The spread of COVID-19 (The Trump Virus, COVFEFE-45) is almost 100% the sole and exclusive fault of Donald Trump.
Trump did not create the virus or cause the pandemic to start, but he is the one responsible for taking a manageable infectious disease and turn it into a raging, out-of-control engine of death, exploding into a national emergency.
Before the virus hit, Trump promptly dismantled every proactive measure enacted by Obama and that had previously been available to him:
• Dismantled Obama’s Pandemic Preparedness Office
• Threw away the pandemic playbook Obama left for him
• Recalled all on-the-ground foreign inspectors, including one stationed in Wuhan, China
When the virus hit, Trump DID NOTHING FOR MONTHS, promising it would just go away to zero “like a miracle.”
• Ignored warnings from advisors
• Denied the severity of the possible pandemic
• Played golf and held massive, crowded rallies
• Refused access to testing that would cause numbers to look bad
I hope I live long enough to read Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book about the Trump years. (Assuming, of course, that the Trump years ever end. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be allowed to write the book…)
The Trump Disciples don’t care how many Americans he kills.
They do not care how much he holds military people, past and present in contempt and how much he dishonors them.
They do not care that he is a Traitor and continues to sell America out to the head of the KGB.
They do not care that he runs a criminal enterprise in the White House.
They do not care that he is massively corrupt.
They believe every one of his lies, and there are tens of thousands of them.
They are willing participants in all of the above.
All they really care about is returning to when America was “Great”. What being Great Again means is for America to return to segregation and Jim Crow laws, when Everybody Knew Their Place. Before all them liberal activist judges acted unconstitutionally and made rulings that Negroes were not only human, but were also citizens.
That’s what they care about. The rest is window dressing.
When Jared believed that the blue states would be hit hardest, that voters would blame the Democratic governors and that would be politically advantageous to Trump. The decision was made to sacrifice Americans, hundreds of thousands of Americans, to secure his re-election. Now to cover up that cluster-freaking-mess, he’s willing to go to herd immunity. Culling the herd a couple million might do the trick…
No. Thank you if your comic inspires even a few of the morons who won’t social distance, wear a mask, and believe that dumpty is their savior, to change their behavior. Worth it. Not that you’re worried, he can’t audit you, he’s not king yet. :)
I realise that it’s not politically correct to even question the claims made against Trump, but I wonder how much of the difference (which, you’ll note, is propagandistically absolute in that chart, not per-capita) is a function of the non-homogenous population in the US x the nature of access to US medical care, healthy food, clean water, shelter, etc. as privileges rather than human or even citizen rights.
I.e., how much is not exclusively Trump’s fault, but rather the joint fault of the Duopoly and its subservience to the owner class.
I suspect that if we were to look at the sequestered refugee populations in Europe, the ones living in tents with almost no human-grade amenities, we’d see a difference not unlike what that chart would show if it were per-capita rather than absolute.
Because most of us in the US might be seen, if looked at carefully, as “refugees in place”. We have access, at a high cost, to the cheap, gaudy shit that pacifies us (tv) or is used in service of the owner class (car), but we do not have, nor do we have have any prospect of getting, guaranteed access to the means of a dignified life.
Why aren’t we raging about that rather than about people failing to over-posterise the relatively <-(note the qualifier) minor differences between Trump and Biden? Why?
Glad to see that Trudeau has finally come up with the symbol to use for Hair Furor, THE MASS MURDERER OF AMERICANS!!! The Bloody Hands are 100% ACCURATE AND APPROPRIATE!!!
Of course, doesn’t that much blood make it really hard to hang onto his golf clubs????
What is truly sad is seeing that no matter how skillfully and accurately people ‐e.g. DD Wiz — expounds upon the truths found in reality, it falls upon deaf ears in the alt-reality bubble of the anti-democratic, fascist, pseudo-christian, xenophobic, nationalist, propagandized “Republican” cult that follows the authoritarian ☠resident, who would be king. Layers of conspiracy theories protect this tribal cult from learning who has turned the American constitutional democratic republic into a dysfunctional divisive infighting government that no longer serves the majority of its citizens but rather the ultra-wealthy.
