Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for August 15, 2023

  1. Ezgif 3 006ab25348.gifa.gifa
    firestrike1  over 1 year ago

    Maddy’s a dead duck for sure now…

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  2. Ezgif 3 006ab25348.gifa.gifa
    firestrike1  over 1 year ago

    didn’t know the two-way was capable of reading life signs…

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  3. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member over 1 year ago

    That’s one way to open the window.

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  4. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 1 year ago

    Good morning™, missed life signs !

    That purple shape on the ground looks suspiciously like a silhouette shadow figure. Your man’s Right there, Tracy !  Send that so called Wizard back to D.S. with some stern griping.

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  5. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 1 year ago

    Good morning™, everyone!

    Madsen managed to shoot out the window, but he probably doesn’t suspect that he’ll be sliding down that awning right to where Tracy is waiting for him.

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  6. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member over 1 year ago

    The other three got a ride from Adam.

    Adam: “Sweetie, is that guy bleeding?”

    Sprocket: “Don’t worry, it will make a great storyline for the next book.”

    Sabrina: “Can I be in the book too?”

    Everyone: “Umm, we’ll see.”

    Sabrina: “Just like my pony at Christmas, that means no.”

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  7. Missing large
    retropop  over 1 year ago

    TV Stations in “Chicago” call letters would start with W – K is West of the Mississippi River.

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  8. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  over 1 year ago

    “Life sign readings”?

    Tracyville is near Star Trek

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  9. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  over 1 year ago

    Madsen shoots out the windows. Stick around Tracy he is going jump right into your arms.

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  10. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  over 1 year ago

    Of course, his industry is still in the ash heap, but I am surprised Diet Smith could not merge two-way technology with cell phones. One time the wrist radios had tv like screens.

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  11. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  over 1 year ago

    So Tracy and Sam are on opposite sides of the building. And a life sign scanner is a new and neat trick for the wrist radios.

    So Madsen just randomly blasts away sending two bullets who knows where….

    Meanwhile he’s screwed….either he gets in a gunfight with Tracy and dies of lead poisoning or turns back and winds up dying of smoke inhalation. Somehow I doubt he gives up.

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  12. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  over 1 year ago

    I guess they are missing the bullets coming out of the upstairs window!

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  13. Missing large
    Chris  over 1 year ago

    oh look, there he is.

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  14. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 1 year ago

    Obviously the wrist wizards need an upgrade…Tracy’s can’t find any lifesigns yet Madsen fires two shots thru the window only seconds later…on top of that tracy is literally maybe ten feet away from the window itself….so I’m concluding that the ENTIRE BUILDING is jam packed full of people…the wrist wizard just cant see them

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  15. Icon2
    Wichita1.0  over 1 year ago

    Well, there goes my end game. I’d wanted to, see Tracy using a gun, so I had Madsen flattened against on of the tall windows fronting the building, smoke all around and still trapped, and Tracy shooting the pane out so he could get out. Sam then had is moment in taking Madsen down when he bolted.

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  16. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  over 1 year ago

    when I worked at Vanguard investments , when there was a fire drill we’d leave our building and line up in the path between the building and the raising parking lot. The building had doors that swung shut and locked in a fire to isolate sections of the building. I and another guy asked ’ what do you do if you get trapped in a section before the doors close?’ the answer was that you were to break a window to get attetnion.

    we then noted, ‘break a large plate glass window that will then shower down fragments right on the spot where everyone else is standing?’

    strangely they never came back with an alternate answer.

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  17. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member over 1 year ago

    …those exiting bullets look like Maddy’s attempt to shoot out a window and jump for it….and look who’s waiting at ground zero!…….

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  18. Icon2
    Wichita1.0  over 1 year ago

    SAM: Tracy, I can hear someone inside playing Ina Gada Da Vida on a tuba!

    RACY: Leave ’em. Society is the better for it.

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  19. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member over 1 year ago

    A Dick Tracy comic made me laugh. That doesn’t happen to often.

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  20. Elguapo
    ChucklinChuck  over 1 year ago

    B side? As in flip side?

