We went to the vet last weekend for shots, etc. I stuck the receipt on the bottom of the refrigerator, eye level for my two boys. I told them they owed me lap time for that bill. They haven’t paid me back yet.
Arlo, if the cat didn’t love you he would go sleep in the bedroom. He does love you so he wants to be near you, even if he doesn’t share your interest in basketball.
With dogs, if they are raised to sleep on laps they will always do it, no matter how big they get. With cats, it seems to be random if they want your lap, unless you are pregnant. Then they like the extra warmth and will hang around all they can, in my experience. I haven’t had a cat in years due to a new allergy. I kind of want one now, but I don’t ever want kitty litter again and my cats were all housecats and where I live, a cat wouldn’t last long going outside. If the weather didn’t kill it, the wildlife would eat well.
My tortoiseshell cat has the typical tortie attitude. Right now, she is standing inches away from me, staring at the tablet in my lap and my crossed legs. She will do this until I make a comfortable lap for her.
Many nights I sleep in a chair with my feet on an ottoman due to a medical condition I have.
A few nights ago I was wide awake due to chronic insomnia, and so observed the family cat:
1. Climb halfway up onto the ottoman
2. Realize that my feet were up on there
3. Climb back down
At first I thought that perhaps he wanted my lap and so was going to join me, and was a little disappointed. But when I told this to one of the relatives I’m living with, she explained that sometimes the cat just likes to sit on the ottoman and was probably disappointed to find that it was in use.
Ahuehuete almost 3 years ago
You’d thank that after all these years he would know that Luddie is a cat.
alasko almost 3 years ago
Arlo isn’t soft enough.
eolan59 almost 3 years ago
No blanket on the lap
Tyge almost 3 years ago
You’re in MY spot!
SpacedInvader Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I think Luddie likes the corner where he doesn’t have to worry about his spot getting up and leaving for some reason.
Robin Harwood almost 3 years ago
No. He wants the spot you have just warmed up. I am not allowed to tell you how I know about this behaviour.
Charliegirl Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I feel your pain. They so often do that, lol.
jr1234 almost 3 years ago
Sheldon’s spot :D
JessieRandySmithJr. almost 3 years ago
My cats won’t climb in my lap invited…they wait until I am on my laptop, usually when I am working on my finances.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Cats have always been, “Pet me, slaaave.”
annefackler61 almost 3 years ago
My Tabby Gus will stretch out across hubby and I every evening. Forget getting up until he’s finished his deep sleep.
Walkdad2 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Only when the weather is cold. Of course, if he gets on your lap he’s likely to start kneading/making biscuits.
assrdood almost 3 years ago
No lap for me, human. I want my own spot. I’ll revisit that decision as dinner time approaches.
kingbrlee Premium Member almost 3 years ago
The little buddy is leaving that spot for Janis.
Lemon Juice almost 3 years ago
We went to the vet last weekend for shots, etc. I stuck the receipt on the bottom of the refrigerator, eye level for my two boys. I told them they owed me lap time for that bill. They haven’t paid me back yet.
klapre almost 3 years ago
That’s why I have a dog.
jarvisloop almost 3 years ago
Great expectations followed by great disappointment.
Ed The Red Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Arlo, if the cat didn’t love you he would go sleep in the bedroom. He does love you so he wants to be near you, even if he doesn’t share your interest in basketball.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I guess not, Arlo…guess not.
NCGalFromNJ almost 3 years ago
My kitty loves to sit on my lap every night
Cincoflex almost 3 years ago
My cat only sits on my lap when she’s cold.
raybarb44 almost 3 years ago
No and no……
Bill The Nuke almost 3 years ago
My black cat insisted on laying on me no matter what I was doing, including working under the sink.
Moonkey Premium Member almost 3 years ago
With dogs, if they are raised to sleep on laps they will always do it, no matter how big they get. With cats, it seems to be random if they want your lap, unless you are pregnant. Then they like the extra warmth and will hang around all they can, in my experience. I haven’t had a cat in years due to a new allergy. I kind of want one now, but I don’t ever want kitty litter again and my cats were all housecats and where I live, a cat wouldn’t last long going outside. If the weather didn’t kill it, the wildlife would eat well.
CynthiaLeigh almost 3 years ago
I prefer beside me to in my lap so I can get up and down without moving the cat.
SmashedHat almost 3 years ago
All the warmth with none of the bother.
scaeva Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Because cat.
bobw2012 almost 3 years ago
You are in my spot.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 3 years ago
“…the better to sharpen my claws on.”
Lightpainter almost 3 years ago
Most of my cats never liked sitting on a lap; they wanted to lay next to us.
JoHo Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Is Luddie’s name Gilligan now?
ScretWitch almost 3 years ago
Luddie must be mimicking Sheldon Cooper – “You’re in my spot.”
Laurie Stoker Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Yeah … cat. However, had he said to keep going, you know it would have stopped on his lap. Let’s say it all together: CATS!!! (I still love them)
lindz.coop Premium Member almost 3 years ago
My cat prefers to get on my lap for a few minutes and then curl up beside me.
sbwertz almost 3 years ago
Mine wants in my lap when I’m reading, on the laptop, eating, or anything else that is made inconvenient by the presence of a cat. And I love it.
donwestonmysteries almost 3 years ago
Cat thing.
bevgreyjones almost 3 years ago
My tortoiseshell cat has the typical tortie attitude. Right now, she is standing inches away from me, staring at the tablet in my lap and my crossed legs. She will do this until I make a comfortable lap for her.
Ironhold almost 1 year ago
Many nights I sleep in a chair with my feet on an ottoman due to a medical condition I have.
A few nights ago I was wide awake due to chronic insomnia, and so observed the family cat:
1. Climb halfway up onto the ottoman
2. Realize that my feet were up on there
3. Climb back down
At first I thought that perhaps he wanted my lap and so was going to join me, and was a little disappointed. But when I told this to one of the relatives I’m living with, she explained that sometimes the cat just likes to sit on the ottoman and was probably disappointed to find that it was in use.