Gary Varvel for December 29, 2023

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  6 months ago

    I see Varvel and Ramirez are flogging this same (moribund) horse. I do wonder sometimes who decides what the lying meme o’ the day will be.

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    Retrac Premium Member 6 months ago

    It is always the other party’s fault. What happened to “The Buck Stops Here”?

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    2AndFour  6 months ago

    So true.

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    Ontman  6 months ago

    And Varvel’s childish cartoons continue.

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    Al Fresco  6 months ago

    A perfect jingle about a real crisis. Joe caused it but we are the ones who have to pay for it.

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    aristoclesplato9  6 months ago

    What else can Dems do but blame the GOP. But the people are not buying that nonsense.

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    Odon Premium Member 6 months ago

    Unfortunately, other than to complain, Congress has not addressed immigration for decades. Our Reps, our problem.

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  8. Homers brain
    Unlicensed Bozo  6 months ago

    I don’t see anyone addressing the carbon foot print of all the illegal migrants. Going from 3rd world conditions to wanting AC, iPhones, cars, etc. Must have some impact? Or is this secondary to leftist agenda. Destroy America!

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    nodjt  6 months ago

    Gary, you are the clueless one.

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    davidthoms1  6 months ago

    We don’t have open borders and have not had them for a long, long time! It is in fact the Republican politicians who are broadcasting that lie to the world, encouraging desperate people from all over to head this way. Immigration laws have needed fixing since Ronald Reagan!

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    DC Swamp  6 months ago

    The Cadaver in Chief Biden is kept sedated on beaches with ice cream cones while leftists like Mayorkas dictate this intentional open borders policy.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 6 months ago

    What is the solution? I put the question to our Conservative friends.

    We are basically at full employment. The fact my company can’t find the people to fill 4 – 6 vacancies in our offices when we offer a good wage, health insurance, retirement, and no nights or weekends is very telling. Furthermore, the birthrate in the US continues to trend down, and we need people who want to work, who will buy products in our stores, and who will pay taxes.

    In the US right now, we need:

    Nurses / Health Care Workers / Technicians

    Mechanics / Plumbers / Carpenters / Electricians

    Office workers / Teachers Assistants / Service Industry Workers

    And that is just the start.

    So, I ask you. What is the solution? Why not welcome these people and put in place specific rules that ensure they work, contribute, and are not a drain on the system?

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    mac04416  6 months ago

    I got a question: how many millions of poorly educated, low skilled, homeless, unsupported people need to come in illegally before it’s considered a problem?

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    mac04416  6 months ago

    My 42yo son with two bachelor’s degrees and his Philippine wife (of 6years) and three kids are not allowed into this country. Called my democrat reps and get zero response. Guess why I no longer vote democrat……

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    Victory  6 months ago

    trump is 77 years old.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 6 months ago

    There is/must be some serious organization behind these waves of immigrants. So, the question is.. who is throwing money into that pot? I.. would not put it past the republicans to slip a few greenbacks into that pot.. just to give them ammunition against the democrats and Joe

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    ncorgbl  6 months ago

    Biden’s border policy is by the Law set by congress. Why is it that none of the Republican/conservative pundits place the blame where it belongs and instead try to blame Biden? Why is it that these pundits don’t ask and pursue who is behind these ‘caravans’ of migrants coming to our border? Who is telling people in Guatemala and other countries to walk thousands of miles just to be processed and likely deported? Who benefits from making the border a crisis?

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  18. Unnamed
    Another Take  6 months ago

    It’s a good thing the GOP has this issue to whine about because everything else is looking pretty good for Joe. So expect to see the Border hammered on daily until the election.

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    David P. McLaughlin  6 months ago

    Hey “Concretionist”: Who is President? Biden. Who’s policy has it been to leave the border WIDE OPEN since his first day on the job? Biden. Who hires more border personal to PROCESS more illegals crossing the border [INSTEAD of trying to STOP them?] Biden. Who is the simpleton saying this ISN’T Biden’s policy? YOU!

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 6 months ago

    If Gary the V was President, the border situation would long ago have been straightened out because he would have ordered all the people living in dire straights in foreign countries to just STAY HOME, YOU GUYS!

