OK … now, hear me out … There actually is an answer to the “Which came first – the chicken or the egg?” controversy.
Some eons ago, the evolution of birds produced animals that were proto-chickens – birds that almost, but not quite, had the characteristics of modern chickens. Two proto-chickens mated and the embryo inside the egg which was laid by the female proto-chicken experienced one or more genetic mutations. When hatched, the first modern chicken emerged. This first modern chicken then mated with other proto-chickens, with the characteristics of the modern chicken being the dominant traits. Over time the proto-chicken traits faded away from the chicken species to where only modern chicken traits remained.
According to the internet, first there was water, organic molecules and lightning which led to RNA and DNA in some Frankensteinish way. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/01/200122150008.htm
Reminds me of a prank several of us pulled in school many years ago. We concocted “The Ultimate Math Word Problem.” Alas I can’t remember it in it’s entirety but it went something like this.
An airplane leaves San Francisco flying east to New York, with one stop in Chicago for refueling. A passenger train leaves New York travelling west and will stop in Chicago, St. Louis, Albuquerque, and Phoenix before arriving in Los Angeles. There are 130 passengers on the aircraft, and 450 passengers on the train. In Chicago, 25 passengers get off the plane and 15 other passenger get aboard. The train loses about 12 passengers per stop, but gains at least five to 10 new passengers. Both the plane and the train are on time, and have good weather. From this information, determine what happened to the chicken. Show your work.
A chicken and an egg are in bed. The chicken is laying back, relaxing and smoking a cigarette. The egg has has it’s arms crossed and scowls, “I guess that answers THAT question.”
@Alabama AlYou were doing great, then you screwed it up with your last sentence. There was no “First Chicken or First Chicken Egg.” Evolution does NOT work that way. Individuals do not evolve, populations evolve with traits spread over the entire population. The entire population slowly drifts on a continum from non-chicken to chicken, but we cannot at any point in time pick out an individual or it’s egg and say, “This is the First Chicken.” The best we could do is get a representative bird from 1000 generations. We can say, “Bird #1 is clearly not a chicken and bird #1000 is clearly a chicken.” But, what about bird #999, what is it?
You were correct at “Over time the proto-chicken traits faded away from the chicken species to where only modern chicken traits remained.” and should have stopped there.
Enter.Name.Here over 3 years ago
Keep going and it could become a plot for another “Jurassic” something or another movie.
Concretionist over 3 years ago
Evolution: Chickens were birds, were feathered dinosaurs.
Alabama Al over 3 years ago
OK … now, hear me out … There actually is an answer to the “Which came first – the chicken or the egg?” controversy.
Some eons ago, the evolution of birds produced animals that were proto-chickens – birds that almost, but not quite, had the characteristics of modern chickens. Two proto-chickens mated and the embryo inside the egg which was laid by the female proto-chicken experienced one or more genetic mutations. When hatched, the first modern chicken emerged. This first modern chicken then mated with other proto-chickens, with the characteristics of the modern chicken being the dominant traits. Over time the proto-chicken traits faded away from the chicken species to where only modern chicken traits remained.
So, obviously it was the egg which came first.
John M over 3 years ago
It’s obvious eggs come first – eggs for breakfast, chicken for dinner ;)
dadoctah over 3 years ago
“I crossed the road for this?”
submachine over 3 years ago
Where is Pierre of the north?
jessie d. over 3 years ago
well, you got a chicken and an egg-head of a lawyer, who you gonna believe?
Say What? Premium Member over 3 years ago
Over easy first, BBQ later.
oldchas over 3 years ago
According to the internet, first there was water, organic molecules and lightning which led to RNA and DNA in some Frankensteinish way. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/01/200122150008.htm
mikeyman over 3 years ago
No historical references to “The Colonel” or “The Coop”?
proclusstudent over 3 years ago
The rooster.
[Unnamed Reader - 91e520] over 3 years ago
Unless you believe in direct Creation.
[Unnamed Reader - 91e520] over 3 years ago
Actually I should say, unless direct Creation is true.
ChazNCenTex over 3 years ago
Don’t give up, egg him on for more info.
gmu328 over 3 years ago
scrambled or fried?
kartis over 3 years ago
There is a paper on this: https://isotropic.org/papers/chicken.pdf
Michael G. over 3 years ago
“Goddidit!” – Uncritical thinkers
Alverant over 3 years ago
The egg came first. Reptiles have been laying eggs millions of years before chickens, or any birds, evolved.
comixbomix over 3 years ago
Clue: the prize is chickenfeed…
sandpiper over 3 years ago
Most of the ancestor dot coms promised great results for any search but this one nearly shut them down.
Bookworm over 3 years ago
Reminds me of a prank several of us pulled in school many years ago. We concocted “The Ultimate Math Word Problem.” Alas I can’t remember it in it’s entirety but it went something like this.
An airplane leaves San Francisco flying east to New York, with one stop in Chicago for refueling. A passenger train leaves New York travelling west and will stop in Chicago, St. Louis, Albuquerque, and Phoenix before arriving in Los Angeles. There are 130 passengers on the aircraft, and 450 passengers on the train. In Chicago, 25 passengers get off the plane and 15 other passenger get aboard. The train loses about 12 passengers per stop, but gains at least five to 10 new passengers. Both the plane and the train are on time, and have good weather. From this information, determine what happened to the chicken. Show your work.
DCBakerEsq over 3 years ago
And you’re both delicious.
jimboklein over 3 years ago
A chicken and an egg are in bed. The chicken is laying back, relaxing and smoking a cigarette. The egg has has it’s arms crossed and scowls, “I guess that answers THAT question.”
Mel-T-Pass Premium Member over 3 years ago
Yep, eggs were in play long before chickens evolved
LeslieAnn Premium Member over 3 years ago
That chicken is So cute!
spaced man spliff over 3 years ago
To an ornithologist: An egg is a hen’s way of making another hen. To a geneticist: A hen is an egg’s way of making another egg.
Ammosexual is loving #47 in Office again. Premium Member over 3 years ago
Your ancestors were Slaves, easy
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 3 years ago
No Wiley it goes back to the dinosaurs with the Tyrant King as their direct ancestors.
Vangoghdog01 over 3 years ago
@Alabama AlYou were doing great, then you screwed it up with your last sentence. There was no “First Chicken or First Chicken Egg.” Evolution does NOT work that way. Individuals do not evolve, populations evolve with traits spread over the entire population. The entire population slowly drifts on a continum from non-chicken to chicken, but we cannot at any point in time pick out an individual or it’s egg and say, “This is the First Chicken.” The best we could do is get a representative bird from 1000 generations. We can say, “Bird #1 is clearly not a chicken and bird #1000 is clearly a chicken.” But, what about bird #999, what is it?
You were correct at “Over time the proto-chicken traits faded away from the chicken species to where only modern chicken traits remained.” and should have stopped there.
bakana over 3 years ago
“A zygote is a gamete’s way of producing more gametes. This may be the purpose of the universe.” — Robert Heinlein
DieterWiesner over 3 years ago
It was the Rooster.
levekk over 3 years ago
The chicken came first ‘cause it’s hard to imagine God sitting on an egg…
[Unnamed Reader - 91e520] over 3 years ago
Now for my answer: God came first. It was his prerogative to create as He pleased.