Instead of intelligently arriving at a consensus on needed legislation, the infighting, and obstruction created by the warring political parties put control in the executive branch via executive orders. We need a unifying leadership that transcends the entrenched opposing/warring political parties and ends the division by focusing on the common goals of the majority, not the extremists at the polar ends of the political spectrum. We need to have new proactive leadership to address the issues that are wounding our nation not ignore them or impose ideological solutions that only one political cult truly believes in. I fear what our once truly democratic political system has become and what it is doing and NOT doing for the American people. Without unity, can we be a nation?
Thank you for today’s strip. The bloodstained hands are so right. If you update this graph, adding normative data might increase the impact. Korean war deaths, etc. Thanks for all the many years of work.
Yes, Trump was very thorough. We are thoroughly screwed in terms of our health and economy. This thing may dog us for the next 5 years even under new leadership.
What if this hand were thicker than itself with innocent blood? Is there not rain enough in heaven to wash it white as snow? Try what repentance can – what can it not? But O, what can it, when one can not repent?
The illustrative chart stops around 7/12/20. There is a downward trend if you follow a chart to the present. Kinda politically motivated, I’d say…
Covid could have been stopped in 8 weeks if everyone wore a mask.
The Trump admin has killed 180,000 in 8 months and they want to kill 2,000,000 with discredited herd immunity. Mass murderer Trump has shut down the USA and is keeping it shut down.
Why is Trump destroying the USA on purpose and why are we allowing him to do it?
It is amazing how many ignorant fools out there flatly refuse to accept Reality just because they don’t like what it is telling them. Simple denial never changes anything.
Burying your head in the sand only presents your ass for someone to come along and put a boot up it.
And I just now got a pop-up news flash: “Top Republicans are seeking to downplay the heavy toll of the cornavirus, in part by pointing to a conspiracy theory that the number of deaths is much lower.”
Now go and try to convince his base that this is true. It is absolutely infuriating that trying to talk to them is like trying to teach my dog algebra.
You people do realize, of course, that the United States is the third most populous country in the entire world, after China and India. Compare the populations with the cases, instead of the cases with the cases, and you’ll get more accurate statistics. Everyone is going to have to get the virus to stop it. The fatality rate is still less than 1%.
Thought experiment: what if a Democratic president had presided over 10% of the unecessary deaths that Trump has presided over? Would Republicans be howling for his blood? Why, of COURSE they would. What if a Democratic president had presided over ONE PERCENT of the unecessary deaths that can be (as a matter of objective reality) blamed on Li’l Donnie? Same answer.
By the way, the point isn’t that the U.S. has a large population, it’s that our response to the virus compared to the rest of the WORLD is pathetic. And even more pathetic compared to other modern industrialized countries. (I can’t believe I have to point this out, but apparently some people aren’t up on their bleedin’ math and logic……..)
Lemme see here… “patriots” claim US COVID-19 deaths aren’t so bad, right? About 200,000 deaths (up to now and still counting). So… “only” about 3,000 deaths for 9/11 and “only” about 2,300 deaths at Pearl Harbor weren’t so bad either, right? Riiiggghhht…
President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen on Thursday released the foreword of his upcoming book on working for the president, which says it will detail scandalous actions that include a back channel to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, “golden showers” at a Vegas sex club and lying to Trump’s wife Melania about his sexual infidelities.
Cohen in the foreword says that “Trump had colluded with the Russians, but not in the sophisticated ways imagined by his detractors” and “cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything — and I mean anything — to ‘win’ has always been his business model and way of life.”
The fallen lawyer in his book, “Disloyal, A Memoir,” also calls Trump a “cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man” whom he loyally served for years before Cohen turned on him after falling under federal criminal investigation.
“One last thing I can say with great confidence, as you turn the page and meet the real real Donald Trump for the first time: This is a book the President of the United States does not want you to read,” Cohen writes in the foreword, which was posted online.
