Ted Rall for March 22, 2024

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    Hello Everyone  3 months ago

    Biden didn’t kill the people in Gaza – Israel did! And they were justified for the initial attacks. I just wish they would agree to a cease fire.

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    XF8U-3  3 months ago

    Trump’s egotistical idiocy killed 20X that many Americans with his horse paste and UV treatment quackery.

    Biden made an error and is trying to rectify it. Trump take no responsibility.

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    Hello Everyone  3 months ago

    Trump didn’t kill those people either. Neither candidate would condone those killings. Trump did say that Jews who vote Democrat hate their religion or something like that. I guess he heard that from his son-in-law.

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  4. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  3 months ago

    Don’t forget America’s retribution body count when attacked. Often on the wrong people.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  3 months ago

    Where is might , ted


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    knutdl  3 months ago

    Biden is richer.

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    knutdl  3 months ago

    Why go for the lesser evil?

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    Fern   3 months ago

    You could just admit you were wrong and vote Trump.

    This third party charade isn’t fooling anybody. Another empty virtue signal

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  9. Wtp
    superposition  3 months ago

    That the vast majority of the electorate want a collaborative government, that the plurality of voters shun the parties and register as independent/unaffiliated, that the primary system makes the candidates more extreme – driving out the moderates the electorate most desire, and that the “opposing” parties work together to eliminate third parties, … only shows why there is no mention of parties in the Constitution (as it would have infringed on the power of We The People to elect the most open, honest, proactive, altruistic, representatives).

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    Zeno2099  3 months ago

    Well, I still do not agree, but at least the rebuttal was funny.

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  11. Dscf1200
    Old Mack  3 months ago

    This makes the sweeping assumption that the US has control over Israeli politics. Netanyahu will do whatever he wants..

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  12. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 3 months ago

    Start a war with Israel over it? Does anyone want to blame Hamas!!??

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    DC Swamp  3 months ago

    Ted is not hesitant nor afraid to criticize the left, which confuses the typical leftists who are programmed to never, ever criticize the left. Fun to watch.

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    Sheepish  3 months ago

    Didn’t Trump tell Net to ‘finish the job’?

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    NobodyAwesome Premium Member 3 months ago

    An unanswered question is why did Israel army take so long to respond on Oct 7? They have so much surveillance of their border, and still were unaware that an attack was in progress. It seems that they wanted the attack to happen so that they could commit cleansing of Gaza.

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    steveconkey2003  3 months ago

    Ted believes any info on deaths supplied by HAMAS. Ted loves HAMAS.

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    hmofo813 Premium Member 3 months ago

    The trouble with lesser-evil voting is that you inevitably end up with evil; worse, you influence the evolution of your political system so that it can no longer produce anything but evil choices. This happened a long time ago for the U.S., and the process is ongoing. I would really like to see a candidate who is merely incompetent, just for variety.

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    piper_gilbert  3 months ago

    Trump is the greater evil by far. Not even close. He calls for violence in every speech.

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    ncorgbl  3 months ago

    Biden didn’t kill anyone in Gaza. He doesn’t govern Israel.

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  20. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 3 months ago

    I realize that it is difficult to choose Trump’s biggest mistake from such a rich field of possibilities, but since my son and brother both died of covid, I the big BIG thing he did was to kill off a whole lot of American

    The MAGAts keep saying that we are all better off financially because of Trump.

    Well, that is certainly true in my case. If he hadn’t made those cuts, Covid would most likely have been contained in China, my RN son wouldn’t have died of Covid at 56, and I wouldn’t have inherited his retirement fund. So, financially, yes, I’m doing great.

    The Obama administration established White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense after the Ebola epidemic of 2014. They set up 40 clinics in hot spots all over the world, whose job was to monitor the local situation and immediately send for adequate help to contain any threat. One of those clinics was in the Chinese province where Covid originated.

    To research this for validity look for “Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents.”

    The Trump White House dissolved the office, as part of the budget cuts when he cut taxes. It’s impossible to assess the full impact of this 2018 decision, but it is clear that eliminating the office contributed to the federal government’s sluggish domestic response. What’s especially concerning about the absence of this office today is that it was originally set up because a previous epidemic made the need for it quite clear. When asked about the slow roll-out of coronavirus tests in the U.S. on March 13, President Trump responded, “I don’t take responsibility at all.” Trump is not just responsible for it. He owns it. The Trump Plague is not just his responsibility. It and all the problems it caused are his fault.

