Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for March 26, 2024

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    ibFrank  3 months ago

    Just because you support someone doesn’t mean you agree with everything they do or that you don’t try to change what they are doing.

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    knutdl  3 months ago

    … Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics,

    And the Catholics hate the Protestants,

    And the Hindus hate the Moslems,

    And everybody hates the Jews

    (Tom Lehrer)

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  3. Sunimage
    Sun  3 months ago

    Democrats stand with Hamas.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  3 months ago

    Goodwyn wants people to die?

    He doesnt care

    Human lives mean nothing to him

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    baroden Premium Member 3 months ago

    Standing with Israel does NOT mean condoning the reckless murder of civilians by an unbridled military. All Israel is doing is creating generations of martyrs who’ll inspire tomorrow’s freedom fighters. Their goal is us achievable through what they’re doing. Hamas fighters may be dying, but there are new ones waiting in the wings.

    The US is right to demand a cease-fire and a total end to hostilies.

    What Israel is doing is inhumane on a level not seen since Hitler’s regime.

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    superposition  3 months ago

    Does Netanyahu stand with Israel … or just himself? Many of my Israel friends have no use for Netanyahu.

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    brit-ed  3 months ago

    Genocide and grabbing back the beach front properties for profit are not the solution.

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    The Nodding Head  3 months ago

    Why does Goodwyn hate children? Or does he only hate Moslem children?

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    gopher gofer  3 months ago

    a cease fire is a bad thing…?

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  10. Braveheart
    Free or Not? Premium Member 3 months ago

    The Biden regime seeks to continue to Obama policy of Destruction of the Jewish State by crafting a “two State Solution”. This simply creates an October 7th attack every month or more.

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    adunano367  3 months ago

    Finding fault is the laziest task. Whenever one looks, one will find fault. So, Al, why don’t you tell us your detailed plan for dealing with this situation?

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    davidthoms1  3 months ago

    Bibi Netanyahu is not Israel!

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Evidently, Mr. Goodwyn isn’t listening to the citizens of Israel. They want Netanyahu out and the hostages back, not killed by the IDF or bombed.

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    preacherman Premium Member 3 months ago

    Of course we stood by Israel when they were being attacked. We felt their pain, as we felt pain after the Twin Towers terrorist attack. But, what took place afterwards is another matter. I’m just angry with the Biden Administration for not turning toward aiding the Gazans sooner.

    But, there is a severe lack of understanding about the middle east situation. Both sides are in a life and death struggle for the land. The land is everything to them. And Israel has been willing to forget how they were treated by the Nazis, and have been doing much the same to the Palestinians. There has been a systematic removal process taking place by the government and many of their peoples to remove the Palestinians from their property.

    The Hamas attack with its killing and hostage taking has just provided cover for Natty’s desire to rid Israel of Palestinians in the Gaza strip. That’s why when Israeli military tells the Gazans to flee to the south to stay out of harms way, the Israeli military attacks Gazans in the south where they fled. Just as Putin wants to rid Ukraine of its citizens so he can take the land, Netanyahu wants Gaza rid of its citizenry so Israel can take the land.

    To say that this bloody and starvation situation is a real mess is an understatement. So the US, with its guilt about the slaughtered Jews in Germany and Poland, has had Israel’s back even when the nation of Israel did Nazi like persecutions against Palestinians.

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    Grandma Lea  3 months ago

    Hamas understudy of the Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah

    None of which violates the axiom of what happens when you release the dogs of war and Cerberus and his pack strip away the morals that separate people from vicious animals whom seek pleasure from the sport of killing.

    The axiomatic pointing the stupid and ignorant at innocent people breeds more stupid and ignorant for the future.

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    Schumer has spent more than 30 years as a staunch ally, but like MOST (sane and moral) people in the world, is appalled and sickened by the massive loss of life.

    Or as usual, the “conservative” line that Goodwyn is pushing is Donald’s: “If any Jewish person votes for a Democrat, then that person hates his religion and hates Israel.”

    Hmmmm… where did I hear that dog whistle? Oh yeah, “America Love It Or Leave It!” during the Vietnam war. And “You’re either WITH us, or AGAINST us!” by the loyal Bushies who recklessly invaded Iraq, dismantled all chances of an actual peace in that nation, killed hundreds of thousands of people and thousands of our soldier and trillions of dollars.

    Gee, does that also include you MAGA Republicans obediently worshipping Putin, a murderous, dictator hostile to our country and the whole (bleep)ing WORLD?

