another case of pareidolia?

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    Invader Chocolate  over 4 years ago

    Are the kittens safe?

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    tremor3258  over 4 years ago

    Guessing he’s a rotating guest star

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    diskus Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Im lost at comic

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  24. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  over 4 years ago

    Georgia, have a nice cup of tea, stretch out and relax, get a fresh piece of paper and plot a course out of this whirlpool. Please? I’m loyal but I’m not the only reader who’s adrift.

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    Hickory  over 4 years ago

    I have to agree with @Robin, this story arc is bilge. I’ve been a fan of BCW since it’s inception but the soap opera is the weakest of all the story lines. The strip is at its best when examining feline behavior. If you’re listening Georgia, lets get back to what you do best – seeing the world through cats’ eyes. How about an arc on the lockdown? Why is everyone wearing masks? Why are the birds so loud? Why does the man not go to work anymore?

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  26. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  over 4 years ago

    The way she kicked that door open, I’m guessing Princess has a black belt in Pawrate.

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  27. Maxie
    Susanna Premium Member over 4 years ago

    OT: They are planning on transferring my dad to a rehab center tomorrow. This morning I was supposed to take my mom to see him again at the hospital, but she called and said she wasn’t feeling well. Hopefully it is just something minor.

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    DorseyBelle  over 4 years ago

    Princess, you can try, but you can’t out-attention-grab Paisley!

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    scyphi26  over 4 years ago

    Oh, don’t worry—he’ll get found again soon enough, just like last time. That way, he can turn around and get lost a sea for a third time, because third time’s the charm, right?

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    SunflowerGirl100  over 4 years ago

    Hmmm. Could old Snowball Taggart have something to do with his unwanted son-in-law being lost at sea? Hmmm.

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    ocarol7 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Alas indeed

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    prrdh  over 4 years ago

    Lost at sea ‘again’? Do male cats have the same problem male humans do asking for directions when they ought to?

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  33. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 4 years ago

    I have an old Tyvek jacket that’s printed with a map of the ocean near Florida. Sounds like Captain Nimble could use something similar. (Paisley Nimble?)

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  34. Glob
    BillJackson2  over 4 years ago

    OT: Me (with a re-post of some pictures)

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  35. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  over 4 years ago

    Lost and the coma, where would, uh, daytime dramas be without them?

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  36. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Today is Biscuit Day, a perfect example of Churchill’s remark about two peoples separated by a common language.

    In the US, and apparently parts of English Canada, biscuits are quick bread, soft, and generally unsweetened, and sometimes referred to as “rolls.” There are a number of variations on the theme, depending on what is used for leavening. They are not related to “sweet rolls,” which are made with yeast. The phrase “on a roll” does not apply to any of the above, except a prune Danish 

    In the former British Empire, biscuit, or “bikki,” refers to what Norte Americanos call “cookies.” They are generally relatively hard, brittle, usually sweetened, may be flavored, and often contain other ingredients such as nuts, various flavored chips, raisins, or fillings, and sometimes a hard frosting.

    To add to the confusion, what in North America is commonly called a “cracker” is apparently lumped together with “biscuit” in the former British Empire, although crackers are generally unleavened. This leads us to the source of the confusion:

    Hardtack. Originally a grain flour and water, baked hard (up to four times) to enable it to stand rough handling and long storage. Hardtack has quite a number of names, some grimly humorous, but was commonly referred to as “ships biscuit.” Considering the tremendous cultural influence of seafaring in the British Isles, it is "hard"ly surprising that the name would be applied to anything similar in shape and general consistency. Hence, cookies are biscuits and biscuits are cookies, depending on where you are.

    The word “cookie” appears to be of Scottish-Dutch origin, so we English speakers can blame the confusion on them. They probably won’t mind if we give them cookies 
 or biscuits 
 providing we don’t toss them our biscuits, or hurl our cookies 

    And considering that computers were invented in Britain, why do they have cookies instead of biscuits? Perhaps that’s something to qibble about 

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    PaulKmecak  over 4 years ago

    Does Captain Nimble know Cap’n Eddie?

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  38. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member over 4 years ago

    “Lost! Ain’t never been lost! Been powerful confused for a couple weeks, but ain’t never been lost!”

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      over 4 years ago

    Don’t fret, Princess, he will be okay.

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    ikini Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Paisley in the last panel is striking the silent film “melodramatic horror” pose with the back of the hand, er paw, against the forehead.

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  41. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 4 years ago

    One of the Six Chix artists is a toe bean fan! One of the commenters there even gave a shout out to the BCN comment section.

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    Erin Pierce  over 4 years ago

    Flashback to a Carol Burnett “As the Stomach Turns” bit
“You mean
?” “Yes!” “But that means
” “Of course!” “But how
?” “It’s simple!” “I never knew!” (or phrases to that effect)

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  43. Img 2771
    oops Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I worry he strayed into that part of the sea where “there be dragons”

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  44. Sweet taffy
    Quabaculta  over 4 years ago

    I think his first mate is named ‘Gilligan’.

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    Felicity-the-cat  over 4 years ago

    it helps to have an appreciation of the illogic of soap operas.

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    D.W.Drang  over 4 years ago

    “Well, I was on my way over to intercept any mail from Kit Chase

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