Clay Jones for April 10, 2024

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 3 months ago

    Excellent ’toon on so many levels.

    Strong minimum wage policy does not drive inflation. As noted in states that did NOT increase their minimum wages, there is plenty of inflation even when you DON’T increase minimum wage. And in any case, why are the same people who whine about paying decent wages to workers so silent when it comes to exorbitant CEO and top management compensation that often runs into the tens of millions?

    The average cost of a Big Mac in 2009 (the last time we increased the federal minimum wage) was $2.50

    The average cost of a Big Mac in 2024 (with NO INCREASE in the minimum wage) was more than five dollars at most locations.


    In contrast, strong wage policy actually helps keep inflation in check.

    Consider the price history of McDonald’s, one of the businesses most heavily impacted by minimum wage:

    In 1954 the cost of a basic McDonald’s hamburger (no longer sold) was 15¢.

    By 1971 the cost of a basic McDonald’s hamburger had risen to 19¢ in some markets, though it remained 15¢ in other areas, an increase of up to 26% over 17 years (average increase 1.6% per year in consumer cost).

    The 1954 minimum wage was 75¢ per hour

    The 1971 minimum wage was $1.65 per hour, an increase of 120% (average increase 7% per year in wage gains).

    The increase in the consumer price of the burgers was nowhere close to the increases in minimum wage gains.

    And this period from 1954 to 1971 was the strongest period of widespread, broad-based middle-class prosperity in all of U.S. history and a time when the rate of inflation was at all-time lows.


    Minimum wage increases from 1954 to 1971:

    1954 = 75¢/ hr

    1955 =$1.00/hr

    1964 = $1.15/hr

    1965 = $1.25/hr

    1970 = $1.45/hr

    1971 = $1.65/hr

    During this time, there was no corresponding increase in the price of a basic hamburger or cheeseburger.

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  2. Missing large
    Hello Everyone  3 months ago

    I love the Nice / Kill Switch on the robot. The made in China on them is also a nice touch. Yes, Great Toon Clay!

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  3. Picture
    ibFrank  3 months ago

    Tie politicians wages to minimum wage reduce it to what it was when the minimum wage was last increased.

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    knutdl  3 months ago

    McDonald’s sucks. Visit Burger King Pizza rat.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 3 months ago

    I like the joke about ice cream machine…

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  6. D34yd011pr76kiehfi3m
    ikini Premium Member 3 months ago

    McSippy on the cup held by the mystery figure (/S) in the drive-through.

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  7. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  3 months ago

    Firstly it should be renamed to living wage which what it should be the wage to earn to live as a human

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  8. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  3 months ago

    The sad thing is that $20 an hour is not a living wage in CA nor is the $12 per hour here in FL (which will go up to $13 in the fall) although those figure are better than what you find in GA and AL (and some other red states) of $7.25 an hour. The increase of costs is not necessarily tied to increase of wages as I have traveled to GA and AL recently and the prices at many of their restaurants and supermarkets are quite similar to FL. However, one thing I know the fast food, retail and service conglomerates do engage in here in FL is using the rise in minimum wage to justify not giving employees full time hours so that they do not qualify for benefits such as health care, paid leave, sick days, 401K participation, etc. In addition, many of the establishments have taken a page from the Bezos’ book of running his sweatshops errr distribution centers. Here employees are hired as temporary workers who have this status for 90 days in which they are “evaluated” but do not receive benefits. Many of the temp workers do not make it 90 days as they are written up for being a minute late on the time clock or do not successfully meet unrealistic productivity quotas. From what I can see the workers are basically replaced via new applicants from labor pools and job fairs.

    During the pandemic and shortly thereafter, the federal government offered stimulus as well as federal unemployment benefits. This addition $600 a week. In Florida the maximum unemployment benefit is $275 a week or 60% of your salary, whichever is lower. Some people who were laid off in the service sector actually were getting a living wage. However, the conglomerates who rely on staff making under $10 per hour were going nuts over this, whining that no one would return to their jobs so Ron DeSatan simply cut-off the federal stimulus even though many people truly needed this money to avoid eviction, car repossession, pay for medication and prescriptions or simply buy food for their families.

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  9. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 3 months ago

    MAGAts actually believe that an increase in minimum wage in CA will cause the price of hamburgers to increase in Virginia.

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  10. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 3 months ago

    Retail workers in all industries are an endangered species.

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  11. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 3 months ago

    It’s probably more likely for robots to replace humans when the minimum wage is set so low that nobody will even apply for the jobs. A good example is all the self-checkout lanes seen in retail establishments everywhere. They just don’t look like Robby the Robot, yet.