    Then he would have explained:

    “You see, even though I am the President, I have no power to increase personnel in the Border Patrol or at US southern border entry points because that requires funding which has to be authorized by Congressional vote. And even though it has been obvious for a couple of decades that border agencies are totally underfunded and also have policy directives which are inadequate to the task at hand, Congress has yet to pass legislation capable of correcting all the existing system flaws.

    “And don’t even get me started on the crazy legal apparatus in place now for dealing with this, and ESPECIALLY don’t ask me to explain and/or justify the way politicians in the United States have overlooked US medieval business practices which result in employment of illegals from other countries so as to avoid US labor law provisions, at wages which totally exploit these illegals so that the businesses can avoid US minimum wage requirements, health care provisions, retirement plans, etc.

    “I would draw cartoons about this,” Gary Varvel goes on to explain, “if I was not a RWNJ MAGA Christian nationalist convinced that medieval serfdom was God’s(sic) intended purpose for societal structure, and I will do everything in my power to help the post-Reagan GOP make America an absolute oligarchy AGAIN!”

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  21. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  6 months ago

    100% true!

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    ChristopherBurns  6 months ago

    And the old man is right. He is constrained by the laws of the country. Congress makes the laws, but THIS Congress only wants to showboat and has passed fewer than 30 laws. They won’t compromise, they won’t negotiate with the other side. They like it this way.

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  23. Odin
    Holden Awn  6 months ago

    So he IS alive?!? Nice to know someone checked…

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    ferddo  6 months ago

    Yet the only border “solution” that GQPs campaign on are “it’s Biden’s fault”…

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  25. Daffy duck
    walkingmancomics  6 months ago

    Republicans’ fault? Annnnnnd, it is.

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  26. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  6 months ago

    Thanks to wars, militias/cartels, widespread corruption, and climate change, more and more of the world’s human population is becoming refugees. This is a world-wide problem, and the US is far from the only country having to deal with the consequences.

    A large part of the problem is that no one is addressing the causes, only the effects.

    In the meantime, the US can either create enough asylum courts with enough personnel to be able to process claims immediately (which will convince potential immigrants to turn themselves in at specified checkpoints), or continue to ignore that option, with the result that potential immigrants will try more risky and more widespread border crossings.

    Politicians are all for spending money on deterrence, but none on actually fixing the system. Our consequence is that many people who could certainly benefit our society will never get the opportunity, because we’re so intent on throwing out the baby with the bath water.


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    [Unnamed Reader - 41ea44]  6 months ago

    I will start to pay attention when the Republicans in the Congress propose any kind of workable solution instead of political finger pointing

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    Kevin Jacobs  6 months ago

    “His policies proved…”.

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  29. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member 6 months ago

    There’s a Republican majority in the House. Shouldn’t they be able to pass bills for the changes in immigration policy that they want?

    Changes that would STICK because they would be LAWS, instead of expecting the President to make Executive Decrees to THEIR liking?

    It’s the JOB of Congress to pass laws… Why can’t the Republican House Majority do their JOB instead of complaining about Biden? I mean other than the obvious reason that it’s much easier to complain about problems than it is to Do Your Freakin’ Job And Fix Things!!!

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    gccowboy27  6 months ago

    Clever, clever cartoon. One point might be updated: he’s worn out “blame the Republicans.” Now it’s chastising the media to “start reporting it the right way.” He will never take responsibility for his misguided policies nor his “mistruths” (because Biden does not lie). Add to his history of manipulating the game to get what he wanted his current cognitive failures and age re-lated physical weakness. We don’t have a real president; we have no leader.

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    My First Premium Member 6 months ago

    Immigration problem in 2 sentences. Democrats – “We insist that all illegal immigrants already here get granted amnesty” (because as well know those dependent upon government tend to vote for democrats). Republicans – “We insist on stopping the illegals from coming across our borders and go through the approved process for immigration”.Two sides so far apart we’ll never have an agreement.

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    My First Premium Member 6 months ago

    Maybe I’m old fashioned but I prefer the good old days when the President and the village idiot were two different people.

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    tpcox928  6 months ago

    MAGA GOP hates America, this no immigration reform. Ever. Borders and book bans are the only two things GOP of today has to run on.

