Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 14, 2020

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 4 years ago

    have fun, Luann, deciding upon your wardrobe for the day

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    Space_Owl on GoComics   over 4 years ago

    G O T T A G O F A S T

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    Prescott_Philosopher   over 4 years ago

    We are certainly getting insight into Luann. More than… never mind.

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    AnyFace  over 4 years ago
    ”Run, Luann, Run~!!” ✨
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    Z-bert  over 4 years ago

    Bernice seems to know Luann’s routine.

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  6. Beb avatar
    beb01  over 4 years ago

    So the “joke” for today is that Luann wants to do something spontaneous with Bernice but will take at least two hours to get dressed! Shouldn’t she have got dressed before asking Bernice about doing something? How can it take anybody two hours to shower, and get dressed? Make-up? At her age Luann doesn’t need any.

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  7. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Better hurry up Luann – you’re going to have to chop a few hours off that to get it down to two hours.


    I am curious as to how she will get those bags out from under her eyes Aside from Greg’s “eraser”.

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    kenhense  over 4 years ago

    We haven’t seen much on Luann going out with a GF looking for fun. Too bad not 21 yet. Hopefully they can find something other than “The Fuse.”

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    Homeboy1865  over 4 years ago

    Luann and gang are caricatures of characters. Their weaknesses and eccentricities are exaggerated for comedic effect. Without foibles and neuroses and immaturities, there would be no comedy.

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    Odd Dog Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Bernice will have time to finish her lecture and freshen up if she need’s to, and Luann will still not be ready!

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    howtheduck  over 4 years ago

    We did not go back to Nancy and Frank, so I guess they decided that they did not want to interfere with crepes.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Oh, cut Luann some slack, Bernice. It’ll take Luann two hours just to find clean clothes in that “haystack” she calls a bedroom. But you know? It never took Lu that long to get dressed when Quill showed up. ;)

    Okay. Bernice is willing to share her private time just to “humor” her long time friend. Good on her! Once again Bernice has earned points from Me for being an all around good sport under ridiculous circumstances.

    BUT, why I’m I getting the feeling that these two are going to run into some Guy who will wind up having some effect on one or the other, (Or BOTH) while they’re out and about?

    And IF I’m right, “who” will that Guy be? Jack, Piro, Ben, or somebody brand new? Or My fav nerd and his gal pal?

    Ah. I’m reaching there. Better switch to DECAF. ;)

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    capricorn9th  over 4 years ago

    For a plain looking girl, you need more than 2 hours to get ready?? Watch youtube how you could fix your hair, brush teeth, apply foundation, apply eye shadows, line your eyes and apply mascara, apply rogue, line lip lines then the lipstick in 10 minutes. She timed it and finished beautifully. Then watch her how she dresses in 5 minutes by planning her wardrobe the night before. You will get an hour 45 minutes of your life back daily.

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    Joe1962  over 4 years ago

    Luann probably has a closet full of clothes with price tags still on them. So it could take her two hours to decide on what clothes to wear.

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  15. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 4 years ago

    Two hours. Yeah, a man definitely wrote this gag.

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    reedkomicks Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I love how they know each other so well. Luann is soo cute. The bags will disappear after a face wash and moisturizer, because she’s so young.

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    notbornyesterday  over 4 years ago

    Luann is a strangely disturbed, and strangely disturbing, young woman.

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    bytebot-gocomics  over 4 years ago

    Luann kind of has a point. If Bernice does not enjoy her youth now, when will she enjoy it? Bernice may end up with a comfy retirement income and plenty of free time in her mid sixties, but there will be no way for her to recall any gladsome experiences she had in her early twenties as they never happened.

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  19. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 4 years ago

    Run, run, as fast as you can….

    Time waits for no girl, Luann (I would have said “young woman,” but this is Luann we’re dealing with here)….

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    sugarplum1  over 4 years ago

    I think it’s about time for Brad and Toni to make a surprise announcement.

