Gary Varvel for May 31, 2024

  1. Pat new 150
    Patjade  29 days ago

    Very Garbled is showing that he is butthurt over the fact that a jury of 12 convicted CF Fraudfather in a court of law and goes with Fox Propaganda’s fairy tale version of that.

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  2. Oip
    klbdds  29 days ago

    Trial that in a small town. The real verdict will be on 11/5/2024.

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    Odon Premium Member 29 days ago

    He cheated, he got caught and finally was nailed, not screwed.

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  4. Yin yang
    Havel  29 days ago

    News flash: a guy who has skated throughout his “career” cheating contractors, lying about the Central Park Six, running a scam charity, having God knows how many NDAs, repeatedly breaking his marriage vow, running his organization like the mob, and on & on is finally held accountable by an impartial jury.

    And the response is the “Democrats did it”? So much for the MAGAs belief in personal responsibility.

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    The Nodding Head  29 days ago

    Yet not a single cartoon about “lawfare” on Bob Menendez. Only poor Orange Jesus. Tsk tsk tsk. Law for one, law for all, Varvel.

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    Ontman  29 days ago

    Varvel tries to be clever. Tries but fails.

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  7. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  29 days ago

    I guess you can say

    He’s screwed * YEAAAAAAYAH *

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 29 days ago

    The Republican’s orange Jesus has been treated far better than any other criminal under similar circumstances. You notice they didn’t haul him off to jail to await sentencing? What other convicted felon gets that kind of special treatment?

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    studiotyler  29 days ago

    A jury of 12 ordinary New York citizens, chosen by both the defense and prosecution after voir dire, convicted Trump. This isn’t “lawfare”, this is justice.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 29 days ago

    That anyone would still support a CONVICTED fellon for office is a shocking indictment of certain quarters of this country. It speaks to the tragic upbringing and the lack of moral lessons that some people received as children.

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    The Dem Veteran   29 days ago

    Did he pay off a porn star?

    Did he do it with business money and call it a payment to his lawyer?

    Did he write the expense off the business taxes?

    Michael Coen when to jail for this crime and all of you Maga morons cheered.

    Now suddenly it isn’t a crime?

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    sinusjoe  29 days ago

    It was the jury’s verdict, Gary. And Trump had the best defense that MAGA can buy.

    The Grand Old Party of Law and Order has become the party of Crime and Chaos.

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  13. Homoerectus
    fusilier  29 days ago

    Trump gets the popular vote 34 times !!!!


    James 2:24

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    davidthoms1  29 days ago

    Trump screwed himself by his arrogance in believing that laws don’t apply to him!

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    monya_43  29 days ago

    Drumpf isn’t sorry for what he did, he is upset that he got caught. He is angry that he is going to be held responsible and punished. His sycophants and cult are unhappy with the results of the trial, but not unhappy with him for the crimes he committed. No one is responsible for his actions and guilty verdicts except the perpetrator himself. He accuses the judge and jury of being a disgrace, when HE is the disgrace.

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    My First Premium Member 29 days ago

    President Biden and his team tell us he is fit for another four years in the world’s most important and vigorous job. He doesn’t believe in polls, they say. Cutting the $40 bank fee to $8 when bouncing a check was a huge accomplishment. His eight new electric vehicle charging stations are solving climate change. The border is secure (but he can’t fix it with executive order #96). Donald Trump is evil. No one is buying it anymore. Vote Red. Vote Trump!!

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  17. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 29 days ago

    So far, the New York justice system has bent over backwards to be sure that Trump is treated just as any other felon in his position would be treated. If they continue to do that, and they will, because they are under heavy scrutiny from both directions, he will pay a large fine, and be put on probation. He will have to have his travel plans OKd by his probation officer Ordinarily, he wouldn’t be allowed to leave the jurisdiction, but exceptions might be made for this when necessary for business. Overseas travel will almost certainly be prohibited. Probably won’t want to campaign out of the country anyway. But, would be decidedly inconvenient for the president to have to skip a summit meeting in Europe because he isn’t allowed out of the country.

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  18. Pine marten3
    martens  29 days ago

    But then the sky in Varvel’s world is green (or maybe orange).

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    jader3rd  29 days ago

    This isn’t true.

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    DrDon1  29 days ago

    Varvel continues to support the Felon-in-Chief’s Big Lie!

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    Northgalus2002  29 days ago

    Trump has finally been convicted of something, and you just can’t stand that. Can’t you, Gary? Don’t worry, though, Trump will still be running in November. But the voters will have the final verdict on Election Day. My hope is that turnout is more like 2020 than 2016 (when 49% of eligible voters didn’t cast their ballots) and that independent swing voters will decide not to vote for a convicted felon.

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  22. Ab avitar
    Addled Brain  29 days ago

    There is no justification, no recovery from a President of the United States being a felon. ..And that there are people who defend this criminal is shameful.

