Clay Bennett for May 03, 2024

  1. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  2 months ago

    Biden is our savior. Biden for president.

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    adhansay  2 months ago

    Not a case of Hobson’s choice! The world is watching …

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  3. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  2 months ago

    Every (and I mean EVERY) Republican worthy of the name has the same opinion of Traitor Trump: far far below pond scum.

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  4. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 2 months ago

    Exactly so.

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  5. Caringbridge avatar best
    lalapalooza Premium Member 2 months ago


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  6. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 2 months ago

    More hopefully’Trump 20-24 years’ after being found guilty.

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  7. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 2 months ago

    I’m sure that house on the right has a lot more signs, and they’re even bigger than the one shown. I drive by a house that’s been decorated with so much propaganda you can barely tell it’s a house. And it’s been like that for over 8 years. Political signage is exempt from most regulations where I live, whether there’s an election coming or not. The only limitation I know of is that individual signs have to be less than 4 feet by 8 feet.

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  2 months ago

    Snap on your seat belts and tighten your shoulder harness before you take the following rough ride.

    Google: Trump rule of law

    Google: Trump gives his strongman’s ambitions free rein on a day off from court

    Google: Donald Trump pits presidential power against rule of law at Supreme Court

    “This may indeed be the most important U.S. Supreme Court case in the history of our country because our election this year is not just about who will be president, it’s also about whether our country still believes in democracy and has a functioning rule of law,” Donald Ayer, a former deputy attorney general in the Bush administration, said during an April 9 press briefing. “The rule of law is being tested today in many ways, as it never has been before.”

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    Kurtass Premium Member 2 months ago

    Protecting criminals is bad now?

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  10. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  2 months ago

    Yep, exactly.

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    DC Swamp  2 months ago

    He picked an opportune time to harp about the rule of law when pro-terrorist leftists are being arrested en masse this week. Leftist policies allow repeat offenders right back on the streets to offend again, some rule of law. Meanwhile the Biden kakistocracy has put out the welcome mat for millions upon millions of illegals to enter the country, and quite a few are criminals themselves, like the repeat offender who murdered Laken Riley.

    Yes, Democrats pretend to care about the rule of law, only when it comes to taking out their political opponent, one Donald J. Trump.

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  12. Lifi
    rossevrymn  2 months ago

    Basically……………………………..74,000,000, what kind of rule of law are you into?:

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    My First Premium Member 2 months ago

    Is it my imagination or did democrat riot season come early this year? Trump – Peace through strength.Biden – Disaster through incompetence.

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  14. Sign
    Henwood  2 months ago

    ^^^@FJB: “Democrat riot season” is just a figment of your imagination.

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    davidthoms1  2 months ago

    The choice is clear! Apathy is a choice and not the right one. Vote!

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    morningglory73 Premium Member 2 months ago

    The choice is easy.

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    ladykat  2 months ago

    The choice is quite clear, but I’m afraid my neighbours to the south will make the wrong choice.

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    thomasdadisman  2 months ago

    I guess seeing the rule of law depends on who wrote the laws. For the Trump, the rule of the law is they don’t apply to him.

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    Northgalus2002  2 months ago

    Vote blue no matter who!

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    Godfreydaniel  2 months ago

    Just wondering, but does the troll’s initials stand for “Funds for… know.”

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    preacherman Premium Member 2 months ago

    This coming national election may indeed be a choice between democracy and law vs the dictatorship. The trouble is much of the electorate are not smart enough to grasp the meaning of democracy for their own lives. But, they do crave a powerful leader and the Repubs of today present such a leader that they can gravitate to. Unless the Dem leaders can put forward such a powerful leader, they will lose the support of this voting black, and maybe many others besides. I will VOTE BLUE ALL THE WAY and encourage others to do the same. But, I hope that Joe Biden puts forward an image of power that less thoughtful voters can support.

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    mac04416  2 months ago

    What I find most disturbing is, that instead of congress changing the laws or making new ones, the presidency and departments and/or agencies, change the definitions in the laws to meet their needs. Bypassing the ‘peoples’ input as designed in the constitution and acting as a dictatorship. The most egregious example is the Executives Actions. Every administration is doing more that the last.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 2 months ago

    A fair comparison.. trouble is, there is 9 letters (with one of them not really a letter) in one sign and that might confuse some voters and they will vote for the 5 letter one. And.. it has pretty stars along the top which will remind some of their early school years where stars meant good.

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    moondog42 Premium Member 2 months ago

    Appropriate, given that “rule of law” is usually code for “send in the cops to bust skulls” and Biden absolutely supports watching cops beat the sh-t out of unarmed people peacefully protesting.

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    walkingmancomics  2 months ago

    talk about clear choices

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    Ally2005  2 months ago

    Support Your GQP Criminals. Vote T 2024.

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    dukafinare  2 months ago

    Donald Trump has achieved many firsts. The first president to be impeached twice. The first president to inspire a riot at the Capitol seeking to stop the peaceful transfer of power. And on April 4 he added a new one: the first former president to face criminal charges.


    Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree during a court appearance in lower Manhattan that was not televised. The charges from a grand jury.

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  28. Dp
    All the dinosaurs feared the T-Rex  2 months ago

    The delusion of the right is exhausting. If dumppity dump gets reelected, they will be so shocked when the consequences of their vote comes back to bite them. They will be yelling “But, we voted for you!” Bye social security that we have all paid into for decades, bye Medicare, bye freedom to choose our reps. Close the borders? Sure, lets lose the billions in tax revenue. I hope Americans step up to do the work. But even if they have the nerve to complain, they won’t be able to, dictators don’t allow that. But yeah, you all have a clue. Buncha ijits.

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    zendog13la  2 months ago

    DO NOT water the troll… p!$$ on him.

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    think it through  2 months ago

    Republicans are the criminals.

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    fourteenpeeves  2 months ago


    Charging $350.00 for freshly shot videos of him in his old “Drag Queen costume”

    “I’ve decided to bring Kitara out of closet after 18 years. I’m doing it for charity!”

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  32. Unnamed
    Another Take  2 months ago

    Don’t participate in the perverted pleasure Fern gets from being ridiculed, heckled, insulted, and otherwise verbally assaulted. When you feel that you just have to respond to his ill-considered, wrong-headed statements, just imagine what he’s doing when he reads your response.

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    GiantShetlandPony  2 months ago

    Traitor Trump cares nothing about the rule of law, only ruling.

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 2 months ago

    Aw the neighbors are voting for the same person.

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