“When Trump wanted to reach Russian President Vladimir Putin, via a secret back channel, I was tasked with making the connection in my Keystone Kop fashion,” Cohen writes.
“I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied and screamed at anyone who threatened Trump’s path to power,” Cohen wrote.
As of today 188,000 deaths lie at Trump’s feet. This makes him be through a sui generis policy by far, the greatest mass murderer in American history. You might accuse me of hyperbole, but Trump’s inactions are depraved and indifferent. Depraved indifference is constituted by “conduct must be ’so wanton, so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so lacking in regard for the life or lives of others, and so blameworthy as to warrant the same criminal liability as that which the law imposes upon a person who intentionally causes a crime.”
Please let us not forget about the enablers… Our congress has had the power, but not the will, to make the necessary corrections…. Is it too late to ask our representatives to represent us rather than those who pay them? This is a much deeper problem than just the clown at the top…
Wow. A while back I asked in a comment here, why of all POTUSes (POTUSi?), Why is DJT actually drawn and not some metaphorical, floating, cloud of air-quotes or something like every single one since Nixon. This. This why. Tough to show blood on the hands of a nebulous nothing. But you nailed it, Garry.
Yes, most definitely, it’s the blood of the American dead on his hands. And as Mr. Trudeau does so well, he portrayed Trump’s vanity hilariously. Bravo!
I just watched the evening news. The rise in cases is not Trump’s or the governor’s or any governmental agency but rather each and every person’s fault.
Everyone knows that we need to practice social distancing and wear masks but what happened this weekend? Large parties and people at the beaches / parks. We have no one to blame but ourselves at this point.
Mr. Trudeau, I’ve read you since the 1970’s, and I’m so glad you’re still providing insightful and hilarious commentary, even if only on Sundays! Thank you! I wish you all the best.
I’ve been reading Doonesbury since about the time it was first syndicated. The thing that has amazed me over the years is hows Trudeau seems able to keep current with each generation. And Rush Limbaugh has a Presidential Medal of Freedom and he does not. Go ask Alice!
While I love Trudeau and his brilliant cartoons, and while there are many many reasons to complain about this president’s response to CoVid-19, the truth is that if you try to make any comparison of countries, regions or policies, you should just wait. In November after day 225, the EU number of new cases per day exceeded the US.. But then, in December, around day 270 the US rose again to exceed the EU numbers…
BE THIS GUY over 4 years ago
United States
Coronavirus Cases: 6,431,152
Deaths: 192,818
DD Wiz over 4 years ago
The spread of COVID-19 (The Trump Virus, COVFEFE-45) is almost 100% the sole and exclusive fault of Donald Trump.
Trump did not create the virus or cause the pandemic to start, but he is the one responsible for taking a manageable infectious disease and turn it into a raging, out-of-control engine of death, exploding into a national emergency.
Before the virus hit, Trump promptly dismantled every proactive measure enacted by Obama and that had previously been available to him:
• Dismantled Obama’s Pandemic Preparedness Office
• Threw away the pandemic playbook Obama left for him
• Recalled all on-the-ground foreign inspectors, including one stationed in Wuhan, China
When the virus hit, Trump DID NOTHING FOR MONTHS, promising it would just go away to zero “like a miracle.”
• Ignored warnings from advisors
• Denied the severity of the possible pandemic
• Played golf and held massive, crowded rallies
• Refused access to testing that would cause numbers to look bad
JosephCoulter1 over 4 years ago
You have once again left me speechless and totally in awe. Thank you for hitting this one square out of the park.
Argythree over 4 years ago
I hope I live long enough to read Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book about the Trump years. (Assuming, of course, that the Trump years ever end. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be allowed to write the book…)
Aspen_Bell over 4 years ago
Oh, this is AWESOME.
braindead Premium Member over 4 years ago
The Trump Disciples don’t care how many Americans he kills.
They do not care how much he holds military people, past and present in contempt and how much he dishonors them.
They do not care that he is a Traitor and continues to sell America out to the head of the KGB.