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    luann1212  over 4 years ago

    Should not read the comments before I write my initial one, but I can’t help it, like a moth drawn to a turned on light bulb. I bring that up because I think people are totally missing the point of this arc, or more specifically these particular panels. It has nothing to do with how long it will take Luann to get ready, or as one comment said, Luann is a “plain” girl, while just a few comments later another said Luann is a pretty girl, both relative to the amount of time Luann needs to get ready for an outing with Bernice. Luann seems almost angry, or frustrated with Bernice’s unwillingness to be spontaneous, although she shows by her snarky laugh, which Bernice does not even hear. As Pipe observed yesterday Bernice is a very linear thinker/doer, one step before another, while Luann is a very non-linear thinker/doer, far less constrained by any particular pattern or plan. These friends are two different types of people, something neither really realized, and Bernice is totally unaware that anything is different, while Luann is very aware of it. This is a bit deeper than putting on makeup.

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  22. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  over 4 years ago

    For those who think Bernice is clueless about such matters, I offer as exhibits A and B:

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    Troglodyte  over 4 years ago

    Hurry, Luann, hurry. There’s no time to lose!

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  24. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  over 4 years ago

    Fun.. a la Luann, they must be going to the mall to hang out.

    Fun.. a la Luann, they must be going to the mall to hang out.Who else might be there… Knife and Crystal, but they both Probably have jobs. Delta, but she’s probably working on a campaign. Gun and Bets, or do they have summer jobs?

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    Barry1941  over 4 years ago

    I was never a big fan of Bernice but I have changed my mine and am liking her more and more.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Luann. You gotta go fast! She’s always so funny and adorable♡. I love how she managed to get Bernice to do something together with no plans or anything. Maybe Bernice could still become more human! And less cognitive behavioral (old school).

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    WilliamVollmer  over 4 years ago

    Luann, unless you plan on meeting some “gentlemen” on this outing with Bernice,you shouldn’t need two hours to get all “dolled” up. Something between hanging around at home, and, going to class should do.

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  28. Tyge
    Tyge  over 4 years ago

    HA! That’s a Gotcha!!

    Well we may see some “fun” doings soon,,, I hope!

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    OneTime59  over 4 years ago

    “hardy-har-har” Haven’t seen that phrase in a looong time. Reminds of an old, old TV cartoon, “Lippy the Lion & Hardy Har Har.”

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  30. Tyge
    Tyge  over 4 years ago

    Will one (or both) meet Mr. Goodbar on this outing???

    It about time!

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    illuminare  over 4 years ago

    2 hours later and Luann is still deciding what to wear and probably fussing over her makeup while Bernice who has already been ready decides to go do something fun on her own

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    Ellis97  over 4 years ago

    C’mon, have some sister quality time.

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    mamawcat  over 4 years ago

    Berenices lecture is over in 2 hours. It may take Luann 15 min. to get dressed. You guys read WAY to much into this strip.

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    fathergod  over 4 years ago

    Why is the strip acting like Luann and Bernice don’t know each other very well??

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    6foot6  over 4 years ago

    If I can just chime in here for a moment. It would seem that luann and burn are going to be drifting apart after this as the two of them will start to realize how much the other has changed.

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    luann1212  over 4 years ago

    Not too many so far have bite on my argument that the time it takes Luann to dress or prep is not the point, but going beyond that I do have a prediction, since I already am out on this limb anyway: I think that they will go out somewhere, maybe to the mall (this is non-Covid time remember) or some place where romance or romantic possibilities will pop up. I’m thinking Ben, and if so Bernice will be perturbed, and Luann will be attracted. She has no boyfriend and that is big with her. Or something else, Mordy?

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    GovernmentCheese  over 4 years ago

    Haha it’s funny because Luann takes at least 2 hours to get ready? Har har it’s funny because Luann doesn’t have any sort of fashion ritual at all that should take that long.

    HARDY HAR HAR it’s hilarious because Luann must take 2 hours on the potty. Someone get her checked for IBS.

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    tutibug5  over 4 years ago

    Sunday comic on July 26th – Luann explains the steps of getting ready. Wash, condition, dry, brush & style hair —shave legs safely —makeup —nails. Yep about 2 hours.

