Joe Heller for June 18, 2024

  1. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  11 days ago

    How hard is it for the FBI with all their resources to manage to not find a money trail from the Russian funded NRA to the SCOTUS?

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  11 days ago

    What ANYBODY wants with bumpstocks or machine guns is to spray lead down-range as fast as humanly possible. And I’ve heard it bruited that it SHOULD be legal because it’s fun to destroy targets.

    I don’t talk to people who think that way… and I don’t listen to them. But obviously, Thomas does.

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    knutdl  11 days ago


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  4. Headre
    robertthomasson  11 days ago

    As an Originalist, shouldn’t he be pushing for the only legal weapon to be a smooth bore musket?

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    tnt219  11 days ago

    As I suspected, the comment section is full of people who don’t understand the SCOTUS ruling.The case was not about bump-stocks, it was about Trump using backdoor tactics to make up laws.Congress can still ban the stocks.

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    aristoclesplato9  11 days ago

    Dems love to blame SCOTUS because Congress will not pass a simple law making bump stocks illegal.

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  7. Mooseguy
    moosemin  11 days ago

    TV, cars and guns. An American love story. Cannot and will not ever be regulated.

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    tpcox928  11 days ago

    Heller spot on today.

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    suzalee  11 days ago

    They tell teachers to take over the defense of their schools by having a gun, as though teachers don’t have enough to do and as if a hand gun can stand up against a military grade weapon or a tommy gun.

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  10. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 11 days ago

    Just when you think SCOTUS can’t get any more irrelevant and counter-productive to a normal society ….

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    steveconkey2003  11 days ago

    Bump stocks are not machine guns.

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    ShadowMaster  11 days ago

    What was that old Looney Tunes cartoon about the rich Native American with the Butler? “Your Thomas-hawk. Sir!”

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  13. Johnny w 2
    Tarzan & Redd Panda  11 days ago

    Amazing what an envelope, with cash inside, can achieve.

    Naturally, it helps to have a corrupt and greedy official.

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  14. Am  flag
    Geezer  11 days ago

    The first paragraph of the Court’s opinion:

    Congress has long restricted access to “‘machinegun[s],’” a category of firearms defined by the ability to “shoot, automatically more than one shot . . . by a single function of the trigger.” 26 U. S. C. §5845(b); see also 18 U. S. C. §922(o). Semiautomatic firearms, which require shooters to reengage the trigger for every shot, are not machineguns. This case asks whether a bump stock—an accessory for a semiautomatic rifle that allows the shooter to rapidly reengage the trigger (and therefore achieve a high rate of fire)—converts the rifle into a “machinegun.” We hold that it does not and therefore affirm.

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  15. Gcwg
    MC4802 Premium Member 11 days ago

    SCOTUS is a sick pervert, reeling in the “trips” and “honorariums” and “book writing bonuses” while enabling the destruction of American civilization by people who value weapons of war over lives.

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    mitchkeos Premium Member 11 days ago

    History will record that, “Justice Thomas, you are no Thurgood Marshall.”

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    Liberal Troll Premium Member 11 days ago

    Wasn’t there a book that said thou shalt not kill? Now we have “Guns, God and Trump”. Not sure how you reconcile that.

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    rlaker22j  11 days ago

    you can bullsh!t all the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time this is. a supreme court has decided to bullsh!t all of the people all of the time

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    elvisgirl3  11 days ago

    Good ruling! When the government over steps, it is stepping on You!

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    6iw4yzga Premium Member 11 days ago

    Anyone who manufactures or sells guns or ammo has no soul…it starts with everyone getting rid of these items whose only purpose is to kill

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    IndyW  11 days ago

    Bump stocks are a waste of time and ammo, and have no practical use at the range other than the fun of trying to shoot full auto, which is expensive for ammo.

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    rmike7842  11 days ago

    So much of this debate has come down to nothing more than semantics. Like so many other problems in society. Nothing will get done until it affects the people who “matter”.

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    piper_gilbert  11 days ago

    To dramatically increase your satisfaction in killing, get a bump stock. Your ability to mass murder will raise your body count to new levels you could never have imagined. Get yours while supplies last. Proudly sponsored by the United States Supreme Court.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 11 days ago

    Yeah, by some idiot technicality, some fools ruled that bump stocks don’t make for an automatic weapon.

    A conventional semi-automatic weapon, requires repeated manual (finger) action to achieve a rate of fire nowhere near the standard machine gun.

    From Quora, by a guy who says he is a “Lifelong shooter, firearms instructor and maker of fine leather holsters”

    “Modern semiautos fire a round every time the trigger is pulled. So how fast can you pull the trigger?”