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  21. Bribery s cat 2
    TracyFan 65  over 1 year ago

    SUPER fast shooting.! Look how close the second bullet is to the first one!

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  22. 200w
    CRUUNER  over 1 year ago

    In your case Firebomb it WOULDN’T be~~

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  23. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 1 year ago

    1-SAM: I’ll flip over to the B Side faster than a 45 RPM record spins, Tracy. Oh. This Platter chatter reminds me that it’s lunch time. I could go for a Pastrami Platter right about now.

    2-DT: I think you’re just smelling the barbeque they’re cooking in there. But WHO is doing the cooking? There’s no signs of life on my wrist thingee.

    3-… Hang on! My intuition tells me that someone didn’t want barbeque for lunch!

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  24. Photo
    Sporteric11   over 1 year ago

    I hope no one is floating 20 feet off the ground.

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  25. Jeep head 02
    Ray Toler  over 1 year ago

    Apparently the board is using some new code. It is impossible to post a link, even a link to another GoComics page.

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  26. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 1 year ago

    Looks like comics collector guy escaped while we were putting all our attention on the phone scammers.


    Man arrested in connection with Time Warp Comics theftMitchell Byars 2-3 minutes 8/14/2023

    The man believed to be responsible for a break-in and theft of more than $13,000 in comics from a Boulder store has been arrested after police said he was identified while selling the stolen items.

    James Dobbins Wear, 35, was arrested on suspicion of second-degree burglary, theft and criminal mischief.

    According to an affidavit, a person broke into Time Warp Comics, 3105 28th St., at 3:13 a.m. July 28 and stole 22 comics worth more than $13,000 in comics while causing almost $3,000 in damages.

    According to an arrest affidavit, two comic book stores in Colorado Springs contacted Time Warp’s owner after they bought items from Wear in early August before the store owners saw news reports of the theft and identified the items as being stolen.

    One store paid Wear $600 for 10 items while another store paid him $4,000 for eight items. Both store owners said Wear came in with a woman and a child and told the owners the comics were from Wear’s late brother-in-law.

    Wear left his actual name with one of the stores, according to the affidavit. Police were able to confirm his identity at the second store through surveillance footage.

    Police were also able to match his vehicle to one leaving the scene of the burglary.

    According to online court records, Wear has another pending burglary case in Boulder County along with several open misdemeanor cases.

    He also has open arrest warrants in Ohio, and a restraining order preventing him from contacting the woman and child he was seen with.

    He remains in custody at the Boulder County Jail as he awaits a filing of charges on Tuesday.

    His booking photo was not being released due to the open investigation.

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  27. Iroh
    jim_pem  over 1 year ago

    Can’t get a life signs reading? If you have some tech for that, Tracy, it isn’t working. How are a couple of bullets for a life sign?

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  28. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  over 1 year ago

    Just a minute, Sam… we may have something, here.

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  29. Images
    BreathlessMahoney77  over 1 year ago

    So … the employees, Audie, Sabrina, & Sprocket all got out into the street without being seen at all by Tracy & Sam, even though they arrived just as the fire started breaking out (see August 9-10 strips).

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  30. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Cyclops’ force beams being shot again in panel 3, this time repelling two bullets! LOL

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  31. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 1 year ago

    Well, whaddya know! Trigger-happy Leech is on an upper floor (looks like just the second, though) after all (yesterday I proposed that he was on the ground floor). He fires twice out the window, just to break the glass (or whatever transparent material that might be). He will try to escape the spreading inferno by jumping out the window, and it appears that there is no immediate ledge/surface for him to land on before hitting the ground, which though nominally just a second-story leap away and not necessary more than twenty feet down appears to be rather more of a drop (seemingly, the ground floor had high ceilings). Can you say broken leg/sprained ankle? Good luck, lunatic gunman!

    Meanwhile, Sam and Tracy have by themselves “surrounded” the studio and await the Fire Department (alerted by Sam, it appears). Their Wrist Radios/Wizards/Genies (whatever iteration they are currently using) apparently have a capability for detecting life signs, but none show up—until Tracy hears two gunshots and sees the breaking window above him. Next to appear there should be Leeland “Leech” Madsen (and not in a good mood)….

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