They do not care that he runs a criminal enterprise in the White House.
They do not care that he is massively corrupt.
They believe every one of his lies, and there are tens of thousands of them.
They are willing participants in all of the above.
All they really care about is returning to when America was “Great”. What being Great Again means is for America to return to segregation and Jim Crow laws, when Everybody Knew Their Place. Before all them liberal activist judges acted unconstitutionally and made rulings that Negroes were not only human, but were also citizens.
That’s what they care about. The rest is window dressing.
feverjr Premium Member over 4 years ago
When Jared believed that the blue states would be hit hardest, that voters would blame the Democratic governors and that would be politically advantageous to Trump. The decision was made to sacrifice Americans, hundreds of thousands of Americans, to secure his re-election. Now to cover up that cluster-freaking-mess, he’s willing to go to herd immunity. Culling the herd a couple million might do the trick…
amethyst52 Premium Member over 4 years ago
No. Thank you if your comic inspires even a few of the morons who won’t social distance, wear a mask, and believe that dumpty is their savior, to change their behavior. Worth it. Not that you’re worried, he can’t audit you, he’s not king yet. :)
Johnny Q Premium Member over 4 years ago
It goes back to the US health care system’s basic shortcomings…
Dean over 4 years ago
And did not want to see the graves of “losers” because it would mess up his hair.
Petercowen over 4 years ago
Such tiny hands, so much blood.
shanen0 over 4 years ago
Too depressed these days, but this “Vote Him Away” video cheered me up a bit:
epicatt2- over 4 years ago
Ahhhh…. Darnold Trump: Making America GRATE Again!
Zesty over 4 years ago
What’s good for the hurricane is good for the virus …
Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico ‘did not die’
Trump repeats false claim about COVID-19 deaths on Fox News
VegaAlopex over 4 years ago
I would think Drumpf would be happier oranger. All hail, Agent Orange!
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
That’s just the perfect way to mark him.
Màiri over 4 years ago
I realise that it’s not politically correct to even question the claims made against Trump, but I wonder how much of the difference (which, you’ll note, is propagandistically absolute in that chart, not per-capita) is a function of the non-homogenous population in the US x the nature of access to US medical care, healthy food, clean water, shelter, etc. as privileges rather than human or even citizen rights.
I.e., how much is not exclusively Trump’s fault, but rather the joint fault of the Duopoly and its subservience to the owner class.
I suspect that if we were to look at the sequestered refugee populations in Europe, the ones living in tents with almost no human-grade amenities, we’d see a difference not unlike what that chart would show if it were per-capita rather than absolute.
Because most of us in the US might be seen, if looked at carefully, as “refugees in place”. We have access, at a high cost, to the cheap, gaudy shit that pacifies us (tv) or is used in service of the owner class (car), but we do not have, nor do we have have any prospect of getting, guaranteed access to the means of a dignified life.
Why aren’t we raging about that rather than about people failing to over-posterise the relatively <-(note the qualifier) minor differences between Trump and Biden? Why?
gokar n t fa over 4 years ago
Shave his head! Shave his head! Shave his head! Shave his head! Shave his head!
Tomscomics70 over 4 years ago
Bloody hands, HELL YES! All ways remember red and yellow (coward) make orange.
everett_r0 over 4 years ago
Bloody hands, nice touch and totally true…
scote1379 Premium Member over 4 years ago
RAL 666 Orange ?
Masterskrain over 4 years ago
Glad to see that Trudeau has finally come up with the symbol to use for Hair Furor, THE MASS MURDERER OF AMERICANS!!! The Bloody Hands are 100% ACCURATE AND APPROPRIATE!!!
Of course, doesn’t that much blood make it really hard to hang onto his golf clubs????