    “Top Three-Gun competitors can indeed pull the trigger three times a second — for short periods of time. So the theoretical “cycling rate” might be 180 rounds per minute, but the reality is you’re only maintaining it for bursts of a second or two.”

    Here is a quote from the news: “The bump stock, which is non-mechanical, can simulate an automatic weapon, firing 400-800 rounds per minute. A fully automatic weapon, such as a M16 rifle, shoots 700-950 rounds per minute.”

    Let’s go with 600 rounds per minute. That is 10 rounds per second. The Las Vegas shooter had 100 round magazines, so he could shoot for 10 seconds at a time, before going to another magazine.

    Now some idiots posting on GC are saying that the bump stock does not qualify as a full automatic. Really, at 600 rounds per minute for 10 seconds, compared to real life expert shooters with semi-autos doing at best 180 rounds per minute for a second or two?

    It may be some stupid technicality that they are not classified as machine guns, but they are not semi-automatic. No finger is going to press 10 times per second for 10 seconds.

    If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, and craps like a duck, it’s a duck.

    The sustained rate of fire means that Bump stock guns are not distinguishable from automatic weapons in performance and killing power. That killing power is why you cannot own a machine gun without special permits. The demonstrated killing power is why the bump stocks were banned.

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    wildlandwaters  11 days ago


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  26. Marx lennon
    charliekane  11 days ago

    Little Murders, by Jules Feiffer.

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  27. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  11 days ago

    How much money did the NRA give Thomas?

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  28. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  11 days ago

    Republicans complain about violent crime and gun deaths and then they want everyone except Hunter Biden to carry a gun. In most of the NYC crimes involving guns the perpetrators are using guns from red states with lax gun purchasing rules.

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  29. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  11 days ago

    Jon Stewart takes aim at Republicans’ gun crime narrative: ‘Feelings don’t care about your facts’

    The Daily Show host rebuked conservative media for scare-mongering when official statistics point downwards and GOP lawmakers ‘fight every attempt to bring some kind of order’ anyway

    Stewart began: “It’s one of the right’s favorite talking points – not just for Milwaukee, but for all Democratic-run cities – that those cities are crime-infested s***holes, where life is miserable and everyone hates everybody. But people who live in these cities know that this rhetoric is only kind of true…”

    The comedian then presented a graphic compiling the FBI’s data and showing that violent crime was actually down 15.2 percent nationally in the first quarter of 2024, while murders were down 26.4 percent, rapes 25.7 percent, aggravated assaults 12.5 percent, robberies 17.8 percent and property crime 15.1 percent.

    Despite this good news, right-wing media insists that cities do not “seem” or “feel” safe to their residents, the host noted, pivoting to clips of Fox hosts Jesse Watters, Martha MacCallum, Maria Bartiromo and Dana Perino echoing that claim.

    “As the right always famously says, ‘Feelings don’t care about your facts.’ ‘F** Your Facts’, isn’t that the slogan on the right?” Stewart joked, showing off a spoof bumper sticker to that effect.

    He went on to blame the hysterical graphics used by broadcasters for adversely influencing public sentiment and cutting to clips of Fox anchors including Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Watters introducing alarmist coverage to imply Joe Biden’s administration is not doing enough to confront the problem of urban malaise.

    Pundit Gregg Jarrett declared that New York City was now a “dystopian hell hole of crime and violence” prompted Stewart to ridicule the legal analyst for supposedly being scared of Times Square Elmo.

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    sincavage05  11 days ago

    He gets a kickback on each one that sells.

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  31. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  11 days ago

    Secret recording reveals Roger Stone bragging Trump has judges in his pocket for 2024 win

    Windsor provided Rolling Stone with recordings of Stone speaking candidly at Mar-a-Lago on March 19 at a Catholic Prayer for Trump event.

    Stone suggested to Windsor’s colleague, Ally Sammarco, that U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon would soon dismiss the charges against Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents.

    After Stone made the remarks, Trump was convicted of 34 felonies in a Manhattan hush money trial.

    Cannon, however, has a history of making rulings that benefit Trump. This week, she will kick off a series of hearings on the possibility of dismissing the classified documents case after Trump attorneys claimed special counsel Jack Smith was improperly appointed. Other courts have rejected similar claims.

    Stone said “lawyers, judges, [and] technology” would be the key to putting Trump in the White House even if President Joe Biden is reelected.

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    ragsarooni Premium Member 10 days ago

    My mom always said it takes zero skill to shoot folks w/a semi or automatic gun,just pull the trigger & spray-whatever happened to marksmanship?

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 10 days ago

    What part of “make no law” is unclear?

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