Calvin was just being patriotic here. The country was in a recession — some called it a “jobless recovery” — and people like Calvin’s Dad had to do their part to help the economy recover.
If you want to stay in office as Dad, you need to promote consumer confidence. Might I suggest a stimulus package in the form of an increased allowance? This will put more money in the pockets of your target demographic, and enable them to buy more cool stuff…
It surprises me that Calvin has even the slightest knowledge to understand ‘The WSJ’ let alone to interrupt it into a meaningful sentence above his six-year-old education ! ! ! !
many years ago I worked for vanguard investments. the managers would get the WSJ delivered every day, they knew on Friday’s I got it first so I could read the wine reviews.
I, with a finely honed sense of self-preservation, knew better than to present my parents with a list asking for “big ticket items.” I did ask for a chemistry set and a microscope in addition to books. I got the microscope first and the next year I got the chemistry set.
Wait – you mean people with money who create jobs, employ the lower classes, buy consumer goods and services, spend money on entertainment, etc.; are not evil? Do those on the left know this?
BE THIS GUY about 2 years ago
Calvin was just being patriotic here. The country was in a recession — some called it a “jobless recovery” — and people like Calvin’s Dad had to do their part to help the economy recover.
codycab about 2 years ago
Just tell Calvin that other people beat you to it, Dad. He’ll understand and also be disappointed but still…
leopardglily about 2 years ago
Templo S.U.D. about 2 years ago
nice son/father talk, eh, sir?
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member about 2 years ago
Calvin as one of the “Chicago boys” (MIlton Friedman and friends).
eastern.woods.metal about 2 years ago
The grandkids are still of and age that equates a big package with a big price
sirbadger about 2 years ago
Calvin sounds like a politician who advocates more government spending.
nsr60 about 2 years ago
If you want to stay in office as Dad, you need to promote consumer confidence. Might I suggest a stimulus package in the form of an increased allowance? This will put more money in the pockets of your target demographic, and enable them to buy more cool stuff…
Robin Harwood about 2 years ago
Nice to see Calvin showing some social responsibility.
Bilan about 2 years ago
Dad is already spending plenty to help the economy – thanks to Calvin: broken windows, trips to pick him up from school, etc . . .
tigerdg about 2 years ago
I’m sure a flamethrower is one of those “big ticket” items.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 2 years ago
The Daily Diary of American Greed.
BigDaveGlass about 2 years ago
There’s always an excuse…….
sandpiper about 2 years ago
Just don’t give him a cell phone, unless you want him to never again join in dinner table conversation.
Cpeckbourlioux about 2 years ago
Is it just me, or does it look like Dad’s head is coming out of the chair?
'IndyMan' about 2 years ago
It surprises me that Calvin has even the slightest knowledge to understand ‘The WSJ’ let alone to interrupt it into a meaningful sentence above his six-year-old education ! ! ! !
pixiekitten Premium Member about 2 years ago
Think of the jobs that a flame-thrower will bring, Dad.
jagedlo about 2 years ago
Calvin the capitalist?
SquidGamerGal about 2 years ago
Just get him some video games already! It might make him shut up about things children should not have!
Milady Meg about 2 years ago
Or you could have a talk about economics and economic responsibility. You missed your opportunity.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 2 years ago
many years ago I worked for vanguard investments. the managers would get the WSJ delivered every day, they knew on Friday’s I got it first so I could read the wine reviews.
dflak about 2 years ago
Shahbaz Arshad about 2 years ago
Clever boy
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 2 years ago
A little knowledge goes a long way towards annoying the people who have more.
Zebrastripes about 2 years ago
Let’s see, what’s on his list……one dirt bike, an iPad, buds, etc etc
Just-me about 2 years ago
I, with a finely honed sense of self-preservation, knew better than to present my parents with a list asking for “big ticket items.” I did ask for a chemistry set and a microscope in addition to books. I got the microscope first and the next year I got the chemistry set.
EnlilEnkiEa about 2 years ago
My dad didn’t read financial news, he left his Playboys under the bed. “Dad, for Xmas I want … her.”
Masterskrain about 2 years ago
He’s got you there, Dad…
rshive about 2 years ago
Nice try Calvin. But I don’t think the business lingo did much good.
g04922 about 2 years ago
Calvin is learning the system rapidly. He is getting ahead of Dad…
KEA about 2 years ago
“helping the economy recover” = “make the rich richer”
Robert4170 about 2 years ago
The idea that “spending” for its own sake without any other consideration is the key to prosperity is false.
Daltongang Premium Member about 2 years ago
Ah yes, just another of Calvins misguided ideas, on the meaning of Christmas.
tremaine53 about 2 years ago
“So spend, spend, spend! Then later on, when you’re in debt, we’ll huffily charge you with having made bad choices!”
mistercatworks about 2 years ago
And why does this sound more “convincing” when coming from “top economic advisers”.
txmystic about 2 years ago
Hey, at least he’s reading…
John Jorgensen about 2 years ago
So he’s given up on Santa?
jim_pem about 2 years ago
This is dad’s big opportunity to help Calvin with his math grade.
WCraft Premium Member about 2 years ago
Wait – you mean people with money who create jobs, employ the lower classes, buy consumer goods and services, spend money on entertainment, etc.; are not evil? Do those on the left know this?
donwestonmysteries about 2 years ago
Calvin does the NY Times crossword puzzle in ink. Of course his answers are different than the NY Times, but they all fit.
mindjob about 2 years ago
There were no cell phones or video games then, so Calvin must have spent his cash on comics. 2 for a quarter in those days
Doctor Go about 2 years ago
New York Times and Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman…
Mediatech about 2 years ago
It’s a lot disturbing to think how much of the economy is based on people spending money they don’t have.
sperry532 about 2 years ago
1992 comic and it’s quite relevant today.
v!p3r-4 about 2 years ago
that was five year old me
Otis Rufus Driftwood about 2 years ago
I think Calvin made your point from yesterday, Dad.
hagarthehorrible about 2 years ago
Quick dad start leaving ‘how things work’ magazines around the house and see a quirky engineer take shape in Calvin, if finance does not interest you.