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
That just begs for a “out, damned spot” reference but I can’t figure a way to get it in.
superposition over 4 years ago
What is truly sad is seeing that no matter how skillfully and accurately people ‐e.g. DD Wiz — expounds upon the truths found in reality, it falls upon deaf ears in the alt-reality bubble of the anti-democratic, fascist, pseudo-christian, xenophobic, nationalist, propagandized “Republican” cult that follows the authoritarian ☠resident, who would be king. Layers of conspiracy theories protect this tribal cult from learning who has turned the American constitutional democratic republic into a dysfunctional divisive infighting government that no longer serves the majority of its citizens but rather the ultra-wealthy.
Instead of intelligently arriving at a consensus on needed legislation, the infighting, and obstruction created by the warring political parties put control in the executive branch via executive orders. We need a unifying leadership that transcends the entrenched opposing/warring political parties and ends the division by focusing on the common goals of the majority, not the extremists at the polar ends of the political spectrum. We need to have new proactive leadership to address the issues that are wounding our nation not ignore them or impose ideological solutions that only one political cult truly believes in. I fear what our once truly democratic political system has become and what it is doing and NOT doing for the American people. Without unity, can we be a nation?
Redd Panda over 4 years ago
At this point, I’d like to insert a string of profanities that would make a sailor blush. But, I am too much of a gentleman.
FLUSH trump.
paul GROSS Premium Member over 4 years ago
Just looked at the 7 day average on it does not look like that. We really dont need anymore manipulated data out there.
lorez.1 running on solar energy and batteries over 4 years ago
something to keep in mind… Trump is Putin’s choice to wreck america. he is “Trumputin”
bwoodruf Premium Member over 4 years ago
Thank you for today’s strip. The bloodstained hands are so right. If you update this graph, adding normative data might increase the impact. Korean war deaths, etc. Thanks for all the many years of work.
montessoriteacher over 4 years ago
Yes, Trump was very thorough. We are thoroughly screwed in terms of our health and economy. This thing may dog us for the next 5 years even under new leadership.
NCTom Premium Member over 4 years ago
Thank you.
fritzoid Premium Member over 4 years ago
What if this hand were thicker than itself with innocent blood? Is there not rain enough in heaven to wash it white as snow? Try what repentance can – what can it not? But O, what can it, when one can not repent?
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
Caught red handed. The red hand of the still living Dear Leader.
kendonna over 4 years ago
The illustrative chart stops around 7/12/20. There is a downward trend if you follow a chart to the present. Kinda politically motivated, I’d say…
Plods with ...™ over 4 years ago
And the $h!t storm continues.
Flossie Mud Duck over 4 years ago
Your hands, Mr. Gaslighter-in-Chief, your hands. You can’t wash it off.
Brent Rosenthal Premium Member over 4 years ago
The blood on the hands is a perfect punctuation mark.
GaryMann over 4 years ago
-TRUMP 2020
Teto85 Premium Member over 4 years ago
And the trumpanzees and tumpfluffers still support him. Nice addition to his identifying features.
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
“That’s not my blood. These are not my hands. That wasn’t my chart.”
Radish... over 4 years ago
Covid could have been stopped in 8 weeks if everyone wore a mask.
The Trump admin has killed 180,000 in 8 months and they want to kill 2,000,000 with discredited herd immunity. Mass murderer Trump has shut down the USA and is keeping it shut down.
Why is Trump destroying the USA on purpose and why are we allowing him to do it?
Trump needs to be removed from office NOW!
Kip W over 4 years ago
“Do you think this blood makes my fingers look longer? How about if the stripes were lengthwise?”
COL Crash over 4 years ago
It is amazing how many ignorant fools out there flatly refuse to accept Reality just because they don’t like what it is telling them. Simple denial never changes anything.
Burying your head in the sand only presents your ass for someone to come along and put a boot up it.
Joan Tinnin Premium Member over 4 years ago
Bloody tRump hands. Perfect symbol.
admiree2 over 4 years ago
Orange is the new blackness of heart.
PeterNelson over 4 years ago
I’ve a hard time seeing Trff Bmzklfrpz as a sycophant to Trump—couldn’t he be plotting a coup?
booknerd over 4 years ago
Looks like someone new is drawing the strip. I noticed it last week. As for the content… spot on as usual.
salunga over 4 years ago
And I just now got a pop-up news flash: “Top Republicans are seeking to downplay the heavy toll of the cornavirus, in part by pointing to a conspiracy theory that the number of deaths is much lower.”
