Good morning™, Dastardly Gloating & Deadly Determined !
Jr. looks convinced that he’s got it all sewed up, or is that Blowed Up, while Sam has that “it’s only a matter of time (lots & lots of reader time) before we collar Spring Sprung’s killer”; and they might even get the bonus find of uncovering the Blow up plot. ( I have a feeling we will see a Great Blast which will also be a convenient way of killing someone off camera.)
I guess I owe Eric some credit … a week ago I wondered why, if they were going with a German-WWII era sabotage why didn’t they just bring back Pruneface, apparently that’s what Eric was doing all along.
If the police are using ESP to determine that a simple murder case is actually a huge terrorism case can’t they use their ESP to determine exactly where / how the explosives are hidden?
And will the reason for the murder that brought the police in ever be explained? As far as we’ve been shown it was random and nonsensical with a heavy dose of coincidence. Is it going to simply be forgotten now, or will Eric try to salvage some scrap of connection to the tower from it?
Pequod about 7 hours ago
Sam Catchem has experience. Instinct. Brass and nerve
Aware of Totten’s troubles. Armed Forces he did serve.
Wounds left him a damaged man. Living in the past
Tainted family history he did dredge up at last.
TNT as Sam does see could bring carnage and death
Sabotage a coward’s way to rob others of breath.
Two men very focused. One sinister. One brave
Totten would lay waste to lives. Lives that Sam would save.
firestrike1 about 7 hours ago
THAT’S for sure…
if Junior has anything to do about it…
firestrike1 about 7 hours ago
Agent Boche?…
Brian Premium Member about 7 hours ago
A new dispensary opened in 2 Fox Plaza.
Neil Wick about 7 hours ago
Good morning™, everyone!
Is that 2750 tonnes of TNT!?
Agent Boche would be Tracy’s old enemy, Pruneface. Judging by the sandwich, Sam has found a connection to him.
I like the parallels between the first two panels on the bottom row as Sam looks across to the last panel with his note.
avenger09 about 7 hours ago
Just what we need, a strip showing 2 dudes sitting on the toilet!
I mean, isn’t that where the greatest ideas originate?
SHAKEDOWNCITY about 6 hours ago
Failure “must” be an option.
jim204716 about 6 hours ago
It’s artwork titled “Contemplation” – meaning to think deeply and at length.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray about 6 hours ago
Good morning™, Dastardly Gloating & Deadly Determined !
Jr. looks convinced that he’s got it all sewed up, or is that Blowed Up, while Sam has that “it’s only a matter of time (lots & lots of reader time) before we collar Spring Sprung’s killer”; and they might even get the bonus find of uncovering the Blow up plot. ( I have a feeling we will see a Great Blast which will also be a convenient way of killing someone off camera.)
iggyman about 6 hours ago
Boche means German (slang) how is that tied to Pruneface?
avenger09 about 5 hours ago
A Smell of Two Cities part 4
Youtube Avenger09
Gent about 5 hours ago
Story ain’t move much has it. And it still wasting time. Bye byes then. Me rather reads Trucutu on Tarzan.
BreathlessMahoney77 about 5 hours ago
I guess I owe Eric some credit … a week ago I wondered why, if they were going with a German-WWII era sabotage why didn’t they just bring back Pruneface, apparently that’s what Eric was doing all along.
IvanB.Cohen about 4 hours ago
Do the poses in panels three and four indicate great minds think alike? Or maybe they are saying grace before eating lunch.
LawrenceS about 2 hours ago
If the police are using ESP to determine that a simple murder case is actually a huge terrorism case can’t they use their ESP to determine exactly where / how the explosives are hidden?
And will the reason for the murder that brought the police in ever be explained? As far as we’ve been shown it was random and nonsensical with a heavy dose of coincidence. Is it going to simply be forgotten now, or will Eric try to salvage some scrap of connection to the tower from it?