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  12. Missing large
    robcarroll1213  3 months ago

    Cheeseburgers in Virginia now come with nuts…………….and bolts.

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    Hello Everyone  3 months ago

    The thieves at the self-check counters may actually increase some workers jobs!

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  14. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  3 months ago

    Is there even a question if McD and every other cheap meat seller has be trying to replace living people with automation and now AI?

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  15. D2368647 e8f6 4012 b9e8 ca2bb82f553b
    DC Swamp  3 months ago

    I got my first job at McDonald’s at age 16, at the minimum wage. After only two weeks they raised my pay, because I actually showed up on time and did what I was told. Even though my pay continually increased, I never expected to make a “living wage“ working there, it was just personal spending money while in high school. Anyone who thinks they can make a “living wage” serving burgers at a fast food joint is doing it wrong.

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  16. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  3 months ago

    BAD DeCISION DEPARTMENT—-Ray Kroc’s original partner in Mc Donald’s sold out early in the game and missed outaon the real money

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  17. Large profile2 2
    truthsocialol  3 months ago

    According to McDonald’s latest financial reports, the company’s current revenue is $25.49 Billion dollars.

    In 2022 the company made a revenue of $23.18 Billion dollars, and in 2021 it made $23.22 Billion dollars.

    three hundred dollars per share for its stock.

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  18. Large profile2 2
    truthsocialol  3 months ago

    Clay! Excellent! I can’t be the only one who looks at trump’s mouth and sees a puckered sphincter, right?


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  19. Large adolf
    Adolf Trump  3 months ago

    Jeez, i came for a laugh and got an economics lesson. }:-)

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  20. Large adolf
    Adolf Trump  3 months ago

    I could be a CEO…dive-bomb a company into the ground and get a bonus for doing it.

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  21. Missing large
    piper_gilbert  3 months ago

    How much do you really pay for that hamburger? By the time you pay your taxes to cover the housing, food, and healthcare subsidies your server receives due to the low wages their employer pays, how much did that burger really cost you?

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  22. 18199310 794855490678998 297509042221646966 n clipped rev 1
    ShadowMaster  3 months ago

    Um, Our Governor in VA vetoed the minimum wage bill, so it’s at $12.00 not the $15.00 requested.

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  23. Am  flag
    Geezer  3 months ago

    “Unfortunately, the real minimum wage is always zero, regardless of the laws, and that is the wage that many workers receive in the wake of the creation or escalation of a government-mandated minimum wage, because they lose their jobs or fail to find jobs when they enter the labor force. Making it illegal to pay less than a given amount does not make a worker’s productivity worth that amount—and, if it is not, that worker is unlikely to be employed.”

    ― Thomas Sowell, Basic Economics: A Citizen’s Guide to the Economy

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    Gnork  3 months ago

    “The research suggests that small businesses don’t appear to cut jobs in response to an increase in the minimum wage, and may actually benefit from it instead.”

    “A minimum wage increase doesn’t kill jobs, it kills job vacancies. The higher wage makes it easier to recruit workers and retain them. Turnover rates go down. Other research shows that those workers are likely to be a little more productive, as well.”


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    Ally2005  3 months ago

    Not to worry T, you’ll still get your frequent eater discount from the McD hamberder bots.

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  26. 136061 pic
    Mike Baldwin creator 3 months ago

    Whack a mole economics.

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  27. Rat
    clayjonz creator 3 months ago

    I see that the right-wing commentators believe the solution to a low salary is to simply find a better-paying job. These are the economic professors who’ll vote for the candidate who doesn’t know American consumers pay tariffs.

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  28. Marx lennon
    charliekane  3 months ago

    PR hopin’ a fry falls offa th’ tray.

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  29. Missing large
    Moore 1  3 months ago

    Guess you have not seen the assembly lines at auto plants or other major assembly lines, full of Robots. Or online shopping, no humans taking orders. Gee, now you order your Big Mac online.

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  30. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  3 months ago

    When I worked in a McDonald’s in 1964 I liked to say that we only had this job because they hadn’t figured out how automate it yet.

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    david_42  3 months ago

    Nice touch with the ice cream machine out.

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  32. Squating  front
    ShadyLithand Premium Member 3 months ago

    you know back in the 60’s and into the 70’s full time workers in eating establishment could afford a basic apartment.

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  33. Missing large
    Rich Douglas  3 months ago

    Machines have been replacing low-skill labor since the Industrial Revolution. Skill-up, brothers and sisters!

    Do yourself a favor

    Educate your mind

    Get yourself together

    Hey, there ain’t much time

    — Steve Wonder

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