    Former President Trump is an embarrassment and a scandal to our Country. His criminality is a shame and a blight on our Nation, among respectable Nations of the World. What self-respecting American could defend such a miscreant ?

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    Al Fresco  29 days ago

    Which is the greater crime? 1) Making payments to hush a pornstar. 2) Burying the payments though creative accounting. 3) Running for re-election as president. Which deserves the harshest punishment possible.

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  24. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  29 days ago

    You crooked lying thief lost, get over it.

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    IndyW  29 days ago

    It was not Trump, but the entire justice system for America, who just got screwed, and all in plain sight.

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  26. Unnamed
    Another Take  29 days ago

    Even the original Teflon Don got convicted of his crimes eventually. I guess Donny T won’t be bragging about being able to get away with shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue ever again. Unless he wins the Electoral College with a minority of the popular vote one more time. Then he’ll mow down everyone who offended his delicate sensibilities.

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  27. Unnamed
    Another Take  29 days ago

    HEY GARY! NOW DO ONE showing YOU with a blindfold on holding a list of Trump’s crimes – both those he’s already been convicted of and those for which he’s yet to be tried. (Be sure to include those for which he only had to pay huge fines!)

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  28. Animals being weird
    wildthing  29 days ago

    “Lawfare” is what Donald has been practicing his entire life. He’s used his money and his army of lawyers to defraud contractors, investors, banks, and the government his entire life. Falsifying business records is standard operating procedure in Trumpworld. Benghazi was politics, Hunter’s laptop was politics. This is JUSTICE!

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  29. Anti communist
    DefundFakeMedia  29 days ago

    America is now officially a banana republic. Corrupt turnip brain in the White House, corrupt judges, corrupt DA’s and political prosecution of political adversaries.

    Luckily not all courts are yet corrupt so of course this nonsense will be overturned.

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    ncorgbl  29 days ago

    Justice is served by a jury of tRump’s peers as per our constitution. It wasn’t politics that turned the screw against him. It’s his own screw.

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  31. Daffy duck
    walkingmancomics  29 days ago

    nope. Simple rule of law. Guilty as charged. Thirty-four times.

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  32. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 29 days ago

    Thank you, crooked Judge Juan and the liberal 12 jurors! You just clinched the Election for Trump.

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    elvisgirl3  29 days ago

    To all the fatherless biden supporters. I find solace in the fact that you will live a lot longer with the inane decisions you are making now! He who laughs last, laughs best!

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    rs0204 Premium Member 29 days ago

    Yesterday was a good day for our nation and the law.

    Trump just had an incoherent, lie-filled speech at Trump Tower a little while ago. The small crowd was thoroughly vetted to make sure that only rabid Trump supporters were admitted. Then the CONVICTED FELLON proceeded with a stream-of-consciousness ramble about how unfair everything is for him. Trump was supposed to pivot to appeal to uncommitted voters in the general election by now. With his conviction, it isn’t going to happen. If anything, Trump will become more angry and deranged in his speeches and rallies, turning off the independent voter.

    Our Conservative friends here and elsewhere are apoplectic in their intent on making us know they will still vote for Trump.

    All of which means nothing to the general election. We all knew that Trump was going to hold onto the 40% that is his cult. But the Rule of Law had a perfect day yesterday, saying once again that nobody is above the law. The election will be close, no doubt. However, the people who are silent and uncommitted now have even more proof that Trump is unsuited to ever be President again.

    As I said, yesterday was a good day.

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    Stat_man99  29 days ago

    Total abomination of the legal profession.

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    lawguy05  29 days ago

    A travesty of UNjust proportions…it’s going to backfire on them.

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    jqmcd  29 days ago

    Attacks like this… from the party that wants to execute people seeking abortion care.

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    casonia2  29 days ago

    So, who invented “lawfare”? Trump! He used it in his entire “business” career to defraud lenders and stiff contractors and employees, and he’s using it to delay facing justice for his crimes every day. You’re confused about who is waging lawfare, Mr. Varvel.

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    oldchas  29 days ago

    Say, anyone interested in the Hunter Biden trial? Being prosecuted by the Justice Department, he is. Is the “fix” in? Democrat Senator Bob Menendez indicted for bribery. Again, Joe Biden’s justice department. Hair on fire GQP’ers are just angry they have to back a criminal loser.

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    zendog13la  28 days ago

    He’s guilty and you’re in a cult. You’re not a patriot, you’ve been brainwashed.

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    mr_sherman Premium Member 28 days ago

    From a cartoonist who hates the Republic.

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    My First Premium Member 28 days ago

    The Statue of Liberty last seen walking back to France.

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  43. Anti communist
    DefundFakeMedia  28 days ago

    Amazing how many clueless lefties that seems to believe that Trump’s lawyers even for a second had the chance to actually select an unbiased jury.

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    dpatrickryan Premium Member 28 days ago

    He did it. Everyone knows he did it. Yet holding him accountable for it sends you into a tizzy? Gary, you’re an idiot.

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