Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for March 04, 2022

  1. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member about 3 years ago

    “Ape, if there’s ever been a time in your life you were able the shut the F up, make that time NOW!”

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  2. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  about 3 years ago
    ”The Gang’s All Here~!!” ✨
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  3. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 3 years ago

    Good morning™, everyone!

    It’s Rose, as many of us figured, and she looks like a mean one. While everyone is distracted, do you suppose Ape and Ferret can get involved? Ape looks worried.

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  4. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 3 years ago

    Good morning™, about to be robbed avengers !

    So next we’ll see Tracy and Sam behind the henchies ?  I hope Rose gets one off before this whole thing comes crashing down. Ape wonders if he’ll get paid. A dead boss is a non paying boss.

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  5. Brainygrrrl avatar
    L Silverman  about 3 years ago

    Snow…Yeti, get it? Yuck-yuck-yuck!

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    22ph  about 3 years ago

    Rose is as mean as the gun she’s holding.

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  7. The phantom reference book edition alfons germany june 2022 1
    Phantomfire 01  about 3 years ago

    Mark creates some clever and snazzy plots twists and Shelley’s drafts are lively, elegant and and full of zing! Way cool!

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  8. Missing large
    Jab Jr 1957  about 3 years ago

    Ape ‘n Ferret are visible in panel 1, in the background. Ferret’s cloak is purple instead of red.

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    22ph  about 3 years ago

    Tracy and Sam are watching from a distance and listening to the conversation while waiting for the cavalry to arrive.

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  10. Index
    GoComicsGo!  about 3 years ago

    So who’s going to go full Revvy? Ferret or Rose?

    At the moment it appears to be Rose.

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    sugordon  about 3 years ago

    Does anyone else here think Rose looks a bit like Joan Crawford?

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    Black76Manta  about 3 years ago

    Well, well, this is going to get very interesting!

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    therese_callahan2002  about 3 years ago

    “Life is very short, and there’s no time for fussing and fighting, my friend.”

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  14. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 3 years ago

    Wow, well drawn today! Ape’s expression last panel!

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    cmerb  about 3 years ago

    Shelley , has done a super , great job today . It is hard to pick out a favorite in todays cartoon . The first image with the mirror is just out of this world . And Yeti is depicted so cool in the second panel , ! WOW ! This one is a real dandy for sure .

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    Tradewinds309  about 3 years ago

    Ferret looked at Yeti, Daisy, and Rose and noticed that the sewers in Tracyville have a dress code. She is warning Ape that they are underdressed.

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  17. Missing large
    Chris  about 3 years ago

    well, look who came to his rescue… and if I remember right, Tracy and Sam aren’t too far behind either.

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  18. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  about 3 years ago

    rose? daisy? does he have other sisters named Hyacinthe ?

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  19. Alfred 2020 11 21 at 7.37.36 pm
    Whizbang!!  about 3 years ago

    Loyal Fans Enjoy!!! Yesterday’s panels and today’s panel one today!!! – Doesn’t get much than this in today’s mediocre culture!!! Thanks Pleger and Curtis!!

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  20. Iroh
    jim_pem  about 3 years ago

    It would be a boring story to do what might happen in real life: walk in a shoot Yeti without a conversation. If I were a vengeful crook who knew the business, I wouldn’t have offed his client base to begin with, but rather simply taken the business and run with it. So what else is going on here? If I were a smart crook, I would have cased the joint, tailed the henchmen, posted a guard, and sent a hit man instead of getting my own hands dirty.

    All that to say, I wonder if Daisy and Rose have plans to keep Yeti alive for some other purpose.

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  21. Unnamed
    Another Take  about 3 years ago

    1-DAISY: “Look behind me” you say? Oldest trick in the book, Al. You must be desperate to try that one.

    2-AL: Fine. Then you won’t mind if I tell them how to get me out of this predicament. Ape! Ferret! Make a loud noise and when Rose turns in surprise, I’ll dart her with enough spider venom to fell a horse! Ok… NOW!

    3-FERRET: Shhh

    DAISY: Oh just give it up, man! It’s pathetic!