    Once again, the idea of “Legitimate Political Discourse” is no room for discussion or compromise, because only “conservatives” are always, without exception, infallibly right.

    Just ask the Pandemic dead. Or any religious cult.

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    Ivan the Terrible   3 months ago

    Mr. Goodwyn, my dear friends, is the soul of humanity. Why resort to personal attacks and unfounded accusations?

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    ChristopherBurns  3 months ago

    No that is just a flat out lie. There may be some Democrats who do not support Israel (which does not make them Anti-Semitic there are more than a few republicans who ARE anti-Semitic), but Democrats have always supported Israel and most still do. They are not thrilled with Netanyahu, who sees the US as a cow he can milk (he actually said that).

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  19. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  3 months ago

    American Jews are beginning to show signs of waking up to the fact that their own personal survival is what’s ultimately at stake if Hamas has its way. And Hamas has the overwhelming support of the Palestinian people. One such American Jew is becoming a good spokesperson, using the moniker “I’m that Jew!” His name is Eitan Chitayat.

    I’m not Jewish, but I listened to what he has to say. Now I get it.

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    DrDon1  3 months ago

    Appears that Goodwyn draws inspiration from the likes of S. Bannon and Stephen Miller…

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    ncorgbl  3 months ago

    We do stand with Israel, and have since 1948. We do not stand with, nor support, Netanyahu’s policies that break agreements made in 1948 and since.

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    rmike7842  3 months ago

    And the liberals castigate the Democrats for being too close with Israel. This is why the conservative crave a false god like Trump. They can just go along with whatever he says and don’t need to bother with thinking or decisions.

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    charliekane  3 months ago

    Two things can be true at once . . .

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Stand with Israel.

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    Al Fresco  3 months ago

    The Democrats don’t want to lose Michigan. They are putting the brakes on Israel and sucking up to the Palestinians and the pro-Palestine demonstrators in this country.

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    ncrist  3 months ago

    I hate to be absolutist. Only 8n the magazine world canyou paint everything either black or white.

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    casonia2  3 months ago

    Goodwyn’s need to find fault with Democrats overrides all other considerations.

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  28. Freeradical
    Free Radical  3 months ago

    We true Americans stand with the Jewish people of the world. Israel stands for the overtaking of Gaza, at all costs

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  29. Mooseguy
    moosemin  3 months ago

    One of the worst mistakes this country ever made was to go back on FDR’s word (not legally binding) and support the UN resolution establishing the state of Israel, arming Israel and giving billions in aid annually ever since.

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    Radish the wordsmith  3 months ago

    Right winger Bibi, friend of republicans, starves children to death.

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    Meanwhile, Goodwyn’s MAGA “stable genius” Donnie Stumble-Mumblers has said he wants to “Bring crime back to Law and Order.”

    In the words of BeetleJuice: “Yeah. Sure.”

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    Oh yeah, and he’s channeling his inner Idi Amin, thumping his chest and braying that he won a buncha trophies from his own golf club.

    C’mon, Goodwyn, do some more deflection and shiny-object BS for your pal.

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    So he whiffs it into the pond (they see the splash), then gets into his turbo cart and zooms off. Then when the other members of his foursome show up and see his ball’s in the middle of the fairway, and he shrugs, laughs, and says “Gee, it musta been the tide, heh, heh. Oh, and your ball’s in the bunker (right where I kicked it, heh, heh).”

    Yeah. “Presidential Material”, huh Mr. Goodwyn? You probably cheat at Solitaire and think you “won”, huh?

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    Johncom  3 months ago

    I’ll never understand why many of those who comment on this site make it personal against the cartoonist. It’s NOT personal unless you know him. Doesn’t your constant fury make you tired and miserable all the time?

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    Hey Al, here’s an idea for your next ‘toon! Your other right-wing media pals are screeching that it was “diversity” and “illegals” and ""liberal governors" who caused the Baltimore ’key bridge collision and collapse. oooOOOoooo…! Easy pickin’s! Come on, join the bandwagon and tell us it’s all – no wait – BIDEN’S fault! Yeah, that’s it!

    Maybe you can croon ‘Sweet Caroline’ while you tell us allllll about it!

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    Plumb.Bob Premium Member 3 months ago

    Because standing with Israel means giving them everything they want with no criticism or strings attached. Without our support they have nothing so a little respect might be in order instead of the spoiled sulky teenager routine Netanyahu has adopted.

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    Louis.Morn  3 months ago

    Love this

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