Clay Jones for April 22, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  3 months ago

    Someone with what was apparently a pretty poor grip on sanity did immolate themselves. I paid a little attention as the news broke, but learned only that he had an online presence that was “disturbed”… not that he was an orange Cult member. And in fact, a closer look just now seems to say he was protesting fascists… though of course we don’t know if he thought Trump was one of them.

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member 3 months ago

    So he made his point by making an ash of himself?

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    admiree2  3 months ago

    The news was hot off the press in the print media.

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  4. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 3 months ago

    As much as he passes gas, The Nodfather might want to stay away from any open flames.

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  5. Missing large
    Hello Everyone  3 months ago

    Very Dark indeed, especially Trump roasting a Weenie off burning follower….Accurate and Important? Yes, but Dark.

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  6. Flag for ukraine 1f1fa 1f1e6
    eclairewl Premium Member 2 months ago

    Read what Clay said about this cartoon on his blog, Claytoonz.

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  7. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  2 months ago

    Well, at least that’s one less vote for trump.

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  8. Lifi
    rossevrymn  2 months ago

    74,000,000, do you ever feel like that’s you?:

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  9. Sign
    Henwood  2 months ago

    I find these jokes about a possibly mentally unstable person immolating himself in poor taste.

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  10. Squating  front
    ShadyLithand Premium Member 2 months ago

    The guy who set himself on fire was prompting a theory that Trump and Biden were working together toward a authorization state.

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  11. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  2 months ago

    Any resemblance between this cartoon and the bonze fires in Vietnam under the Diem regime is purely coïncidental.

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  12. Missing large
    robcarroll1213  2 months ago

    Would love to know what the average IQ is for Trump supporters. I’m thinking a few points below Forrest Gump.

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  13. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    If 45 becomes 47 we will never see 48.

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  14. Missing large
    Gen.Flashman  2 months ago

    With all the gas around the defense table, luckily the fire was not inside.

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  15. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member 2 months ago

    I thought the protest was against an authoritarian.

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  16. Unnamed
    Another Take  2 months ago

    That’s funny but I guess he was just disturbed and not being political at all. So now I feel bad about laughing. ALTHOUGH, the joke is really aimed at Orange Mussolini so – I’m good. (Whew! Had to work through my feelings there. I’m exhausted!)

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  17. Rat
    clayjonz creator 2 months ago

    Swampy, you’re still struggling with metaphors. If you don’t like lies, then why don’t you ever call them out from the MAGA toonists? I’ve seen you embrace lies, cuddle lies, and give them long wet kisses. You don’t dislike lies. You loves them.

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    charlesdbrown  2 months ago

    When Trump complains the courtroom is too cold, why do I find myself praying for double pneumonia?

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    ncorgbl  2 months ago

    That act is reminiscent of the early 1960s 3rd world countries.

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    Ally2005  2 months ago

    T is a huge POS. Embracing conspiracy theories and lies as facts have legitimized violence, impaired public health, and undermined democracy. People like T and his a$$ kissing followers don’t give a dam about any of that.

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    IndyW  2 months ago

    Can’t agree with this toon based on articles regarding Maxwell Azzarello and his conspiracy theories. He did not appear to be MAGA or there in support of Trump. In fact it appears to be the opposite. “Loser couldn’t bring smores?” Now that line, I even thought of. Classic Trump lampoon.

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    Trump’s lawyer ‘nudged’ him awake after he dozes off again in court:

    It’s the official first day of the court proceedings for Donald Trump’s trial over the hush money scheme, and within the first opening statements, he reportedly fell asleep yet again.

    ‘Mad at the world’: Insiders fear outburst as Trump already furious at treatment in court

    Donald Trump is already sick of sitting in court for his hush money trial after one week, which observers say increases the chances of an outburst from the former president.

    Professional criminal and giant egotist Trump strikes out at anyone who tries to make him toe the line.

    Trump in a ‘tenuous’ psychological place as his ‘alternate reality’ crumbles:

    A former Department of Justice prosecutor who investigated Donald Trump for racketeering believes that the former president is in a downward emotional and psychological spiral as the reality of his Manhattan criminal trial pierces the bubble of invulnerability he has created around himself.

    Trump hush money prosecutors have a huge advantage already sitting on the jury:

    As part of a preview of the Monday beginning of Donald Trump’s hush-money trial, CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen explained the prosecutors in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office did themselves an enormous favor by getting two attorneys seated on the jury.

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  23. Marx lennon
    charliekane  2 months ago

    Clay is making the point that his most dedicated disciples are so enthralled by the lies and nonsense he spews that they don’t care how much harm he does to them or to America. His demagoguery just makes them feel good.

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    illegitimi non carborundum  2 months ago

    I love Clay but there is no indication the poor soul who crisped himself was a Chump supporter.

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  25. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    Though it took a few tries, the Republican-led House ultimately approved the FISA legislation, Trump’s demands about “killing” it notwithstanding. Late last week, a bipartisan majority passed the same bill in the Senate, sending it to the White House for President Joe Biden’s signature.

    Trump told House Republicans to elect Rep. Jim Jordan as House speaker, and that didn’t happen. Trump told Republicans to shut down the government, and that didn’t happen. Trump told Republicans to use the debt ceiling to default on the country’s obligations, and that didn’t happen.

    Trump told Senate Republicans to replace Mitch McConnell as the Senate minority leader, and they didn’t. Trump told Republicans to derail a bipartisan infrastructure package, and they didn’t. Trump seemed especially eager for GOP lawmakers to kill an overhaul of the Electoral Count Act, and they didn’t do that, either.

    The point is not that Trump is irrelevant in Republican politics. Obviously, he’s the party’s most dominant voice. But there’s a myth in some circles that the former president can simply bark orders and watch GOP lawmakers obediently follow his instructions.

    In several notable instances, that’s just not the case. Maddow Blog

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  26. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  2 months ago

    Traitor Trump has no empathy and no conscience, and all intelligent people know this, and all honest people admit this. As for ferns and frogs, just ignore the dishonest worthless things.

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    fourteenpeeves  2 months ago

    When i hear that Donald Trump complains the courtroom is too cold, why does the phrase “Please get double pneumonia” pop into my head?

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  28. Donald duck2
    gmu328  2 months ago

    This may not be accurate, but the tenor of what it means holds true. tRump is calling for his supportor to come out and do “peaceful protests” while he has to be in trial. That combined with his constant name-calling, threats and calling out judges and their families with names makes him a very dangerous and undeserving person. He is merely hoping to incite his “followers” to give up their freedom for him.

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  29. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    Trump will face the judge tomorrow over his breaking of the gag order, perhaps he will end up in Epstein’s old cell.

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  30. Large adolf
    Adolf Trump  2 months ago

    We all enjoy our little love-names for the orange grease spot, oops, that’s one of mine. Michael Cohen just offered another “Von ShitzInPantz” . It has a nice ring, simple yet clever.

    I give it 8.5 out of a possible 10

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