As predicted yesterday… They sent out Tracy and Lee to ask a question they knew the answer to before it was asked?
Slow day at the MCU? The coffee machine at the station was broken and they’re going to stop at a coffee shop to pick up a to-go box? Sam’s salami breath drove them to leave their station?
They could have gotten this information from a phone call. In fact, they already had it. They were told it was a fake ID. It was proven to be a fake ID (along with everything else in the wallet).
They had to go and ask again, “When the police called about the victim you stated the identification card was fake. Are you sticking with your story?”
“We’ll be back in two days to see if you’ve changed your mind.”
“Why are you harassing me?”
“Just rattling your cage, Mr. Totten. It’s part of our job.”
I’m sorry, but P2 is too much for me, too closed in. If P2 was more of a rectangle and allowed the dialogue more space. The panel could’ve started covering DT in P1 with his word balloons more towards Sr and Jr and his face would be more clearer without the “mask” shadow covering his eyes.
Tracy’s eyes are shadowed by his hat making him look menacing. But what does he have to look menacing about? Some guy detained by the transit detail, supposedly had forged ID, and, later escapes detention, then found dead. Yes, those items need investigating. The transit detail, and, Homicide, passed to Tracy’s MCU. But again, why is tracy lookin menacing at this point, especially looking menacing at the father, and, son?
“We try to forget that inappropriately amusing summer in the south of France involving the dunk munchkins, the grapefruit, and the Yugoslavian Marine Corps Band. So…no.”
We were getting a space between the comic and the blue strip where our “favorites” are listed, supposedly where an advertisement appeared (I use an ad blocker so I don’t see the ad), but today, that space is absent! HOORAY!
OT RANT: I will die from electricity, and not from sitting in a chair amid not-so-plush concrete surroundings. I flat-out cannot use any appliance (vacuum, electric mower) without repeatedly getting tangled up in the cord! I did three full-body flips while mowing yesterday, that would have done Tarzan, the Rockettes, and the Human Top proud. Aside from my natural clumsiness and what I suspect is a strongly ingrained sense of slapstick, it seemed the $60 extension coed I got at ToolJoint (not rel name, so Lows can’t sue m…whoops!) was too short.
HOW THE HECK can they charge that much and give you a short cord? If its a diabolical scheme, I want in on it!
1- FRANK SR.: See this hand? It’s waving bye-bye. I got nothing to tell you, Flatfoot.
2- DT: Nobody talks to Dick Tracy that way. Show ‘im, Lee! Lee? Where’d Lee go?
3- FRANK JR.: Don’t look at me! She said she was going to HR for a job application. When I told her we only hire illegal aliens, she said something about the election and how we’d be sorry. What’s she talking about???
FRANK SR.:sigh Go shoot a rhino or something, son. FRANK JR.: Okee doke, Dad!
firestrike1 2 months ago
Dick REALLY looks strange, deadly and menacing there…
firestrike1 2 months ago
Junior Totten is putting on his hardass face…
SHAKEDOWNCITY 2 months ago
The “Liars” Club.
Neil Wick 2 months ago
Good morning™, everyone!
Nobody don’t know nothing! I’m willing to bet that they know plenty.
avenger09 2 months ago
Since when did Tracy start wearing a mask?( I know, it’s just shadow)
Is he going to start dancing the batusi next?
Gent 2 months ago
It the ghost who walks! Oh waitsaminute.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 2 months ago
Good morning™, Closed Societies
These birds are not talking and you can just tell they know plenty.
Ashmael 2 months ago
There’s plenty to find out there but not from these creepy guys
BigDaveGlass 2 months ago
Magic art today. Tracy in the middle panel would make anyone of lesser timber shiver.
iggyman 2 months ago
He’s shrugging his shoulders last panel, Nothing to see here!
iggyman 2 months ago
Impressive graphics today!
LawrenceS 2 months ago
As predicted yesterday… They sent out Tracy and Lee to ask a question they knew the answer to before it was asked?
Slow day at the MCU? The coffee machine at the station was broken and they’re going to stop at a coffee shop to pick up a to-go box? Sam’s salami breath drove them to leave their station?
They could have gotten this information from a phone call. In fact, they already had it. They were told it was a fake ID. It was proven to be a fake ID (along with everything else in the wallet).
They had to go and ask again, “When the police called about the victim you stated the identification card was fake. Are you sticking with your story?”
“We’ll be back in two days to see if you’ve changed your mind.”
“Why are you harassing me?”
“Just rattling your cage, Mr. Totten. It’s part of our job.”
GoComicsGo! 2 months ago
I’m sorry, but P2 is too much for me, too closed in. If P2 was more of a rectangle and allowed the dialogue more space. The panel could’ve started covering DT in P1 with his word balloons more towards Sr and Jr and his face would be more clearer without the “mask” shadow covering his eyes.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 2 months ago
“If I find you up here again I’ll feed your liver to the swine !”
Charles Laughton to Boris Karloff—-THE STRANGE DOOR—1951
WilliamVollmer 2 months ago
Tracy’s eyes are shadowed by his hat making him look menacing. But what does he have to look menacing about? Some guy detained by the transit detail, supposedly had forged ID, and, later escapes detention, then found dead. Yes, those items need investigating. The transit detail, and, Homicide, passed to Tracy’s MCU. But again, why is tracy lookin menacing at this point, especially looking menacing at the father, and, son? 2 months ago
That 2nd panel looks like Warren Beatty….
markwillman4 2 months ago
I love that second panel. Tracy has that intimidating look down to a fine art.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 2 months ago
Stare him down, Dick,you’ve got him sweating already/
“Junior” seems like one of those beaten-down characters who doesn’t open his mouth without Daddy’s permission.A blind follower
That Wichita Guy! 2 months ago
“We try to forget that inappropriately amusing summer in the south of France involving the dunk munchkins, the grapefruit, and the Yugoslavian Marine Corps Band. So…no.”
JPuzzleWhiz 2 months ago
We were getting a space between the comic and the blue strip where our “favorites” are listed, supposedly where an advertisement appeared (I use an ad blocker so I don’t see the ad), but today, that space is absent! HOORAY!
That Wichita Guy! 2 months ago
OT RANT: I will die from electricity, and not from sitting in a chair amid not-so-plush concrete surroundings. I flat-out cannot use any appliance (vacuum, electric mower) without repeatedly getting tangled up in the cord! I did three full-body flips while mowing yesterday, that would have done Tarzan, the Rockettes, and the Human Top proud. Aside from my natural clumsiness and what I suspect is a strongly ingrained sense of slapstick, it seemed the $60 extension coed I got at ToolJoint (not rel name, so Lows can’t sue m…whoops!) was too short.
HOW THE HECK can they charge that much and give you a short cord? If its a diabolical scheme, I want in on it!
oakie817 2 months ago
overtop 2 months ago
We are now doing 1930’s Pulp Fiction, starring Dicko as The Black Mask
Another Take 2 months ago
“Nothing To Add” should be the title of this story.
Another Take 2 months ago
1- FRANK SR.: See this hand? It’s waving bye-bye. I got nothing to tell you, Flatfoot.
2- DT: Nobody talks to Dick Tracy that way. Show ‘im, Lee! Lee? Where’d Lee go?
3- FRANK JR.: Don’t look at me! She said she was going to HR for a job application. When I told her we only hire illegal aliens, she said something about the election and how we’d be sorry. What’s she talking about???
FRANK SR.: sigh Go shoot a rhino or something, son. FRANK JR.: Okee doke, Dad!
General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member 2 months ago
Somebody give this story a shot of nitrous .
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 2 months ago
And as Dick leaves, he plants a listening device////