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    ttuerff  over 4 years ago

    Why is the scene flipped from yesterday? The bed’s now on the opposite wall.

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  40. Ligand1
    RSH  over 4 years ago

    Luann doesn’t dress for any activity but for the chance she might run into Mr. Right. Bern is probably more able to do something spontaneously as she will just get up from her computer and walk out the door. As for these two drifting apart, it doesn’t look like that will happen any time soon. Luann could call up any one of her many friends so why is she so desperate to do something with Bern? And why would Bern want to hang out with someone who is always scanning the horizon for someone else (a date, a boyfriend)? It’s about comfort. These two don’t have much in common but they are like sisters.

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  41. Ucomics2
    PeterPirate  over 4 years ago

    I think the point of today’s strip is Luann’s reaction to Bernice’s question.

    Whether Luann actually needs two hours to get dolled up is irrelevant.

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  42. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 4 years ago


    A very strong set of panels today showing very well that dichotomy between Luann and Bernice. And, at the same time it reiterates to me that NEITHER is wrong…. just different in their approach.

    Bernice is a linear sort of thinker, and Luann is non-linear.

    I suspect that there have been several times in the past where Bernice has been able to see and recognize that it takes Luann a sizable amount of time to prepare for her day…. and this is not a problem… it is just more of a “non-linear” approach. She futzes around thinking and comparing outfits, hair styles, etc. Bernice, on the other hand, is more “linear” in her approach. I suspect that she has a very efficient routine and knows the routine well in advance of when she goes to bed the evening before (in fact, I would not be surprised to find that Bernice may take an hour or two before a WEEK starts and plan her clothing for each day of the week in advance, so she may more easily (and swiftly) get through her morning routine. Again, NEITHER approach is inherently good or bad…. just different.

    The one difference I do see that still may cause a little bit of tension is in their respective awareness of each other. Bernice, the ever vigilant observer, has a pretty strong understanding of Luann and her patterns and her ways (This has been illustrated many times over the years, but is highlighted in Bernice’s accurate prediction that she can finish her lecture while Luann prepares.). I tend to see Luann, by contrast, being much less aware of Bernice’s patterns (not surprising though, for a non-linear, more in the moment sort). She tends to approach things with a mindset that folks all behave much like she does, and seems a bit less aware of other’s patterns. And, this can sometimes result in a bit of conflict. If conflict does occur, though…. it should likely be quite minor.

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    Nicki's ZoMcYo  over 4 years ago

    Wow! If I’ve already showered, it literally takes me only 5 minutes to get dressed. Even if it is somewhere nice- my only make up is some mascara and a bit of eyeliner! Hair is usually just down or in a low pony.

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  44. Baby huey scout fellow
    rrsltx  over 4 years ago

    This is the reality of life. Our interests change over time, and friends often grow apart from one another. You are who you are.

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    comic reader 22  over 4 years ago

    They can get caught up in a political protest, get arrested and Ben will come to bail them out. While Ben and Luann are getting ‘reacquainted" the handsome young officer that arrested them will ask for Bernice’s phone number.

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    Airman  over 4 years ago

    Where is Ben, anyway? Will he be the impetus to escape this sad and boring artist’s block?

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  47. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member over 4 years ago

    While reading old strips in missed years, I came across this.

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    jamesamber29  over 4 years ago

    Better hurry Luann 2 hours dressing past by fast!

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  49. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   over 4 years ago

    Hardy-Har-Har, Bern here is your Chance, Luann to be spontaneous?

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  50. 10 years later takeshi yamamoto
    Tha_Hype  over 4 years ago

    Think some of Bern will rub off on LuAnn and vice versa? Inquiring minds want to know…

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    rklynch  over 4 years ago

    Bernice made a funny.. Sort of..

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  52. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  over 4 years ago

    I fear that it needs be said/ and I say, with a measure of dread/ this Bernice-driven plot/ is grabbing me not/ it hangs by to slender a thread.

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  53. Toughcat
    bakana  over 4 years ago

    Two Hours. Oh God, she’s going to have to Rush.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 4 years ago

    Challenging, but Luann’s up to the challenge!!


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