We’d be more successful if we did it together. And it needs to be done. The roots of the Tree of Liberty are thirsty for tyrant blood, and there’s plenty on both sides of the aisle.
I am always interested in the media hype for the ‘insurrection’, yet we remember vividly the riots that swept the nation for BLM and Antifa that involved municipal buildings, police stations with burning and looting not to mention the many businesses that were destroyed. But oddly, that means little today despite us all learning that the feds were involved in whipping up the crowd and leading them into the capital building where the capital police were told to let them in. We can not deny these things. They happened. I am pretty sure that the left is intent on having a one party rule. Oh wait a minute, that is what we have, No checks and balances here.And just why are we sending our athletes to China as they continue to threaten Taiwan?And now Anal Swabs for our people when they arrive! WTH!?Nothing is making sense anymore!
A little-known fact from the dark days of WW2 is that John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Richard J. Daley all served in the US Navy in the Pacific theater and were in fact all aboard the same frigate when it was sunk by the Japanese. By chance, they found themselves sharing a lifeboat. Taking stock of the inventory, they realized that they had only enuf provisions for a single person to survive until he reached the nearest friendly island. So, as staunch American believers in democracy, each man gave a speech as to why he should be the one to get the boat while the other 2 jumped overboard. Then they voted. The results were Kennedy, 1; Nixon, 1; and Daley, 243.
And an insurrection on that island will get ‘em about as far as the last one. If an insurrection takes place on an island and there’s no one around to witness it, did it really happen?
Also, insurrectionists apparently don’t bring torches or other weapons to burn buildings (that’s for “mostly peaceful” protesting) or any other weapons or instruments of major destruction or death, or other means for actually taking control and holding it — wait, what’s an insurrection for again? — got the hat right, though.
It’s not an Insurrection as much as it is a major Evolutionary movement precipitated by all the intense Environmental pressures we’ve only created for ourselves in our incredibly foolish ways and love of ignorance.
Concretionist about 3 years ago
Two people can figure out how to get along. As soon as there’s a third, though, two of them will form a “get along” to oppose the other.
MichaelAxelFleming about 3 years ago
A “friend” of mine says that democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.
jvo about 3 years ago
An autocracy is just one wolf, and whatever sheep come to hand.
Enter.Name.Here about 3 years ago
Looks like Biden is on top again… and he’s got the nuts to prove it.
Imagine about 3 years ago
Typical. In the end they always end up fighting each other.
Aussie Down Under about 3 years ago
What no face paint?
Ermine Notyours about 3 years ago
The guy on the tree must be a Mutts reader.
Detroit Dan about 3 years ago
’It’s my turn to be the Grand Poobah!’
William Bednar Premium Member about 3 years ago
Great cartoon, Wiley! You’ve managed to capture the essence of the U.S. Congress!
bbenoit about 3 years ago
Well, at least they’re on an island so the shaman can protect his sensitive tummy from any non-vegan food.
Display about 3 years ago
No wonder the trolls feel left out. Don’t know which hand is doing what so they just end up twiddling their thumbs.
sandpiper about 3 years ago
Reminds me of a certain governmental institution in a fairy-tale land on the Potomac.
TMMILLER Premium Member about 3 years ago
I’ll just bring up “Lord of the Flies.”
rhpii about 3 years ago
More like a snit.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 3 years ago
Hey, it’s my turn to be outraged.
For a Just and Peaceful World about 3 years ago
What! No orange skin?
Lenavid about 3 years ago
We’d be more successful if we did it together. And it needs to be done. The roots of the Tree of Liberty are thirsty for tyrant blood, and there’s plenty on both sides of the aisle.
Masterskrain about 3 years ago
Mediatech about 3 years ago
“The trouble with democracy is that they let folks vote for the guy what I don’t like.” – Archie Bunker
Tetonbil about 3 years ago
I am always interested in the media hype for the ‘insurrection’, yet we remember vividly the riots that swept the nation for BLM and Antifa that involved municipal buildings, police stations with burning and looting not to mention the many businesses that were destroyed. But oddly, that means little today despite us all learning that the feds were involved in whipping up the crowd and leading them into the capital building where the capital police were told to let them in. We can not deny these things. They happened. I am pretty sure that the left is intent on having a one party rule. Oh wait a minute, that is what we have, No checks and balances here.And just why are we sending our athletes to China as they continue to threaten Taiwan?And now Anal Swabs for our people when they arrive! WTH!?Nothing is making sense anymore!
mistercatworks about 3 years ago
I guess that was decided by a vote.
Richard S Russell Premium Member about 3 years ago
A little-known fact from the dark days of WW2 is that John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Richard J. Daley all served in the US Navy in the Pacific theater and were in fact all aboard the same frigate when it was sunk by the Japanese. By chance, they found themselves sharing a lifeboat. Taking stock of the inventory, they realized that they had only enuf provisions for a single person to survive until he reached the nearest friendly island. So, as staunch American believers in democracy, each man gave a speech as to why he should be the one to get the boat while the other 2 jumped overboard. Then they voted. The results were Kennedy, 1; Nixon, 1; and Daley, 243.
po'dawg about 3 years ago
Good one! about 3 years ago
Yosemite Sam as Robinson Crusoe.
GiantShetlandPony about 3 years ago
Seems more like “Failed Democracy Island.”
braindead Premium Member about 3 years ago
Don’t forget the election nullification laws.
keenanthelibrarian about 3 years ago
And an insurrection on that island will get ‘em about as far as the last one. If an insurrection takes place on an island and there’s no one around to witness it, did it really happen?
Brian Premium Member about 3 years ago
Is that Wilbur?
DaBump Premium Member about 3 years ago
Also, insurrectionists apparently don’t bring torches or other weapons to burn buildings (that’s for “mostly peaceful” protesting) or any other weapons or instruments of major destruction or death, or other means for actually taking control and holding it — wait, what’s an insurrection for again? — got the hat right, though.
COL Crash about 3 years ago
It’s not an Insurrection as much as it is a major Evolutionary movement precipitated by all the intense Environmental pressures we’ve only created for ourselves in our incredibly foolish ways and love of ignorance.