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 4 years ago
Freedom! :-D
CharlotteFeldman over 4 years ago
Now go and try to convince his base that this is true. It is absolutely infuriating that trying to talk to them is like trying to teach my dog algebra.
Masterskrain over 4 years ago
So when did Trff Barr grow a mustache??
onespiceybbw over 4 years ago
You people do realize, of course, that the United States is the third most populous country in the entire world, after China and India. Compare the populations with the cases, instead of the cases with the cases, and you’ll get more accurate statistics. Everyone is going to have to get the virus to stop it. The fatality rate is still less than 1%.
Godfreydaniel over 4 years ago
It is, of course, sheer raw idiocy to state that “everyone is going to have to get the virus to stop it.” But enough of sheer raw idiots!
Godfreydaniel over 4 years ago
Thought experiment: what if a Democratic president had presided over 10% of the unecessary deaths that Trump has presided over? Would Republicans be howling for his blood? Why, of COURSE they would. What if a Democratic president had presided over ONE PERCENT of the unecessary deaths that can be (as a matter of objective reality) blamed on Li’l Donnie? Same answer.
Godfreydaniel over 4 years ago
By the way, the point isn’t that the U.S. has a large population, it’s that our response to the virus compared to the rest of the WORLD is pathetic. And even more pathetic compared to other modern industrialized countries. (I can’t believe I have to point this out, but apparently some people aren’t up on their bleedin’ math and logic……..)
Display over 4 years ago
Lemme see here… “patriots” claim US COVID-19 deaths aren’t so bad, right? About 200,000 deaths (up to now and still counting). So… “only” about 3,000 deaths for 9/11 and “only” about 2,300 deaths at Pearl Harbor weren’t so bad either, right? Riiiggghhht…
Radish... over 4 years ago
President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen on Thursday released the foreword of his upcoming book on working for the president, which says it will detail scandalous actions that include a back channel to Russian leader Vladimir Putin, “golden showers” at a Vegas sex club and lying to Trump’s wife Melania about his sexual infidelities.
Cohen in the foreword says that “Trump had colluded with the Russians, but not in the sophisticated ways imagined by his detractors” and “cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything — and I mean anything — to ‘win’ has always been his business model and way of life.”
The fallen lawyer in his book, “Disloyal, A Memoir,” also calls Trump a “cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man” whom he loyally served for years before Cohen turned on him after falling under federal criminal investigation.
“One last thing I can say with great confidence, as you turn the page and meet the real real Donald Trump for the first time: This is a book the President of the United States does not want you to read,” Cohen writes in the foreword, which was posted online.
“When Trump wanted to reach Russian President Vladimir Putin, via a secret back channel, I was tasked with making the connection in my Keystone Kop fashion,” Cohen writes.
“I stiffed contractors on his behalf, ripped off his business partners, lied to his wife Melania to hide his sexual infidelities, and bullied and screamed at anyone who threatened Trump’s path to power,” Cohen wrote.
Eric S over 4 years ago
and it’s his fault there is no snow on Mt St Helens!…even though it’s summer!…and it’s a semi active volcano!
bunrabbit99 over 4 years ago
nailed it.
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 4 years ago
World Records in Ball Dropping
2001-08-06 • Presidential Daily Brief: “Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US” • Bush did nothing.
2001-09-11 • 9/11 attacks • Death toll: 2,977 (5 weeks after PDB)
2020-01-07 • Presidential Daily Brief: “Analysts concluded [coronavirus] could be a cataclysmic event.” • Trump did nothing.
2020-03-11 • WHO declared a global pandemic.
2020-04-15 • Trump suspended US funding of WHO.