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    preacherman Premium Member 3 months ago

    Calm down sweetie. We want this Dump supporter to vote third party, then Joe will win again.

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    Anonamoose Premium Member 3 months ago

    Mr Rall, I appreciate your almost daily reminders that the world is full of injustice. However, after the last few years, I’m beginning to think the world is much much more Machiavellian than just, and I dont know if I believe the quote about the arc of the moral universe.

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    s49nav  3 months ago

    Why not? It happened in 1992 with Ross Perot and again in 2000 with Ralph Nader.

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    ChristopherBurns  3 months ago

    Biden did not kill 30,000+ Gazans. That is Netanyahu and his Israeli enablers.

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    Flatworm  3 months ago

    Joe Biden did NOT kill anyone in Gaza. Not a single person, nor could he have prevented any of those deaths. What the hell is WRONG with you?

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Biden wrapped cartridge belts over his torso, strapped dozens of grenades to his waist band, unleashed a thousand drones carrying cluster munitions over Gaza, and followed after them carrying an M4.


    30,000 Gaza residents murdered by this single man — er, I meant monster!

    Yes, he’s old. And he doesn’t speak well at all. And he has dementia. And he doesn’t have any idea what he is doing.

    But he personally executed 30,000 Gaza residents. He did this making daily trips into Gaza beginning about 1 Nov 2023, and continuing to this day.

    And he personally also is responsible for immense amounts of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from top secret military aircraft (Jewish laser-powered ballistic vehicles George Soros paid for and donated tot he US Air Force) that have ferried him back and forth from D.C. to Israel each and every day since 1 Nov 23, when he commenced his daily bloodbath against Gaza.

    Won’t some of you readers please help Ted Rall stop this viciously evil person, who is easily the most inept and senile world leader who is also the most sadistically prolific serial murderer of all time?

    Hell, he’s an even more prolific serial killer than other serial killers who are NOT inept and senile (‘Splain THIS to me, Lucy)!

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  27. John adams1
    Motivemagus  3 months ago

    Oh, c’mon, Ted. #45’s PLAN is to exterminate the Palestinians entirely. Bibi LOVES #45, and has done his best to undermine Biden. Or haven’t you seen what his son-in-law Jared said?

    Furthermore, #45 is the one who moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, a deliberately provocative statement that no sensible president had ever considered.

    And, lest we forget, #45 has been talking about concentration camps, punishing anyone who says bad things about him, and, of course, a “bloodbath” if people don’t vote for him. He’s turned the January 6th traitors into martyrs. He’s following the Hitler playbook point for point. He killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his idiotic machismo regarding COVID-19, and deaths by COVID in red states are significantly higher to this day.

    Biden is not doing all I would wish – but you should know that he is at least trying to balance issues instead of just stomping in with both feet on one side. We DID try to get a cease-fire from the UN, which was vetoed by…wait for it…China and Russia.

    Saying “#45 is the lesser evil” is being willfully blind to what he did in his FIRST term, as well as what he promises to do in his second.

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  28. Snowy owl flaticon
    d6f1spna  3 months ago

    #45’s plan is not to become #47. It is to become #LAST.

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    smartgrr  3 months ago

    This is idiotic. Sorry Ted.

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    Rich Douglas  3 months ago

    Blaming Gaza deaths on Biden is too much of a stretch. He isn’t directing the Israeli onslaught. Yes, the U.S. provides aid to Israel, but that is just too abstract. It’s not like Biden is shipping arms to Israel to conduct the fight. The U.S. has been giving aid to Israel since its inception.

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  31. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  3 months ago

    Its all your fault.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member 3 months ago

    There’s no “theoretical” evil here. Trump will give Bibi whatever he needs to “see through” whatever Bibi needs to see through.

    Ted is ok with a real genocide.

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  33. Dragonfly
    SteveO202  3 months ago

    Biden hasn’t killed anyone. Get a life, Rall.

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    j.l.farmer  3 months ago

    Trump is responsible for 400,000 Covid deaths. UNFORTUNATELY, our foreign policy with Israel has made us an assessorsy to the deaths of 30000 innocent Palestinians. We need to stop sending money and weapons to Israel and end the blockade of food and much needed supplies for all the Palestinian refugees who have been forced from their homes which now Israel is annexing for their own housing. Israel’s goal is extermination of the Palestinian people, plain and simple.

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    Faustus Mitternacht  3 months ago

    This is BS.

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