    AL: Ape? Ferret? I’m sorry if I’ve ever been short with you. Ummm, I’ll double your salary. No, no. TRIPLE IT! Uh oh…

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  22. Missing large  about 3 years ago

    MOVIE QUOTE—“Say,is it my imagination or is it getting crowded in here?”

    Groucho—A NIGHT AT THE OPERA—1935

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  23. Icon2
    Wichita1.0  about 3 years ago

    Yeti might have some spare change in his pockets, so he’d ‘pay’ in a way. They might work cheaply.

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  24. Icon2
    Wichita1.0  about 3 years ago

    OWWW! Pulled an ‘Ape’ today: slammed the dishwasher door on my finger. Well, at least I know the nerves in it work!

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  25. Missing large  about 3 years ago

    The scariest “Rose” I ever saw was Ethel Merman.But this one is a close second.

    Seriously,one look at Rose and I want her to survive for future use.

    Ape and Ferret hang back and will fight the winner.Or Ferret will fight the winner and Ape will fight the dead loser.

    Sam and Tracy will arrive late,with a pushbroom.

     •  Reply
  26. Missing large  about 3 years ago


    How can I “discuss” the Wiki/fandom block with you if I’m also blocked from discussing it with you?

    You must be a Joseph Heller fan..Once again,please remove the block.I would like to do some of the “small fry” in Rughead’sgang—John Medick;Ig;and Sid Jonah

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  27. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  about 3 years ago

    “It was unfortunate, Daisy…” This guy does not sound too broken up over Daisy’s misfortune.

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  28. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  about 3 years ago

    Rose is the most popular name for a girl in Tracyville. Everything’s coming up Roses.

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  29. Udog 1
    ScottHolman  about 3 years ago

    I think Ferret will handle this. Is she reaching for something under her cape?

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  30. Bill murray drink
    Eric S   about 3 years ago

    Yeti sees his associates

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    Ed The Red Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Quit talking and pull the damn trigger already. I don’t remember Flattop standing around yapping when someone needed shooting.

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  32. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  about 3 years ago

    Ok everyone…it’s ready!

    Chapter Four of “TROUBLE IN PARADISE?” is up and ready for y’all to read!

    As promised, there’s some interesting background on our two new Tracy Team members Eiko O’Malley and Lotus Blossom PLUS the introduction of a bunch of new characters AND a cameo appearance from a character not seen in a while in the actual Tracy strip (if memory serves)

    Here’s the link!


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  33. Missing large  about 3 years ago

    When Rod Steiger made AL CAPONE in 1959,capone’s surviving relatives had the gall to sue the studio for defamation.

    The suit was laughed out of court,but it shows up what different worlds some people live in.Highly recommend the film,which is 90% historically accurate.But they gave Jake Lingle a phony name.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 3 years ago

    Rose looks like a pull the trigger till the magazine is empty kind of woman.

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  35. Index
    GoComicsGo!  about 3 years ago

    Can Yeti see Ferret and Ape in P2 and that’s why he’s calm and smiling?

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  36. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 3 years ago

    Yeti’s business shrinkage is the least of his worries, as it turns out!

    We learn that Daisy’s sister is indeed named Rose, as so many have suspected/expected. And like Daisy, so nick-named because he always keeps a daisy in his lapel, Rose sports a rose on her burgundy-rose outfit. We see her face close-up for the first time, too, and she is one hard looking lady, clearly enough not hesitant to spray hot lead all over Yeti’s HQ, and of course Yeti, too, if she doesn’t miss with that inaccurate, high-rate-of-fire machine pistol (whatever its make, Steyr, MAC, Uzi, or yet some other).

    Meanwhile, lurking in the background, Ferret shushes a very worried-looking Ape (he’s big, but not inherently violent; on a personal note, I had a fraternity brother in college much like that: a very big heavyweight wrestler on the varsity team, he was as gentle a man as one could imagine when not grappling).

    Now, all that we lack is the arrival of Tracy and Sam, to complicate this already tangled Showdown in the Sewer!

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  37. Music   circle of fifths
    JastMe  about 3 years ago

    So Daisy & Rose are between Ape & Ferret and Yeti. Wonder what he’s expecting them to do, now that he’s seen them.

    Though they should know they’re around – Yeti was getting pretty loud hollering for them just as D & R showed up.

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