2020-09-06 • US coronavirus deaths: 193,041 (34 weeks after PDB)
For comparison …
Korean War (33,686) + Vietnam War (58,220) + Afghan War (7,970): 99,876
WW1: 116,516 (83 weeks for US)
WW2: 418,500 (195 weeks for US)
Civil War: ~620,000 (213 weeks)
Spanish flu: ~675,000 (~117 weeks)
JenSolo02 over 4 years ago
For past presidents, you only showed the symbol, and not the person. Does this mean that henceforth you will only show the hands?
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 4 years ago
Nothing wrong with that chart that can’t be fixed with a quick downward swipe of a Sharpie. That’ll solve everything.
countoftowergrove over 4 years ago
As of today 188,000 deaths lie at Trump’s feet. This makes him be through a sui generis policy by far, the greatest mass murderer in American history. You might accuse me of hyperbole, but Trump’s inactions are depraved and indifferent. Depraved indifference is constituted by “conduct must be ’so wanton, so deficient in a moral sense of concern, so lacking in regard for the life or lives of others, and so blameworthy as to warrant the same criminal liability as that which the law imposes upon a person who intentionally causes a crime.”
AlbenBrewder over 4 years ago
Please let us not forget about the enablers… Our congress has had the power, but not the will, to make the necessary corrections…. Is it too late to ask our representatives to represent us rather than those who pay them? This is a much deeper problem than just the clown at the top…
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 4 years ago
@WDD TDS Telecom is my Internet service provider, apparently the 10th largest ISP in the US:
Yeah, they’re pretty creative. Thanks for noticing!
GregZimmerman over 4 years ago
Cheeto Benito.
lordhoff over 4 years ago
Maybe because they have so few people?
SavannahJim Premium Member over 4 years ago
Wow. A while back I asked in a comment here, why of all POTUSes (POTUSi?), Why is DJT actually drawn and not some metaphorical, floating, cloud of air-quotes or something like every single one since Nixon. This. This why. Tough to show blood on the hands of a nebulous nothing. But you nailed it, Garry.
montessoriteacher over 4 years ago
Yes, all artist depictions should always show Trump as having blood on his hands. It is what he deserves.
Danangme over 4 years ago
TRUMP,A name that will go down in infamy
Flossie Mud Duck over 4 years ago
I went back and looked at this again today, and it makes me just want to cry.
Bicycle Dude over 4 years ago
Yes, most definitely, it’s the blood of the American dead on his hands. And as Mr. Trudeau does so well, he portrayed Trump’s vanity hilariously. Bravo!
Crash55 over 4 years ago
I just watched the evening news. The rise in cases is not Trump’s or the governor’s or any governmental agency but rather each and every person’s fault.
Everyone knows that we need to practice social distancing and wear masks but what happened this weekend? Large parties and people at the beaches / parks. We have no one to blame but ourselves at this point.
Jody H. Premium Member over 4 years ago
Mr. Trudeau, I’ve read you since the 1970’s, and I’m so glad you’re still providing insightful and hilarious commentary, even if only on Sundays! Thank you! I wish you all the best.
Miramichier over 4 years ago
I’ve been reading Doonesbury since about the time it was first syndicated. The thing that has amazed me over the years is hows Trudeau seems able to keep current with each generation. And Rush Limbaugh has a Presidential Medal of Freedom and he does not. Go ask Alice!
alengle over 4 years ago
Typhoid Trump does not care.
kimodb Premium Member about 4 years ago
not orange enough
Wilkus about 4 years ago
While I love Trudeau and his brilliant cartoons, and while there are many many reasons to complain about this president’s response to CoVid-19, the truth is that if you try to make any comparison of countries, regions or policies, you should just wait. In November after day 225, the EU number of new cases per day exceeded the US.. But then, in December, around day 270 the US rose again to exceed the EU numbers…®ion=World&casesMetric=true&interval=smoothed&aligned=true&smoothing=7&pickerMetric=total_cases&pickerSort=desc
(Or the equivalent OurWorld In Data graph at this tinyURL: ).
Most administrative regions have had good or bad luck with this pandemic, that can overwhelm the good or bad leadership by those regions.
That said, I agree with the cartoon’s point that this president’s leadership has been lacking.