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    elvisgirl3  6 months ago

    Most adults get over that excuse by their teens. But for the wimp mentality whiney generation, it’s all they got. No Brain No Pain.

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    dpatrickryan Premium Member 6 months ago

    Yeah, better vote for the guy quoting Mein Kampf instead.

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    ncorgbl  6 months ago

    And it is Republican/conservatives >i>"fault". It is conservative fear peddling. Has anyone figured out why the record number of migrants is coming to our border? Who is telling people in Guatemala and other countries to come here? Who would benefit from making a border crisis? That supposed 10,000 people caravan marching from Guatemala? Turns out it’s about 1,800. Must have been a FOX ‘news’ file tape, again.

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  37. Ab avitar
    Addled Brain  6 months ago

    The current immigration policies of the US are unsustainable. Our Country, like many others around the World, simply doesn’t have the capacity to continue to take in migrants at the rate they’re arriving at our border. We are reaching the saturation point.

    I understand the desperation of many of the unfortunates seeking asylum in the US. We must find another way. We could offer limited transportation back to a migrant’s Country of origin or to another Country willing to take them in on their first attempt to enter or, failing that, we could offer euthanasia services but, we simply can’t continue to offer asylum at the current pace indefinitely.

    Indeed, with the pervasive overpopulation crisis the World in today, euthanasia parlors shouldn’t be far off for those who wish to avail themselves of the service.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member 6 months ago

    The leftists here are either abysmally ignorant or lying due to cognitive dissonance. They claim the Republicans are doing nothing when in fact it’s the Democrats are doing nothing. Back in May the Republicans voted H.R. 2, the Border Security Act, out of the House and sent it to the Senate for action. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sat on it not allowing the Senators to review, revise and vote on.

    Don’t blame the Republicans, it’s Democrats who are not taking action. Biden and his handlers during his campaign and after the election, publicly invited immigrants to “come on up”. And they did. To make matters worse Biden reversed all of the measures President Trump had put in place to discourage illegal immigration and even halted construction of the border wall. What was once a manageable trickle of crossings under Trump, became an out of control flood of humanity across the border. The Democrats wanted this and they want the illegals to be able to vote. Interviews with border violators show them thanking Biden so you know how they’re going to vote if the Democrats enable them to do so. Just another way to stay in power even if they destroy the Constitution and America by doing so.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 6 months ago

    Varvel has it right on……….

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    tpcox928  6 months ago

    Is this similar to Trump aides constantly responding the “Next week is immigration reform week.”? For four years?

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    dlw54650 Premium Member 6 months ago

    I feel like I am beating a dead horse. As said in the movie “War Games”. ‘Learn, da—it, learn!’

    President Biden, on day one sent a proposal for massive immigration reform that neither the House nor the Senate have addressed, yet.

    The current funding request for aide to Ukraine from President Biden included a funding request for border security BEFORE the “Republicans” even looked at it. They rejected the request out of hand.

    The next step is committing funding to enact the plan upheld by SCOTUS back in June 2023. That places the responsibility squarely at the feet of the U.S. Congress. They are the ones running away from their responsibilities.

    Instead of doing the actual work required to find a solution to the U.S. immigration issue, Speaker Mike Johnson, wrote a letter demanding that President Biden fix the issue with executive orders (that the House refuses to fund). What hypocrisy!

    President Biden had already tried using executive orders to address the immigration situation. Executive order 13993, “Revision of Civil Immigration Enforcement Policies and Priorities” was signed on January 21, 2021 and Executive Order 14012, “Restoring Faith in Our Legal Immigration Systems and Strengthening Integration and Inclusion Efforts for New Americans” was signed on February 2, 2021.

    Republicans sued to stop the policies being enacted.

    “The Supreme Court voted 5-4 in July 2022 to reject the Biden administration’s request to immediately restore the policy, (after a Trump appointed judge in Texas called the executive order “illegal”) but agreed to take up the government’s appeal."

    Almost one year later:“Friday’s (June 21, 2023) ruling was one of two on immigration-related issues, both of which the Biden administration won. The court also upheld a federal law that criminalizes inducing illegal immigration.”


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